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Prioritizing Mommy Mindfulness


Mar 11, 2024
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queenie,sunnydays,sunflower,bubblyfish,bananarama,lioness,melissa.koh shared different ways to practice mindfulness amidst busy motherhood including:

1. Making time for 'me-time': It's essential self-care that helps moms recharge and feel human again. This could be spent doing something you enjoy alone like shopping, catching up on a favorite show, working out or enjoying a manicure session.
2. Taking a few minutes each day to appreciate the little things: Stopping to smell the roses or taking in the joy of watching your kids play can help boost your mood and make you feel gratitude.
3. Making time for short meditation sessions: This helps one reconnect with oneself, reset and recenter amidst the chaos of motherhood. Even taking a few deep breaths when feeling overwhelmed makes a difference.
4. Stretching or doing light yoga: Starting your day with some light stretching or yoga can help put you in a good mood and wake up your body.
5. Taking time to enjoy simple things like a cup of tea or watching the sunset: It's important to find joy and appreciation in the small things that bring us happiness amidst our busy lives.

This thread is dedicated to prioritizing mindfulness as a mommy - whatever that looks like for each of us!

Being a mother is an all-encompassing role, often requiring us to wear many hats and juggle various responsibilities. It's easy to get swept away by the demands and distractions of everyday life.

Let's share our experiences and ideas for cultivating mindfulness amidst the chaos. Whether it's through meditation, self-care rituals, time management strategies, or simply pausing to appreciate the little joys - this is the place to explore ways to bring more awareness and intention into our lives.

What mindful practices do you employ to nurture yourself? How do you make sure you're not losing sight of your own needs amidst the demands of motherhood? Join the conversation and let's support each other in prioritizing our mental well-being!
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Ah, yes! Being a mommy can be crazy-busy right? We're pulled in all directions, and sometimes it's hard to find time for ourselves.

I've found that carving out "me-time" is crucial - even if it's just 15 mins for a quick yoga session or to enjoy some quiet tea. Also helping my kids set up simple home spa sessions at home gives the whole family some chill time. We dim the lights, light some aromatherapy candles, play some soft music and just relax together.

It's also helpful to have "mindful moments" stickies around the house - little reminders to pause and appreciate the now. Sometimes I write down a quick gratitude entry on them too, so I don't forget to acknowledge the good things in the blur of daily life.

What're some of your go-to ways to stay mindful amidst the mom-chaos? Any simple hacks to keep us grounded are welcome!

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I'm usually mindful of the little things that bring me joy - like catching the sunrise on my way to work or spotting a well-deserved rainbow after a stormy evening. These small moments help me appreciate life's beauty and keep me grounded.

When it comes to nurturing myself, I make sure to set aside "me" time for reading or painting, which helps me disconnect from the chaos and recharge. Also, going on short walks - grabbing a quick bite with a friend can help reset my perspective when I feel overwhelmed.

We all have different ways of finding mindfulness, so sharing our experiences can offer new insights and reminders to embrace these mindful moments!

Some days I feel like a superwoman, you know? Juggling work, the kids, their extra-curricular activities, keeping the house semi-decent, and trying to spend quality time with the husband. But there are times when I'm so frazzled that I just want to climb into bed and hide!

I've realized that taking a few minutes each day for mindfulness helps me stay afloat. Nothing too elaborate - sometimes it's just deep breathing exercises while running a warm bath or sitting quiet for ten minutes with some herbal tea. On really crazy days, I steal a few moments in the bathroom when everyone's asleep to just close my eyes and clear my head.

We shouldn't underestimate the power of these little acts of mindfulness! They help me feel more centered and able to show up with patience and presence for my kids.

I've got two kids myself - and man, being a mother really is all the things she says!

One thing that helps me stay grounded is setting aside some "me time." I know it sounds cliche, but hear me out. Every Sunday, I take an hour or two to do something just for myself. I put on some good music and indulge in some painting - which helps me zone out from all the mom duties for a bit. Giving myself this little pocket of mindfulness helps me feel like I'm not losing myself in all the mom stuff, and it actually makes me more present and patient with the kids afterward.

It's also kinda therapeutic - it's my time to let go of any frustrations from the week, vent on the canvas, and then start fresh. Might be worth a shot for some of ya'll too!

I'm usually a very forgetful person, so I always make sure to jot things down on my planner. If it's not written down, it will definitely slip my mind! It's also helped me remember the little things that bring me joy, like a cute cafe I want to visit or a book I wish to read. I take time to write down my thoughts and ideas - it helps me make sense of them and prioritize what's really important.

I also love taking short breaks to just breathe and do some simple stretching when I'm feeling frazzled. It helps me regain focus, especially when I'm feeling pulled in different directions by the kids' demands.

What about you? Any special way you like to stay mindful?

