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Strategies For Saving Time


Mar 20, 2024
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From this discussion, several key strategies emerged that can help individuals manage their time effectively and improve productivity:

1. Auto-Payments and Digital Reminders: Many participants recommended setting up auto-payments for regular bills to save time and effort. Additionally, using digital reminders through calendar apps and alarms was seen as a convenient way to stay organized without relying on physical post-it notes or papers that can easily be misplaced.

2. Whiteboards and Visual Aids: Participants found whiteboards and dry-erase boards useful for visual reminders and for creating a centralized place to keep track of changing plans and to-do lists.

3. Delegating Tasks: Recognizing that some tasks could be handled by others freed up time for more important activities. This approach also helped to avoid burnout and overwhelmed feelings.

4. Focus Enhancing Tools: Apps like 'Focus@Will' and instrumental music or soundtracks were suggested to enhance focus and tune out distractions, especially in environments with interruptions.

5. Physical Planners and To-Don't Lists: Writing down tasks in a physical planner brought a sense of clarity and the satisfaction of ticking off completed jobs. A 'To-Don't' list helped identify potential distractions and time-wasters proactively.

6. Short Refocus Breaks: Taking short breaks every 15 or 25 minutes to stretch, walk, or refocus was seen as beneficial to avoid burnout and maintain productivity over long work sessions.

Participants were encouraged to share their experiences with these methods and continue the discussion on time-saving strategies.

One of my biggest challenges has been managing my time effectively and finding ways to save some precious hours in my day so I can focus on what really matters to me.

I'm sure many of you also have your own strategies for streamlining your routine, and I'd love to hear them! Whether they're little hacks or big changes that have made a difference, let's share our wisdom and brainstorm together. I'll go first and offer up a few ideas, would love to hear your thoughts and experiences too!

1. Batch Similar Tasks: Grouping similar activities together has helped me immensely. For example, I schedule a dedicated block each week for returning emails or making phone calls. This prevents them from distracting me throughout the day, plus it's more efficient to knock them all out in one go.

2. Automate and Outsource: Some tasks are necessary but take up too much of our time. Identify those and see if you can automate them. For instance, using budgeting apps or automated bill pay for routine transactions. Or delegate/outsource them - e.g., hiring a cleaner to save your weekly deep cleaning sessions, which frees up time for other priorities.

3. Prioritize and Plan: Each evening, jot down the top 3 must-do tasks for the following day. This helps me focus on the most critical items and stay on track. Plus, the satisfaction of crossing them off is rewarding! Also, try scheduling similar activities back to back - office work in one block, creative pursuits in another, exercise or errands on the go.

4. Set Time Limits: I sometimes set timers for mundane tasks to keep myself focused and motivated. For instance, 20-minute sprints folding laundry or doing dishes keep me from dawdling. It's surprising how much can get done in a short burst!

5. Avoid Time Suckers: Identify what steals your time online or elsewhere and find ways to limit exposure. I had to disable notifications for certain apps and websites, which were distracting me constantly. Setting specific times to engage with these platforms has helped me regain control over my time.

Okay, that's a few of my tactics, but let's hear yours! Any strategies you swear by for saving time? Excited to learn some new hacks!
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I follow a similar strategy to batch similar tasks together. I call it 'Theme Days'.

For example, I have a 'Banking Day' where I schedule all my bill payments, check accounts and do any banking admin. This means I only need to get into the mindset for financial tasks once a week, rather than several times across the week.

Another example is 'Marketing Mondays'. I dedicate Monday mornings to reviewing analytics and crafting social media posts for the week ahead. Having a themed day keeps my focus and also ensures I'm not constantly switching gears between different tasks and contexts.

Like you, I also prioritize and plan the must-do tasks each evening for the following day. This strategy has ensured the most important items get attention first, especially if they require deeper focus or creative energy.

I'm keen to hear others' strategies on keeping time suckers at bay!

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That's a great strategy! I do something similar, dedicating specific time slots for certain tasks. For example, I schedule two hours every Saturday to catch up on all my admin - it's my 'Admin Time'.

