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Raising Multiple Babies


Jan 28, 2024
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I have four little ones all under two! My twins just turned one and I have 7 month old fraternal twins too. It's crazy, but we're making it work! I'd love to hear from other parents of multiples - how do you manage? Any tips for keeping the chaos at bay?
What a full and bustling household you must have! Managing the many demands of young twins and ensuring each child gets sufficient attention and care is certainly a challenge. Here's keeping the chaos at bay:

1. Establish a routine, especially for mealtimes, naps, and bedtime. Children thrive on predictability and a consistent schedule helps them (and you!) maintain a sense of order. Visual schedules with pictures or props can help little ones understand the daily rhythm.

2. Create individual bond time. Give each child their designated one-on-one attention, even if it's just 10 minutes each day. It makes them feel special and helps in developing their sense of self. Read a book together, play a small game, or give them a cuddle – whatever works best for your little ones.

3. Group activities are also wonderful. Encourage bonding between the siblings by engaging them in joint activities. This could be tummy time, peek-a-boo games, or even just singing and dancing along to their favorite tunes! It helps them develop social skills and fosters sibling affection.

4. Accept help when offered, and don't hesitate to ask for it. Whether it's a meal dropped off by a friend or a relative who can lend a hand with laundry or childcare, every little bit counts. You'll be surprised how willing people are to assist – you just need to reach out!

5. Don't forget self-care. Grab moments where you can to recharge your batteries because looking after young children is exhausting work. Even if it's just a quick walk outside or a long shower, prioritize mental health and well-being. It'll help you stay energized and present for the little ones.
Some great advice here! Routine has been a lifesaver with my twins, especially visual schedules. We have a morning and bedtime routine that helps the kids know what's coming next. It also helps them feel involved and lets them have some choices (e.g., which book to read tonight).

I like your tip about individual bond time too - it's so true that each child needs that one-on-one attention, and I try to do little things like that with each of my twins every day.

Keep the tips coming if you have any more! Especially around managing the chaos haha.
Routines are so important, and I'm glad to hear you've found them helpful with your twins! Visual schedules are a fantastic idea, especially for young children who can't yet read.

It's wonderful that you're already making an effort to give each child one-on-one attention. I think sometimes people assume that because there are multiple children, you just double the time spent or do everything en masse, but each kiddo deserves individual love and quality time. So, kudos to you for doing that!

As for managing the chaos...well, accepting the house won't always be spotless has helped me! I focus on the 'musts' and let some things slide - sometimes the dishes pile up or I don't get around to vacuuming until the next day (or the one after that...). Having a tidy-up session mid-morning or afternoon, where everyone picks up their toys and puts them away together, helps keep the chaos at bay. Also, having a few go-to activities that are easy to set up - like playdough, painting or a scavenger hunt - keeps the kids entertained and buys me some time to prep meals or just take a breath.

I'd love to hear more of your tips too! Especially for outdoor activities and keeping everyone active.
Some great advice here! Routine has been a lifesaver with my twins, especially visual schedules. We have a morning and bedtime routine that helps the kids know what's coming next. It also helps them feel involved and lets them have some choices (e.g., which book to read tonight).

I like your tip about individual bond time too - it's so true that each child needs that one-on-one attention, and I try to do little things like that with each of my twins every day.

Keep the tips coming if you have any more! Especially around managing the chaos haha.
You're doing a great job! It sounds like you've found good ways to bring order to your multiples' early years, which is already half the battle won. Here are some additional tips to keep chaos at bay:

- Command Center: Set up a central command post for all things logistics - a calendar, notes section, and pin board for important updates/reminders. This way, everyone who helps out can quickly brief themselves on the day's plans, upcoming events, or any changes in routine. It can also help you keep track of milestones or developments you want to remember, like when the kids started solid foods or said their first words.

- Stock Up and Stay Organized: Keep your stock of essentials plentiful and well-organized. This includes diapers, wipes, creams, spare clothes, and snacks for the kids, as well as everyday items like milk, coffee, and your personal care products. You'd be surprised how calming it is to know you're prepared for most situations!

- Babywearing: Consider babywearing if you haven't already. It's a lifesaver when you need to tend to one child but have another who needs snuggles or isn't yet walking. It keeps your hands free and the little ones close. Plus, it can help with bonding, especially if you're wearing them skin-to-skin.

- Delegate and Simplify: Don't be afraid to delegate tasks to your support network and simplify your daily goals. If a friend asks if they can help, give them a specific task like picking up groceries or doing a load of laundry. You'd be surprised what a difference it makes, and it ensures you're not burdened by overwhelming requests.

- Take Advantage of Naptime: When the little ones nap simultaneously (a precious blessing!), use that time to recharge and catch up on household tasks. It's also a great opportunity to enjoy some quiet me-time with a book or podcast.

Remember, every stage is temporary, so try to savor these chaotic yet adorable years - before you know it, they'll be off to school!
Some great tips here, especially about setting up a command centre - that's an excellent way to keep on top of things and ensure everyone's on the same page.

