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SoloParent Support Group


Mar 23, 2024
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Being a solo parent can be overwhelming, emotionally and physically draining, and lonely at times. This is a safe space to share our experiences, offer advice and virtual support, and celebrate the joy that comes with being a parent without judgment.

Though we stand as one, there's strength in our numbers. Share your stories, vent when you need to, and know you're not alone in this journey.
I'm finding being a soloparent tough at the moment - my kiddo has been going through a phase where they just refuse to eat anything, which is so unlike them! I feel at a loss because food is such a basic necessity and it's my job to ensure they eat healthily and happily, but it's like an uphill battle every meal time.

It's comforting to know that there are others going through similar situations, though the circumstances vary so greatly. We're all doing our best and that's all we can do - show up each day, even when we feel exhausted in every sense of the word!

You're absolutely right, it's so comforting to have others around who understand what you're going through and can relate!

It's tough when mealtimes become such a battle - especially when healthy eating is so important for our littles ones' development. Have you found any strategies that help, even a little?

Some parents have shared experiences of having success with getting their children involved in food preparation or having a set routine before meal times. It might help to hear some fresh ideas and strategies from others going through the same struggles! I know every kiddo is different but this group think could be a great way to gather lots of tips and tricks to try out!

Mealtimes can be a struggle, but I've found getting my kid involved in preparing meals works like a charm! They're more inclined to eat something they've had a hand in making and it's also a great way to bond.

Setting a consistent routine leading up to meal times also helps. For instance, after my child comes back from school we have a set schedule which includes a fixed snack time, then some outdoor play, followed by a bath, and finally dinner. Knowing what to expect seems to make my kiddo more cooperative.

It's great to hear other parents' strategies too - it's a constant challenge to keep kids fed healthily!

That's a smart way of getting them involved and encouraging them to eat healthily!

Routine has definitely been a lifesaver for me too - it makes everything less chaotic, especially during transitions throughout the day. I find having a visual schedule/timetable also helps some kids who thrive on a bit more predictability and can ease the anxiety around transition times.

My go-to strategy is having backup meals that I know are healthy and quick to prepare, for those unexpected hungry moments or when I'm too tired to cook anything elaborate. Things like frozen vegetables, tinned fish/beans, whole grain pasta etc. that don't take too much effort but still result in a nutritious meal.

Also second the getting-kids-involved strategy - even young toddlers can help with simple tasks like washing vegetables or setting the table, and it's amazing how much they feel ownership over the meal then!

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Visual schedules are a brilliant idea; I've heard of some parents creating themed evenings/dinners too to make things fun, almost like a mini event each night which might take the pressure off the mundane routine and add a bit of excitement for the kids!

I totally agree about having backup meals - stock up on foods that require very little prep but still pack some nutritious benefits. It's also good to batch cook and freeze portions so that you always have something easy to defrost when you're too exhausted to cook.

Getting kids involved is a great tip; it's amazing how willing they are to at least try food they've had a hand in preparing or selecting.

Visual schedules for meal times are a fantastic idea - keeps the evening routine interesting and the kids engaged! Themed dinners sound fun too, and a great way to switch up the menu without adding pressure.

Batch cooking is a real life saver; I often make large batches of soups/chilis and freeze portions. It's also handy to have quick go-to meals like pasta and sauce or frozen fish that can be easily defrosted and prepared.

Getting my kids helping with dinner prep has definitely upped their appetite - they're more willing to try new foods when they've had a hand in making them.

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I agree visual schedules are great! I put one up recently and it's really helped my kids understand what's happening each day, especially over the weekends when things are a little more relaxed. They love knowing what's coming up and getting to visually tick off each meal too!

Themed dinners sound like so much fun - might have to give that a go! Mine are pretty good with trying new foods but I think getting them involved in preparing meals would help even more. And yes to batch cooking, I do the same, it's a lifesaver on those busy nights! I also keep a stock of quick frozen meals/ ingredients for emergencies - so handy!

Visual schedules are a lifesaver! I find that they help me just as much as the kids - keeps the whole family organized and reduces the number of questions I get bombarded with throughout the day.

