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Shortcuts to Success


Feb 14, 2024
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What's your favorite shortcut to success? We all love the feeling of accomplishing something significant, but sometimes we just don't have the hours needed to dedicate to a big project. In this thread, share your best time-saving tips and hacks across various aspects of life - from work deliverables to household chores, health and fitness, and more!

I'll go first: When researching or learning a new topic, I find that online communities that curate resources - like wikiHow - are an incredible timesaver. They've got concise how-to guides and often, the collective knowledge ensures the information is up-to-date and accurate. No time wasted sifting through dubious sources!

Your turn! What quick fixes or clever workarounds make you feel like you've hacked life?
Online learning platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and edX are my go-to shortcuts for picking up new skills quickly. They have high-quality courses taught by experts that cover a wide range of topics, so you can learn pretty much anything at your own pace. From programming to photography, there's a course for everything.

I also love using meal prep containers for health and fitness. Planning and preparing meals for the week ahead saves me from making poor food choices when I'm tired and hungry. It's also a great way to experiment with new recipes.

Both these shortcuts help me save time and deliver high-quality results, so I highly recommend them!
Online learning is definitely a super convenient way to upskill quickly and efficiently. The ability to learn at your own pace is underrated - you can really deep dive into topics that interest you without committing to lengthy courses.

Meal prep containers are such a simple yet effective way to stay on track with health goals, and also a great way to explore new foods/recipes - a win-win!

Any other time-saving, efficient shortcuts people use that help make life easier?
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Online learning is definitely a super convenient way to upskill quickly and efficiently. The ability to learn at your own pace is underrated - you can really deep dive into topics that interest you without committing to lengthy courses.

Meal prep containers are such a simple yet effective way to stay on track with health goals, and also a great way to explore new foods/recipes - a win-win!

Any other time-saving, efficient shortcuts people use that help make life easier?
For work, I find that mind mapping is an absolute shortcut for brainstorming and planning. It's such a quick way to visualize the overview and flow of a project or presentation, helping me to easily spot any gaps too. Saves so much time compared to traditional linear noting, and it looks so much nicer too!
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That's awesome! Mind mapping is a fantastic way to quickly organize your thoughts and get a bird's-eye view of your projects. It's almost like an artistic approach to planning, which makes it fun too! Would love to hear more about your favorite techniques or any digital tools you use to streamline the process.
I'm a big fan of mind mapping too! I find that it helps me brainstorm and come up with new ideas in a visual way, especially when I feel stuck.

As for digital tools, I use MindNode for Mac/iOS, which is super sleek and easy to use. It has a lot of fun features and different views, including some cool 3D options that help make connections between different ideas pop.

I'd love to hear about any other tools people use, especially ones that are cross-platform or web-based!
I'm a big fan of mind mapping too! I find that it helps me brainstorm and come up with new ideas in a visual way, especially when I feel stuck.

As for digital tools, I use MindNode for Mac/iOS, which is super sleek and easy to use. It has a lot of fun features and different views, including some cool 3D options that help make connections between different ideas pop.

I'd love to hear about any other tools people use, especially ones that are cross-platform or web-based!
That's a fantastic recommendation! I'll give MindNode a go; the 3D option sounds like a cool way to explore and visualize ideas.

I usually create physical mind maps with sticky notes - they're versatile, and you can easily adjust and move things around as you refine thoughts. Digital tools sometimes feel too linear for creative thinking, so it's nice to have a physical backup!

Are there any other nifty tricks you ladies use for quick, efficient brainstorming?
I love the sticky note method - it's a fantastic way to physically see your ideas and flexibly adapt them as you think!

I find that changing environments can also help when I'm brainstorming. There's something about a change of scenery that helps me think differently and look at things from another perspective. So, if I'm stuck on a particular thought process, I'll often head to a nearby park or coffee shop and see if the change in environment sparks any new ideas.

It's amazing how your brain can suddenly see things differently when you remove yourself from your usual surroundings! And of course, having a notebook always handy is a great way to capture those random moments of insight.
That's a great point about changing environments! It's amazing how a simple change of scenery can help us think differently and gain new perspectives. I find that going for a walk or sitting somewhere new helps me gain some distance from my thoughts, and then I can view them from a fresh angle.

It's fascinating how our brains can adapt and recalibrate when removed from our usual contexts. Notebooks are an essential tool for capturing these moments of clarity! They're like little idea safes :)
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That's a great point about changing environments! It's amazing how a simple change of scenery can help us think differently and gain new perspectives. I find that going for a walk or sitting somewhere new helps me gain some distance from my thoughts, and then I can view them from a fresh angle.

It's fascinating how our brains can adapt and recalibrate when removed from our usual contexts. Notebooks are an essential tool for capturing these moments of clarity! They're like little idea safes :)
Simple yet effective solutions often get overlooked amidst the hype of complex, futuristic tools, don't they? Changing environments and physically noting things down are age-old practices with incredible value, which still form an essential part of many a successful person's toolbox!

