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Raising Multiple Multiples


Feb 27, 2024
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I'm curious to hear everyone's experiences and advice on raising multiple multiples! I have two sets of twins, and it's certainly kept me on my toes. Managing their schedules, individual needs, and keeping everyone fed and rested is a constant juggle. Any tips for making this chaos more organized?

What are some of your strategies for distinguishing between the needs/preferences of your multiples? How do you find solo time with each set, especially if they're at different stages or have conflicting routines? Do you have any funny stories or lessons learned the hard way you'd like to share?

I'll kick things off - one funny memory I have is dressing my older twins in opposite colors so I could tell them apart as infants! It was a quick fail-proof method when they were both crying and needed attention. I'm curious to hear other parents' stories too!
I used different colored pacifiers and clips for my twins. It was the only way I could tell them apart as infants, especially during those blurry middle-of-the-night feedings!

Keeping a detailed schedule, color-coded for each child, helped me keep track of their specific needs and feeding times. I also assigned a distinct nursery rhyme to each child and would sing it as I fed them - somehow, this helped me associate each baby with their particular routine and needs.

As they grew a bit older, I'd sometimes take one twin for a walk while the other stayed behind with daddy (or vice versa). It was a nice way to get some one-on-one time and break up the daily routine.

The biggest lesson I learned was to embrace the chaos! Some days would be crazy, but that's okay - surviving on coffee and cute baby smiles got me through it. Now that they're a bit older, I realize how brief that intense period was and cherish those memories. It's a wild ride indeed!
Colour-coding and singing nursery rhymes are such clever ways to keep track of different routines! And creating one-on-one time is a great way to help each child feel special, even with their sibling so close in age.

The chaos of it all is certainly overwhelming at times, but it sounds like you had some great strategies to keep things straight, and the coffee and baby smiles are definitely the best incentives to keep going!
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Coffee and baby smiles ARE the best motivations!

I agree that creating one-on-one time is so important - helps with bonding too, especially when they're so young and it's easy to mix up names/routine etc. I found that making a chart with each baby's name and some photos was a really helpful way to keep everyone's needs straight, and of course, lots of colourful stickers for the chart made it fun!

The nursery rhymes idea is great - did anyone else sing their way through the day? It definitely helped me remember whose turn was whose for what activity!
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Coffee and baby smiles ARE the best motivations!

I agree that creating one-on-one time is so important - helps with bonding too, especially when they're so young and it's easy to mix up names/routine etc. I found that making a chart with each baby's name and some photos was a really helpful way to keep everyone's needs straight, and of course, lots of colourful stickers for the chart made it fun!

The nursery rhymes idea is great - did anyone else sing their way through the day? It definitely helped me remember whose turn was whose for what activity!
I certainly didn't have time to craft elaborate solutions or strategies. I kept things simple with a straightforward schedule, as my multiples were identical boys with very distinctive personalities.

I stuck post-it notes with each boy's name on their foreheads (jokingly, of course!), so I could quickly tell who was who, especially when they wore the same clothes often. As they grew older, their personalities became more evident, so it became easier to differentiate them, though friends and family still struggled!

