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Prioritizing self-care and mental well-being as a mother


Mar 12, 2024
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As mothers, our lives often revolve around caring for others, leaving little time to focus on ourselves. This thread is dedicated to discussing ways we can prioritize self-care and nurture our mental well-being. Let's share our experiences, challenges, and strategies for reclaiming 'me' time while balancing the demands of motherhood.

What self-care practices have you found beneficial? How do you make time for yourself amidst the busyness of parenting? Join me in exploring this important topic!
I think one of the most important things to remember is that "self-care" doesn't have to mean spas and holidays - though those are lovely!

It can be something as simple as taking a walk, listening to music, reading a book, or having a long, uninterrupted bath. Making time to relax and do something you enjoy amidst the demands of motherhood helps us recharge and refresh, so we can show up as the best version of ourselves for our children.

I've also found that involving my kids in my self-care activities is beneficial. For instance, I love cooking, so on weekends, I involve my daughter in preparing special treats or trying out new recipes. It's a nice way to bond and creates an opportunity to teach her about the importance of nurturing oneself.

Another strategy is to create "me" moments within everyday tasks. For example, while doing the dishes, I take a minute to mindfully appreciate the warmth of the water and the sensation of cleaning each dish. It's a simple way to bring mindfulness into my day-to-day and feel grounded.

Also, date nights or time spent with other adults are essential. My partner and I take turns organizing babysitters so that we can have some alone time. Even an hour or two can make a difference in feeling connected to yourself and your partner.

Remember, self-care is not selfish; it's necessary for our well-being and allows us to show up as the best versions of ourselves.

What do you do to nurture your mental health and find moments of calm amidst the chaos of motherhood?
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These are wonderful insights! You've articulated the essence of self-care so well. It's a great idea to involve kids in some acts of self-care, especially as it teaches them the importance of the practice too. Creating everyday "me" moments is a fantastic strategy, a mindful approach to add moments of calm and grounding in our daily routines.

The date nights and alone time are crucial too, and it's great that you take turns with babysitters - it's a good reminder that alone time or couple time doesn't have to be elaborate; even a few hours can make a difference.

It's an ever-evolving journey, this motherhood, and finding ways to nurture ourselves is so important. Love the positivity and the mindful awareness you bring to your self-care!
These are wonderful insights! You've articulated the essence of self-care so well. It's a great idea to involve kids in some acts of self-care, especially as it teaches them the importance of the practice too. Creating everyday "me" moments is a fantastic strategy, a mindful approach to add moments of calm and grounding in our daily routines.

The date nights and alone time are crucial too, and it's great that you take turns with babysitters - it's a good reminder that alone time or couple time doesn't have to be elaborate; even a few hours can make a difference.

It's an ever-evolving journey, this motherhood, and finding ways to nurture ourselves is so important. Love the positivity and the mindful awareness you bring to your self-care!
It’s heartening to hear that you appreciate the efforts made by mothers to incorporate self-care into their lives. Your validation of the importance of involving kids in self-care activities and creating simple everyday moments of calm brings joy to us mums who strive for that work-life-family balance.

Yes, date nights don’t have to be grand or fancy. Sometimes, just a stroll at the park or a quiet evening in, can be relaxing enough. Being mindful of our own needs as mothers is an essential aspect of motherhood that we should not neglect.

Do you also have some quick go-to me-moments that help you stay grounded and serene amidst the daily demands of being a mum?
It’s heartening to hear that you appreciate the efforts made by mothers to incorporate self-care into their lives. Your validation of the importance of involving kids in self-care activities and creating simple everyday moments of calm brings joy to us mums who strive for that work-life-family balance.

Yes, date nights don’t have to be grand or fancy. Sometimes, just a stroll at the park or a quiet evening in, can be relaxing enough. Being mindful of our own needs as mothers is an essential aspect of motherhood that we should not neglect.

Do you also have some quick go-to me-moments that help you stay grounded and serene amidst the daily demands of being a mum?
My son enjoys arts and crafts, so when he's occupied with his coloring or Play-Doh sets, I seize the opportunity to practice some mindfulness. Deep breathing and brief meditation help me stay focused and present, especially during chaotic moments.

I also have a special 'calming jar' that my best friend made for me, filled with glitter and sparkles. When I feel frazzled, I shake it and watch the glitters slowly fall, instantaneously soothing my frayed nerves. It's a simple yet effective visual reminder to stay grounded.

Date nights or evenings aren't frequent, but when my mom visits and offers to babysit, I seize the chance for a quiet dinner out or a movie night. Recharging at a nearby cafe alone, reading a good book, or enjoying a scenic stroll also helps me refocus amidst the demands of motherhood.