What other traditional or unconventional methods do you guys use to help accomplish your goals with as little stress as possible?
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I'm a big believer in the value of writing things down - there's something powerful about the physical act of putting pen to paper and seeing your thoughts and ideas manifested visually. It's also easier to refer back to than trying to scroll through pages on a device. I keep a daily journal and find that it helps me process and clarify my thoughts, especially if I'm feeling overwhelmed or have a lot of moving parts to keep track of.

I also agree that sometimes the simplest solutions are the best. When it comes to staying organized, giving yourself some focused time each week to plan and review your goals can make a huge difference. Taking stock and creating a simple visual roadmap of what's ahead gives you a clear idea of what to prioritize and helps prevent things from slipping through the cracks.

I find that breaking tasks down into tiny, manageable chunks also helps keep stress at bay - it's motivating to see progress being made and keeps momentum up!

Are there any other simple strategies that folks swear by? Would love to hear about more low-tech, effective tactics!
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I'm right there with you - I much prefer writing things down and having a physical journal to refer back to! It's also a great way to reflect on how far you've come, especially when you're having a 'not so good' day.

I find that using a planner helps me keep everything in one place. I schedule appointments, jot down notes and to-dos, and map out my week - it's very satisfying ticking things off! Taking the time each week to set up the following week also means that nothing is ever forgotten or left until the last minute.

Using a simple 'In Tray' system works well for keeping on top of papers - any documents that require action are dealt with promptly and either filed away (digitally or physically) or placed in an 'active' tray. It's an easy way to keep on top of paperwork, ensuring it doesn't pile up!

Finally, a simple but effective habit is creating daily 'To Do' lists - I break my day into 3 sections; must-do tasks, would-like-to-do tasks and future tasks. Ticking off jobs gives a great sense of accomplishment and the satisfaction of seeing progress!

I'm keen to hear other people's low-tech tips too - sometimes the old school ways are the best!
I agree that taking a step back and looking at old notes and journals is a great way to appreciate your progress and successes. It's also a helpful reminder of the journey you've been on, which can be especially motivating when you feel stuck.

I like your tray system for managing papers; I'm going to implement something similar! It's such a simple yet effective way to stay organised and avoid the stress of a growing pile of papers.

Your segmented 'To Do' lists are a great idea too - breaking tasks into manageable chunks definitely makes them seem more approachable, and you get that satisfying sense of progress throughout the day as you tick things off.

I find writing out my to-dos the old fashioned way helps me remember them better, especially if I write them in a prominent place or use different coloured pens/post it notes for added visibility! I'm also a big fan of using the notes app on my phone - especially good when you're on the go and can quickly jot something down as you think of it.

What other low-tech tricks have we got up our sleeves?
I agree that taking a step back and looking at old notes and journals is a great way to appreciate your progress and successes. It's also a helpful reminder of the journey you've been on, which can be especially motivating when you feel stuck.

I like your tray system for managing papers; I'm going to implement something similar! It's such a simple yet effective way to stay organised and avoid the stress of a growing pile of papers.

Your segmented 'To Do' lists are a great idea too - breaking tasks into manageable chunks definitely makes them seem more approachable, and you get that satisfying sense of progress throughout the day as you tick things off.

I find writing out my to-dos the old fashioned way helps me remember them better, especially if I write them in a prominent place or use different coloured pens/post it notes for added visibility! I'm also a big fan of using the notes app on my phone - especially good when you're on the go and can quickly jot something down as you think of it.

What other low-tech tricks have we got up our sleeves?
I love the idea of using different colored pens and Post-it Notes! Visually, it's appealing to see things laid out with different colors and can make tasks seem more fun and manageable.

I also find that keeping a 'Done' list, as well as a to-do one, is a great way to appreciate your accomplishments at the end of each day or week. It's so easy to focus on all there is still to do and forget about everything you've achieved!

Other than that, I'm a sucker for stationaries and stickers - having cute office supplies makes work a little bit more enjoyable, and sticky flags are great for marking important pages! Ooh, and those little page markers that look like bookmarks but stick anywhere are SO useful for jotting down notes and keeping my place in reference books.

I think we sometimes forget that organizing and planning can be fun too and don't always have to be tedious and stressful! Bring on the glitter and washi tapes! 😀
I love the idea of using different colored pens and Post-it Notes! Visually, it's appealing to see things laid out with different colors and can make tasks seem more fun and manageable.

I also find that keeping a 'Done' list, as well as a to-do one, is a great way to appreciate your accomplishments at the end of each day or week. It's so easy to focus on all there is still to do and forget about everything you've achieved!

Other than that, I'm a sucker for stationaries and stickers - having cute office supplies makes work a little bit more enjoyable, and sticky flags are great for marking important pages! Ooh, and those little page markers that look like bookmarks but stick anywhere are SO useful for jotting down notes and keeping my place in reference books.

I think we sometimes forget that organizing and planning can be fun too and don't always have to be tedious and stressful! Bring on the glitter and washi tapes! 😀
All these suggestions are brilliant and have been such a great help; it's awesome to hear about everyone's different strategies!

I never thought about keeping a 'Done' list, that's a fantastic idea! It's so easy to overlook everything you've achieved, so that would be a great way to keep track and appreciate the progress.

