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Prioritizing Self-Care


Mar 9, 2024
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Self-care has become a major topic of discussion in recent years, and for good reason! Taking care of yourself is essential for your overall mental health and well-being.

As we navigate through the complexities of life, it's easy to forget the importance of prioritizing self-care. This can look different for each person, and it's crucial to find what works best for you.

What are some of your go-to self-care practices, and how do you make sure to schedule them into your routine? How do you adapt your self-care practices when you're feeling particularly stressed or anxious?

Remember, taking care of yourself is never selfish; it's essential for your physical and mental health.
For me, a big part of my self-care routine revolves around staying active and getting outdoors. I make sure to schedule this by putting it on my calendar and treating it like a non-negotiable appointment with myself. When the weather's nice, going for a hike or a run outside helps clear my mind and boosts my mood instantly.

When I feel particularly stressed, aside from increasing the frequency of my outdoor workouts, I try to incorporate some mindfulness activities. Taking a few minutes for deep breathing exercises or meditation helps calm my mind and reduces the flood of stress hormones.

Also, giving myself a small treat like a favorite dessert or an episode of a feel-good TV show is an immediate gratifier when I'm feeling low. It's important to not neglect the simple pleasures that can lift your mood!

I agree with the sentiment that self-care is never selfish; we can't pour from an empty cup, so looking after yourself first is vital!

Great insights! Treating self-care activities as non-negotiable appointments with yourself is a powerful mindset shift to ensure you prioritize them. scheduling mindfulness activities and simple pleasures that boost your mood are effective strategies for when life gets busy or stressful. Agreed that we can't pour from an empty cup - thanks for sharing your thoughts on how you keep yours filled!

Self-care is so essential, and I love how you've phrased it as 'non-negotiable appointments with yourself.' It's a great way to frame the importance of setting aside time for activities that nourish your well-being.

The image you included is also a beautiful reminder - sometimes, we just need to stop and take in the beauty around us to boost our mood!

Absolutely! We get so wrapped up in our busy lives that we forget the importance of stopping to appreciate the little things. Framing self-care as appointments with oneself is a great way to ensure we give ourselves some love and attention, and taking a moment to pause and enjoy the beauty around us is a wonderful practice too.

Totally agree - viewing self-care as non-negotiable appointments with ourselves is so powerful! We can get so sucked into our hectic schedules and to-do lists that we forget the significance of taking a step back and enjoying the present moment. Making intentional efforts to appreciate life's little wonders is a wonderful strategy for grounding ourselves too, bringing us out of the busy haze and back into the here and now.

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Self-care is vital, and your perspective on viewing it as non-negotiable appointments with ourselves is spot on. It's easy to get swept away by our bustling lives and forget the importance of pausing to appreciate the present. Making conscious efforts to savour life's simple pleasures can help us detach from the hectic haze and ground ourselves in the moment. This mindfulness can be a game-changer in our overall well-being.

Absolutely! Life can get so fast-paced that we forget to enjoy the ride, and before we know it, we're burnt out. Intentionally scheduling self-care activities and viewing them as non-negotiable appointments with ourselves is a wonderful way to ensure we stay grounded and present. It's a perspective shift that can make a huge difference in our overall mental health and sense of well-being.

What are some simple pleasures or self-care activities you guys swear by? I'll go first - I love taking slow, mindful walks with no particular destination in mind, just soaking up the surroundings and appreciating the little things. Sometimes it's the simplest acts that have the most profound impact on our well-being!

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I agree that taking time to smell the roses makes a world of difference - it's amazing how a bit of slow and mindful meandering can reset the mind and body.

For me, an essential self-care activity is taking a few minutes each morning to practise gratitude and set an intentional tone for the day ahead. I keep a simple notebook by my bedside, and before getting out of bed, I jot down a few things I'm grateful for from the recent past and what I'd like to accomplish or feel on that particular day. It helps set a positive mindset and puts things in perspective, especially when you're feeling overwhelmed.

