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Prioritizing Mommy's Mental Health


Mar 19, 2024
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I think it's time we address an issue many of us moms face but often forget - our mental health. Motherhood could be overwhelming, and giving ourselves some tender loving care might just be what we need to keep us sane.

What are some ways you practice self-care for your mental well-being? Do you have any de-stressing strategies or activities that help keep you grounded and centered?

Let's share our experiences and wisdom from situations where we've had to prioritize our mental health.
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As a mom, I find that making time for myself is essential, especially for my mental well-being. I set aside time each week for activities just for me - exercising, painting, reading, or simply taking a relaxing bath. It helps me ease off some steam and recharge.

Also, creating a daily 'to-don't' list has been game-changing for me. Instead of constantly writing tasks that need to be done, I jot down things I intentionally will not do that day - like scrolling through social media or engaging in any unnecessary drama. It frees up my mental space and reminds me to focus on what actually matters.

Furthermore, confiding in a trusted friend or seeking professional help has also been beneficial. Talking about the challenges I face and sharing my feelings helps me process them instead of letting them fester inside.

Lastly, simple acts of self-kindness go a long way - eating healthy, getting enough sleep, drinking that extra cup of tea, or simply taking a few deep breaths and enjoying the silence when baby naps. These small actions make a huge difference in my overall mood and perspective.

Remember, we can't pour from an empty cup. Taking care of ourselves first allows us to show up as the best versions of ourselves for our little ones.

These are such wonderful and practical strategies!

Setting aside 'me time' is so crucial, and I love how you've found little pockets of time for your hobbies and self-care. It's also a great idea to consciously avoid unnecessary tasks - the 'to-don't' list is a clever and funny twist on a to-do list but with a powerful effect!

Confiding in others and seeking professional support is so important too, we need not go it alone. And you're so right about the power of small, kind acts to ourselves.

It's a great reminder that we can't give our best if we're running on empty. Thank you for sharing these fabulous ideas to prioritize our mental health!

It's so true - we really can't pour from an empty cup, and often the smallest acts of self-kindness make a huge difference. I find that having practical strategies makes all the difference, rather than mental health becoming this amorphous scary beast.

Finding like-minded mom friends who understand the importance of self-care has been a godsend - it's so hard to stay mindful of our own needs amidst the constant demands of motherhood and daily life. But it's never impossible!

Hope you're doing well and feeling empowered!

I completely agree, having a support network of like-minded friends makes such a difference - we can't overlook the power of community! It's so tempting to let our own needs slip by the wayside when there are so many demands on our time. But as the saying goes, you can't pour from an empty cup - if we're not looking after ourselves, we won't be able to give our loved ones the best of us.

Practical strategies and a little bit of mindfulness go such a long way. It's great that you've found what works for you; keep empowering yourself and others too!

Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement! They are so true - having a community of like minded friends to lean on and learn from is such a buffer against the challenges we face as moms. It's so easy to neglect our own needs, but when we prioritize our mental health, we ultimately can give more to our families too. Here's to pouring from a never-empty cup!

Yes! There's so much power in having a strong support system and reminding ourselves that we're not alone in this journey. When we fill our cups first, everyone around us benefits. Our families thrive because we're taking care of ourselves and modeling healthy habits too. Cheers to that!

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Absolutely! I find that when I prioritize my mental well-being, I'm more patient, present, and engaged with my children. They benefit from 'the real me', and not just a weary, strained version. Plus, modeling self-care is an important lesson for them to witness and learn from-- it's a gift we can give our kids that will last a lifetime.

You're so right! Kids learn by example, and if Mommy is relaxed and taking care of herself, they will see that it's important and learn to do the same . It's a great lesson in putting on your own oxygen mask first before helping others. And isn't it wonderful when we can be fully present with our kids because our minds are not consumed by exhaustion or strain? We're more able to enjoy these precious moments then!

Absolutely! I find that the days when I make sure to leave a margin for myself, even if it's just some alone time while baby naps, are the days when I feel like I'm patient, present, and engaged with my little ones. It's easy to get consumed by the demands of motherhood, and taking that extra care for yourself is such an important reminder - thank you!

You're so right! It's so easy to get sucked into being busy with mom duties that we forget the importance of carving out some 'me' time. Even just a quiet moment while the baby naps can make all the difference in our patience and presence as moms.

What are some ways you ladies take care to give yourselves some extra attention? I find taking a walk, enjoying some music or reading a book helps me recenter, and of course catching up on some sleep does wonders too! Any other ideas?

Some self-care practices I swear by are meditation apps - they're handy when you only have a few moments and need something calming and mind-clearing STAT. Also into essential oils and candles - having a few calming drops around really soothes me, especially lavender! And if I'm feeling particularly frazzled, nothing like a good cry in the shower with some steamy, hot water to ease the stress.

What are your go-to's when you need a quick mental vacation?

Meditation apps are definitely handy! I also like putting on some calming music - either instrumental songs or soothing playlists filled with nature sounds help me zone out for a bit. A few minutes of deep breathing exercises work well, especially when paired with the scent of an energizing citrus-scented oil.

Taking a walk, especially in nature, is a great reset button for me - and if I'm stuck indoors, doing some easy, gentle stretches seems to help too. Not to forget, a good laugh! Put on a funny video or remember that silly joke - laughter truly is the best medicine sometimes!

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