What about you? Do you have any simple rituals or activities that help you find moments of Zen amidst the mommy chaos?
It’s heartening to hear that you appreciate the efforts made by mothers to incorporate self-care into their lives. Your validation of the importance of involving kids in self-care activities and creating simple everyday moments of calm brings joy to us mums who strive for that work-life-family balance.

Yes, date nights don’t have to be grand or fancy. Sometimes, just a stroll at the park or a quiet evening in, can be relaxing enough. Being mindful of our own needs as mothers is an essential aspect of motherhood that we should not neglect.

Do you also have some quick go-to me-moments that help you stay grounded and serene amidst the daily demands of being a mum?
There's truth in what you say about finding enjoyment in the simple pleasures - a walk in nature, an evening at the park with the kids, or a rare quiet bath when the kids are asleep can be luxurious moments for me.

I also love doing short 10-minute meditation sessions that I can close my eyes and just breathe amidst the chaos of motherhood. It helps to reset and recenter me, especially on those extra challenging days.

I've also started incorporating a 'me' hour every Sunday evening - it's become a ritual of sorts where I light some essential oils, play some calm music, and just zone out with a journal. Sometimes, it's easier said than done with the kids around, but they're used to seeing me do this now, and it has become our little unwind session before the week begins. It's amazing how such a simple practice helps me stay sane and grounded!

What about you? Do you have any quick, go-to rituals that help see you through the demands of motherhood?
My son enjoys arts and crafts, so when he's occupied with his coloring or Play-Doh sets, I seize the opportunity to practice some mindfulness. Deep breathing and brief meditation help me stay focused and present, especially during chaotic moments.

I also have a special 'calming jar' that my best friend made for me, filled with glitter and sparkles. When I feel frazzled, I shake it and watch the glitters slowly fall, instantaneously soothing my frayed nerves. It's a simple yet effective visual reminder to stay grounded.

Date nights or evenings aren't frequent, but when my mom visits and offers to babysit, I seize the chance for a quiet dinner out or a movie night. Recharging at a nearby cafe alone, reading a good book, or enjoying a scenic stroll also helps me refocus amidst the demands of motherhood.

What about you? Do you have any simple rituals or activities that help you find moments of Zen amidst the mommy chaos?
I like the idea of a calming jar - very sparkly and soothing! I usually take a few minutes to observe deep breaths when my kids are playing independently. I also enjoy taking short strolls to run errands; it's amazing how the simple act of getting out of the house and walking can feel like a reset button, especially when you pair it with mindful observation of your surroundings.
There's truth in what you say about finding enjoyment in the simple pleasures - a walk in nature, an evening at the park with the kids, or a rare quiet bath when the kids are asleep can be luxurious moments for me.

I also love doing short 10-minute meditation sessions that I can close my eyes and just breathe amidst the chaos of motherhood. It helps to reset and recenter me, especially on those extra challenging days.

I've also started incorporating a 'me' hour every Sunday evening - it's become a ritual of sorts where I light some essential oils, play some calm music, and just zone out with a journal. Sometimes, it's easier said than done with the kids around, but they're used to seeing me do this now, and it has become our little unwind session before the week begins. It's amazing how such a simple practice helps me stay sane and grounded!

What about you? Do you have any quick, go-to rituals that help see you through the demands of motherhood?
I've got a couple of go-to's that help me stay sane!

Nature is my ultimate sanctuary. I love taking short escapes into the nearby forest reserve with my kids and letting them explore the trails and sounds of nature - it's calming for me, and they love the adventure. We make it a sensory experience by touching the trees, listening to the birds, and imagining the stories behind the rustling leaves. It's a great way to unwind, especially on weekends.

When I need some solo time, I find joy in doing simple craft projects. Knitting, painting, or just cutting and gluing with art supplies can be very therapeutic for me. It keeps my hands busy but also lets my mind wander into a creative space, which helps with resetting. My kids are also into arts, so it's fun to see their creations too.

And when all else fails, a hot shower and a favorite podcast episode is my rescue routine! It's amazing how a quick 10-minute blast can refresh me, especially on those mornings when the kids have been extra active (and loud).
Those are some wonderful ways to stay grounded and keep your sanity as a mom!

I agree that nature trips are so calming, especially when the kids can turn it into an adventure. It's a great way to get them tired too haha! I also love the idea of having creative crafts as a solo go-to; it's very satisfying and relaxing to let your mind wander creatively while keeping your hands busy.

A quick podcast and a hot shower is a fantastic tip - sometimes we just need those little moments to reset, especially on those hectic mornings!
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Absolutely! Nature trips and solo creative time are hugely beneficial, and it's so great to hear you involve your kids in the former - tiring them out while exposing them to the wonders of nature is a wonderful way to spend quality time together.

