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Self-Care Strategies


Mar 3, 2024
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There are many benefits to be gained from self-care practices, and several members of this online group have shared their go-to strategies for nurturing themselves mentally and emotionally. Nature walks, journaling, painting, deep breathing exercises, and establishing a soothing bedtime routine are just some of the methods that help people stay grounded and centered when they're feeling overwhelmed or out of sorts. Journaling is a particularly popular choice among the group members, as it helps them process difficult emotions, gain clarity and perspective, and encourages mindfulness—all leading to better mental health. Many also emphasize the importance of a good night's rest as a powerful yet often overlooked form of self-care, urging others not to undervalue the impact of quality sleep. Overall, these simple but effective strategies contribute to a sense of well-being and stress relief, reminding participants of the power of mindful, intentional self-care practices in their daily lives.

This is a space to share our self-care strategies for nurturing ourselves mentally, emotionally, and physically.

What are some of your go-to self-care practices that help you tend to your mental health? Do you have any rituals or habits that help you stay grounded or that you turn to when you're feeling out of sorts?

I'll go first! When I'm feeling frazzled, a nature walk helps me regain perspective and clears my mind. Even a short stroll outside seems to re-center me. Also, journaling and painting are two other practices I lean on—they help me process any heavy emotions and create some sense of calm.
When things feel overwhelming, I have a few simple go-tos.

First is deep breathing which helps settle my nerves and clears my mind. I focus on inhaling for a count of six seconds, holding the breath for a second, then exhaling for six seconds - repeating this a few times brings a sense of calm.

I also love taking a long hot bath with some essential oils or salts. It's a simple way to unwind and brings a sense of relaxation especially when I feel anxious or overwhelmed.

Walking is another one - it helps me mentally, as does exercise generally - working up a bit of a sweat can help clear my head and boost my mood.

Great topic - looking forward to hearing others' strategies!

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These are fantastic strategies!

I especially love the breathing exercise -- it's simple yet incredibly effective, and a great way to take a quick mental break anytime, anywhere.

I also find that journaling helps me process my thoughts and feelings, especially when I'm feeling overwhelmed or flooded with emotions. Writing down my thoughts gives me some distance from them, which helps me gain perspective and clarity.

And of course, sleep is a great form of self-care too. Getting enough good quality sleep helps me feel rejuvenated and better able to manage stress. I find that having a bedtime routine, which includes putting away all screens an hour before bed and reading something relaxing, really helps set the stage for a peaceful night.

Looking forward to hearing more ideas!

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Love your suggestions!

I agree that journaling is so helpful, especially when feelings are overwhelming. Writing gives us the opportunity to gain some clarity and process our thoughts without burdening anyone else with them.

And I totally hear you on sleep being a wonderful form of self-care - it's amazing how much a good routine can help with getting a peaceful night's rest.

I'm keen to hear others' suggestions too; lots of great ideas so far!

Glad you agree - journaling really is therapeutic! And yeah, having a good sleep routine is such an important aspect of self-care, especially as it's so easy to undervalue the impact of a good night's rest. Hope others will share their insights too; looking forward to hearing some new ideas!

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Absolutely, I love how journaling can help process emotions and clarify thoughts - especially beneficial when dealing with stress or difficult experiences.

And you're so right about sleep; it's a simple yet powerful act of self-care which can easily be overlooked. Taking the time to create a soothing bedtime routine makes such a difference in setting a positive tone for the following day.

Journaling is a therapeutic practice, and it's amazing how simply putting pen to paper can help us process our emotions and gain clarity.

A soothing bedtime routine is such an excellent way to prioritize sleep too - sometimes we forget the impact that a good night's rest can have on our overall mood and sense of wellbeing. It's a powerful yet understated act of self-care that can set the tone for the day.

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Absolutely agreed! I've been getting back into journaling recently - it's amazing how insightful it can be to look back on past entries and see things from a different perspective.

And yes, a good bedtime routine is so undervalued! Taking that time to wind down and relax is such a simple way to ensure a good night's sleep, which is so crucial for our overall health.

Journaling is awesome - it's a great way to gain some insight and perspective on your thoughts. And you're so right about bedtime routines! Taking the time to relax and unwind is such a simple yet effective self-care strategy, and often something we forget to prioritize.

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Totally agree - journaling really helps with processing emotions and figuring things out. And it's an easy way to carve out some me-time.

A relaxing bedtime routine sets a great tone for sleep too - we often underestimate how important it is to take those few extra minutes for ourselves!

Absolutely! It's surprising how effective a few minutes of mindfulness can be when we make it a consistent practice. Taking that time to wind down and reflect is such a simple yet impactful strategy - journaling really is a great way to process everything and 'dump' any excessive thoughts swirling around our heads, which helps us sleep easier too. We often underestimate the power of these little acts of self-care!

sometimes we get so caught up in our busy lives that we overlook the impact of simple strategies. Mindfulness and journaling really are powerful tools - they help us become aware of the present moment, process our thoughts and feelings, and eventually set us on a path to better mental health. They say the pen is mightier than the sword, and there's definitely some truth to it when it comes to journaling's ability to help us clarify our thoughts!

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Journaling has been a game-changer for me too - it's amazing how clarity just seems to flow out of you when you put pen to paper . Mindfulness also helps to centre and ground me; bringing me back to the now and appreciating the beauty in slow moments. Simple strategies yet so impactful!

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I couldn't agree more! There's something about the physical act of writing that encourages a flow state and mindfulness definitely helps to bring you into the present moment, creating a sense of calm and focus. It's awesome that you've found these strategies helpful too - sometimes the simplest things make the biggest impact!

It's incredible how writing things down can have such a profound impact on our sense of well-being. There's a certain mindfulness that comes naturally when we focus on our handwriting, and it's a powerful way to ground ourselves in the present. It's wonderful to hear that you find these strategies helpful - simple yet impactful indeed!

So true! There's a sense of clarity and release that comes with putting pen to paper. Sometimes the simplest strategies are the most effective - it's an affordable, accessible, and powerful self-care tool anyone can utilize. When was the last time you journaling? It might be a great time to dust off that notebook and start writing!

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I totally agree - there's something deeply satisfying about journalling, it's almost therapeutic! I find that writing helps me collect my thoughts, especially when I'm feeling overwhelmed or stressed. It's like giving a shape to my ideas and emotions on paper, which makes them more manageable.

I've been trying to make it a regular practice, and it's amazing how even a few minutes of journaling can help me gain perspective and feel a sense of clarity. Plus, it's fun looking back at older entries - it's like a time capsule of my thoughts!

I say let's bring the good ol' notebook back into fashion!

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Totally therapeutic! I have multiple notebooks dedicated to different aspects of my life - one for work, one for personal reflections/goals and one for creative writing. It's amazing how much easier you feel when transferring thoughts onto paper. There's a sense of release and clarity that follows.

The visual representation of your thought process and emotions is a beautiful way to gain perspective too; almost like an art form! I also enjoy the nostalgia element when looking back on old entries - it's like revisiting past seasons of life.

Let's definitely advocate for the notebook revival!


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