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Pregnancy tales


Feb 15, 2024
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Pregnancy brings a myriad of physical changes and emotional challenges, many of which can be unpredictable and often amusing. From bizarre cravings to heightened senses, several mums share some of their funniest pregnancy stories:

- bananarama experienced a strange craving for sour plum candy, an unusual treat that helped soothe her nausea during the first trimester.
- happyfeet had an intense craving for cold milk, leading to many late-night refrigerator raids and brain freezes!
- sportytina was exhausted beyond belief in her first pregnancy, sleeping through three alarm clocks one Saturday morning and waking up at noon - a far cry from her usual early bird self. She also developed a heightened sense of smell, finding herself drawn to unusual scents like fresh cut grass and shoe polish.
- lioness suffered from constant nausea that was eased only by dry toast and plain biscuits. She also had an increased sensitivity to smell, forcing her hubby to switch deodorant fragrances!
- techsavvy had a tough first pregnancy with hypermesis gravidarum, requiring two hospital stays. She coped by sucking on ice cubes and eating frozen yogurt, finding solace in cold, frozen foods.
- nature was a cleaning enthusiast during her pregnancy, stocking up on bleach and cleaning sprays to maintain spotless toilets! She also had quirky cravings for salt-soaked cucumbers and uncooked pasta.

These funny tales highlight the unexpected adventures that come with pregnancy. From bizarre cravings to supercharged senses, these experiences certainly keep life interesting!

I'll go first!

With my first pregnancy, I had terrible morning sickness and was throwing up daily up until week 20. I think the worst part wasn't even the vomiting itself but the constant fear of when the next wave would hit - it felt like being permanently seasick. What made it better was having soda crackers everywhere - in the car, in every room of the house, and of course in the bedroom and bathroom! I'd go through packs of those mini sleeves daily and just keep them handy wherever I was. The cracker crumbs were everywhere but it became my mission to sniff them out and have some ready whenever the nausea hit!

With my second, I didn't have any sickness at all - thankfully! But that also made me super anxious because it felt so strange not having any symptoms (other than a perpetual hunger...).

What are everyone else's first tri tales? The more gory/funny/weird the better! Let's hear those stories!
I'll go first!

With my first pregnancy, I had terrible morning sickness and was throwing up daily up until week 20. I think the worst part wasn't even the vomiting itself but the constant fear of when the next wave would hit - it felt like being permanently seasick. What made it better was having soda crackers everywhere - in the car, in every room of the house, and of course in the bedroom and bathroom! I'd go through packs of those mini sleeves daily and just keep them handy wherever I was. The cracker crumbs were everywhere but it became my mission to sniff them out and have some ready whenever the nausea hit!

With my second, I didn't have any sickness at all - thankfully! But that also made me super anxious because it felt so strange not having any symptoms (other than a perpetual hunger...).

What are everyone else's first tri tales? The more gory/funny/weird the better! Let's hear those stories!
Eh I also had morning sickness quite bad, man! But I think it was worse because I already had a young kid running around and needing my attention. I remember sitting on the floor in the bathroom, holding my little one while vomiting into the toilet. Fun times, haha!

The constant nausea was so tiresome, I felt like I was forever on a rollercoaster. And the smell of food cooking would just about do me in every time - except for some reason, fried rice. That stuff was life itself during those first few months! My hubby had to bear the brunt of my crazy cravings - poor guy had to ferry me around to get my fix. I think he knew he'd get an earful if he didn't oblige. hahaha!

It's all worth it in the end, though - can't remember any of that misery now, only the squishy baby smell and those tiny toes!

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Eh I also had morning sickness quite bad, man! But I think it was worse because I already had a young kid running around and needing my attention. I remember sitting on the floor in the bathroom, holding my little one while vomiting into the toilet. Fun times, haha!

The constant nausea was so tiresome, I felt like I was forever on a rollercoaster. And the smell of food cooking would just about do me in every time - except for some reason, fried rice. That stuff was life itself during those first few months! My hubby had to bear the brunt of my crazy cravings - poor guy had to ferry me around to get my fix. I think he knew he'd get an earful if he didn't oblige. hahaha!

It's all worth it in the end, though - can't remember any of that misery now, only the squishy baby smell and those tiny toes!
Having a young one already needing your attention while dealing with morning sickness sounds tough! You poor thing! It's like being on full-time mama duty even before the new bubs arrives. Major props to you for handling two roles!

I can relate to the constant fear of vomiting - I remember dreading meals because I never knew if they'd end well... or end up in the toilet! And the smell sensitivity is real - I remember walking past a barbecue area in a park and being knocked off my feet by the smell. Had to quicken my pace so I could get away from it, it was so overpowering!

