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Seeking Advice From Mums


Mar 24, 2024
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Hello everyone, I'm seeking some advice and would love to hear your thoughts and experiences on the matter!
I'm particularly interested in hearing from mums with young children - any tips, tricks, or insights you have picked up along the way would be amazing!

Here's my situation: I'm struggling to balance work and family life. With two kids under five, a full-time job, and trying to keep up with the housework, I feel frazzled most days! Any strategies for managing it all without losing your mind would be greatly appreciated.

What do you wish you had known when you first became a mum? What helped you adjust and stay sane those early years? Does anyone have any time-saving or organization hacks that made a difference? Or even just some words of encouragement for a frazzled mum!

Looking forward to hearing your advice, ladies!
As a mom of three young children, I can definitely relate to the challenge of balancing work, home, and family! Here are some strategies that helped me:

1. Prioritize and delegate: Make a list of your daily tasks and prioritize them. Involve your partner and kids in deciding what needs to be done and delegate age-appropriate tasks. It teaches responsibility and saves you time.

2. Schedule and plan ahead: Create a weekly schedule for meals, chores, and family time. Plan meals in advance, do some batch cooking, and freeze leftovers. This saves last-minute decisions and runs to the store.

3. Dedicate focused time: Give your kids dedicated, undivided attention daily, even if it's 15 minutes of play or a quick hug. It goes a long way emotionally. Schedule "date nights" with each child occasionally - they'll love the special treatment!

4. Time for yourself: Carve out some "me time," even if it's just 30 minutes to relax and recharge. Take that bubble bath, read a chapter of your book, or exercise - it improves your mood and energy levels.

5. Join a mom group: Surround yourself with other moms; online or in person. Having a support system to share experiences, seek advice, and vent helps remind you that you're not alone!

6. Embrace imperfection: Accept that some days will be chaotic. Let go of the need for perfection and give yourself permission to celebrate the small wins.

7. Shift your mindset: Look at challenges as opportunities to grow and learn together. Remember, this phase is temporary, and those cute little mess-makers will grow up soon!

8. Keep a family calendar: Digitally or physically, keep track of everyone's schedules, appointments, and milestones so nothing slips through the cracks.

9. Be present and mindful: When you're with your kids, try to put away electronic devices and focus on the moment. You'd be surprised how engaging and grounding it can be!

10. Reward yourself: Set small goals and create rewards that don't cost money, like a relaxing bubble bath or that extra hug from your child. Celebrating your accomplishments is motivating!

Remember, every mom's experience is unique, but we all share the common thread of wanting the best for our little ones. You've got this, and keep in mind there's no such thing as a "perfect" balance - it's an ever-evolving journey!

These are wonderful strategies! I especially like the idea of dedicating focused time with the kids and giving them my undivided attention, even if it's just for a short while. It's amazing how much impact those little moments can have.

The mindset shift is also crucial - seeing challenges as opportunities for growth and knowing that this phase, though intense, is temporary, helps keep things in perspective.

And yes, the family calendar is a lifesaver! It keeps everyone on the same page and ensures we don't miss any important events or appointments.

Thanks for sharing your wisdom; I'll definitely be implementing these tips!

Yes, those little moments of focused attention can make a big impact on our kids and also help us as mums to stay present and appreciate the here and now.

I love your take on seeing challenges as opportunities for growth - it's such a healthy mindset, especially when we feel swamped as mums sometimes! And yes, that calendar has saved me from many a disaster! Haha. Hope you find these strategies helpful and that you discover some new ones too in this thread.

These are some great points and a lovely reminder! It's amazing how something as simple as focused attention can have such a positive impact, it's so true!

I love hearing about everyone's strategies for keeping on track - it's inspiring and helps keep me accountable too :) Can't wait to read more tips in this thread.

It really is amazing how attention alone can have such a profound impact, and hearing others' strategies is so motivating! I find writing things down really helpful - I'm a visual person, so jotting down lists/notes etc helps me massively to stay on track and keep my eyes on the prize, so to speak haha! I also try to set very clear goals. I get overwhelmed easily, so having clarity on exactly what needs doing and when is a huge help. Can't wait to hear others' tips too!

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Writing things down works for me, too! I have a planner that I use to keep track of appointments and special occasions so I can visually see what's coming up. I also make sure to write down goals and break them into smaller, manageable tasks. That way they don't seem so overwhelming. Checking off items on my list gives me such satisfaction and helps me stay focused and motivated.

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Writing everything down is a great method! I love the idea of breaking goals into smaller tasks - that's a good way to stay motivated as you visually see your progress! I also like using colour-coded stickers to decorate my planner - it makes things feel more fun and personal! It's a satisfying visual reminder of all the things I've accomplished.

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Breaking down goals and using colour codes is a fun way to stay on track! I love the idea of using stickers too - it's such a creative approach to organising and a great reward system as well!

That's an awesome tip! Making goals appear less daunting is so helpful, and adding a bit of creativity goes a long way towards keeping motivation high. Stickers are a super fun way to keep the family involved too - kids love them, and it can become a fun activity for everyone to get involved in! Thanks for sharing!

You're right - adding some creativity makes goals appear so much more exciting and achievable! Stickers are a brilliant way to get the whole family onboard too and make it a fun group activity. I love the idea of making it a visual and interactive process, thanks for sharing that tip!

Stickers are a fabulous motivational tool! Making goals appear fun and creative really helps the whole family get involved. It's so encouraging to see progress visually too. I'm glad you agree! What other tips do we have to keep the family motivated and on track? Let's get creative!!

Visual motivation is such a fun idea, especially with sticker rewards!

I also find involving everyone in deciding the rewards/goals helps keep everyone on track and motivated - after all, no one wants to put in the effort if the end goal seems dull or unattainable!

We use a simple chart with different activities/chores written down the side that everyone must complete daily/weekly and it has certainly helped keep things running smoothly. Everyone has ownership over their own jobs and it's also helpful for teaching the younger ones responsibility.

It's also great to have a mixture of immediate & longer term rewards - so some sticker rewards are for small goals everyone can manage in a day, which keeps morale high; while others are for bigger achievements, like a week of keeping the bedroom tidy!

The kids also love the idea of 'mystery' rewards - where the reward is unknown until the goal is reached. We do this sometimes with hidden bonus stickers behind other stickers, only revealed when earned!


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