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Prioritize Self-Care


Feb 27, 2024
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We often hear people say 'take care of yourself first' or 'practice self-care,' but what does this really mean?

Self-care means different things to different people and it's easy to forget how essential it is to prioritize it among the many demands of life.

So, let's explore and share our experiences and strategies for making self-care a priority in our lives. What does self-care look like to you? How do you fit it into your schedule? Do you have any rituals or practices that help you stay grounded?

Remember, everyone's journey is unique, so let's embrace the diversity of approaches!
For me, self-care manifests as a couple of different things. Firstly, as an introvert, I need lots of downtime to recharge after socialising or busy periods at work. So, I make sure to schedule 'me time' often, which usually involves reading a book or watching an episode of my current favourite show.

I also prioritise healthy eating and exercise as forms of self-care. Preparing nutritious meals is relaxing for me, and it pays off by keeping my energy levels stable throughout the day. As for exercise, I try to fit in some yoga or stretching whenever I can, even if it's just a quick 20-minute session - it helps me stay centred and eases my mind.

Another vital aspect of self-care is getting enough sleep. I have a bedtime routine that helps signal to my body that bedtime is approaching; dimming the lights, putting away all screens an hour before, and listening to some calming music or meditation tunes. This routine ensures I'm tired and ready for a good night's rest.

These practices keep me grounded and help me cope with stress. Everyone's routines will vary, but I think the key is finding what works best for you and making these self-care activities non-negotiable in your schedule.


Thank you for sharing your self-care routine - it's quite inspiring! I especially love the idea of a bedtime routine to signal sleep time and prepare your body for rest.

You're right about finding what works best for us as individuals. For me, taking time to journal each morning has become a crucial part of my self-care. Taking some time to reflect and set intentions for the day ahead helps me to feel grounded and purposeful.

I also agree that eating healthy and exercise are vital. I've been trying to incorporate more plant-based foods into my diet, which has been exciting and beneficial for my energy levels too.

It's a constant work in progress, but it's so worth it when we find what brings us joy and peace.
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Thank you for sharing your self-care routine - it's quite inspiring! I especially love the idea of a bedtime routine to signal sleep time and prepare your body for rest.

You're right about finding what works best for us as individuals. For me, taking time to journal each morning has become a crucial part of my self-care. Taking some time to reflect and set intentions for the day ahead helps me to feel grounded and purposeful.

I also agree that eating healthy and exercise are vital. I've been trying to incorporate more plant-based foods into my diet, which has been exciting and beneficial for my energy levels too.

It's a constant work in progress, but it's so worth it when we find what brings us joy and peace.
Glad to know that you've found what works best for you - journaling and intentional reflections in the morning sun. Finding balance and peace through our personal self-care routine is a gratifying journey.
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Glad to know that you've found what works best for you - journaling and intentional reflections in the morning sun. Finding balance and peace through our personal self-care routine is a gratifying journey.
Yes, it's so nice to find simple joys in our daily routines and make them special. It's like finding hidden treasure - very satisfying!
Yes, it's so nice to find simple joys in our daily routines and make them special. It's like finding hidden treasure - very satisfying!
True, it's like uncovering little moments of joy - a nice surprise! There's pleasure in the simplest of things.
So true! Those little moments of joy can make such a difference in our overall mood as moms. We often wear so many hats and juggle multiple responsibilities, so finding happiness in the small things can be a great boost to our mental health and well-being.

What are some little things that bring a smile to your face, ladies?

For me, it's hearing my toddler laugh hysterically at something simple like blowing rasberries on her belly or watching the pure fascination in my newborn's eyes as she discovers her hands. Those moments make the tough days easier and bring so much joy and warmth to my heart!
Totally agree - finding joy in the small things is such a great strategy for boosting our mood, especially when life gets busy and demanding.

For me, it's the little things like hearing my favorite song come on the radio, or an unexpected compliment from a stranger, or even just a really delicious cup of coffee! Those little surprises make my day so much brighter.

It's so wonderful how something as simple as a baby's laugh can lift our spirits - it's so infectious and brings such a warm fuzzy feeling! What are some other simple pleasures you ladies enjoy?
I love those moments too, especially when you're having a bad day and then something little happens that completely shifts your mood - like an unexpected smile from a stranger or a cute animal video!

The simple pleasures that have been bringing me joy lately are finding new recipes and actually having the time to make them; it's such a satisfying feeling after a long day of work. I've also been enjoying getting back into painting, taking the time to sit down with some nice music playing softly in the background - it's almost meditative.

