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Self-Care Strategies


Feb 29, 2024
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Share your go-to self-care strategies and discover new ways to look after yourself within this community.

We often hear about the importance of self-care, but what does it look like in practice? It can be easy to forget that everyone's experience is different and that there's no one-size-fits-all approach to looking after ourselves.

Self-care means something different for each one of us, and it's an ever-evolving process too. What works for you this week might not work next month or in a few years' time, so checking in with yourself regularly is key.

I'll get the ball rolling and share a couple of things I do to connect with myself...

I like taking long walks, preferably by the sea or somewhere GREEN. It helps clear my mind and physically stretches my body too. I feel like it gives me some perspective on any situations I'm dealing with. I also love a good dance session - sticking on some fun tunes and moving however feels right in the moment is such a mood booster!

What brings you that precious sense of calm and reset?
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I love the idea of dancing to boost your mood! I'm also a fan of long walks - especially with an audio book or podcast. It feels like you're giving your mind some extra treats as you walk, and it can make a lengthy stroll go by so quickly.

I find baking and cooking therapeutic too; there's something satisfying about following a recipe and creating something delicious from raw ingredients! Plus, you get a tasty snack out of it.

Also, a good old declutter and deep clean can be satisfying for that instant gratification hit - especially when you discover you still have four lip balms floating around in various handbags!
Dancing is a great idea and so much fun! I love how audio books keep you engaged and entertained during walks, it's a wonderful multi-tasking strategy for some 'me time'.

Cooking and baking are also awesome ways to practice self-care, especially with feel good foods - like comfort foods or treats. There's a real sense of accomplishment in creating something delicious and it's a wonderful coping mechanism too. Plus, the end product is a lovely reward!

A good spring clean can be so therapeutic, especially when you uncover long lost items and realise you had more than you thought! It's like discovering hidden treasures and can give you a great sense of satisfaction as you reclaim some order.
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Dancing is a great idea and so much fun! I love how audio books keep you engaged and entertained during walks, it's a wonderful multi-tasking strategy for some 'me time'.

Cooking and baking are also awesome ways to practice self-care, especially with feel good foods - like comfort foods or treats. There's a real sense of accomplishment in creating something delicious and it's a wonderful coping mechanism too. Plus, the end product is a lovely reward!

A good spring clean can be so therapeutic, especially when you uncover long lost items and realise you had more than you thought! It's like discovering hidden treasures and can give you a great sense of satisfaction as you reclaim some order.
There's a satisfaction that comes with preparing your own meal and knowing it's done at the end. It's rewarding to have a delicious treat and know that you've earned it from doing household chores. It makes spring cleaning less tedious, uncovering forgotten gems and finding things you can now use or enjoy once again.
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That's so true! Taking pride in cooking your own meal and creating a clean, organized space is such a great feeling. It's rewarding to see the results of your efforts and it makes the tediousness fade away. Those hidden gems you uncover during your spring cleaning can feel like new treats too! Like finding that favourite sweater you'd forgotten about and being able to use it again. What are some of your other self-care strategies?
That's so true! Taking pride in cooking your own meal and creating a clean, organized space is such a great feeling. It's rewarding to see the results of your efforts and it makes the tediousness fade away. Those hidden gems you uncover during your spring cleaning can feel like new treats too! Like finding that favourite sweater you'd forgotten about and being able to use it again. What are some of your other self-care strategies?
Self-care is a great way to recharge and maintain our well-being. Besides cooking and creating a cozy home, I indulgence in the occasional solo movie night. I'll pick a film that I know will lift my spirits or opt for an old classic that feels like a warm hug. It's also an opportunity to enjoy the simple pleasure of having full control over the remote and immersing myself in another world from the comfort of my couch.

Another strategy is taking long walks, especially along Singapore's beautiful coastal areas. The sea breeze and panoramic views are refreshing and help clear my mind. I've also been exploring new neighborhoods this way, which is exciting because each area has its distinct character and hidden gems.

I agree with you on the satisfaction of a good spring clean; it's a sensory pleasure too, like rediscovering that hidden stash of gourmet tea bags you'd forgotten about! The joy lies in embracing the little luxuries and making them a part of your self-care rituals.

Are there any other simple yet impactful strategies fellow mummies use for their me-time?
I love the idea of a solo movie night! It's been a long time since I've done that, but it's such a nice way to have some me-time and indulge in some feel-good vibes.

I also recently started painting again after many years. Not only is it relaxing, but it's fascinating to lose track of time and get immersed in the creative process. Finding that 'zone' is such a great feeling, and I always feel refreshed and re-energized afterward.

And of course, there are the usual suspects - reading a good book, taking long baths, getting a manicure/pedicure, or even just spending time doing nothing! Sometimes, doing absolutely nothing and having some mindless downtime is the best form of self-care for me.
A solo movie night sounds like such a cozy and enjoyable way to wind down! I often find myself catching up on work or chores on weekends, so a deliberate effort to sit down with some snacks and a good film is such a lovely self-care strategy I need to implement more often.

It's wonderful that you've rediscovered painting! It's amazing how therapeutic and calming it can be to tap into our creative sides. That feeling of being 'in the zone' is incredibly refreshing, and it's so heartening to see the fruits of our creativity.

I totally agree that sometimes doing nothing is the best form of self-care. We live in such a go-go-go culture that taking a few hours to mindlessly relax and embrace the silence is such a welcome break.
A solo movie night sounds like such a cozy and enjoyable way to wind down! I often find myself catching up on work or chores on weekends, so a deliberate effort to sit down with some snacks and a good film is such a lovely self-care strategy I need to implement more often.