The podcast and hot shower combo really is a quick, effective reset, especially when you're short on time. I find that having a few go-to self-care strategies up your sleeve for those hectic moments is a real sanity saver! There's no need to let yourself be depleted when you have simple, enjoyable solutions at hand.
That's awesome advice! I feel like sometimes we forget how therapeutic spending time in nature is and how much our kids will benefit from being exposed to it too - win-win if it tires them out!

Having those go-to self-care strategies is so important because, as mums, we often don't have the luxury of hours to dedicate to self-care. Quick, effective, and enjoyable resets are an amazing way to maintain our sanity and ensure we're present and patient with our little ones.

I'm going to keep this in my back pocket for when the chaos of motherhood threatens my sanity!
Totally agree - quick, effective strategies are a must for us mums! We can't always block out big chunks of time for self-care, but we can fit in these little sanity savers that make a huge difference. Spending time outdoors is one of my favourite ways to recharge when I'm feeling frazzled. It's amazing how something as simple as going for a walk in the park or sitting in the backyard can help me feel rejuvenated and reset, plus it's so beneficial for the little ones too!
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Totally agree - quick, effective strategies are a must for us mums! We can't always block out big chunks of time for self-care, but we can fit in these little sanity savers that make a huge difference. Spending time outdoors is one of my favourite ways to recharge when I'm feeling frazzled. It's amazing how something as simple as going for a walk in the park or sitting in the backyard can help me feel rejuvenated and reset, plus it's so beneficial for the little ones too!
Being a mother certainly keeps us on our toes, leaving little time for ourselves. Quick-fixes like immersing in nature really are sanity savers and greatly help with reset and rejuvenation.
Totally agree! Taking a dip into the outdoors and exploring nature is such an easy yet effective way to check in with yourself and recenter. It's so important as mothers to prioritize these moments, because we can't pour from an empty cup - and taking care of our mental health is crucial in being present for our little ones too.
What are some other quick self-care activities that you ladies practice? I'd love to hear!
Taking a walk or hike, and really immersing myself in the beauty of nature is my go-to. Something about the quiet and serenity of the outdoors helps me gain perspective and feels like a fresh start. I also love doing yoga - it's relaxing and a chance to zone out for a few minutes.

On the days when I have a bit more time, I might light some incense, put on some calming music and do some journaling. Writing down my thoughts seems to help me process them a little easier and gives me some clarity. Self-care is so personal but those are some of my favourites. What about you?
That's wonderful! I especially love the idea of immersing myself in nature for some quiet reflection and getting a fresh perspective. And yoga is definitely one of my go-tos as well - it's amazing how much more relaxed I feel after even just a few minutes of stretching and focusing on my breath.

I've also started painting recently - not because I'm any good at it, but it's become a fun outlet where I can just let loose and be creative without any expectations.

It's great to see so many mothers here prioritizing their well-being. We're all worth it!
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That's wonderful! I especially love the idea of immersing myself in nature for some quiet reflection and getting a fresh perspective. And yoga is definitely one of my go-tos as well - it's amazing how much more relaxed I feel after even just a few minutes of stretching and focusing on my breath.

I've also started painting recently - not because I'm any good at it, but it's become a fun outlet where I can just let loose and be creative without any expectations.

It's great to see so many mothers here prioritizing their well-being. We're all worth it!
Same here! I find peace and clarity in doing yoga and immersing myself in nature too. It's encouraging to hear that you've started painting as a form of relaxation and creativity; it's a lovely idea to just let loose and enjoy the process without any pressure.
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It's truly calming to discover activities that help us disconnect from daily responsibilities, like yoga and spending time in nature - especially when we're mothers because self-care often becomes a low priority. I've always loved the relaxing and meditative aspect of doing something creative, and painting is such a wonderful form of expression too. It's inspiring to see how many mothers here prioritize their mental wellness amidst the demands of parenting.
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I agree! Taking time out to disconnect and engage in activities that foster creativity is such a wonderful form of relaxation, especially for mothers who are often stretched thin. It's so important to prioritize our mental well-being and remember that taking care of ourselves isn't selfish - it actually enables us to show up as the best versions of ourselves for our children and families.

It's heartening to see others here recognizing the significance of this too and finding their own ways to unwind amidst the demands of motherhood. We can't pour from an empty cup, so taking these moments for ourselves is essential!
Absolutely! It's a great reminder that self-care isn't selfish; it's necessary for our overall well-being and ability to show up as effective parents and role models for our children. We need to give ourselves permission to prioritize our mental health and remember that taking time to relax and recharge allows us to return to our responsibilities with renewed energy and focus. It's inspiring to see others embracing these practices and sharing their experiences, too.

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