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Sure, here's a suitable title for the forum Mums' advice sought


Feb 21, 2024
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There's a lot of advice for expectant mothers in this discussion. Most notably, several parents recommended preparing and freezing meals ahead of time to save time and energy during the exhausting early weeks of motherhood.

Several useful items were also discussed as being essential in those early days: baby swing chairs, baby carriers for hands-free parenting, muslin cloths, video baby monitors, and change tables attached to the cot. These made life easier and less stressful for new parents.

Other recommendations included setting up a large play-pen area with an oversized gate to avoid having to baby-proof the entire house, and making batch meals that could be frozen and easily defrosted, or cooking simple one-pot meals with little prep required. Having quick, easy snacks and comfort foods on hand is also a good idea as hunger can be intense while looking after a newborn.

Some parents also recommended having various frozen fruits and vegetables on hand, portioned out, as well as energy balls made from oats, nuts, and dates for sustained energy. Overall, the aim is to make life simpler during what's sure to be a tiring and emotional time. Lastly, Congratulations are in order! And reminders to enjoy the ride, as children grow up fast!

This is such an exciting new chapter in your life - congratulations on your baby news!

I'm seeking some sage advice from mums who've been there and done it all before. I'm curious to know what you wish you had known or done differently during pregnancy, and what you found most helpful in preparing for the arrival of your little one. Did you find that certain items were crucial in those early days? Any recommendations for must-have baby gear, or perhaps things you wished you'd never bought? I want to hear it all!

I'm hoping this forum can provide some great tips and reassurance from personal experiences - so please spill the beans on your insights and wisdom!
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Congratulations! It's such an exciting time and I'm sure lots of mums would love to share their wisdom.

I wish I'd known how crucial it is to prepare meals ahead of time for those first few weeks - having a bunch of frozen dinners was a lifesaver when you're too tired to cook! Also, baby swing chairs were a godsend for us; they soothed our little one when nothing else would work.

I think another underrated essential is a good baby carrier - so handy for hands-free parenting and calming the baby close to you. And of course, lots of muslin cloths - they're just so useful for everything!

The biggest waste of money for us was a fancy highchair. We hardly used it; baby simply wasn't comfortable in it. A simple bouncer seat that attaches to the table was what our little one preferred for mealtimes.

I'm sure other mums will have loads more fantastic advice and insights!

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Great tips! I'd also suggest a baby monitor with a video function - it's so reassuring to be able to check on bub without having to go into their room, especially when they're sleeping.

I agree about the meal prep - anything to make life easier in those first crazy weeks is golden. Frozen meals, slow cooker meals and simple, quick recipes were our go-to.

A comfy wrap carrier was a favourite of mine too - so snuggly and convenient for keeping bub happy and close.

We also found a basic change table that attaches to the cot really useful. It meant we didn't have to bend down as far when changing nappies, which was a godsend when you're recovering from birth!

And an oversized gate that can block off whole rooms is a must-have in my book - gives you a contained safe space for bub to play without having to baby proof the entire house!

Great suggestions - thank you!

I especially love the idea of a video monitor and a change table attached to the cot - so convenient and easy on your back!

The oversize gate is also a fantastic idea; keeping them contained without having to baby-proof every inch of the house seems like a practical solution.

Comfy carriers are the best - such a hands-free way to keep bubs close and settled.

Meal prep and frozen meals are an absolute must for those early weeks - that's one area I certainly didn't want to think about!

Those are fantastic ideas! Anything that makes life easier, especially in the early days, is a win.
It's also helpful to have some go-to meals that are easy to throw together and maybe even some snacks you can prepare ahead of time and freeze - defrosting is much easier than cooking with a newborn!

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Some great ideas for preparation! Batch cooking and freezing meals is definitely a good plan, especially if you have a big family or lots of visitors after the baby arrives. You could also think about some simple meal options which require very little prep - maybe salads with prewashed ingredients, fruit and cheese plates etc. Anything that can be eaten with one hand while holding a newborn in the other!
It might be helpful to make a big batch of something freezable like chilli or bolognese too so you have meals ready to go. It's also worth bearing in mind that slow cookers and instant pots are great for hands-off cooking, so maybe plan some meals which you can just chuck everything into one pot and let it cook away while you're able to rest or get other things done.
What do other mums recommend for quick and easy meals in those early days?

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Great suggestions! I'd also recommend stocking up on easy snacks you can graze on - nuts, dried fruit, energy balls, granola bars etc. You could end up pretty hungry feeding the new arrival and these can be eaten on the go!
Also think about cold meals that can be thrown together without any cooking - things like pasta salads, cereal, or even ready made salad bags with added tinned fish, beans or meat. And one-handed foods are a winner - think bananas, smoothies, yoghurt pots etc for when you're feeding or holding baby.

I found frozen fruit and veg really handy too - bags of peas and sweetcorn were great to have in the freezer, and frozen berries were an easy way to add some healthy goodness to porridge or yoghurt without any prep.
You could also portion out some ingredients into bags and boxes so they're ready to throw into dishes - eg washed and chopped peppers, courgettes/zucchini, onions etc for a ratatouille; or carrots, parsnips and potatoes for a roast dinner. That way you can just grab what you need without having to spend ages prepping veggies.
Lastly, keep a stock of longlife milk and some emergency chocolate treats! Those hormone drops after birth can really do a number on your appetite and hunger cues, so having some comforting foods to hand is a good idea imo!

Some great ideas here - thank you!

I've been thinking about making a big batch of energy balls - something with oats, nuts and dates maybe, which should provide some sustaining energy. And I love the suggestion to portion out some veg like courgettes and peppers for easy meals.

I'm definitely going to stock up on frozen fruit and veg too - such a good idea, especially as you can never have too much frozen stuff in the early weeks! And it's so true about having some comfort foods to hand; those hormone drops are no joke! I'll be making sure to have some treats tucked away.

It's all starting to feel very real now...! eek!

Energy balls are a great idea - I make them with oats, nuts, flax seeds, and sometimes desiccated coconut too, bound together with peanut butter or almond butter. They keep well in the freezer so you can make a big batch and defrost as needed.

Having lots of snacks that you can grab and go sounds like a good plan, and it's a great time to stock up on frozen fruits and veg!

It's exciting isn't it! Not long now...

Thank you so much for the recommendation - I love the idea of energy balls and the fact they can be stored in the freezer. Snacks are a lifeline with a newborn so definitely going to stock up! Can't believe how close it's getting, feels very real now!

Stocking up on snacks is a great idea - it can feel like you're always hungry when you have a new baby! Freezing them is such a good tip for keeping them fresh too, I might do the same!

That's what they don't tell you about having a newborn - the hunger! Haha! Freezing snacks is a life hack I wish I knew sooner, so definitely give it a go. Congrats by the way!

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Freezing meals ahead of time is a lifesaver because you're too busy to cook. You can batch freeze portions so you always have something nutritious ready to go. And congrats! Enjoy every moment - they grow up so fast! Xx

It's such good advice - my mum did exactly this when I was a baby and it was so helpful to have healthy home cooked meals to heat up on days when cooking was the last thing I felt able to do! I'm hoping other people have more great ideas too as I'm already feeling quite tired...!

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That's such a good idea - especially with all the flavours and nutrients of home cooking too. Freezing meals is a fantastic way to ensure you have something nutritious to hand when you're too tired to cook, and it sounds like it runs in the family!

It would be great to hear other suggestions on how mums-to-be can prepare for those early days with a newborn. Any more ideas?

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