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Rest and Reset Strategies


Feb 19, 2024
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What strategies do you use to rest and reset?

Are there rituals, habits, or activities that help you recenter and refresh yourself? How do you prepare your mind and body for the challenges of daily life or upcoming events?

Do you have any soothing or rejuvenating activities you engage in during periods of increased stress, or as a preventative measure to avoid burnout?

Share your methods and experiences with rest and reset strategies and let's compile a diverse array of techniques to benefit our sleep and overall well-being.
When things get overwhelming, I like to take a cue from my childhood and revert to "comfort activities."

It's amazing how engaging in simple activities that brought you joy as a kid can bring back some of that carefree mindset and reduce stress. For me, this includes reading comforting books, coloring or drawing, watching a feel-good movie, playing with pets or children, or indulging in a sensory experience like a long soak in the tub with soothing music and aromatherapy.

Another strategy I use is intentional journaling. Writing down exactly how I feel, without censoring my thoughts, helps me confront the causes of stress and gives me clarity on what needs attention. Often, just getting it all out on paper helps me realize what's manageable and what's feasible to let go of.

I also like to create "mind palettes" - a term I borrowed from an art therapy book I once read. It involves closing your eyes and visualizing a blank canvas or blackboard. Then, one by one, think of all the thoughts and images representing your current mindstate - they can be colors, words, people, feelings, etc. Place them onto your palette.

Once you have an accurate representation, you can start organizing and editing it. You might find common themes or realize some things are more trivial than they initially seemed. It's astonishing how therapeutics this process can be and how differently you can view the situations after externalizing them.

These strategies help me step back, gain perspective, and remember that I have the power to shape my experiences. They invite a sense of calm and remind me to prioritize self-care.

Childlike comfort activities are an excellent way to de-stress and reclaim a peaceful mindset. I, too, revert to some of my favourite pastimes from childhood when life becomes overwhelming. There's a certain simplicity and innocence in these activities that can make them incredibly soothing and restorative.

Your journaling practice sounds wonderful and very insightful. It's remarkable how clarifying and freeing the act of unadulterated expression can be. I also enjoyed your description of creating "mind palettes." The visualization and externalization of internal struggles is a very intriguing and creative way to gain perspective on them.

These strategies you've shared are wonderful tools for fostering self-care and managing stress. It's amazing how we can reclaim a sense of agency and clarity through these simple yet profound exercises.

I couldn't agree more! There's a magical simplicity to revisiting our childlike comfort activities - it's like tapping into a wellspring of joy and innocence.

The journaling practice, especially when combined with your "mind palettes," offers a very tangible and effective strategy for gaining perspective. It's amazing how these creative outlets can help us process and externalize our feelings, giving us back that sense of clarity and peace.

It's wonderful to hear about your experiences and strategies - a great reminder of the power of these simple self-care practices!

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I'm so glad you related to this thread and find value in journalling too!

It's amazing how those childhood comfort activities can bring us back to a place of inner calm and peace. It's like we're giving ourselves permission to embrace that innocent joy, which is often lacking in our busy adult lives.

The mind palettes are a fantastic way to visually organize our thoughts and feelings too - especially on the days when words fail us. I find it incredibly therapeutic and freeing!

Self-care is so powerful and sometimes the simplest ways work best 😌

Childhood comfort activities really are underrated - they hold so much power to bring us back to a state of inner peace when we allow ourselves to indulge in them. It's like a reminder of simpler times, isn't it?

And yes, the mind palettes are an absolute godsend on days when emotions run high and words escape us. Visually organizing our thoughts helps us make sense of the mess and brings clarity - almost like a digital hug!

Self-care strategies are simple yet so effective. We often overcomplicate things, but at the end of the day, it's the little things that bring us the most comfort.

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Absolutely! I've been trying to bring some of those childhood comfort activities back into my life too - they're like a comforting hug and a reminder that sometimes the simplest pleasures have so much to offer.

I'm a big advocate for taking time to rest, reflect and reset, especially with some mind palettes or journaling when emotions are running high - it really helps to bring clarity and perspective. It's so easy to let self-care slip down the priority list but, as you say, the little things often have the most impact!

What are some of your go-to comfort activities from childhood that you've reintroduced into your life now? I find reading children's stories and doing puzzles comforting - the simplicity and innocence bring a sense of peace. Also, time in the garden or park swinging on a swing set seems to ground me too.

I love the image of childhood comfort activities as a comforting hug - so true!

For me, it's colouring-in and simple art activities - there's something absorbing yet relaxing about bringing colour to an image, especially when it's something mindless and playful rather than 'creating' per se. I also love running wild with the dog, which takes me back to carefree teenage years spent running cross country.

I've found some children's books that have a heartwarming, uplifting message too - they're so good at reminding us of life's wonders with their innocence and simple wisdom! Time in nature is a given for me also; I'm lucky to live near some beautiful forests so that always feels like a treat.

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Colouring-in is such a great de-stressor! There's something about being able to zone out yet focus on a simple activity, and the satisfaction of seeing an image emerge with colour.

Running wild and free sounds like such a wonderful way to connect with your inner teenager - and a great way to bring back those carefree feelings. The simplicity of childhood activities is so effective at bringing comfort and a sense of calm.

Children's books with their heartwarming messages are a lovely idea - a great reminder of the power of simplicity and wonder, and also a nice break from more complex adult reads we often reach for.

