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Solo Parenting Support


Mar 15, 2024
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As a solo parent, it can sometimes feel like there's no one to turn to for support, but you're not alone! Whether you're a single parent by choice or circumstance, this thread is a space to share the triumphs and challenges of raising children alone.

What brings you to this forum today? Are there specific challenges you'd like to discuss or advice you're seeking on any aspect of solo parenting?

I'll go first! I'm interested in hearing about how others manage their time as a sole caregiver. Juggling work, household duties and parenting can be exhausting, so I'd love some tips on time management and maintaining some kind of work-life balance.
I think one of my biggest challenges is just that - finding the time to do everything! I feel like there's never enough hours in the day to dedicate time to each aspect; work, parenting, household chores, and then also trying to find some time for myself!

I'd love to hear how others approach this. My strategy lately has been to focus on one key task each day - for example, dedicating Saturday to a big clean, or an intense work session, and that seems to be helping me stay on top of things. Would love to hear other solo parents' time management strategies!

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I'm also interested in hearing how others manage their time - it's such a struggle! I think your strategy of focusing on one key task each day is spot on.

I find making a daily to-do list helps, especially if I break down tasks into 15 minute increments. For example, I might block off half an hour for cleaning the bathroom - that gives me 10 minutes to actually clean and a buffer of five minutes either side to grab any additional supplies or quickly tidy up afterwards.

I also try to dedicate specific days to certain tasks. For instance, Friday is my 'admin day', where I catch up on all the weekly bills and paperwork that needs organizing, which helps me feel on top of things going into the weekend.

It's also inspired me to set a timer for certain chores - I'd love to hear if anyone else does this! It feels silly sometimes setting a 15 minute timer to vacuum the lounge room but it really helps me keep on task and not get overwhelmed.

Breaking tasks down into small, manageable chunks is so useful! I find making a daily list helps too, otherwise it's easy to feel overwhelmed - especially when you have other demands on your time.

I like your idea of dedicating specific days to certain tasks; that's a great way to stay on top of things and avoid them stacking up.

Setting timers for chores is a great strategy! It feels like such a simple thing, but it really does help keep you focused and motivated when you see the time ticking away. I often use timers for tasks that I really don't want to do - it helps me stay committed and gives me a sense of achievement when the timer goes off!

What other strategies do people use to stay organised and make the most of their time?

I'm a big fan of batch tasking - dedicating specific days or times to doing similar tasks all at once. For example, I do all my weekly grocery shopping in one go, which makes it more efficient and means I'm not popping to the store every couple of days. It saves time in the long run and gives me back those precious minutes/hours for other things! I also schedule my bill payments for one day each month - that way they don't get forgotten and are all done and dusted in one sitting.

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That's a great strategy! Batch tasking is really helpful for saving time and energy, especially when you're solo parenting. It's amazing how those minutes here and there add up - I find myself doing the same with shopping and bills. Anything to streamline things makes such a difference when you've got limited time on your hands!

It's all about finding ways to make life easier, isn't it? Those little time-savers really do add up and can help us solo parents keep on top of things - cooking meals in advance or having easy-prep foods is another one of my go-to strategies! Anything to save that precious solo-parenting energy.

Absolutely, those little cheats make all the difference. I'm a big batch cooker - one dinner serves us for two nights and also means I only have to do one big shop per week rather than popping out every evening. And there's always the odd portion or two stashed away in the freezer for when I'm too tired to cook at all.

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Batch cooking is a lifesaver! It's such a smart move to do one big shop once a week and have most dinners ready. Having that backup portion in the freezer for the exhausted nights is an absolute game-changer for solo parents - good for you! Any other tips to share that help make life easier?

I second batch cooking! It's a huge timesaver and reduces the temptation to order takeout.

Meal planning is also helpful, especially for grocery shopping as a solo parent. I make sure to stock up on quick, easy meals that require minimal prep time and can be cooked in large batches - think one-pot wonders like stews, chillies and curries.

Freezing individual portions of meats and veggies helps too since it's just me eating. I can easily defrost what I need without having food waste. And for tired nights, having a stock of easy, go-to snacks helps so I'm not reaching for takeout menus. Think fruits, nuts, energy bars, or even frozen dinners - anything that requires minimal prep and cleanup.

It's definitely manageable being a solo parent with some foresight and planning!

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Batch cooking and meal planning are absolute godsends for solo parents! I find keeping a well-stocked pantry helps too, with staple foods that can be thrown together quickly for a nutritious meal.

My go-to's include tinned tomatoes, various pastas, rice, frozen veggies and a selection of spices. A 15-minute pasta sauce can be whipped up with very little effort and a huge variety of flavors can be created with the right spices/herbs.

Also a big fan of slow cooker meals - especially for when I'm home all day. Pop everything in the pot in the morning and let it cook away, very little effort needed and it's often one pot to wash up! I usually portion these meals into containers once cooled and freeze them - great for quick dinners and lunch leftovers.

And yes, snacks are a must!! I always keep apples, bananas, carrots and hummus in the fridge for when I'm too tired to cook. It's so important to have nutritious, convenient foods on hand because we all know takeaway is so very tempting after a long day!

Batch cooking and pantry staples are a huge help! I find keeping quick, nutritious snacks on hand for hungry kids stops us reaching for takeout. My fridge and pantry are always stocked with fresh fruit and veg, grains and tinned goods - it makes throwing together a meal so much easier.

I also love my slow cooker for days when I'm at home - set and forget! Then portioning leftovers is a great idea too; I often do this for my daughter's lunchboxes.

It's so true that some healthy, convenient foods make all the difference - especially when you're on your own!

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That's such great advice! I do something similar and always have ingredients for quick, go-to meals; it makes life so much easier. Freezing leftovers is a fantastic idea - I often batch cook curries and soups and freeze portions too. It's amazing how handy they are to have stocked up!

I've also found some healthy, convenient foods which are a guilt-free lifesaver when short on time. They're not the cheapest option but so worth it for emergencies - things like tinned fish/beans, frozen veggies you can whack straight in the pan, or those pre-made pouches of rice.

It's definitely all about being prepared!

Leftover freezing is a lifesaver! And great to have a stock of convenient foods for emergencies - tinned and frozen veggies are so versatile, and those rice pouches are handy too. It all makes life so much simpler! Preparation and some planning definitely pay off.

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Freezing leftovers is a brilliant idea - it's like having a backup plan for busy days, and it prevents food waste too which is always a bonus! Stocking up on versatile staples like tinned/frozen veggies is a smart move as well - it makes meal prep so much easier. And those rice pouches are a time saver! Planning ahead and batch cooking really do make solo parenting a tad easier :)

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Great tips! I love the backup meal idea, it's like having an emergency dinner stash haha. And yes to minimizing food waste - it's good for the environment and your wallet! Planning and preparation are key, and those frozen veggies can be a real lifesaver. Also, rice pouches? What a timesaver, I'll have to look into those! Any other easy meal hacks you guys recommend?

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