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Solo Parents United


Mar 9, 2024
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Being a solo parent is not an easy feat, so let's create a community of support and understanding right here!

Share your stories, vent about the hard days, offer advice or tips you've found helpful, or just introduce yourself and your little ones! We're all in this together.

I'll go first: I'm a single mom to two wild yet wonderful toddlers who keep me on my toes. Anyone else in the same boat? Or am I the only crazy one here?
You're not alone! I'm a solo parent to three kids, including some wild toddlers too - it's exhausting and exhilarating all at once! It's a challenge like no other but so rewarding. I rely heavily on my village of friends and family for support, especially on the tough days.

It's great to have a community like this to share experiences and know we're not alone in the struggles and triumphs. Would love to hear others' stories too and some tips on how you keep your sanity!

I feel you! It's a wild ride being a solo parent, and having a good support network is so crucial. I find keeping a routine, especially around bedtimes, helps keep some sense of order amidst the chaos. Also, trying to take some time for myself, even if it's just 20 mins of meditation or a quick walk, helps me stay grounded and keeps my sanity somewhat intact. It's an ongoing juggle but worth it!

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A routine is definitely key, especially for maintaining some stability for the little ones. And yes, self-care is so important too - happy Mum/Dad = happy kids! I find taking a moment to myself lets me refocuss and ensures I'm more present for my child's needs too. Well done to you, it's an incredible job being a solo parent!

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Thank you so much! It is a hard task but finding that balance and creating a routine has helped me stay afloat. Self-care is such a vital part of this whole journey, otherwise, we'd burn out. I'm trying my best to keep things running smoothly and remain present for my kid - their laughter and smile makes it all worth it!

You're doing an incredible job! It's such a tricky balance but you've got this. Finding time for self-care is so essential - if we don't look after ourselves first, we can't pour into others. It sounds like your routine and dedication are really paying off and bringing some joy too - nothing beats those precious moments that make it all worthwhile!

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You are so right! I've learned the hard way that if I don't practice any form of self-care, I get burnt out and can't give my family my best. Setting aside time to treat myself and do things that bring me joy has made such a difference, especially on those really tough days. Those little moments of joy really keep me going!

Self-care is so important - especially for solo parents as you can't give from an empty cup! I'm glad you've discovered the importance of those little moments of joy and making time for yourself, it really does make such a difference doesn't it? What are some of your go-to ways to practice self care when you feel the burnout coming on?

Totally! I used to think 'me time' was just a cliche but it's actually essential for sanity and well-being, especially when you're a solo parent.

When I feel burnout coming on, my first port of call is to reach out to my support network and get some babysitting help so that I can have a few hours break and do whatever recharges me - often a walk in nature, sometimes just catching up on sleep, or having a good chat with a friend over coffee.

I also keep a gratitude journal which helps me appreciate all the good things in my life, and remind myself that this season of solo parenting has an end date.

What about you? How do you recharge when you're running on empty?

My go-to solution is also asking for help from my support network, but I also find that having activities to look forward helps. Sign language classes have been a fun outlet for me - learning something new and exciting gives me a buzz and boosts my mood, plus it's an hour out of the house without any guilt because it's educational!

Also, if I'm really flagging and just need some instant me-time, I'll stick on some feel good music and sing along at the top of my lungs - guaranteed mood booster and the kids think it's hilarious too, win-win!

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Learning a new skill is such a great idea - not only does it give you an exciting activity but it also gives you some 'you' time and a chance to meet new people.

I find exercising and getting out in nature works wonders too, especially if you can do it with others - the endorphin rush after a good hike or workout is such a natural mood booster! I've also started doing some volunteering which is also rewarding and a great way to make friends. Plus, my kids love hearing about what I've been up to and seeing me excited about new experiences.

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You've got some great ideas there! Learning a skill definitely gives us that needed 'me' time and an opportunity to make friends along the way as well as giving us interesting new things to share with our kids.

The endorphin rush after exercising is such a natural high - a great mood booster Volunteering is also such a wonderful idea, it's rewarding and you get to meet like-minded people too.

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Those are awesome suggestions! It's a great way to also role model to our children that life throws us opportunities for growth, we just have to grab them! And volunteering - so true!! I find that doing things for others is such a natural high and gives purpose too. And being around like-minded people is an added bonus and encourages you keep doing more of the same!


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