I've also been lucky so far - no morning sickness with this second pregnancy. But like you said, it's almost eerie not having those symptoms and I find myself checking for kicks extra often to reassure myself everything's okay in there!

It's amazing how our minds erase the hardship once that new baby arrives. Nature's way of helping us go through it all again, I guess!

Anyone else have any funny stories to share from their pregnant days?
Having a young one already needing your attention while dealing with morning sickness sounds tough! You poor thing! It's like being on full-time mama duty even before the new bubs arrives. Major props to you for handling two roles!

I can relate to the constant fear of vomiting - I remember dreading meals because I never knew if they'd end well... or end up in the toilet! And the smell sensitivity is real - I remember walking past a barbecue area in a park and being knocked off my feet by the smell. Had to quicken my pace so I could get away from it, it was so overpowering!

I've also been lucky so far - no morning sickness with this second pregnancy. But like you said, it's almost eerie not having those symptoms and I find myself checking for kicks extra often to reassure myself everything's okay in there!

It's amazing how our minds erase the hardship once that new baby arrives. Nature's way of helping us go through it all again, I guess!

Anyone else have any funny stories to share from their pregnant days?
The mind really is a wonderful thing - it helps us to block out the bad and focus on the good!

I had such bad heartburn with my second that I couldn't help but laugh at myself. It was like the baby was having a little fire feast in there, and Mama just had to endure! Of course, I didn't find it funny then, but now it's a good memory - that distinct sensation of an internal campfire!

Also, with my firstborn, I had this weird craving for raw vegetables - crunchy carrots and icy cold cucumbers especially. I would crunch away like a rabbit while watching TV, much to the bewilderment of my hubby!
The mind really is a wonderful thing - it helps us to block out the bad and focus on the good!

I had such bad heartburn with my second that I couldn't help but laugh at myself. It was like the baby was having a little fire feast in there, and Mama just had to endure! Of course, I didn't find it funny then, but now it's a good memory - that distinct sensation of an internal campfire!

Also, with my firstborn, I had this weird craving for raw vegetables - crunchy carrots and icy cold cucumbers especially. I would crunch away like a rabbit while watching TV, much to the bewilderment of my hubby!
I think our bodies crave what it needs and in strange and wonderful ways! I've heard of some real peculiar cravings, but those sound quite refreshing and healthy compared to some!

It's so true how our memories of pregnancy discomfort fade over time. It's almost like we're designed to forget the tough bits so we'll consider doing it all over again... nature is very sneaky!

On that note, I have a tale about my first pregnancy that now seems quite amusing. I had an insane craving for sticky date pudding - the kind with warm, gooey dates and a thick, caramel sauce. Mmm... thinking about it makes me hungry! Anyway, I had been craving it for weeks, and my hubby was sweet enough to indulge me by picking one up from a fancy bakery every Sunday.

One evening, after an especially grueling day of first-trimester fatigue, I decided I NEEDED that sticky date pudding. Like, now. It HAD to be tonight - despite it being a Wednesday! Ha! So off we went to the bakery, and I practically skipped with excitement on the way there. They were sold out. I was devastated. Big, fat tears rolled down my cheeks as I sobbed the whole way home - over a dang pudding! Looking back, it's quite hilarious how dramatic I was!

I did get my pudding the following Sunday, and it was every bit as delicious as I'd imagined. Worth the wait, and the laughter that story now brings, too!
I think our bodies crave what it needs and in strange and wonderful ways! I've heard of some real peculiar cravings, but those sound quite refreshing and healthy compared to some!

It's so true how our memories of pregnancy discomfort fade over time. It's almost like we're designed to forget the tough bits so we'll consider doing it all over again... nature is very sneaky!

On that note, I have a tale about my first pregnancy that now seems quite amusing. I had an insane craving for sticky date pudding - the kind with warm, gooey dates and a thick, caramel sauce. Mmm... thinking about it makes me hungry! Anyway, I had been craving it for weeks, and my hubby was sweet enough to indulge me by picking one up from a fancy bakery every Sunday.

One evening, after an especially grueling day of first-trimester fatigue, I decided I NEEDED that sticky date pudding. Like, now. It HAD to be tonight - despite it being a Wednesday! Ha! So off we went to the bakery, and I practically skipped with excitement on the way there. They were sold out. I was devastated. Big, fat tears rolled down my cheeks as I sobbed the whole way home - over a dang pudding! Looking back, it's quite hilarious how dramatic I was!

I did get my pudding the following Sunday, and it was every bit as delicious as I'd imagined. Worth the wait, and the laughter that story now brings, too!
That's quite the emotional rollercoaster over sticky date pudding! Nature sure knows how to keep us on our toes .