As a mommy, I find time for myself by keeping my kid occupied! Not easy, but I manage with engaging activities tailored to his interests. This gives me time to chill and recharge, which helps me keep sane amidst the demands of parenthood.

I also indulge in some retail therapy or catch up with friends while the little one's napping. A distracted mind is a dangerous thing haha! Gotta keep myself occupied too. Mindfulness comes in many forms - sometimes, it's as simple as enjoying quiet time alone or taking that well-deserved break.

I'm a big fan of taking time out to appreciate the little things - like stopping to smell the flowers . In our busy mom lives, it's so easy to rush through the day, focused on crossing chores off our never-ending to-do lists.

Taking a few deep breaths and actively appreciating the simple joys around us can be such a mood booster. For me, it might be slowing down to really watch my kiddo as she plays, taking in her sheer joy at building that tower or hearing her giggle as we play a silly game together. These moments are so precious and noticing them really nurtures my soul.

Also, taking time for myself is crucial - whether it's a quick yoga session, catching up on my favorite show, or grabbing coffee with a friend. As mums, we often put everyone else's needs first, so making sure to carve out some "me time" keeps me grounded and sanity intact!

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Yeah, "me time" is a great idea. It's not selfish - more like essential maintenance, especially when you have a couple of kids needing lots of attention. I'm lucky because hubby takes the kids out on Sundays so I can sleep in and then head out for my manicure and pedicure session - which is my "me time". That hour or two to myself helps me decompress and feel human again after a crazy week, ha!

Painting sounds like a cool way to unwind too.

As a forgetful person, jotting things down is a big help! I also make it a point to write down the little things that bring joy - like a nice restaurant I've been meaning to try or a movie that sounds interesting. Besides that, I find just taking a minute to be still and observe my breath helps me a lot when I'm feeling frazzled and overwhelmed. You know, just take some time to 'smell the roses' amidst the madness of mom-life!
It's so important to recharge like this, especially since us moms tend to pour our energy into everyone else!

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As a mommy, I find time to jaga myself by making sure I have some alone time daily. I'll sneak in a quick workout or yoga session - stretching helps me clear my head and feel energized. Also, I try to eat lunch away from the kids once in a while. Not having to share my food or chat kid-things gives me a short mental break!

I also love taking slow, mindful showers - sounds silly but staying aware of the hot water on my skin is grounding and helps me unwind after a crazy morning. If the kids are being extra demanding, I'll even hop in the bathroom for five minutes of quiet and splash some cold water on my face. It's amazing how refreshing that can be!

And I agree - finding joy in the small things makes a huge difference. I love watching the sunset from our balcony while sipping a hot tea - simple but it makes me appreciate the life we have.

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I'm usually just mindful of carving out some 'me time' in the midst of the hectic mom life. Sometimes, I manage to steal a few minutes for a quick meditation session - it helps me reconnect with myself and reset. Also, taking a moment to appreciate the little things, like a quiet cup of tea while the kids are napping, can be a nice mindful practice too.

I find that short moments like these help me stay grounded and keep my sanity amidst the chaos!

I'm usually just mindful of carving out some 'me time' in the midst of the hectic mom life. Sometimes, I manage to steal a few minutes for a quick meditation session - it helps me reconnect with myself and reset. Also, taking a moment to appreciate the little things, like a quiet cup of tea while the kids are napping, can be a nice mindful practice too.

I find that short moments like these help me stay grounded and keep my sanity amidst the chaos!
I try to do some light stretching when I can - usually in the mornings when the kids are still asleep. It's a quick 15-minute sesh but it helps me feel like I've started the day right, and sets a good mood for me. Also a great way to wake up the body!

'Me time' is SO important - we won't be able to give our best if our cups are empty, so to speak!

I try to do some light stretching when I can - usually in the mornings when the kids are still asleep. It's a quick 15-minute sesh but it helps me feel like I've started the day right, and sets a good mood for me. Also a great way to wake up the body!

'Me time' is SO important - we won't be able to give our best if our cups are empty, so to speak!
That's a lovely and healthy way to start the day. I'm a big fan of stretching, it's amazing how something so simple can make such a huge difference in putting us in the right frame of mind, bodily and mentally.

And you're right, especially for us moms, who often run around like headless chickens, 'me time' is essential! We can't pour from an empty cup, as they say.
Some days I feel like the quintessential ‘cool’ mum who’s got it all figured out - the house is calm and serene, the kids are content, and there’s a general sense of harmonious bliss. But most days, it's a crazy juggling act keeping everyone happy and sane!

My go-to mindfulness trick is to take a few deep breaths when I feel overwhelmed. It helps me centre myself amidst the madness. Also, I try not to sweat the small stuff - some days are just gonna be more chaotic than others, and that’s fine! I remind myself that it's okay to take a time out, and that everyone deserves a little break.

I make sure I get some 'me time' by locking myself in the bathroom for some alone time . It helps me unwind and recharge, so I can emerge feeling like a new person!

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