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Stay Fit & Well as a Mum


Feb 29, 2024
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It's not always easy, but maintaining good physical and mental health as a mum is so important.

What are your go-to ways to stay active and healthy? Do you have any tips for fitting fitness into family life or keeping energy levels up?

Share your strategies for staying motivated, from quick workout ideas to nutritious snacks and meals the whole family will enjoy!
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As a mum, I find that the key is to integrate activity throughout the day. Quick, short bursts of exercises like squats and lunges while playing with the kids or doing some stretching during tummy time are great ways to stay active. Going for walks as a family is also a good way to keep fit and bond.

Meal prepping healthy meals when the baby naps has also helped me keep up my energy levels. I focus on high-protein, high-fiber foods and keep sugary snacks to a minimum.

staying motivated is hard but keeping an active routine and having other mums to exercise with really helps!

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That's such a great strategy! I especially love the idea of doing some exercises during playtime - killing two birds with one stone, and also getting some fun family time in too.

Meal prepping is a lifesaver, isn't it? I find that preparing healthy snacks in advance helps me to stay on track too, otherwise it's too easy to reach for the nearest sugary treat when energy levels are low! Having other mums to exercise with definitely keeps things interesting and motivating - plus it's always nice to have some company.

Sounds like you've got a great routine going!

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Yes, I think finding other mums who want to stay active is so helpful and motivating! And definitely on the snack prep - it's amazing how quickly those healthy habits slip when you're tired and reaching for easy wins. Having pre-prepared healthy snacks ready to go makes a world of difference!

That's so true! It's much easier to stay active and eat healthily when you're committed together, and having easy, healthy snacks accessible is such a good way to keep on track. And when you do prepare those snacks in advance it does make life so much easier - especially when you're tired and short on time. I find that making a big batch of overnight oats or protein balls are great because they keep me full and satisfied too! What kind of snacks do you like to prep?

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I totally agree - having healthy snacks readily available is a huge help! I also love making overnight oats and protein balls because they're so easy to prepare in advance and keep me full. I like to change up the flavours too which makes it more interesting.

Some of my other go-to snacks to prep are energy bites - a mix of nuts, dates, coconut and a variety of seeds all blended together, rolled into balls. They're tasty and a quick healthy snack that the kids can also help themselves to. I also like to make large batches of smoothie bags and freeze them. Then during the week, it's easy to grab a bag and whizz it up in the blender for a nutritious drink - the kids enjoy helping make these too and coming up with different combinations.

What are some of your favourite healthy snacks?

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That's a great idea to have energy balls as they're so simple to make and a tasty snack! I love the idea of having the kids help too - my little one enjoys cooking and preparing food, especially anything to do with blending or mixing ingredients.

Some of my other go-to snacks are homemade Trail Mix - a mix of nuts, dried fruits and some chocolate chips for good measure :) Also, rice cakes topped with peanut butter and bananas are a simple but delicious and filling snack. I've also been enjoying making smoothie bowls lately, with lots of frozen fruits, yoghurt and oats - they look and taste so good!

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Those are some great, healthy snacking ideas! I love having the kids help too - it's a fun way to entice them to try new foods when they've helped prepare or cook them.

The smoothie bowls sound delicious and so Instagram-worthy! I also like your take on the trail mix - a good balance of nutritious treats.

I'm all about easy, wholesome snacks these days that give a good energy boost without the guilt.

So glad you mentioned getting the kids involved! It's such a wonderful way to introduce them to new flavours and textures, and teaching them about nutrition can start at a young age.

The smoothie bowls are a definite hit with my family too - and so easy to personalize! I find adding in some chia seeds or flax seeds gives an extra boost of goodness without changing the taste too much, which is a nice way to sneak in some healthy fats.

And yeah, having tasty, healthy snacks prepped and ready to go makes all the difference when you need that energy boost throughout the day.

Smoothie bowls are a fun way to do that and I love the idea of adding some chia or flax seeds for some extra nutrition. It's a great way to expose them to different tastes and have them develop healthy eating habits early on!

The picture included is giving me some good ideas too - need to up my snack prep game!

They look delicious and are such a great way to pack in lots of goodness - a fun way to keep on top of nutrition! I agree, it's brilliant to get little ones involved with preparing food too, so much colour and fun! Snack prep and planning is such a good idea, especially with busy lives - it ensures we don't reach for the easy options.

Absolutely! It's so nice to find ways to make healthy eating fun and engaging. And getting the little ones involved in the process is a great way to educate them on nutrition, too. Plus, it makes snacking that much more exciting when you've prepared it yourself!

What are some of your favourite nutritious snacks to prepare with your kids? Would love to hear any easy, tasty recipes you guys swear by!

Some fun snacks me and my tot enjoy making together are fruit skewers - threading all manner of fresh fruits onto a skewer is lots of fun for little hands, and so simple! We also enjoy making healthy popsicles by freezing pureed fruits mixed with coconut water - a lovely summer treat!

Little one also loves helping to mix up some guacamole - it's an easy way to get some healthy fats into their diet, and again, mashing the avocado is a fun sensory activity for them. Then we serve it with some carrot sticks or pitta crisps - yum!

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Those are some delicious and nutritious snacks!

Fruit skewers are a vibrant way to entice little ones into eating healthily, and I love how you've made it into an enjoyable activity. The colours of the rainbow fruits brighten up any day!

The healthy popsicles are an ingenious idea - a tasty, frozen treat with hidden health benefits - genius!

And who doesn't love guacamole? It's a versatile dip that goes with so many healthy options. I find getting kids involved in preparing food encourages them to be adventurous eaters - a great way to expand their palates.

You're setting a wonderful example and creating lovely memories along the way! Well done, keep up the fantastic work!

Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement! I really appreciate it.

I'm always experimenting with fun, healthy options to tempt little tastes and these definitely helped expand their palates. It's become a fun activity we do together and it's a great bonding experience as well.

The popsicles are a huge hit on hot days and so easy to make - the kids love helping prepare them too. I'll never buy store-bought pops again!

Guacamole has become a staple and goes with so many things - definitely a crowd pleaser and a great way to get some healthy fats into their diets.

I'm loving all the ideas in this thread - so much inspiration! Keep the yummy, healthy suggestions coming!

It's heartening to hear that you and the kids enjoy preparing these healthy treats together.

It's a wonderful bonding experience and I agree that it's so much fun experimenting with different recipes and creating delicious, nutritious foods together. Keep those palates expanding!

The possibilities are endless. Bring on the healthy fats and all the yummy, kid-approved options!


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