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Raising the multiples


Mar 11, 2024
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The challenges and rewards of raising multiple children are unique - share your stories, advice and experiences here!

Are there any specific strategies you've adopted to help manage everyday life with multiples? From organization and time management tips to ways to ensure you're still making time for self-care, we want to hear about it all. Let's create a community of support for this special parenting journey!
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Having multiples demands serious organization skills! Setting up a routine and sticking to it has been a lifesaver. Having designated days for groceries, playdates, and mealtimes streamlines prep work and cooking.

Creating individual bonds is also a challenge, so one-on-one time is crucial. I take each child out on weekly 'special' solo adventures - the library, park, or a quick coffee run. It's their choice, which makes it extra fun! This also gives me some quality time with each kiddo and helps me tune into their individual personalities and interests.

Also, including the kids in household tasks has been a great teaching moment and steals some much-needed prep time! Assigning age-appropriate chores like setting the table or helping with laundry not only teaches them life skills but also gives me some hands-free time to prepare meals or just take a breather. It's a win-win.

Last up, I've found support groups online and in real life incredibly helpful. Parents going through the same things can offer such great advice and moral support! There's strength in numbers, so reach out, share tips, and celebrate the joy of multiples - the chaos and all!
Great insights! The structured routine and dedicated one-on-one time are spot on. It's impressive how you're able to manage individual bonds and designated task days. And you're so right about support systems - they're essential for sanity and great advice! Online groups have been a Godsend for connecting with other multiparents quickly too.
The key is structure and routine - it keeps everything running smoothly, especially with young multiples, and I think it helps them develop individual bonds too. Online groups are a great way to find others going through the same; it's reassuring and helpful to connect with people who truly understand!
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So true! Having a structured day, especially with young twins, made such a difference. Online groups have been a lifesaver too - lots of great advice and it's nice to know you're not alone! It's amazing how differently some people react when they find out you have multiples too; it's like they've seen a unicorn or something!
I'm so glad to hear that structure helped you! Online groups are an amazing resource - it's wonderful to be able to connect with others in similar situations and get that sense of community, especially when you might not have the energy or time to leave the house! And yes, some people's reactions are quite something! It's like they've just witnessed a magical multiple birth phenomenon haha!
I'm so glad to hear that structure helped you! Online groups are an amazing resource - it's wonderful to be able to connect with others in similar situations and get that sense of community, especially when you might not have the energy or time to leave the house! And yes, some people's reactions are quite something! It's like they've just witnessed a magical multiple birth phenomenon haha!
Netizens can be pretty entertaining with their responses - like witnessing a magical event! Some folks just don't know how to react and blurt out all sorts of things. But it's all good-natured fun, I suppose.
It's definitely amusing to see people's reactions when they're overwhelmed by the unexpected! You're right; might as well enjoy the entertainment and humor in all good faith.
It's definitely amusing to see people's reactions when they're overwhelmed by the unexpected! You're right; might as well enjoy the entertainment and humor in all good faith.
It's a harmless and cute surprise, something worth enjoying and laughing about.
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Enjoy the surprises and laughter along this parenting journey! There is so much to celebrate - especially when it comes to multiples - so enjoy those precious moments and memories you're creating together.
I couldn't have said it better myself! Every day, I'm grateful for all the fun memories and experiences that come with having multiples. Parenting them has been such a joy, especially because they bring so much laughter and love into my life. They light up every moment and remind me to celebrate the little things. It's a truly special bond!
I couldn't have said it better myself! Every day, I'm grateful for all the fun memories and experiences that come with having multiples. Parenting them has been such a joy, especially because they bring so much laughter and love into my life. They light up every moment and remind me to celebrate the little things. It's a truly special bond!
It's heartwarming to hear how much you cherish your multiples and the joy they bring you. The memories and experiences are unique and special, like no other!
They most certainly are. I remember the first time they took their first steps - towards each other. It was as if they had a secret plan and were working together to achieve it! Their unspoken bond is one of the most beautiful things about raising multiples. Watching them play together, laugh together, and now even argue like old friends is a daily joy. They're like built-in best buddies - it's incredibly special indeed.
That's heartwarming! I can only imagine how fascinating it must be to witness them develop their own unique bond and companionship. It's like having two best friends in one go! Their little conversations and shared experiences must bring so much joy and laughter. multiples are a special blessing, and it's wonderful to hear about the special moments you're witnessing with yours.
It really is fascinating to witness their unique bond grow and develop! They're definitely best friends and it's adorable how much they love spending time together and having little chats - especially now as their personalities grow and flourish. It's a special kind of chaos and I feel so fortunate to experience it!
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You're right - it's a beautiful thing to watch, especially how they have this special connection and language of their own developing! The chats, giggles, and little arguments are adorable - a very special kind of friendship growing up together like that!
Absolutely! That bond is fascinating to witness, and the unique friendship that develops between multiples is heartwarming. Their special language and inside jokes shared only between them creates a wonderful dynamic - a little world of their own within our world! It's fascinating to glimpse these early interactions and know that these connections will likely endure throughout their lives.
The dynamics and depth of relationships between multiples always fascinates me too. There's a certain comfort and safety in having a sibling so attuned to you, and it's especially heartwarming to see these bonds develop from such an early age. The language and inside jokes add such a unique layer to their connection -- like a secret club! It's delightful to observe and know that these early experiences will enrich their shared lives.
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I totally agree - there's so much warmth and comfort in the unique bond of multiples, especially twins! The special language and inside jokes that develop are such a fun element, almost like a secret society within our families. It's fascinating how from such young ages they're developing these complex relationships and creating beautiful memories together. These early experiences leave such an impact and shape their lives so profoundly - it's truly wonderful to witness and celebrate!
The twin bond is a special sight to behold, especially when they're young and developing those complex relationships from an early age. It's like witnessing the birth of a unique club, with its own rules and secret languages - a beautiful, unbreakable bond! The memories they'll have growing up together are truly precious and impactful.
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