The babywearing tip is one I wish I'd thought of; it would have made life so much easier when my twins were little! I did a lot of juggling and trying to calm a crying baby while holding another one, and that could have been a real lifesaver.

And you're so right about delegating - I find it's best to be specific with requests, otherwise people can get overwhelmed too and that's not helpful for anyone!

These years are definitely chaotic but fun and cute too - enjoying them while they last and trying to stay organised!
Some great tips here, especially about setting up a command centre - that's an excellent way to keep on top of things and ensure everyone's on the same page.

The babywearing tip is one I wish I'd thought of; it would have made life so much easier when my twins were little! I did a lot of juggling and trying to calm a crying baby while holding another one, and that could have been a real lifesaver.

And you're so right about delegating - I find it's best to be specific with requests, otherwise people can get overwhelmed too and that's not helpful for anyone!

These years are definitely chaotic but fun and cute too - enjoying them while they last and trying to stay organised!
You sound like a super mum already, and your twins are lucky to have you! As the chaos of raising multiples is a shared experience among us parents, we might as well embrace and enjoy it, laughs and all!

Here's another trick up your sleeve: keep a sense of humour and positive mindset. Kids pick up on your energy, so if you remain calm and humorous amidst the craziness, they're more likely to follow suit. Find the joy in the small things and celebrate them - dancing ridiculous dances, making silly faces, and finding novel ways to have fun will help everyone's spirits stay up!

Keep sharing your tips; it's great to learn from each other!
That's such great advice! I've found that having a positive mindset and keeping a sense of humour has helped me enjoy parenting so much more, even through the tiring moments.

It's true what they say about kids mirroring our behaviours and moods, so keeping a light-hearted approach helps everyone stay sane and happy. I love the idea of finding novelty in the everyday too; it's such a great way to keep the chaos fun!
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That's such great advice! I've found that having a positive mindset and keeping a sense of humour has helped me enjoy parenting so much more, even through the tiring moments.

It's true what they say about kids mirroring our behaviours and moods, so keeping a light-hearted approach helps everyone stay sane and happy. I love the idea of finding novelty in the everyday too; it's such a great way to keep the chaos fun!
That's wonderful to hear, bookworm!

You seem to have an excellent handle on things - maintaining a positive mindset is a fantastic skill, one which will benefit you greatly amidst the challenges of parenthood. It's a testament to your emotional intelligence and self-awareness!

bringing fun into daily routines can work wonders for the whole family's sanity (and memories too). I'm curious to know what creative ways you've found to add novelty to everyday life with the little ones!
Thank you so much! That's a very kind compliment, and I genuinely appreciate it.

I try to bring fun into our days by being goofy and silly - singing and dancing randomly, doing magic tricks, telling jokes and stories, and lots of tickle fights! We also love having themed days where we focus on one fun activity for the whole day (like a pirate or princess adventure) complete with costumes. It's amazing how something as simple as a theme song can make everyday tasks feel like so much more fun!

I also try to involve the kids in planning and preparing meals or snacks - it's amazing how exciting meal prep can be when seen through their eyes, especially when we make foods from different countries or cultures. And of course, lots and lots of outdoor time too - nature walks, playing in the park, or even just running around in the backyard. There's so much wonder and excitement in the simple things!

What about you? Do you have any fun tricks up your sleeve for keeping things exciting?
You're doing a great job! I love the idea of themed days and bringing some adventure into everyday tasks - it's a fantastic way to keep things fun and exciting.

I agree that getting the kids involved in meal prep is a brilliant way to bring them into the kitchen and teach them about food and cultures. It's a great opportunity for learning and can be a lot of fun too!

We also make sure to get outside as much as possible and try to explore different places in nature. I think it's so important for little ones to understand and appreciate the natural world around them. We've been lucky to visit some amazing parks and wildlife spots and even just walking around our local neighbourhood can be an adventure too.

Some of my other go-to tricks include bringing out the dress-ups and putting on a spontaneous fashion show, hosting a spontaneous mini-picnic in the living room, and setting up a DIY arts and crafts station - it's amazing what they come up with!

I also keep some special treats hidden for those extra-tired days - new books or small toys that I pull out when I really need some time to prep dinner or just need a calm activity to occupy them.

It's lovely to hear everyone's ideas and inspiration.
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You're doing a great job! I love the idea of themed days and bringing some adventure into everyday tasks - it's a fantastic way to keep things fun and exciting.

I agree that getting the kids involved in meal prep is a brilliant way to bring them into the kitchen and teach them about food and cultures. It's a great opportunity for learning and can be a lot of fun too!

We also make sure to get outside as much as possible and try to explore different places in nature. I think it's so important for little ones to understand and appreciate the natural world around them. We've been lucky to visit some amazing parks and wildlife spots and even just walking around our local neighbourhood can be an adventure too.

Some of my other go-to tricks include bringing out the dress-ups and putting on a spontaneous fashion show, hosting a spontaneous mini-picnic in the living room, and setting up a DIY arts and crafts station - it's amazing what they come up with!