Any other clever ways parents differentiated between multiples?
For the first few weeks, I color-coordinated everything! Each kiddo had a specific color on their onesie, and all their accessories matched - pacifier clips, hats, even the little blankets they'd sometimes keep around. It was easier than sewing names into everything (though I did that too when the colors became confusing) and helped me quickly identify who was spitting up or needing attention without having to constantly check wristbands.
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Color-coordinating is such a smart idea! And so helpful for when you're sleep deprived and things can seem quite overwhelming - at least you know which baby is which! Did you pick bright colors so it was extra obvious? Or stick to pastels?
I went with brighter colors because, like you said, it's easy to tell them apart when you're operating on no sleep! I figured pastels would just blend together too much, especially for visitors who might not know them by name yet. I wanted to make sure everyone knew who was who! And it's worked out so well - the bright colors are such a fun contrast, and really suit my little rainbow crew.
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I went with brighter colors because, like you said, it's easy to tell them apart when you're operating on no sleep! I figured pastels would just blend together too much, especially for visitors who might not know them by name yet. I wanted to make sure everyone knew who was who! And it's worked out so well - the bright colors are such a fun contrast, and really suit my little rainbow crew.
Brighter colours definitely stand out better and are easier to notice. Good thinking! You sound like an experienced multi-tasking mum! Any other helpful hints for new parents of multiples? Over and out.
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Bright clothing makes keeping track of them so much easier, especially when you’re running on empty! Also, if one cries, it’s good to have a few go-to tricks that work for soothing. For instance, my kids responded well to white noise and being swaddled - it helped to have a couple of tricks up my sleeve for those early days!
Great tips! I found the same things helpful, especially in those first few foggy months. For me, it was also helpful to have some activities that didn't require too much prep or energy - like having a walk outside or looking at high-contrast black and white patterns. On harder days, just knowing a few reliable tricks can help multiples settle is soothing for mamas too!
Those are great add-ons! I found that having a repertoire of calming, engaging activities ready for when the babies were fussy really helped me manage those early months and kept my sanity intact! I think every mama with multiples would benefit from such a resource!
Calming activities were definitely a saving grace! We had a couple of rockers, swings, and carriers, which were lifesavers when they were tiny. As they grew, I found that having an assortment of toys that lit up and played music helped keep them engaged, especially during tummy time! I also discovered that having a weekly activity calendar with a mix of sensory, tummy time, and outdoor exploration kept the chaos manageable. It's hard to keep up with their ever-changing schedules and needs, so planning ahead for different activities really helped!
Calming activities were definitely a saving grace! We had a couple of rockers, swings, and carriers, which were lifesavers when they were tiny. As they grew, I found that having an assortment of toys that lit up and played music helped keep them engaged, especially during tummy time! I also discovered that having a weekly activity calendar with a mix of sensory, tummy time, and outdoor exploration kept the chaos manageable. It's hard to keep up with their ever-changing schedules and needs, so planning ahead for different activities really helped!
Having a schedule or routine certainly helps make everything else flow more smoothly! It's like having your own little army - you gotta keep them in sync! (Sometimes literally!) So many great tips being shared here.
Having a schedule or routine certainly helps make everything else flow more smoothly! It's like having your own little army - you gotta keep them in sync! (Sometimes literally!) So many great tips being shared here.
go-with-the-flow parents might find the structured approach daunting, but it really helps with multiples! There'll be too much chaos otherwise! Having said that, no amount of planning prepares one for everything, and that's when adaptability comes in. But yes, a routine definitely helps. How do others keep their schedules running smooth?
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Having a schedule or routine certainly helps make everything else flow more smoothly! It's like having your own little army - you gotta keep them in sync! (Sometimes literally!) So many great tips being shared here.
establishing some form of routine is easier said than done, but it's well worth the effort! And yes, the chaos and unpredictability of it all is a challenge that often goes underrated. It's wonderful to see everyone's unique strategies for keeping their little ones entertained and engaged!
Routines definitely help to mitigate some of the inherent chaos, it's true! And I agree that everyone here has such interesting ways of occupying their multiples! It's so wonderful to hear about - I've picked up a few new ideas myself and have loved reading through these threads!
Routines definitely help to mitigate some of the inherent chaos, it's true! And I agree that everyone here has such interesting ways of occupying their multiples! It's so wonderful to hear about - I've picked up a few new ideas myself and have loved reading through these threads!
I'm glad we could help each other out! Isn't it heartwarming to know that we're not alone in this parenting journey, especially for us mums of multiples? All the ideas exchanged here really showcase the power of our wisdom and experience!
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It's so heartwarming to know that together, we can help each other and share experiences and hacks to make this journey a little easier! We're all in this together and no one understands the struggles like another mum of multiples does! Let's keep the wisdom flowing!
Absolutely! It's so nice to have a supportive group of mums who understand the unique challenges we face and can offer valuable insights and suggestions. We're all constantly discovering new ways to navigate this journey, and it's comforting to know we don't have to do it alone! Let's keep sharing our tips and making this experience a little less daunting for everyone.
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