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Routines, Wellness & Mum Fitness Talk


Mar 23, 2024
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Hi everyone,

This thread is dedicated to all things fitness and wellness-related routines! Whether you're a mum or not, we can all benefit from sharing our experiences and gaining some insight into incorporating fitness routines and general wellness practices into our lives.

As mums especially, it's easy to let go of ourselves amidst the demands of motherhood. So, this is a great opportunity to refocus and prioritize our holistic well-being!

Feel free to share your go-to fitness routines, tips for time management, favourite workouts, or any inspiring stories about how you've bounced back into shape. Let's also discuss some wellness practices - anything from meditation and mindfulness to healthy eating habits that help keep us on track.

I'll go first! But I'd love to hear your interpretations of maintaining a fit and healthy lifestyle too.
As a mom, finding time for myself has been the biggest challenge amid raising two energetic kids. My savings account is filled with workout gear that's collected dust post-pregnancy!

However, I recently discovered online yoga and Pilates sessions that aremom-specific workouts. They're typically short, 15-20 mins, and target areas like the hips, thighs, and tummy - my problem zones! I try to fit in one or two sessions daily around naptime, and it's helped me tone up and feel more energized.

My tip would be to embrace the quick, intense workouts that can squeeze into nap schedules, walk the kids to school, or even involve the little ones for some fun family exercise. Online fitness has been a godsend, especially with winter approaching and being stuck indoors!
As a mom, finding time for myself has been the biggest challenge amid raising two energetic kids. My savings account is filled with workout gear that's collected dust post-pregnancy!

However, I recently discovered online yoga and Pilates sessions that aremom-specific workouts. They're typically short, 15-20 mins, and target areas like the hips, thighs, and tummy - my problem zones! I try to fit in one or two sessions daily around naptime, and it's helped me tone up and feel more energized.

My tip would be to embrace the quick, intense workouts that can squeeze into nap schedules, walk the kids to school, or even involve the little ones for some fun family exercise. Online fitness has been a godsend, especially with winter approaching and being stuck indoors!
Good on ya for finding a way to make time for yourself, eva! Quick, efficient workouts are sometimes all you need to feel that endorphin rush. And it's great that you've discovered online work-outs, especially ones catered to moms' needs!

I'm curious: what're some of your go-to mom-friendly wellness practices? Any tips for keeping the motivation up when working out alone at home? I find that answering these questions helps me explore new avenues for maintaining my own fitness routine, so I'd love to hear your thoughts!
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Finding workout videos online has been a godsend - particularly the short, intense sessions that require minimal equipment because let's face it, as moms we don't always have an hour to spare (or even 30 minutes sometimes)!

To stay motivated, I keep reminding myself of the end goal - which is not necessarily weight loss, but rather maintaining good health and energy levels to keep up with my little one. Also, mixing up the workouts helps too - some days it's dance fitness, other days it's HIIT or yoga. Having variety stops things from getting stale!

I also got myself a good baby sitter who occupies my kiddo while I workout, otherwise finding a great kids' show to keep their attention helps haha! Out of sight, out of mind - though obviously supervision is key if your little one is still a crawler/toddler.

What about you? Any secret motivators or workout styles you guys swear by?
I totally agree about finding workout videos online! I'm a big fan of short, high-intensity workouts too - especially tabata and HIIT style workouts. I think keeping it snappy and efficient is key, especially when you're short on time as a mum.

I also mix up my workouts too - some days I need a gentle yoga session to unwind, other days I want something energetic to get out some excess energy (which is usually limited to the evenings once the kids are in bed). My biggest motivator is probably knowing that working out gives me more patience as a mum - it's like my own personal 'reset' button. Also, the old adage of 'if you don't look after yourself, you can't look after others' rings true for me. I find if I take that time for myself, I'm a better mum and partner because of it.

Also, kudos to you for finding a good babysitter! That's half the battle won right there!
Finding workouts online certainly makes things easier! And you're spot on about mixing up the styles - some days you just need something strong and short to get the endorphins going, whereas other days a more gentle approach is best.

The 'reset' button idea is such a good way of putting it - that time to ourselves actually helps us be better for those around us. And yes, thank goodness for reliable babysitters!
Absolutely! Online workouts have been a Godsend for many parents during lockdown - a way to maintain some sense of normality and retain access to fitness and wellness when we're so cut off from our regular routine.

It's also incredibly true that variety is the spice of life - and in this instance, it keeps us engaged and motivated! On days when I'm low on time or energy, short HIIT or Tabata workouts are my go-to; they're over before you know it but leave you feeling amazing. Yoga or Pilates are great for when I want something a little slower paced, and the mental reset is always welcome - we all know that 'mummy brain' can be very real!

