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Starting Them Young


Feb 14, 2024
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Parents in the group discuss their experiences with introducing nutritious foods to their children. The consensus is that starting early and exposing children to a variety of flavors, textures, and cuisines is key to encouraging healthy eating habits. Several parents share their successes and challenges in getting their toddlers to eat nutritious foods. They agree that involving children in the cooking process, allowing them to exercise choice, and making it a fun and engaging experience are effective strategies. The discussion also highlights the importance of introducing diverse cuisines and cultures through food, broadening their palates and fostering adventurous eating. Overall, these parents are committed to teaching their children about nutrition and healthy habits from an early age, shaping their food preferences for the better. They find joy and fulfillment in cooking together and creating memorable mealtime experiences.

It's an old adage among parents that you have to start them young if you want your children to develop good habits. This is certainly true when it comes to nutrition!

Teaching our kids to appreciate whole foods and understand the importance of a balanced diet is crucial, as they're more likely to develop healthy eating habits that will stay with them through adulthood.

What are your experiences in introducing nutritious foods to your children? Any funny stories about getting toddlers to eat their veggies, or little ones who are surprisingly adventurous eaters? Do you have go-to recipes that are kid-friendly and nutrient-rich?

How old were your children when you began teaching them about nutrition, and what were some of the strategies you used? Let's share our experiences and ideas on encouraging healthy eating in kids!
My experience with introducing nutritious foods to my son began early on. As a parent, I knew that getting him accustomed to a variety of flavors and textures was key, so I made sure to offer him different vegetables and fruits from an early age.

I remember vividly the day I introduced him to asparagus. He was only 10 months old, and he grasped a spear of it and started chomping away, juicily and with great enthusiasm! The look of delight on his face was priceless, and from that day onwards, he became my little veggie monster, always eager to try the latest healthy snack I offered him.

It hasn't always been smooth sailing, though. There were many mealtimes where getting him to eat his veggies was akin to a full-body workout. From hiding pureed carrots in his mashed potatoes to making "rainbow plates" - an array of colorful foods to pique his curiosity - I had to get creative! But the effort paid off; today, he's a very adventurous eater and is always willing to give new foods a try.

I think it's vital to involve kids in the cooking process too. My son loves helping me prep meals, and I let him choose our weekly vegetable at the grocery store. Giving them some agency and understanding the role of nutrition in their growth might encourage them to make healthier choices.

It's a continuous journey, but one that's so worth it when you see your little ones develop those healthy habits!

What a fantastic approach! Starting them young with a variety of nutritious foods is an excellent strategy. It's wonderful to hear how you've made it fun and engaging for your little one.

Involving kids in the cooking process is a great tip - giving them some control and exposing them to the entire food prep process can really broaden their palates. It's inspiring to see how creative you've been with your son and encouraging him to develop healthy habits.

It's a journey and one that certainly sets a positive tone for the future!

Thank you so much! I really just want my son to grow up enjoying healthy foods and having a good relationship with them, which is why I started early on. It's worked well so far! He actually asks for salad now - it's crazy, but I'm not complaining!

The cooking together has been such a fun bonding experience too. And you're right about the food prep - he's much more likely to try something new if he's had a hand in making it or at least seen the process.

It's definitely a journey, and I hope the healthy habits stick! It's an exciting adventure to embark on with him.

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That's fantastic! It sounds like you're doing a great job, and it's amazing that he asks for salad - what a win!

It's wonderful to hear how you're bonding through cooking together too - it really is a fun way to spend time together while also teaching him about food and healthy eating habits. I completely agree that kids are much more open to trying new foods when they've been involved in the process.

It definitely is a journey, but it sounds like you're on the right track! It'll be so beneficial for him to grow up with a good understanding of healthy foods - well done!

Thank you so much for your kind reply and encouragement! I'm really trying my best, and it's such a joy to cook together. He does love his veggies, which is awesome to see, and yes, I agree - getting them involved and engaged makes all the difference with trying new foods. Thanks again for the lovely feedback!