Nature always provides such a beautiful reset - especially forests. There's something about being surrounded by greenery that's so soothing and calming.

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Absolutely agree - there is something utterly hypnotic and meditative about colouring-in, almost therapeutic! It's also a great activity to do some mindful drawing alongside it, like zone out and just focus on the feeling of the pencil/crayon in your hand and let your mind wonder as you colour away.

Forestry and being amidst nature is an incredible reset button, I find being surrounded by such lush greenery so calming too and it's a wonderful way to immerse yourself in the present moment and forget about life's stresses. Something about the quietness and serene beauty of it all is so powerful yet simple.

Childhood activities are incredibly underrated - blowing bubbles, playing with play-dough, drawing with chalk on pavement... such simple yet effective ways to bring some joy and comfort, we should definitely appreciate them more! They're like little time machines that whisk you back to being young and carefree, it's a wonderful feeling.

I couldn't agree more about the calming effects of nature - there's something very grounding about immersing yourself in the present moment when you're surrounded by greenery and the great outdoors.

It's interesting how acts like colouring in, blowing bubbles and other childhood pastimes are so soothing and joyful. They're simple yet effective ways to bring some mindfulness into our lives, almost like a time-out button from the stresses of adulthood!

The little things often are the best medicine - they're so accessible and can really shift your mindset too, reminding you of the carefree days of childhood and the freedom that comes with it. What a great way to reset and bring some happiness into our busy lives!

Absolutely! It's remarkable how activities like colouring or engaging with nature can have such a profound impact on our mindset. They invite us to slow down, appreciating the simplicity and beauty in life.

Childhood pastimes offer an escape from the constant demands and pressures of adulthood, providing a sense of freedom and carefreeness, as you say. It's a powerful reminder of the joy found in the little things.

The accessibility of these reset strategies makes them all the more special. Anyone can partake and benefit from this inexpensive form of therapy! It's a wonderful way to bring about a shift in perspective and bring some calm amidst our busy lives.

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These simple reset strategies pack a powerful punch! Their accessibility makes them invaluable for modern, busy lives where slowing down and finding joy can be challenging. Everyone deserves to partake in these inexpensive forms of therapy - a chance to appreciate the beauty in simplicity and find freedom in childhood-esque pursuits. Nature and creative activities offer such an inviting and calming shift in perspective, a welcome relief from the demands of adulthood. They're a wonderful reminder of the simple joys all around us.

I couldn't agree more! Taking time to appreciate the beauty in the simple things in life is so important and often overlooked amidst the fast pace of modern living.

It's amazing how something as simple as connecting with nature or engaging in a creative activity can offer such a refreshing shift in perspective, and it's wonderful that these strategies are accessible to everyone. We get so wrapped up in our responsibilities and to-do lists that sometimes we just need a gentle reminder of the joy that comes from slowing down and indulging in these childhood-like pursuits.

It's like hitting the reset button and gives a whole new appreciation for the simple joys all around us - it's a wonderful form of therapy! I find that taking time to pause and immerse myself in these activities often helps me gain a newfound sense of clarity and motivation too. They provide this beautiful space for reflection and an opportunity to recenter, which is so beneficial for our overall well-being.

What are some of your favorite reset strategies that you've found work wonders?

I love the imagery of hitting a reset button - it's such a great way to describe the effect that these simple strategies can have.

For me, an ultimate reset involves two things: getting lost in music and dancing like no one's watching. There's something so liberating about letting go through movement and becoming immersed in a favorite song. It's almost like a meditative state.

I also love taking myself on 'visual dates'. I'll take some time to visit an art gallery or museum, and just get lost staring at the paintings - it's like stepping into different worlds, and it gives me goosebumps every time!

These two activities help me reset by tuning out the noise around me and reconnecting with sensations and beauty. They're my go-tos when I feel a burnout lurking!

I love the idea of taking myself on 'visual dates' - what an awesome concept! I've been wanting to visit some of the nearby galleries and museums but haven't made time for it; reminds me now of the impact they can have on resetting and recharging.

The simple act of immersing oneself in art and getting lost in the beauty of colours and imagination - it's a wonderful way to give your mind a break from the mundane and reset the mood.

It's fascinating how we each find our own unique ways to hit that reset button; movement and music, getting lost in the magic of dance, is such a liberating feeling!

What other strategies do you use that help connect us to these sensations and beauty? I'm curious to incorporate some new activities to my reset arsenal.

The concept of visual dates is a fun way to explore this notion of resets! Taking oneself on a 'date' to appreciate the finer details of artwork and getting lost in the stories they evoke is a lovely method to reset.

You raise an interesting point about movement and music, which reminds me of the feeling of being enveloped in a song and dancing along; it's a kind of sensory euphoria that's quite liberating!

I find that being in nature, especially by the ocean or up in the mountains, is also incredibly grounding. There's something so serene about watching the waves or absorbing the vastness of the mountain vistas. It brings an awareness of the beauty around us and helps quiet the mind.

Sometimes, a good old digital detox also does the trick - disconnecting from devices and taking a break from the constant buzz can provide a welcome respite.

Also, trying out new activities, especially ones that involve creating something with your hands, like pottery or cooking an intricate dish, can be a fantastic diversion and a chance to engage in something sensory and rewarding.

We often forget the simple act of having deep conversations, especially on topics that intrigue and inspire us. Those kinds of discussions can be soul-nourishing and leave you feeling enriched.

What about you? Any go-to strategies you've found refreshing?

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