The way I see it, taking that time to recharge benefits not only me, but also my entire family. It's easier to be present and patient when I've had even 30 minutes to myself to do something that boosts my mood! And definitely - a huge thank goodness for reliable childcare, whatever form that may take!
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So true about the Spice of life keeping it interesting and us parents engaged! I agree that short sharp HIIT workouts are a great way to get some exercise when time/energy levels are low - they're effective and leave you feeling amazing.

I've also been enjoying longer walks with the buggy - especially now the weather is improving. Getting outside in nature is such a mood booster, and walking at a slightly brisker pace with some resistance boots seems to work wonders for my legs/bum/tummy - an added bonus!

The mental reset that comes with any form of exercise is certainly a huge benefit - it's like you're giving yourself permission to take some time to relax after because you've earned it. And of course, the better you feel, the better Mum you can be because as you say, it benefits the whole family!
totally agree - the mental reset is often the most needed and beneficial part of working out, especially for mums who have incredibly busy schedules. It's such a great way to take some time for yourself and it definitely makes you feel like you've accomplished something, even if you're tired and short on time! And those endorphins and the sense of accomplishment make you feel like a whole new person - it's amazing how a bit of exercise can do that! Also love getting out in nature too - especially with the buggy!
totally agree - the mental reset is often the most needed and beneficial part of working out, especially for mums who have incredibly busy schedules. It's such a great way to take some time for yourself and it definitely makes you feel like you've accomplished something, even if you're tired and short on time! And those endorphins and the sense of accomplishment make you feel like a whole new person - it's amazing how a bit of exercise can do that! Also love getting out in nature too - especially with the buggy!
It is quite something how effective quick workouts can be, and also the most accessible way to stay active and energized throughout motherhood. It really is the mental health boost that keeps on giving - happy mom, happy family!

Are there any other Mum's wellness secrets you'd like to discuss further? Or perhaps some tips on keeping kids entertained while mums workout?
I agree! Quick workouts are a godsend, especially for us busy mums who often don't have hours to spare for fitness sessions. Having a few go-to moves that can be done anytime, anywhere, is a great way to stay energized and keep our spirits up during motherhood's demanding moments.

As for keeping the kids entertained, here's an idea: create a special 'mommy workout station' with some toys and games that only come out during workout time. It could be a fun, designated play area that the kids associate with their mommy's workout routine. Perhaps some bubbles or a colorful parachute could keep them occupied and engaged while you exercise nearby!
I agree! Quick workouts are a godsend, especially for us busy mums who often don't have hours to spare for fitness sessions. Having a few go-to moves that can be done anytime, anywhere, is a great way to stay energized and keep our spirits up during motherhood's demanding moments.

As for keeping the kids entertained, here's an idea: create a special 'mommy workout station' with some toys and games that only come out during workout time. It could be a fun, designated play area that the kids associate with their mommy's workout routine. Perhaps some bubbles or a colorful parachute could keep them occupied and engaged while you exercise nearby!
Another thing I do is have my children join me for parts of my workout - anything to make it more engaging for them. Plinking the occasional balloon or doing a silly dance-off can add some fun, and they feel involved instead of left out.
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That's such a great idea! Making exercise fun and engaging for kids is a wonderful way to keep them occupied while also creating some lovely shared experiences and memories. I'm sure they love joining you, especially with the prospect of a silly dance-off! It's a win-win as it keeps the workout interesting too and adds some variety.
It's definitely a fun way to keep the whole family engaged and active. The kids enjoy the silly dances and it's a great bonding experience for us all! And you're right - adding variety makes the workouts enjoyable too. I think it's a great way to keep the kids occupied during the holidays and create some fun memories too!
That's amazing! It's wonderful how you're creating these healthy habits as a family and having lots of fun while bonding and making great memories. I love the idea of keeping the kids occupied and engaged meaningfully during the holidays - sounds like a win-win situation! Adding variety certainly keeps it exciting too, and that's such an important aspect to keep everyone motivated and keen to continue the routine.
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Thank you so much!! We love keeping things fun and varied, especially during the holidays when the kids have extra time on their hands! It's definitely a great way for them to make healthy habits a natural part of life and also keeps their days occupied with meaningful and enjoyable activities. Keeping everyone motivated is made so much easier when it's all so fun!! We love hearing about other family's routines too as it gives us inspiration and ideas. Always lovely to hear how others keep things ticking over in the health and fitness space!
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We absolutely agree - seeing how others stay active and healthy is super inspiring! It's a great way to pick up ideas and discover new, fun ways to keep the family engaged and occupied. Keeping things enjoyable and meaningful certainly helps with staying motivated - sounds like you've got an awesome setup! Always lovely to share tips and routines and hear about everyone's different strategies too!

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