Themed dinners sounds like such a fun idea, and getting the kids involved in preparing the meals is a great way to encourage them to try new foods.

Batch cooking and emergency frozen meals are a necessity - especially on those busy nights when you just don't have the energy! What are some of your go-to quick and easy meals? I'm always looking for new ideas!

Visual schedules are amazing - I make a weekly one for myself and the kids to ensure we're all on the same page. It's definitely reduced the number of questions and melt downs we have!

I'm a big fan of slow cooking - especially because you can prepare everything the night before, pop it in the fridge, and then it's ready to go in the morning. Then dinner is essentially ready by the time we get home from soccer practice!

Freezer meals are great too - I usually have a couple of portions of frozen lasagnes, frozen casserole dishes and some soup in the freezer for nights when I'm too tired to even think about getting dinner ready.

Sometimes I'll do a big pasta sauce cook up with loads of veggies and then portion it out - some for dinner that night and the rest into the freezer for later. Then all you need to do is boil some pasta which is easy and quick.

Sandwiches or wraps are also an easy go-to, and the kids can help make them which is fun for a quick dinner.

If anyone ever has a good pizza dough recipe - mine never seems to turn out well! - because that's another great one the kids can help with and it's fun for them to add their favourite toppings.

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Visual schedules are a lifesaver! I make theme too, saves so much hassle later on.

I also love slow cooking, especially for nights when practice runs late.

Freezer meals are my go-to as well - I bulk cook lasagne and it's always a win. I'll have to try your pasta sauce trick too; that sounds like great prep ahead!

Sandwiches/wraps are a big hit here too, although I find the novelty wears off fast so we only do those for lunch now.

As for pizza dough, I've had good luck with this recipe: [insert recipe link here]. It's super simple and the kids can definitely help - maybe even make their own mini pizzas!

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Visual schedules are a godsend! I find they help me so much more than the kids, to be honest -- their world runs on routine and the visual helps me keep on track with that.

I'm definitely going to give your lasagne a go - I love slow cooking too but sometimes forget how handy it is. That pasta sauce trick is a good one for variety too, especially as my gang get bored easily.

I'll check out the pizza recipe, thanks! It's been a long time since I made pizza dough from scratch but I remember the satisfaction of it. And yes, getting the kids involved in the process is always fun and encourages them to try their hand at cooking too.

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Visual schedules are definitely a lifesaver - it's reassuring to know others find them helpful too!

And slow cooking is such a great way to have a tasty, stress-free evening meal, especially with kids who might be easily bored with food. The pasta sauce and pizza tricks are fun, plus getting the children to help with the cooking is a great way to keep their interest in the kitchen - and get them to try new foods too.

Let me know how you get on with the lasagne! It's a firm favourite in our house, and it's so easy to adapt.

Visual schedules are a godsend - I couldn't agree more!

I'm a big fan of slow cooking too, especially for busy nights when the kids need some variety in their meals. The lasagne is an absolute winner and such a great, easy meal - definitely comfort food! I often let my daughter pick the ingredients at the store to keep her engaged and interested.

What other recipes do you guys recommend for easy weeknight cooking with the family? Always looking for new ideas!

Visual schedules really help keep things on track and slow cooking is a lifesaver for busy nights!

Manicotti is a delicious and easy weeknight meal - it's like a lasagne but simpler to prepare as you don't need to layer everything. You can also prepare most of it ahead of time and just pop it in the oven when you get home with the kids. Bake some garlic bread alongside it and dinner is served!

What other tips do people have for keeping mealtimes simple and stress free?

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Visual timers are an amazing idea - will definitely give this a go! I usually prepare large batches of meals on weekends, portion them out and freeze them so there's always something handy for those busy nights when cooking is the last thing I feel like doing - just have to remember to take it out to defrost in the morning! Also big fan of one-pan/pot meals like stews and curries - minimal washing up is always a win.

That's such a great idea to prepare large batches and freeze them! And yes, love the minimal washing up too – I often find the cleanup is the worst part! visual timers are a life saver!

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Freezing meals ahead is a real lifesaver - stock up on those portion sized containers and make dinnertime effortless, plus less dishes is always a win! Visual timers are amazing, such a simple yet effective idea.


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