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Routines, Tips & Active Mums


Feb 14, 2024
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Share your daily routines and go-to exercises! What are some of your tips for staying active while managing all the demands of motherhood?
Let's inspire each other to stay fit and healthy, mamas!

How do you fit exercise into your schedules and keep yourselves motivated? Do share your tips and let's make this an active and inspiring thread!
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I love to run so I've made it a point to wake up early 3 times a week, strap on my jogger and hit the road while my son is still asleep. It's such a stress reliever and gives me some 'me' time before tackling the busy day ahead.
As for keeping fit at home, my go-to moves are burpees, jumping jacks, and squats - they target different muscle groups and get my heart rate up real quick. I try to fit in 3 sets of these exercises on days when I'm too busy to run or walk.
Staying motivated hasn't been easy but I find that signing up for races keeps me accountable. Having a fitness goal helps me stay focused and the endorphin rush after exercising is such an amazing reward!

That's amazing! I also like to run but have never been an early bird, so kudos to you for finding the discipline to do that consistently!
I agree that having a fitness goal event really helps with staying motivated. The sense of achievement after completing a race or hitting a personal record is such a natural high!
And well done for incorporating some quick HIIT exercises on days when you can't get out - those moves are no joke and definitely pack a punch!

Thanks so much! Agreed, having a goal race really helps with the motivation - especially when it's for a good cause! And yes, those HIIT exercises are definitely not to be underestimated; I'm always feeling the burn afterwards :) How long have you been consistently running for? Any favourite races you return to each year?

I've been running consistently for about 6 years now - I started when my youngest was a baby and had just started sleeping through the night. I find having a goal, especially one that's for charity really helps to keep me motivated and also forces me to stick to a training plan which is often the hardest part! I like to do a local 10km race every summer - it's not too far but just the right distance for me at the moment. Also, as it's on home turf, my husband and kids can easily come out and support which is always lovely. Would love to hear about your favourite races too!

I've dabbled in a few 5ks and found having an event goal helps me too - especially if it's for charity. Like you say, the training plan and consistency is often the hard part! I have two young kids so finding time to train can be difficult but I try and fit in a run when they are at school/nursery which gives me some 'me' time too which is much needed! I also find running with friends or in a group helps keep me motivated especially on the days when I'm flagging - plus it's nice to have some adult conversation! I haven't graduated to any longer distances yet but would love to hear about other people's experiences.

Having a goal definitely helps me too - I find training much easier when there is something to work towards! I run better with others as well and am lucky to have found a great running group which keeps me accountable - especially as we often do our long runs together on Saturday mornings. Keeping up the habit is hard though - especially as life gets busy. I try not to beat myself up too much when I have to miss a session though, and just focus on getting back into it when I can. Would love to hear about your experiences too - do you have any upcoming events in mind?

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A goal definitely helps me stay focused too and gives structure to my training. I've found that without one, it's easy to flake especially when life gets hectic!

I'm currently training for a half marathon - my first since having my second child. Having something to work towards really helps me stay motivated to get out there, especially on the cold, dark mornings! I'm also much better at keeping the momentum going when I have a regular running buddy so trying to organize myself into a little running crew has been helpful for this.

Also, I find that paying for a race or signing up for one with a charity place makes it harder to back out of training, especially when the funds have already been paid! Plus, having that finish line in sight is such an incredible feeling - worth every moment!

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Having a goal to work towards and a running buddy are some great ways to stay motivated! I do find paying for races is a good incentive too - knowing you've committed financially makes those early morning starts a little easier haha. That sense of achievement at the finish line is like no other, especially after putting in the hard yards training!

Having a goal and running buddy definitely keep you accountable! I find it also helps to vary your running route - exploration can make things interesting especially if you run solo most of the time. That sense of achievement at the end is such a high! And yes, race fees are a strong motivator to get out the door too, especially when it's an expensive one!

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Totally agree - varying your route can keep things interesting! I also like signing up for runs and having that as a goal - knowing that I've paid quite a bit of money to enter also spurs me on too haha! It's such a great feeling of accomplishment at the end, even if you don't PB.

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I agree, having a race or event goal in mind is a great motivator! There's always such a buzz around the events too which makes it fun and of course that feeling of achievement at the end is amazing. I find that paying for races also keeps me on track with my training.

That's such a good point! Having a goal to work towards and then being able to celebrate at the end is so satisfying. And it doesn't hurt to have some external motivation too - I love the idea of paying for races because it commits you to training!

It's a great feeling, and a good way to keep yourself accountable too! The sense of achievement after crossing the finish line is amazing - then you can enjoy some treats and celebrate without guilt! Plus, having paid for it encourages you to get out there and train so you don't let your hard-earned money go to waste.

Totally agree - there's nothing like an event to motivate and keep you on track! I've signed up for a half marathon later this year so hoping the thought of that will help get me through the colder months and keep my training on track...!

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Good for you! That's a great idea to have something motivating you during the cold season. I've found that having a goal really helps me stay focused and committed too - it keeps me on a regular training schedule. You'll have to share your secrets for staying motivated when the going gets tough though...that's usually where I fall down! Good luck with your training, that's an impressive goal.

Thanks so much! Yes - a goal really helps keep me on track too. I find having a race or event coming up is great for keeping me motivated to get out and train, especially when it's cold and my bed looks extra cozy!

I'm curious as to what everyone's secret weapons are for staying motivated when the going gets tough? For me, it's definitely visualising the end goal - that feeling of accomplishment as I cross the finish line , and of course the celebration afterwards! Also reminding myself that even if I feel too tired, just getting out for a short stroll can make all the difference - most of the time, once I'm out there, I end up doing more than that anyway. I also love finding new running routes which keeps things exciting. And finally, my running buddies - we motivate each other and having people to run with definitely makes it more fun! I find I push myself harder when running with others too. Can't let them see me slacking off!

Visualising the end goal is a great tactic - that feeling of crossing the finish line makes the hard work worth it! New running routes and running buddies also keep things fun and motivational. There's no letting your buddies down when they are beside you! Having that sense of accountability really helps, and it's so true that sometimes we just need to get out there, even for a short while - it always feels better once you're moving!

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Absolutely agree - visualization is such a great tactic! Having that goal and seeing the end result helps keep me motivated. I love the idea of running with buddies too, that sense of accountability is so helpful especially on the tough days. And yes, getting out there, even for a short run, always wins over not going :) Love those endorphins!


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