It's wonderful to hear how much you cook together and that he loves his veggies - that's a massive win! Keep up the great work, it really does make a difference to get kids involved and engaged - enjoy! 😊

Thank you so much! It certainly makes meal times exciting when he gets involved and eats what we cook together :) I believe it sets a great foundation for healthy eating habits too and hopefully he'll keep loving his veggies as he grows older!

It's amazing how getting kids involved can make meal times fun for everyone, and it's a great way to introduce them to different foods and teach them about healthy eating habits - looks like you're setting a great example for him!

Thank you! I definitely think getting kids involved in the kitchen at a young age is a great idea, and it's an excellent way to expose them to different cultures and cuisines too. I'm trying to teach him the importance of healthy eating and also have some fun along the way - and hopefully instil a love of cooking! He's definitely taking after me with his tastebuds too, which is a bonus - happy to try most things!

Exposing them to different cultures and cuisines is a wonderful way to broaden their palates and minds! It's so great to hear that your little one is enjoying it and has adventurous tastebuds — cooking with kids is such a fun way to spend time with them, and it's a great educational experience too.

Absolutely! I've always believed in introducing kids to various cultures through food - it's a fantastic way to open their minds . The more exposed they are to different tastes and flavours, the better their palates become and the less fussy they are about trying new things. It's a win-win!

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Exposing them to diverse cuisines also helps them develop more nuanced palates, which can make family mealtimes much more enjoyable and interesting. Kids are a lot more adventurous than we sometimes give them credit for! They're also little sponges, so it's exciting to see what foods they might pick up on and enjoy, even if it's something very unfamiliar at first.

Absolutely! My kids love trying new foods and it has been such a joy to expose them to different cuisines and flavors. We've found some real winners that have become regular fixtures in our meal rotations - and it's so fun to see their faces light up when they see some of their favorites. It's amazing how adventurous they can be when we give them the opportunity!

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It's wonderful to hear that your kids are enjoying exploring new foods and cuisines. Exposing them to a variety of flavors and encouraging their adventurous spirits is a great way to develop their palates and foster an appreciation for culinary diversity. I agree, it's incredibly rewarding when they get excited about their favorites! What are some of the unique dishes or cuisines you've introduced them to? It's such a fun journey to share and definitely worth the effort!

We've been having fun exploring different cultures' foods too! My children really enjoyed sushi and the whole experience of eating with chopsticks; it was a big hit. We also discovered some African dishes like Jollof Rice - colorful, flavorful, and a real adventure for their taste buds.

It's a really exciting journey, and I love how enthusiastic they get when trying new things. We've also got a few fail-safe recipes for these new cuisines, which makes meal times fun and varied. It's so worth it!

That's fantastic! Exposing young palates to diverse flavours is a wonderful way to foster an adventurous eating mindset. I love the inclusion of African cuisine - the vibrant colours and aromas of dishes like Jollof Rice must have been an exciting change of pace.

It's admirable how you've made mealtime an enjoyable, educational journey. Kids are often wary of new foods, so kudos to you for making it fun and varied! The chopsticks experience is a cute touch too - a whole cultural lesson in itself!

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Thank you! I think it's so important to introduce children to as many different cultures and cuisines as possible, especially in today's globalised world. It's a great way to broaden their minds and teach them about the diverse world we live in. I'm lucky that my kids are pretty adventurous eaters - they love trying new things and learning about different cultures. The chopsticks were a big hit, and we had a great discussion about China and the Chinese culture, which was awesome.

That's so true! Introducing kids to diverse cultures from an early age really broadens their perspective and develops their appreciation for diversity. It's great to hear your kids are enjoying exploring different cuisines and cultures, and those chopsticks seem like a fun way to spark interest and discussion! It's amazing how food can be a gateway to rich lessons about the world!

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Food is a wonderful gateway to educate kids about the world and different cultures. It's an easy way to spark curiosity and excitement, especially when you can involve them in preparing some delicious treats! The earlier we can expose kids to diversity, the better, as they form their view of the world. It's awesome to hear your little ones are enjoying the adventure!

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