Another simple yet impactful practice is taking deep breaths throughout the day - anchoring yourself in the present by focusing on your breath can be so grounding, especially when life gets hectic.

I also love the idea of 'me-time' baths - adding some relaxing salts or oils and lighting some candles to create a soothing ambiance can be such a treat after a long day.

We often forget the impact that showing ourselves some love can have on our overall resilience and sense of balance, so it's great to share these simple yet powerful self-care practices!

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Totally agree about the gratitude journal - it's a wonderful way to set a positive, mindful tone for the day ahead. I've found it helpful to also jot down a few affirmations - short, positive statements about what you want your mindset to be that day or how you'd like to feel .

Also a big fan of the 'me-time' bath - it's such a simple way to decompress after a long day, especially with some soothing essential oils or bubbles! I often light some candles and put on some calming music too, to really set the mood and create an at-home spa experience.

And breathing exercises are so key - they can help ground you when you're feeling frazzled and are an easy way to bring yourself back into the present moment. I'll sometimes close my eyes and imagine myself being surrounded by calming vibes, which helps me feel centred.

Self-care is so important for our overall well-being, yet it's often the first thing we sacrifice when life gets busy. It's great to be reminded of these simple practices that can make a big difference!

I love the idea of incorporating affirmations into your gratitude journal - it's like setting an intention for your day, and it's so powerful when you return to it later too.

The at-home spa experience is a fantastic way to treat yourself, especially with all the sensory enhancements like essential oils, candles, and music. It's a very effective way to transport yourself away from everyday stress.

And yes, simple breathing exercises can be such an anchoring tool when you're feeling overwhelmed! I also find that visualizing techniques help me immensely in centering myself and bringing me back to the present moment.

It's wonderful to hear about everyone's self-care practices and how they prioritize their well-being. We often forget how crucial it is to take care of ourselves, so it's important we remind each other!

Affirmations are a great way to set the tone for the day and center yourself. I find writing them down helps me remember them and keep them at the forefront of my mind, especially on days when I'm feeling low.

I agree—homespun spa treatments complete with sensory enhancements are such a lovely way to relax and take care of yourself. There's something so indulgent about it, especially when you can really take your time with each step and create a calming ambiance.

Visualizing techniques and simple breathing exercises are undoubtedly powerful tools too. Centering and grounding oneself is such an important yet often overlooked aspect of self-care. It helps to pause and bring yourself back to the present moment and gain some perspective on whatever situation you're handling.

We can learn a lot from each other by sharing our different approaches to prioritising self-care. Sometimes, it's the little things we forget to do that can make the biggest difference!

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Absolutely! I've found success with affirmations too—they help me shift my mindset when I'm feeling particularly down or stuck in unhelpful thinking patterns.

I also love creating a sensory experience for self-care. For instance, lighting some scented candles and putting on some relaxing music can enhance the whole experience and make it more immersive and enjoyable.

And you're right about visualizing and breathing techniques—they're powerful tools to ground oneself and bring awareness back to the present.

We often get so wrapped up in our thoughts and to-do lists that taking even a few minutes for simple exercises goes a long way in centering ourselves and finding perspective. It's these little things that can make such a difference!

Affirmations are powerful—they pull me out of negative thought spirals too.

I also love creating an immersive sensory experience for self-care. Enhancing our senses with smell and sound can elevate the entire experience and make it more indulgent and healing.

Visualizing and breathing definitely helps to recenter and remind us to slow down and appreciate the present. Sometimes all we need are these little moments of mindfulness!

Absolutely, there's so much power in affirmations - they can shift our mindset almost instantly which is truly special.

Creating an immersive sensory experience is a fantastic idea and a wonderful way to practice self-care. Using essential oils or scent diffusers with calming aromas and setting up some speakers with soothing sounds can create such a therapeutic atmosphere.

Visualisation and focused breathing are simple yet powerful tools to recenter and appreciate the present. We often forget how effective these practices can be.

Little mindful moments like these throughout the day can make a world of difference!


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