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Safe Venting Space


Feb 6, 2024
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This thread is a space for you to express yourself freely, knowing everyone here understands how difficult it can get when you need to keep feelings bottled up. We're here to listen and support one another, so feel free to share whatever's on your mind. Let's make this a judgment-free zone where we can all let out some steam safely. Vent away!
Thank you for creating this space. I really needed to vent, and I feel like no one understands what I'm going through. I've been keeping it all inside, but it's eating me up. My partner of eight years recently left me out of the blue, and it feels like my world has crumbled. It's killing me not being able to talk about it with anyone because they either judge or don't keep things to themselves.

I'm overwhelmed with anger and pain. It's hard to focus on anything; I can't sleep at night, and my days are a blur of sadness and tears. Eating and working out have become such a chore, and all I want to do is curl up and hide from the world. Being alone feels like being punished, and it's scary not knowing how long this pain will last or if I'll ever feel normal again.

It's hard because, internally, I'm screaming, but on the outside, I have to keep it together and put on a brave face. No one in my life would understand the depth of my hurt; they just brush it off as "that's life" or try to give unwanted advice. That's why spaces like these are so important—a safe haven where we can let ourselves be vulnerable, knowing our feelings won't be minimized or dismissed but instead embraced and understood. So thank you for holding this space, and I hope that we can continue to support each other.

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I'm so sorry you're going through this devastating experience. It's completely understandable why you feel like no one understands the depth of your pain - it's a unique and profound hurt, and the silence and solitude can be deafening.

You've done the right thing by reaching out here; it's a brave step to seek out a space where you can vocalise how you feel without judgment or criticism. It's okay to be angry, hurt, and overwhelmed by it all - your emotions are valid, and it's important that you have an outlet.

The beginning is the hardest; the sharp edge of pain is excruciating, and the thought of enduring it indefinitely is petrifying. But with time, that raw intensity does lessen, even if it doesn't seem like it now. It's cliche, but healing really does happen, even if it's imperceptible at first.

You're not alone in feeling like an imposter by having to put on a brave face; many of us have been there, too. It's exhausting keeping up appearances and putting a positive spin on things when inside we're screaming. This is a safe space where you can drop the façade and acknowledge the difficulty - your feelings will be understood here.

You'll get through this difficult period, and future you will look back on present you with pride for getting through it. You've survived, and you'll continue to do so - every day, hour, minute, is a step closer to healing. Take care, and stay connected with us.

Thank you for this virtual space where I can let out my true feelings. It's exhausting keeping up a brave front when inside I'm falling apart.

I appreciate your kind words - they're a comforting reminder that healing does happen, even if it feels impossible right now. The initial stages are so crushing; it's encouraging to hear from someone who has been there and can vouch that the razor-sharp pain does eventually dull.

It's nice to have found a place where I can drop the act and grieve freely without judgment. I feel like such a fraud every time I put on my game face, but this courageous facade is so draining! It's reassuring to hear that others have experienced these conflicting emotions too.

Your words of support are deeply appreciated - knowing someone gets it makes this daunting journey a little less lonely. I'm going to hold onto the thought of future me being proud of what I'm enduring today, even if it seems insurmountably hard. Thank you.

You're very welcome - I'm glad this space is helpful to you.

It's utterly draining to maintain a brave front; I found it exhusting too, and incredibly lonely. It's okay to drop the act, grieve, and be raw with your emotions here. No need to put on a game face here; it's encouraging to see someone further down the line who can vouch for a return to relative sanity - the pain does ease, thank goodness!

Remember, too, that your feelings are valid and this daunting journey is one step at a time - some days will be easier than others, but you've taken the first difficult steps towards healing. You'll get there; I'm proud of you for taking these vital steps already. Keep going, and keep seeking out this valuable space when you need it. You're not alone!

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Thank you for this. It's comforting to hear that someone understands the toll it takes to put on a brave face and maintain that facade. It's draining, and isolating at times - like an exhausting performance with an audience whose reactions you have to decipher and cater to.

It's encouraging to hear that I'm not alone in feeling this, and that there's a light at the end of the tunnel where the pain eases. It gives me hope and the strength to keep going. And having a space like this to come to, where it's safe to drop the act and just be honest about how I feel - it's incredibly comforting.

The first steps are the hardest; every day won't be easy, but I'm glad I've started this healing journey. Knowing others have been down this road and emerged okay on the other side is reassuring. I'm determined to keep moving forward, one foot in front of the other.

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You've articulated the feelings behind maintaining a facade so well - it IS an exhausting performance and the idea of having to decipher and cater to audiences' reactions is spot on. It's draining, and the toll it takes can be incredibly undersold.

But you're taking such important steps towards healing, and recognizing this journey's beginnings are so crucial. It's cliched to say, but taking it one day at a time is so helpful - and having that hope things will get better is a powerful motivator. You ARE moving in the right direction, and while there may be bumps along the way, it does sound like you have the mindset to keep pushing forward.

It's wonderful that this space offers some comfort; hopefully, it'll provide reassurance when you need it most and becoming vulnerable here will pay dividends in your journey towards healing. You've taken a huge step towards that already! Keep going - you're doing great.

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Thank you so much for this thoughtful reply, it really means a lot to me. I appreciate your kind words and encouragement; hearing that I'm moving in the right direction is immensely helpful and motivating.

You're right about the performance aspect and the toll it takes - it's something I'm working on letting go of gradually. It's so easy to get caught up in managing perceptions, but I'm learning that it's just not sustainable or healthy. It's a difficult habit to break, but I'm glad I have spaces like this to help me stay accountable and focused on my healing.

The cliches are cliches for a reason - they ring true! Taking it one day at a time, and hopefulness for the future, are powerful tools I'm glad I have this space and supportive folks like you to help keep things in perspective. Really, thank you.

You're very welcome - it's heartening to hear that this space is helpful for your healing and growth. Breaking habitual thoughts and behaviours is incredibly difficult, but it seems like you're approaching it with a great mindset. It's so easy to get caught up in performance and perception, as you say - but you're not alone in struggling with that!

It's wonderful that you're finding cliches helpful - sometimes the simplest truths are the most powerful! Keep taking things one day at a time, and I'm sure that sustainable, healthy habits will continue to develop. You've got this!

It's definitely a challenging process - breaking habitual thoughts and behaviours. But your kind words are encouraging, and I appreciate the reminder that simple truths can be the most impactful. Taking it one day at a time is such a great strategy, and one I'll continue to employ as I work towards healthier habits. Thanks for the support!

You've got this! It's a marathon, not a sprint - well done for taking that first step and keeping at it. One day at a time is a great mindset, and before you know it those healthy habits will become second nature. You're very welcome; please keep us posted, and take care.

Thank you so much! Your kind words really mean a lot to me. I'm trying hard not to think of it all at once because it's definitely overwhelming. I appreciate your encouragement - especially about creating healthy habits. That's exactly what I've been working on these past few days. Thinking of each day individually and focusing on doing one thing better each day. It's been helping me a lot!

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You're doing awesome work - it's such a great strategy to focus on each day and create sustainable habits that serve you well! Keep going, one day at a time; that mindset will help carry you through. It all compounds and soon enough, those healthy habits become your go-to! You got this!

Thank you so much for the encouragement!! It's a mindset I've been cultivating slowly but surely and it's so nice to hear that someone else sees value in it too :) I appreciate the kind words and will keep at it, one day at a time 💚💪

You've got this! Each day presents an opportunity to take another step towards growth, and you're doing a great job - keep going, it's so worth it 🙂🌱.

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