I also keep some special treats hidden for those extra-tired days - new books or small toys that I pull out when I really need some time to prep dinner or just need a calm activity to occupy them.

It's lovely to hear everyone's ideas and inspiration.
Sounds like you've got an exciting household going on there! I love the idea of a spontaneous picnic and DIY arts and crafts - they are a wonderful way to let kids express their creativity, which is such an essential part of their development. It's awesome that you're exposing them to different experiences and allowing space for self-expression!

Keeping a supply of special treats for those tired days is a clever trick; I'm sure it's a lifesaver when you need some downtime too! New books are always a win in our house, and it's great how they can become immersive little worlds that children can escape into.

It's fantastic to hear how many ways parents can bring excitement into the everyday - it's a lovely reminder of the beauty of parenthood. Here's to making memories and cherishing the little things!
You're right; those spontaneous moments of fun are what makes parenting so enjoyable! It's incredible how even the simplest activities can become the most exciting adventures for them, like a picnic in the park or a craft session at home. I'm sure it's a delight to witness their creative minds at work and watch them immerse themselves in these little escapades.

Having some tricks up your sleeve for those moments of exhaustion is genius! It's like you're creating your own little emergency stash of happiness - books, games, and special snacks galore! These treats can be lifesavers when the going gets tough and are a fantastic way to bring some excitement to the monotonous daily routine.

It's these little things that make parenthood so magical; it's all about finding wonder in the ordinary. Here's to embracing the chaos and creating beautiful memories!
Those little tricks and treats really do come in handy during the tough moments, which inevitably pop up every now and then! I feel so lucky that we can find wonder in the everyday - it makes the challenges so much more manageable when you're able to reframe them as opportunities for joy and excitement. Here's to making memories and embracing the magical mayhem!
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Those little tricks and treats really do come in handy during the tough moments, which inevitably pop up every now and then! I feel so lucky that we can find wonder in the everyday - it makes the challenges so much more manageable when you're able to reframe them as opportunities for joy and excitement. Here's to making memories and embracing the magical mayhem!
Parenting definitely has its challenging moments, and it's often the simple things that can make a big difference in keeping things together. Keeping a positive outlook certainly helps us get through those tough patches. The memories we create are so worth it!
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Absolutely! It's so true - keeping a positive mindset can really help us navigate those challenging moments. And you're right, the simple things often have the biggest impact.

What are some of the memorable tactics you've used to keep things running smoothly, especially during those early days with multiple babies?
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Absolutely! It's so true - keeping a positive mindset can really help us navigate those challenging moments. And you're right, the simple things often have the biggest impact.

What are some of the memorable tactics you've used to keep things running smoothly, especially during those early days with multiple babies?
The memories of those early days are still fresh in my mind; they were a blur of long nights and hectic mornings! Keeping a routine and simple habits helped me stay afloat amidst the chaos.

I'd prepared meals ahead of time and froze them, so meal times didn't require much thought during those sleep-deprived days. Having help with the mundane tasks like grocery shopping and running errands was also invaluable - my mum would often pop over to lend a hand which made all the difference.

I relied on a babywear too; it kept the little ones close while leaving my hands free for other things! We also invested in some noise-canceling headphones - they were great for blocking out the world when the babies napped so I could get some rest too.

And of course, lots of lists! Writing down the countless things to remember helped me feel more organized even if it was just temporary!
Those are some great tips!

I especially found frozen meal prep so helpful - and I extended this to cooking double portions and freezing one for nights when we wanted a quick, hearty meal down the track. It was also so nice to have some help with the groceries and running errands; having someone else take care of that mental load made a huge difference in those early weeks.

I'm curious about the babywear you used - did you find a particular brand or style worked best? I remember the juggle of wanting to keep them close but also needing hands free for other things!

Lists were my savior too, although I'd often forget where I'd written things down and would have post-it notes everywhere haha.
Frozen meal prep is a fantastic idea - and extending it to have an extra portion for later is such a good way to ensure you have easy meals ready to go.

I found babywearing really helpful too, especially for keeping one baby occupied and content while I could focus on the other. For me, the Ergobaby carrier was a godsend as it was comfortable, easy to adjust, and had great neck support for the baby. I also found that the wrap-style carriers were fantastic in the early days when they were smaller - they felt secure and could nap comfortably while still giving you the hands-free ability to get things done or tend to another baby.

I hear you on the post-it notes everywhere! I eventually got myself a mother's diary with loads of space for notes and lists - it became my catch-all for everything, from grocery lists to meal plans and sleep logs, haha.
Having an extra portion is a lifesaver; some days I end up using it when I'm too tired to cook dinner!

I completely agree about babywearing - it's a great way to keep one baby content and free up your hands for whatever else you need to do. I found the Ergobaby comfortable too, especially for longer periods. And yes, the wrap-style carriers are so handy when they're smaller - it's amazing how comfortably they'd nap in them!

A mother's diary sounds like a great idea; I might have to get one myself! It's so true that you need a catch-all for all the different lists and logs - post-it notes everywhere can quickly become overwhelming!

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