I also set up auto-payments for some bills, so they're taken care of without needing my attention each month. For the remaining bills, I group them together and dedicate one day each quarter to pay them all at once. It's efficient and means I don't have to keep on top of them constantly.

I also use a 'First Thing' strategy. If there are small tasks that can be done quickly - replying to emails, for example - I do them first thing when I get into the office. That way, they're out of my inbox and off my mind, and don't require as much mental energy throughout the day.

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I'm a big fan of the time slot strategy too - especially for admin, it's so easy to let it creep up and take over otherwise!

The auto-pay idea is a good one; I've been meaning to implement something similar myself for a while now. It's amazing how much time can be wasted fiddling around with individual bill payments - your method would really streamline things.

I like the 'First Thing' strategy as well, anything to prevent that nagging feeling that you're forgetting something is a win in my book! Getting the small tasks out of the way feels like a weight off your shoulders.

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Glad to hear you're onboard with the time slot and first thing strategies! They really are game-changers for keeping on top of admin and preventing that nagging feeling - it's amazing how a few simple tweaks can make such a big difference.

I think your take on the auto-pay idea is spot on too; it's surprising how much time can be saved by implementing this, especially if you have a system where bills can just be paid and forgotten about. It's a weight off your shoulders and one less thing to keep track of!

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Absolutely! The feeling of having everything in order and being on top of things is so satisfying. And it's true, those little tweaks really do make a huge difference - sometimes without even realising it.

I think it's also worth mentioning setting reminders for yourself, especially if you're anything like me and have a penchant for forgetting things! I find that using my calendar app helps keep me on track without having post-it notes everywhere, and means everything is in one place too.

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Reminders are a great idea - digital ones especially, as they're hard to miss! I find calendar apps really useful too, and tend to set alarms for things that are super time sensitive. It's satisfying having everything digitised and easily accessible.

Anything physical, I'll write down and stick up somewhere visible - usually the fridge in my case! I've also started using a dry erase board for notes and to-do lists that need to be seen at a glance. There's something satisfying about physically ticking things off a list too!

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Digital reminders are a godsend - I find using apps that sync across devices especially useful, so that you can access them wherever you are. I also rely on calendar apps and use multiple alarms for time-sensitive events; it's a helpful failsafe!

The satisfaction of ticking off completed tasks on a physical board is hard to beat. It's a simple but effective visual motivator and a great way to keep track of everything. Plus, it's satisfyingly tactile!

I'm a huge fan of digital reminders too - I agree the cross-device synching is fantastic. I use reminders and my calendar app for absolutely everything, and having them pop up wherever I am is so helpful, especially when I'm out and about.

There's merit in the old-school physical method too; I find whiteboard calendars great for visual reminders, especially for personal things like doctors' appointments or social plans that don't belong in my work calendar but need to be seen at a glance. Whiteboards are easy to erase and rewrite as plans change too - which they do all the time!

I've also started using a simple notepad and pen beside my bed for jotting down quick 'to-do' lists before I go to sleep or when I wake up. There's something satisfying about physically writing things out, plus it saves me from picking up my phone first thing and getting sucked into notifications!

What other strategies do people use to save time and keep organized?

I'm all about the digital apps too - calendars, reminders and all the notifications! I find it especially helpful to have my phone remind me of things ahead of time when I'm running errands or out with friends.

I second the whiteboards for at-a-glance reminders too - they're a great visual tool, and easy to change as plans evolve. I've also started using a 'to-don't' list, which is essentially a notepad dedicated to writing down all the tasks I could easily offload to someone else! It feels silly, but it saves me from doing tasks I really shouldn't be doing myself - plus it's satisfying passing them off!

I'd love to hear about any apps or strategies people use to minimize time spent on admin and organization.

I'm a big fan of delegating tasks too! It's a great way to free up your time for more important things, and it's win-win if you can delegate to someone who enjoys the task or is better suited for it.

For apps, I use 'Focus@Will' which provides scientific music loops designed to boost concentration. It really helps me tune out distractions and power through my to-do list. Also, I've found that creating a daily checklist with clear goals makes sure that even if plans change, I still have an ordered list of tasks to tackle.

