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Raising Multiple Joys


Feb 22, 2024
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I have a few questions regarding raising multiples, specifically two children close in age—mine are 15 months apart. First, how do you manage your time between them? I feel like there's so little time in the day and so much to accomplish! Any tips for making daily life a little less chaotic would be greatly appreciated.

And how do you keep individual toys/belongings separate without causing unnecessary confusion or frustration? My two seem to constantly fight over whose things are whose, even if it's obvious who they belong to. It often ends in tears and it's so tiring to mediate every single day! Finally, any fun activities that are suitable for multiples their age would be welcome too! I'm always looking for new ideas to keep them entertained—especially at home together.
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Time management is a tricky one - it does feel like there's never enough hours in the day! I found making a daily routine and sticking to it helped, especially for mealtimes and nap times. You could also set aside specific blocks of time for different activities - for example, having an 'outdoor play' window where you take them to the park or go for a walk, followed by some indoor quiet time with toys .

Keeping toys separate is such a good question - it's one I wish I'd thought about earlier! Label everything - names or initials are best. It's obvious to us which teddy belongs to which child, but marking them ensures there's no confusion and saves so much time mediating! For things like puzzles or play sets with small pieces, keep them in separate boxes so each child has their own set. It takes the fight away from having to share!

For fun activities, mine love anything outside - a simple trip to the park or a walk around the block is great for wearing them out and letting off steam. If you've got space at home, a small paddling pool in the summer is a hit and very inexpensive. Inside, I found busy boards a great sensory activity - especially ones with zippers, buttons, locks, etc. Also, an empty plastic container with different coloured rice/pasta shapes to scoop and pour kept mine entertained for longer than I thought! You could make it more fun by hiding small toys in the container for them to find, too.

Good luck - and remember, chaotic is the new calm!

Some great ideas here, especially the different storage for each child's small toys - never would've thought of that! My two are big fans of anything water-related too - we found a cheap blow up paddling pool with a slide last summer which was fantastic and provided hours of entertainment . Love the idea of busy boards too, will have to look those up - anything that's a little bit sensory is usually a winner.

That feeling of chaotic being the new calm is so accurate as well! It's a mad house some days but I wouldn't change it for the world, and making sure there's lots of fun toys and activities makes all the difference.

That sounds amazing! My little ones love anything sensory too - the messier the better it seems haha! busy boards are such a godsend, especially for those independent play times. I make sure to keep a bin of water and some cups/spoons nearby so they can play independently while I cook dinner or tend to the baby. It's definitely chaotic but like you said - wouldn't change it for the world!!

That independent play time with sensory toys is so crucial when you've got a little one who needs attention too! I love the water and cups/spoons idea - it's amazing how long they'll happily play with something like that. Chaotic is definitely the right word to describe life with multiples, but it's such a wonderful and rewarding chaos.

So true! You really have to make use of independent playtime when they're so young - especially when there's a baby sibling around that also needs attention. I feel like I constantly think up new ways to keep them entertained but sometimes it's so simple: my twins are mesmerised by water play or even just playing with the pots and pans! They're so easily pleased at this age and it's heartwarming to watch them enjoy something so basic yet captivating!

It's definitely a challenge keeping multiples entertained, especially when they have a younger sibling! But you're right - sometimes the simplest things are the most fun for them to explore and enjoy. Water play and kitchen utensils are such easy, captivating go-to's, and it's lovely to see how fascinated they get by the little things. We just have to follow their lead sometimes and let their curiosity take over!

It's incredible how engaging the simplest of toys can be for them especially when there's a younger sibling! The fascination with water and kitchen utensils is such a wonderful thing to observe - their curious little minds at work is so fascinating to witness. We just have to let them lead the way and create the fun memories while keeping it simple!

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So very true! It's amazing how they can entertain themselves with the simplest of items, especially when a sibling is around to share in the fun and explore together! Their curious little minds are so wonderful - such an exciting time watching them discover the world and all the little joys it brings.

There's so much joy to be found in their imaginative play and it's heartwarming to see how they share these special moments together! It really is wonderful watching them explore and discover new things, especially when a simple toy can keep them entertained for hours.

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It's amazing how engaging imaginative play can be for them at this age! And even better when it creates those sweet bonds between them. I feel lucky to witness these special moments too - makes my heart so full as a momma!

It's wonderful to see their little imaginations at play, creating precious memories together. Cherish those special moments because they grow up too fast! We're definitely blessed to witness the wonders of early childhood - it's heartwarming indeed.

It's truly heartwarming and a beautiful phase to witness their imaginative world unfold. Those special moments are so fleeting, but oh-so precious! We're definitely enjoying every bit of their childhood wonderland adventures.

Oh yes, there's nothing like it! Capturing those little moments and embracing them makes parenthood so rewarding and fulfilling. I feel like those precious moments are little treasures we can go back to whenever we need a smile or extra dose of happiness! Enjoy every minute - it goes by too fast!

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You're so right - I often look back on those little memories and they're like precious gems, brightening up my day. It's a wonderful feeling when you have a store of them to look back on too; it makes parenting feel so worthwhile and rewarding! They grow up and change so quickly, it's nice to be able to hold onto those special moments.

Those gems are what make everything so worthwhile - they're little treasures, aren't they?! It's amazing how something so small can bring such a big smile to your face and warm your heart; I often find myself cherishing those memories when the days feel long. They're growing up so fast that it's these special moments I hold onto for dear life!

They truly are precious gems - those little moments that make your heart burst! You're so right that they're what we cling to on the tough days, and somehow they stand out all the clearer against the chaos of everyday life. Capturing those memories and holding them close is a wonderful way to appreciate each stage and not let these treasures fade.

It's true - those sweet moments are what make it all worthwhile! And they do stand out so vividly - especially when life is at its craziest. I find myself cherishing these memories and holding onto them even tighter as a result. What's your favourite way to capture and hold onto these precious moments? I've been trying to be better about writing them down or taking snapshots, but I'm always open to more ideas!

I have a journal where I document all of those heart-warming moments - from cute things my kids say to funny things they do. I also keep a monthly 'moments' notebook, where I jot down little snippets of conversations, memories and milestones - it's amazing how quickly they grow up and change, so this helps me capture everything! Taking photos and videos is great too, especially for those big moments that are fun to look back on - like their first steps or the silly dances they do!

That's a lovely idea to have a journal and a monthly notebook, it's true that kids grow up so fast that it's easy to forget all the cute and funny things they do and say! I'm sure it'll be wonderful to look back on those memories once they're older too, and it's always fun to relive those moments. Pictures and videos are great as well and something tangible to have too - especially for sharing with others!


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