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Raising multiples


Feb 29, 2024
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Does anyone have any tips on how to handle raising multiples? My husband and I are currently expecting twins, and we're a little overwhelmed at the idea of raising two kids at once! Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
My best piece of advice is to keep an optimistic mindset and focus on the joy these two new lives will bring to your family. Yes, it's challenging - especially in the first few years - but there's so much magic too!

Organize and simplify your life as much as you can in advance of their arrival. Stock your freezer with meals. Set up a system for keeping track of feeds, nappy changes and sleep, at least initially - it helps you learn their patterns quicker and gives you some data to share with the pediatrician if needed. Accept help when friends and family offer it; no one can do everything themselves!

And remember, there's plenty of joy in having two: watching them play together, seeing them comfort each other, and knowing they have a lifelong mate - these are special things that make multiples so wonderful. Congratulations and good luck!

This is such great advice!

I'd add that it's really important to look after yourself too - which is easier said than done, I know! But taking time to rest, even if it's just a few minutes here and there, will help you stay sane and enjoy the early years as much as possible.

My twins are 16 now but I remember those early days - the challenges and the wonder - like they were yesterday. They're an amazing handful of years and I wish you so much joy!

Looking after yourself is such good advice! It's so easy to forget about yourself when you have tiny babes, especially multiples! Rest and sanity are so important - it's hard to enjoy those early years if you're running on empty. I think that's why looking back I have such rose-tinted glasses on - I was so exhausted! Wishing you lots of rest and lots of joy!

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Thank you for this! It’s so true - I feel like you can’t pour from an empty cup, and looking after tiny humans is definitely a job that tests your limits! I’m trying to remember that it’s ok and important to take care of myself too. I hope you’re doing the same!

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Taking care of yourself is so important, especially with multiples when your energy levels can be zapped so quickly! I'm sure you've heard it before, but it's worth reminding ourselves: we can't pour from an empty cup. Hope you're managing to keep yours filled, or at least topped up a little! 😊

Thank you for this reminder! Self-care becomes such a crucial yet challenging aspect when you have multiples and is so easily pushed down the priority list. I'm trying to keep up with the chaos by staying on top of my own wellness - especially getting enough rest and eating well to keep energy levels stable. Also, finding those little pockets of 'me time' for relaxation has helped enormously.

It's wonderful to hear you're making self-care a priority; it truly sets the tone for managing the demands of raising multiples. Rest and nutrition are often underestimated aspects of wellness, yet they form such a solid foundation for our energy and sanity! Keep up the good work and remember to pat yourself on the back for all your efforts - it's no easy feat!

Your words are a lovely reminder of how crucial self-care is, especially when navigating the unique challenges of raising multiples. Rest and proper nutrition are key pillars supporting our physical and mental well-being amidst the busy days ahead! Thank you for encouraging us to practice self-appreciation; it's easy to forget in the whirlwind of parenting!

Self-care and nourishment are vital when caring for multiples, as these busy days can quickly become overwhelming if we neglect our own needs. I'm glad my reminder served its purpose to encourage you all to take some much-needed time for yourselves amidst the whirlwind of parenting. Here's to nurturing ourselves just as attentively as we nurture our children!

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