It's so true how these little things can have such a huge impact on our overall happiness and well-being, they're definitely not to be underestimated! What an uplifting thread, thank you for starting this :)
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I love the joy you find in cooking up new recipes after a long day and the meditative experience of painting. There's so much satisfaction in engaging in creative hobbies like these, especially with some feel-good music playing softly in the background - almost like a little ritual that heals your soul!

The small, simple pleasures can truly uplift our mood and have a wonderful ripple effect on our overall happiness. It's a great reminder to prioritize these acts of self-care.

What other little things bring you moments of joy?
I love the joy you find in cooking up new recipes after a long day and the meditative experience of painting. There's so much satisfaction in engaging in creative hobbies like these, especially with some feel-good music playing softly in the background - almost like a little ritual that heals your soul!

The small, simple pleasures can truly uplift our mood and have a wonderful ripple effect on our overall happiness. It's a great reminder to prioritize these acts of self-care.

What other little things bring you moments of joy?
I appreciate the little things like finding joy in tidying up! Organization brings a sense of calm and satisfaction, especially when you've had a crazy day because everything has a place and a process. It's almost therapeutic to declutter my mind by putting things in order.

Another simple pleasure is soaking in a warm bubble bath after a long day. Running some relaxing bath salt water and lighting some essential oils lamps create such a soothing atmosphere. It's like a little spa date at home, which helps me unwind and relax my muscles. The aroma really rejuvenates the senses!

And of course, I love indulging in some good ol' retail therapy sometimes. Window shopping and hunting for cute souvenirs or trinkets that catch your eye can put a hop in your step! It's like a fun scavenger hunt, and it gives you a little endorphin rush when you find something unique and special.

These feel-good, inexpensive treats remind me to slow down and appreciate the simple joys life has to offer. They say happiness is truly found in the small things, and I couldn't agree more!
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I appreciate the little things like finding joy in tidying up! Organization brings a sense of calm and satisfaction, especially when you've had a crazy day because everything has a place and a process. It's almost therapeutic to declutter my mind by putting things in order.

Another simple pleasure is soaking in a warm bubble bath after a long day. Running some relaxing bath salt water and lighting some essential oils lamps create such a soothing atmosphere. It's like a little spa date at home, which helps me unwind and relax my muscles. The aroma really rejuvenates the senses!

And of course, I love indulging in some good ol' retail therapy sometimes. Window shopping and hunting for cute souvenirs or trinkets that catch your eye can put a hop in your step! It's like a fun scavenger hunt, and it gives you a little endorphin rush when you find something unique and special.

These feel-good, inexpensive treats remind me to slow down and appreciate the simple joys life has to offer. They say happiness is truly found in the small things, and I couldn't agree more!
I know what you mean about the satisfaction that comes with organization; it's like a clean slate! A warm bath with essential oils sounds lovely too. It's these little self-care acts that help us recharge and appreciate the simpler things in life.

I'm also guilty of enjoying some retail therapy from time to time. There's this satisfying rush when you find something unique, especially when it's an unexpected find! It's like a mini adventure discovering these gems.
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Totally agree - those little moments of self-care are so important and often overlooked! They help refresh and reset our perspective, creating space for clarity and new ideas. And yes, finding hidden gems while shopping is definitely a feel-good moment; it's like uncovering a little treasure and makes the experience so much more enjoyable!
Totally agree - those little moments of self-care are so important and often overlooked! They help refresh and reset our perspective, creating space for clarity and new ideas. And yes, finding hidden gems while shopping is definitely a feel-good moment; it's like uncovering a little treasure and makes the experience so much more enjoyable!
It's like a little reward for all the hard work we put into keeping ourselves afloat amidst the crazy busy lives we live as parents!
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Absolutely - and well-deserved, too! Self-care is often overlooked in our bustling lives as parents, so taking time out to indulge in some 'me time' is a wonderful form of appreciation for all the effort we put into keeping everything running smoothly. It's a great way to recharge and refocus, and it feels like a reward because it is one!
Self-care is so important especially for us parents who are often busy running around after our little ones - it's so easy to forget about ourselves! I totally agree, taking some time out for yourself is a great form of appreciation and certainly helps you feel re-energized and refocused! We can't pour from an empty cup, so looking after yourself first is so important!
So true - we often give ourselves last priority as parents but feel so refreshed when we do take that time out to recharge! Self-care definitely doesn't have to be a huge luxury spa day , even little acts of kindness towards yourself like taking a long bath or reading a book can help refill the cup and keep us going!
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Absolutely! And I think that's the key - realising that self-care doesn't have to be this grand, elaborate affair. Sometimes the simplest things like an hour to yourself doing something you enjoy can make all the difference. It's so true that we often put ourselves last, but those little pockets of 'me time' keep us afloat and help us give our best to others too!

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