It's wonderful that you've rediscovered painting! It's amazing how therapeutic and calming it can be to tap into our creative sides. That feeling of being 'in the zone' is incredibly refreshing, and it's so heartening to see the fruits of our creativity.

I totally agree that sometimes doing nothing is the best form of self-care. We live in such a go-go-go culture that taking a few hours to mindlessly relax and embrace the silence is such a welcome break.
Yeah, it's great to indulge in activities that help us recharge and appreciate the simple act of being creative or doing nothing at all. It's so true about our fast-paced lives and how "zone-out" sessions are a wonderful break.

It's empowering to choose what helps us recharge and then make time for those activities. I'm learning to embrace that 'doing nothing' is really something productive in itself!
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A solo movie night sounds like such a cozy and enjoyable way to wind down! I often find myself catching up on work or chores on weekends, so a deliberate effort to sit down with some snacks and a good film is such a lovely self-care strategy I need to implement more often.

It's wonderful that you've rediscovered painting! It's amazing how therapeutic and calming it can be to tap into our creative sides. That feeling of being 'in the zone' is incredibly refreshing, and it's so heartening to see the fruits of our creativity.

I totally agree that sometimes doing nothing is the best form of self-care. We live in such a go-go-go culture that taking a few hours to mindlessly relax and embrace the silence is such a welcome break.
It's nice to hear you mention "zone out" activities; it's so true that mindless relaxation is an excellent form of self-care, especially in our fast-paced society. There's almost a guilt trip for not being productive, so taking that time to embrace laziness is a healthy act of rebellion!

It's also great that you're prioritizing alone time and making space for activities you enjoy - a reminder that we all need to take care of ourselves, especially mums like us!
I'm so glad you related to the idea of "zoning out"! It's so easy to fall into the trap of thinking we always need to be doing something productive, but as you said, embracing laziness and giving yourself permission to enjoy some mindless activity can be a healthy act of self-care.

I'm all about creating that much-needed alone time and making space for activities that bring us joy. It's so important for our mental health and sense of well-being - we just have to remember we deserve it!
I'm so glad you related to the idea of "zoning out"! It's so easy to fall into the trap of thinking we always need to be doing something productive, but as you said, embracing laziness and giving yourself permission to enjoy some mindless activity can be a healthy act of self-care.

I'm all about creating that much-needed alone time and making space for activities that bring us joy. It's so important for our mental health and sense of well-being - we just have to remember we deserve it!
Absolutely! We often forget the importance of doing nothing and giving ourselves some down time. It's a great form of self-care which ultimately boosts our overall well-being.
Doing nothing is a powerful act of self-care, especially in today's fast-paced world. Taking that downtime allows us to disconnect, recharge and reflect - it's a crucial step towards boosting our overall well-being!
Downtime is so necessary for our well-being and I totally agree, it's an art to be able to do nothing sometimes and just enjoy the stillness. It can almost feel like a productive act in today's go-go world! We're so used to being busy and filling our time that doing nothing seems foreign - but it's such a great practice to cultivate and can really help with clarity of mind too.
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Downtime is so necessary for our well-being and I totally agree, it's an art to be able to do nothing sometimes and just enjoy the stillness. It can almost feel like a productive act in today's go-go world! We're so used to being busy and filling our time that doing nothing seems foreign - but it's such a great practice to cultivate and can really help with clarity of mind too.
Doing nothing can seem unproductive, but it's actually a skill to master - a mindful act that restores balance and brings a sense of peace.
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Doing nothing is definitely something I need to practice! Especially when I'm feeling overwhelmed - taking time to just 'be' sounds silly, but it's a great reminder and a effective strategy for self-care.
I find mindfulness apps help me massively too, especially for focusing on my breath when my mind feels all over the place.
Doing nothing certainly sounds like an productive approach, especially when feeling overwhelmed. It's a simple yet powerful strategy, and a great reminder of the importance of taking time to just exist and breathe. Mindfulness apps can be a wonderful guide for focusing our busy minds - which one do you use? I'm always on the lookout for recommendations!
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Doing nothing certainly sounds like an productive approach, especially when feeling overwhelmed. It's a simple yet powerful strategy, and a great reminder of the importance of taking time to just exist and breathe. Mindfulness apps can be a wonderful guide for focusing our busy minds - which one do you use? I'm always on the lookout for recommendations!
I've been using this local app called " CalmMind ". It's by a local psychologist, Dr. Ong, who uses it to help her patients manage stress and anxiety. There are plenty of sessions crafted according to different needs, like boosting self-esteem, relaxing, sleeping better, etc. I like how there's a good variety of topics catered to our mental wellness. You should give it a shot!
That sounds like a fantastic app! It's great to have a tailored resource created by a professional that we can turn to at our fingertips. I especially love the diverse topics catered to different forms of mental wellness - that seems so helpful for holistic care. Thanks for sharing this!

I'm always on the lookout for apps that actually help and this one seems like a gem. Downloading it now - hopefully, it'll help me wind down after busy days too!
That sounds like a fantastic app! It's great to have a tailored resource created by a professional that we can turn to at our fingertips. I especially love the diverse topics catered to different forms of mental wellness - that seems so helpful for holistic care. Thanks for sharing this!

I'm always on the lookout for apps that actually help and this one seems like a gem. Downloading it now - hopefully, it'll help me wind down after busy days too!
Yes, isn't that exciting?! There are so many cool features in the app that cater to different mental health needs! I'm glad we can have easy access to digital tools to help us relax and de-stress. Hope you'll enjoy it as much as I do!

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