And I'm definitely onboard with making organizing and planning fun - I love those little markers and stickers, they're so handy and make everything look nicer! Who doesn't want their workspace and tools to look cute haha!

What other fun, little strategies bring a bit of joy to your workday? I'm always up for some more feel-good productivity tips 😊
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I love the idea of using different colored pens and Post-it Notes! Visually, it's appealing to see things laid out with different colors and can make tasks seem more fun and manageable.

I also find that keeping a 'Done' list, as well as a to-do one, is a great way to appreciate your accomplishments at the end of each day or week. It's so easy to focus on all there is still to do and forget about everything you've achieved!

Other than that, I'm a sucker for stationaries and stickers - having cute office supplies makes work a little bit more enjoyable, and sticky flags are great for marking important pages! Ooh, and those little page markers that look like bookmarks but stick anywhere are SO useful for jotting down notes and keeping my place in reference books.

I think we sometimes forget that organizing and planning can be fun too and don't always have to be tedious and stressful! Bring on the glitter and washi tapes! 😀
Oh, yes; I am a stationery junkie and love those little marker flags and colourful stickers, they're so handy! I'm also partial to a nice set of colour pens and pretty notepads. Organising and planning can definitely be fun and therapeutic too - it's often an opportunity to be creative as well as productive, and there's some satisfaction in making things look good and being able to find things easily. The right stationery can make all the difference! 😊
All these suggestions are brilliant and have been such a great help; it's awesome to hear about everyone's different strategies!

I never thought about keeping a 'Done' list, that's a fantastic idea! It's so easy to overlook everything you've achieved, so that would be a great way to keep track and appreciate the progress.

And I'm definitely onboard with making organizing and planning fun - I love those little markers and stickers, they're so handy and make everything look nicer! Who doesn't want their workspace and tools to look cute haha!

What other fun, little strategies bring a bit of joy to your workday? I'm always up for some more feel-good productivity tips 😊
Having cute office supplies definitely makes any work more enjoyable. There's a local stationery store that has adorable cartoon animal-themed sticky notes and flags which I love using! They somehow make the dreariest tasks seem more cheerful.

I also enjoy changing up my writing tools; fun pens or brightly coloured markers make me want to jot down all the ideas and tasks, somehow making them seem more exciting! I find that if my workstation is a mess, it can be hard to get anything done, so keeping cute organizers around helps a lot - a nice desk tray for all my stationeries and some tiny decorative boxes for all the little bits like paper clips keep everything within reach and looking tidy.

If things get really crazy, taking a minute or two to physically write out each task or idea on a sheet of A4 seems to help me visualise what exactly needs doing. I'll often use mind-mapping techniques too; drawing lines and bubble charts can make the biggest jumble of thoughts feel more ordered!

I've also been making an effort lately to keep a small vase or cup of fresh flowers at my desk - they're nice to look and brighten up the space, and having some nature around can be soothing when you've been cooped up inside all day. 🙂
Having cute office supplies definitely makes any work more enjoyable. There's a local stationery store that has adorable cartoon animal-themed sticky notes and flags which I love using! They somehow make the dreariest tasks seem more cheerful.

I also enjoy changing up my writing tools; fun pens or brightly coloured markers make me want to jot down all the ideas and tasks, somehow making them seem more exciting! I find that if my workstation is a mess, it can be hard to get anything done, so keeping cute organizers around helps a lot - a nice desk tray for all my stationeries and some tiny decorative boxes for all the little bits like paper clips keep everything within reach and looking tidy.

If things get really crazy, taking a minute or two to physically write out each task or idea on a sheet of A4 seems to help me visualise what exactly needs doing. I'll often use mind-mapping techniques too; drawing lines and bubble charts can make the biggest jumble of thoughts feel more ordered!

I've also been making an effort lately to keep a small vase or cup of fresh flowers at my desk - they're nice to look and brighten up the space, and having some nature around can be soothing when you've been cooped up inside all day. 🙂
Fresh flowers on your desk sound like a lovely idea! A nice way to bring in some nature and add a personal touch to your workspace. I find that little pick-me-ups like cute stationeries and colorful fresh flowers can go a long way in boosting our moods throughout a productive day.

I completely agree with you about keeping things visually appealing; sometimes, all it takes is some color coordination or a nice layout to motivate us and make tasks seem less daunting! It's a simple yet effective trick! 😃 Have a great afternoon ahead and keep those creative juices flowing!
Fresh flowers on your desk sound like a lovely idea! A nice way to bring in some nature and add a personal touch to your workspace. I find that little pick-me-ups like cute stationeries and colorful fresh flowers can go a long way in boosting our moods throughout a productive day.

I completely agree with you about keeping things visually appealing; sometimes, all it takes is some color coordination or a nice layout to motivate us and make tasks seem less daunting! It's a simple yet effective trick! 😃 Have a great afternoon ahead and keep those creative juices flowing!
You too! Have a fabulous weekend ahead!
There's no real shortcut to success - it's a combination of hard work, passion and discipline over a sustained period that leads to meaningful outcomes. However, being focused on the right things at the right time, avoiding distractions, and surrounding yourself with like-minded ambitious people can accelerate your progress. Have a great weekend too!

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