Anything else you'd recommend to keep on top of things without feeling overwhelmed?

Delegating tasks is a great strategy - especially when combined with intentional focus on your own high-value activities.

I haven't heard of 'Focus@Will' - will check it out, thanks for the recommendation!

I've found success with breaking larger tasks into very small, manageable chunks and scheduling dedicated time slots for each - helps to keep momentum and make progress without feeling overwhelmed.

Also, ending each workday with a quick review and preparation session for the next day saves a lot of time in the long run. Taking just 10-15mins to ensure you are clear on tomorrow's priorities and any prep needed for them can make a big difference in how effective - and efficient - your time is.

What other strategies have worked for you?

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Delegating tasks and breaking larger ones into smaller, manageable chunks are great strategies I also love the idea of a quick daily review and prep session to set the next day up for success.

I find using focus-enhancing music or soundtracks helpful - especially when there are distractions around me. Some good instrumental music or white noise can help me stay on track and avoid getting sidetracked by minor interruptions.

Using a physical planner, in addition to my digital calendar, has also been a huge timesaver. There's something about physically writing out tasks and seeing them laid out that helps me clarify my focus for the day. Ticking off completed tasks is also satisfying and keeps me motivated!

What other strategies have you found useful? especially ones that help maintain momentum?

These are fantastic time-saving hacks!

I agree with the physical planner approach. There's a satisfying satisfaction in seeing your tasks laid out and being able to physically mark them off. I also love using playlists for focus and productivity - instrumental music is a great idea; it's encouraging and motivating without becoming distracting.

I find creating a 'to-don't' list helpful, especially when you're faced with lots of distractions or time-wasters. It helps identify the things that could derail your focus and lets you shut them down proactively.

Also, setting a 15 minute 'refocus' timer can be a great way to maintain momentum. Sometimes, when working on sustained projects, it's easy to get off track. Every 15 minutes, take a quick break - stretch, get some water, then use that reset to recenter and refocus before diving back in.

What other strategies help keep you motivated and productive?

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To increase productivity, I find 'time blocking' is effective. Assigning specific time slots for tasks gives them dedicated time and focus, and also helps with time management.

Additionally, I second the idea of taking short breaks between focused work periods. I've been using the Pomodoro Technique which suggests a 25-minute work sprint with a short break, then returning refreshed. This prevents burnout and maintains productivity over a longer period.

I might also add that 'active' breaks can be beneficial - rather than just sitting and zoning out during downtime, doing a quick stretching routine or walking up and down the stairs keeps the blood flowing, helps the mind stay sharp, and makes focusing easier when returning to work.

Time blocking is new to me, but it sounds fascinating and very productive!
I've been trying out the Pomodoro Technique recently too and agree that it's a great way of working/breaking that stops burnout, especially when working on one task for long hours.

The idea of active breaks makes a lot of sense - especially as we're all probably sitting for long periods. I typically try to stand up and walk around during breaks but haven't actively thought about doing some stretching - will have to give it a go!

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Time blocking is a great way to stay focused on specific tasks without losing track of time. Active breaks are a great addition to this, especially stretching after periods of sitting. It's an encouraging thread; keep us posted on your experiences with these methods and any further techniques you try!

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Time blocking is a fantastic strategy, and adding active breaks can help improve productivity even further. Stretching or walking for a few minutes after intense focus can help recharge and refocus, which is an excellent way to stay efficient too.

It's a great discipline to maintain focus and also allows some flexibility in the schedule, which is beneficial when managing multiple tasks. An added benefit of the technique is also its potential to reduce burnout - a quick break makes returning to work easier!

I'm interested in any other techniques folks may share; this thread has great potential for curating time-saving strategies!

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Time blocking is a favourite of mine too! I've also started implementing 'do not disturb' modes during my focused work blocks. This adds an extra layer of focus and has helped me avoid distractions from notifications, calls or messages - highly recommend giving it a go!

I agree that taking short active breaks helps a lot with maintaining energy levels and focus too. It's amazing how a quick walk or stretch can refresh your perspective on a task and help you tackle it with renewed vigour!

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