I had a rather tame but strange craving for icy cold milk with my first. Had to have it straight from the fridge, glug it down, and feel that wonderful brain freeze! Didn't matter the time of day, either! But milk? Really? Who craves milk?!
That's quite the emotional rollercoaster over sticky date pudding! Nature sure knows how to keep us on our toes .

I had a rather tame but strange craving for icy cold milk with my first. Had to have it straight from the fridge, glug it down, and feel that wonderful brain freeze! Didn't matter the time of day, either! But milk? Really? Who craves milk?!
Yeah, it's certainly a weird and wonderful ride!

Cold milk is quite an interesting craving! I can understand the appeal though; it's so refreshing, especially when you're feeling hot and uncomfortable during pregnancy. Your body may have been smartly craving the calcium and vitamin D, too!

I find it fascinating how specific cravings can be. For me, it was always sourプラム candy with my second pregnancy. I normally can't stand anything sour, but man, I couldn't get enough of those candies! I'd pop them in my mouth and pucker up whenever I felt nauseous. They were my little portable pregnant comfort.

Pregnancy is truly a wild ride, and the cravings definitely add a fun element to an otherwise daunting experience. Here's to embracing these strange moments and enjoying the journey!
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Yeah, it's certainly a weird and wonderful ride!

Cold milk is quite an interesting craving! I can understand the appeal though; it's so refreshing, especially when you're feeling hot and uncomfortable during pregnancy. Your body may have been smartly craving the calcium and vitamin D, too!

I find it fascinating how specific cravings can be. For me, it was always sourプラム candy with my second pregnancy. I normally can't stand anything sour, but man, I couldn't get enough of those candies! I'd pop them in my mouth and pucker up whenever I felt nauseous. They were my little portable pregnant comfort.

Pregnancy is truly a wild ride, and the cravings definitely add a fun element to an otherwise daunting experience. Here's to embracing these strange moments and enjoying the journey!
Pregnancy throws up some wild cravings! I had a thing for sour candy too, which is so unlike me. Normally, I'd run a mile from anything too sour, but man those sour gummies were my go-to snack for months.

Also, the fear of morning sickness coming back was real. The thought of having to deal with that constant nausea and the desperation to find a comfortable position was so overwhelming - thankfully, it passed eventually! But then, the anxiety about not having symptoms took its place... You just can't win as a pregnant person, can you?

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Pregnancy throws up some wild cravings! I had a thing for sour candy too, which is so unlike me. Normally, I'd run a mile from anything too sour, but man those sour gummies were my go-to snack for months.

Also, the fear of morning sickness coming back was real. The thought of having to deal with that constant nausea and the desperation to find a comfortable position was so overwhelming - thankfully, it passed eventually! But then, the anxiety about not having symptoms took its place... You just can't win as a pregnant person, can you?
I know what you mean! It's a tricky time, and the uncertainty can be so daunting. You're never quite sure what to expect, and the fears can really pile up, especially when experiencing new symptoms or cravings.

For me, anxiety peaked with my first pregnancy, as everything was just so new and scary. By the second time around, I was more relaxed, knowing what to expect, and had a better idea of what was normal and temporary. Of course, each pregnancy is different, but the confidence boosted by experience really helped me enjoy the ride a little more.

It's great that you can look back at your sour candy craving with some amusement! Cravings can be so bizarre, but they're fun memories to reflect on later.
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I know what you mean! It's a tricky time, and the uncertainty can be so daunting. You're never quite sure what to expect, and the fears can really pile up, especially when experiencing new symptoms or cravings.

For me, anxiety peaked with my first pregnancy, as everything was just so new and scary. By the second time around, I was more relaxed, knowing what to expect, and had a better idea of what was normal and temporary. Of course, each pregnancy is different, but the confidence boosted by experience really helped me enjoy the ride a little more.

It's great that you can look back at your sour candy craving with some amusement! Cravings can be so bizarre, but they're fun memories to reflect on later.
Yup, I agree that having some idea of what to expect really helps ease the anxiety. It's like a never-ending rollercoaster of emotions and physical changes! And it doesn't hurt to have some funny stories up your sleeve afterward too.

My second pregnancy was very different from the first as well. With the constant fear of something going wrong lifted, I could enjoy the experience more and appreciate all the little bubbles and kicks. But man, the sleepiness that comes with pregnancy is a whole other beast to conquer! How did you cope with the exhaustion?
Yup, I agree that having some idea of what to expect really helps ease the anxiety. It's like a never-ending rollercoaster of emotions and physical changes! And it doesn't hurt to have some funny stories up your sleeve afterward too.

My second pregnancy was very different from the first as well. With the constant fear of something going wrong lifted, I could enjoy the experience more and appreciate all the little bubbles and kicks. But man, the sleepiness that comes with pregnancy is a whole other beast to conquer! How did you cope with the exhaustion?
Oh yes, the tiredness is a major struggle! It's a battle you don't really win, but you develop strategies to cope better, haha!

