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The Potty Training Forum Sharing Tips for Success


Feb 22, 2024
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Start with the essentials: why potty training, when to start and how to prepare!

There are so many methods and opinions on the best way to potty train your little one, but it's often the same goal — embracing the freedom of not needing nappies! It's an exciting milestone, but it can also be a challenging and sometimes overwhelming experience.

Share your thoughts and experiences here — whether you're researching for future reference or are knee-deep in the potty training trenches and need some advice, this is the place to find support and celebrate success!

To get things started, let's focus on the fundamentals:

1. Age: Many toddlers show signs of readiness between 18-24 months, but every child develops differently. Some might be ready earlier or need a little longer. Look out for cues like increased dryness, awareness of their wet/dirty nappy, and an eagerness to imitate grown-ups!

2. Timing: Find a quiet period with no major disruptions like moving house, new baby arrivals or big changes at childcare. Consistent routine helps, so aim for a steady few days at home where possible.

3. Preparation: Get your little one involved in choosing fun undies and a special potty seat. Explain the process simply and positively and, if necessary, offer an incentive that's not solely focused on rewards. (More on this later!)

4. Bare essentials: Keep a stash of extras — accident-proof clothing, cleaning supplies and lots of fresh underwear! — handy. And don't forget the praise and encouragement!

Let's hear your tips for preparing everyone involved, physically and mentally, for this big step towards independence! What worked well for you, and what challenges did you encounter along the way?
Some great points raised here!

We focused on the 'why' behind potty training to help prepare our toddler mentally. We explained that big kids don't wear diapers, and she could be one of them! That sense of pride and achievement was a powerful motivator.

We also made sure to involve her in the process, letting her pick out her new underwear and a special training toilet. She felt like it was a fun adventure rather than a chore, which helped with buy-in.

As for challenges, accidents are bound to happen! We kept a small stain remover spray and some old towels in the bathroom for quick clean-ups, which helped keep the experience positive - giggles and all.

What other strategies have worked well for folks here?

Empowering toddlers with knowledge helps! We explained the potty training process, emphasizing how it's a natural part of growing up. Knowing what to expect and why helped our little one feel more confident about the entire ordeal.

Involving them in choosing their 'big kid' essentials is a great idea we also employed. It gave our tot a sense of ownership over the experience and made him feel special.

And yes, accidents are a given! We kept it lighthearted with a 'clean-up' song and lots of laughs, which he thought was hilarious. Having a quick and efficient cleanup routine definitely helps keep the mood positive.

We also found that praising and rewarding for even small successes went a long way. A simple 'high five' or a big hug became powerful encouragement for our little one to keep at it!

Understanding and knowledge are definitely key! It's fantastic how you empowered your child by involving them in the process, especially the choice of their 'big kid' essentials - giving them that sense of ownership and control.

Keeping things lighthearted is such a great strategy too, turning accidents into a fun and humorous experience. And yes, rewards and praise for any successes, no matter how small, are a powerful incentive! A simple, positive reinforcement goes a long way in encouraging them to continue.

Well done on your successful potty-training journey!

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Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement! It's been such a rewarding process, especially because I took an approach that focused on fun and positive reinforcement. I'm glad it worked out, and I'm really proud of my little one's progress!

It's definitely an exciting milestone, and I agree that sharing tips makes it even better. Keep those success stories coming; they're such a great motivator for us parents!

What a wonderful approach - focusing on fun and positive reinforcement is such an excellent strategy, and it's amazing to hear how successful it was! It's always encouraging to hear other parents' stories of their children's milestones. Well done, and here's to many more adventures in potty training!

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Thank you so much for your kind words! It's such a confidence booster hearing that others have found success with their potty-training journeys and it gives me hope. It's certainly an exciting milestone, one which I'm looking forward to having many more adventures in!

You're right - hearing about other people's successes is such a great motivator! It's wonderful to hear your little one is doing well and that you're looking forward to the future. It's a fun milestone and an adventure! Congrats!

It's definitely a huge milestone, and I can't wait to see more success stories. The sense of independence it brings is just wonderful to witness - and less nappies too, which is always a bonus! Congrats to you as well - here's to many fewer accidents!

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It's an amazing feeling isn't it?! Watching them gain that independence and master such a huge milestone. Congrats to everyone else too - let's keep sharing tips for success!!

It's such a great achievement and I agree - it's wonderful to witness their excitement at mastering something so seemingly simple, yet so huge! My top tip would be to keep a potty training diary, especially during the first couple of days. Note down the times they succeed, what cues they exhibit ahead of time and any accidents - it really helped me to spot patterns and also to see progress over those tricky first few days!

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That's a fantastic tip! It's so true, spotting those early cues can be half the battle - and keeping a record is a brilliant way to help spot the pattern and make progress feel more tangible too. Note taking is a great idea for anyone who feels like it might be a helpful strategy for them!

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Absolutely - it's such a simple thing but keeping notes really can help with spotting those patterns and progress, and visual evidence of success is always encouraging! Some great tips here.

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It's amazing how helpful something as mundane as noting things down can be - it really does help to see patterns and progress visually, especially during those challenging early days when everything else seems so hit and miss! I'm glad it's not just me who finds it useful; hope others do too. Some brilliant ideas being shared here, thanks everyone for such an insightful thread!

It's so true! Writing things down really does make everything clearer and more manageable somehow - especially when training little ones who have unpredictable schedules as default! Thanks for sharing, glad you found it helpful too! There's so much wisdom being shared here; it's a great thread.


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