Napping whenever possible was a lifesaver for me. Since I worked from home, I'd often sneak in a 20-minute shuteye in between tasks. Some days were better than others, and on especially bad ones, I'd allow myself an early bedtime, even if it was just 8 pm.

Keeping hydrated and having healthy snacks throughout the day also helped a little. And on really exhausting days, I'd let myself indulge in a short caffeine fix - a weak coffee or soda usually did the trick to get me through the worst of the fatigue.

What about you? How did you tackle the exhaustion?
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My first pregnancy was pretty uneventful - except for the fatigue which hit me like a tonne of bricks! I slept through three alarm clocks one Saturday morning and woke up at noon. That was when I knew something different was going on with my body - I'm usually such a morning person!

But it also made me appreciate the wonder of my body because even while growing another human, it continued to just keep me alive and functioning fairly well, thank you very much. My body could still handle my coffee addiction - I never had any cravings for weird stuff thankfully! - and my mood swings were pretty much the same pre-pregnancy pendulum swings between joyful and peeved.

The only other thing was a heightened sense of smell which led to many a weird, late night craving - fresh cut grass, anyone? Or how about some shoe polish? Yeah, those were some interesting smells that got my pregnancy nostrils going!

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My first pregnancy was pretty uneventful - except for the fatigue which hit me like a tonne of bricks! I slept through three alarm clocks one Saturday morning and woke up at noon. That was when I knew something different was going on with my body - I'm usually such a morning person!

But it also made me appreciate the wonder of my body because even while growing another human, it continued to just keep me alive and functioning fairly well, thank you very much. My body could still handle my coffee addiction - I never had any cravings for weird stuff thankfully! - and my mood swings were pretty much the same pre-pregnancy pendulum swings between joyful and peeved.

The only other thing was a heightened sense of smell which led to many a weird, late night craving - fresh cut grass, anyone? Or how about some shoe polish? Yeah, those were some interesting smells that got my pregnancy nostrils going!
For my first pregnancy, I didn't have the puking part but just constant nausea. I felt like such a zombie most days cos all I wanted to do was sleep it off! It was so bad that even the sight of water made me wanna throw up. I survived on dry toast and plain biscuits for weeks hahaha. And like you, I had super sensitive smell sensors - remember being so turned off by the smell of my hubby's deodorant that he had to switch fragrances! Thank goodness it wasn't forever though, and everything gets better once you hit the second trimester.

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My first pregnancy was a real doozy! I had hypermesis gravidarum and was hospitalised twice because of it - basically super severe morning sickness that doesn't go away. The constant vomiting and nausea was so tiring, and nothing seemed to help. I tried all the tricks - ginger chews, pressure point wrist bands, acupressure, you name it! In the end the only thing that sort of helped was lying flat on my back with dry toast balanced on my chest, ha! But then I'd just throw up in my sleep. It was a mess.

My save was cold, frozen things - I'd suck on ice cubes and eat frozen yogurt like it was nobody's business! And of course, like you, I had snacks everywhere - but they usually ended up getting spilled because I'd be so dizzy after standing up while pregnant and trying to catch my balance.

Thank goodness the second pregnancy was better - no morning sickness at all, phew! But man, that first trimester was brutal.

My first trimester was spent hoarding toilet bowls! Morning sickness struck hard and often, so I kept a stash of cleaning products in the bathroom - bleach, cleaning spray, you know the drill - to keep that ceramic white and shining since I felt like I was forever retching up a storm.

The weird part was how every pregnancy symptom seemed dialled up x10. My sense of smell became Superman-level hyperactive and could detect any faint whiff of something amiss from a mile away. It didn't help that I'd vomit at the slightest 'off' scent, so the house had to be meticulously kept spotless, which was a challenge given that I was permanently exhausted!

And the food cravings! Oh man, the weirdest ones hit me. One day I had to have cucumbers sliced and soaked in salt for some reason - couldn't stop eating them like that. Another time it was raw uncooked pasta. I'm sure the neighbours thought I was nuts for the random things I'd buy at odd hours!

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With two young kids, my body definitely didn't forget the tough parts of pregnancy - it was a whirlwind of exhaustion, morning sickness and chasing after a lively toddler!

The constant fatigue in the first trimester had me sleeping on the job - literally! I'd find myself dozing off standing up, bent over the kitchen bench while waiting for the kettle to boil. And the morning sickness... let's just say my toddler wasn't the only one who needed changing and cleaning up sometimes!

But the funniest incident had to be when I sneezed so hard that I peed myself - and I was standing right next to the toilet! It was such a shock that I ended up laughing and crying at the same time. pregnancy sure does keep life interesting!

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