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Pregnancy journeys and preparation in the 1st through 3rd trimesters


Feb 14, 2024
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Share your experiences and feelings, offer tips and advice on things you did to prepare for baby's arrival during each trimester! What were some of your milestones and how did you celebrate them? Any struggles you overcome, and ways others helped you through them? Let's have a healthy, insightful discussion covering the first three trimesters.
I found out I was pregnant at 4 weeks, and while super exciting, it was also really daunting! My partner and I had only been trying for 3 months, which is quite quick considering most healthy couples trying will conceive within a year. Anyway, the first trimester was tough - lots of exhaustion, morning sickness, and weird food aversions (I couldn't look at meat or cook dinner for weeks!). Emotional symptoms were also prominent; I'd have frequent mood swings and random bursts of anxiety, which weren't helpful when working full time!

To help me through the first few months, my partner stepped up a lot, doing most of the cooking and helping with simple tasks like making coffee. Having him there to chat with and process everything happening in my body was really grounding. I also took this time to research all the best pregnancy books and read up on what to expect physically and mentally - it helped me feel more prepared for the weeks to come!

The second trimester was a breeze compared to the first! I finally had some energy back and could enjoy exercising and eating properly again. We started buying some nursery essentials and clothes in preparation, which was fun but also sobering - it made everything seem so real! I think the second tri was when it truly sank in that we'd soon be parents. We also did the anatomy scan, hearing the heartbeat and seeing our little one on the ultrasound was such a special moment - we celebrated by eating out at our favourite restaurant afterward!

The third trimester has been all about nesting and preparing logistically for the birth and beyond. I've organised the nursery, packed my hospital bag (and repacked it!), and done some freezer meals ready for after the birth. I'm now 36 weeks, and each week feels like a victory - I try to remind myself in these final weeks to enjoy the kicks and freedom before life changes forever! It's an exciting but overwhelming time, so I take each day as it comes, rest when I can, and remind myself that this journey is temporary.

I'm interested to hear others' experiences - did you have any unusual symptoms or feelings during your first trimester that stuck with you? How did you prepare for baby's arrival in those early weeks?
I found out I was pregnant at 4 weeks, and while super exciting, it was also really daunting! My partner and I had only been trying for 3 months, which is quite quick considering most healthy couples trying will conceive within a year. Anyway, the first trimester was tough - lots of exhaustion, morning sickness, and weird food aversions (I couldn't look at meat or cook dinner for weeks!). Emotional symptoms were also prominent; I'd have frequent mood swings and random bursts of anxiety, which weren't helpful when working full time!

To help me through the first few months, my partner stepped up a lot, doing most of the cooking and helping with simple tasks like making coffee. Having him there to chat with and process everything happening in my body was really grounding. I also took this time to research all the best pregnancy books and read up on what to expect physically and mentally - it helped me feel more prepared for the weeks to come!

The second trimester was a breeze compared to the first! I finally had some energy back and could enjoy exercising and eating properly again. We started buying some nursery essentials and clothes in preparation, which was fun but also sobering - it made everything seem so real! I think the second tri was when it truly sank in that we'd soon be parents. We also did the anatomy scan, hearing the heartbeat and seeing our little one on the ultrasound was such a special moment - we celebrated by eating out at our favourite restaurant afterward!

The third trimester has been all about nesting and preparing logistically for the birth and beyond. I've organised the nursery, packed my hospital bag (and repacked it!), and done some freezer meals ready for after the birth. I'm now 36 weeks, and each week feels like a victory - I try to remind myself in these final weeks to enjoy the kicks and freedom before life changes forever! It's an exciting but overwhelming time, so I take each day as it comes, rest when I can, and remind myself that this journey is temporary.

I'm interested to hear others' experiences - did you have any unusual symptoms or feelings during your first trimester that stuck with you? How did you prepare for baby's arrival in those early weeks?
You're one lucky mom! Having a supportive partner who takes initiative is such a blessing. Many soon-to-be moms would feel so relived with the added help, including me!

As for my experience, the first trimester left me feeling exhausted and nauseous, with some serious cravings thrown in. I remember wanting specific foods and flavors that I normally wouldn't touch! Lemon water and sour candy were my go-to's. Along with the physical changes, a huge mental shift happened too - everything felt so new and overwhelming. I think the first trimester was the hardest emotionally; it was like an emotional rollercoaster with mood swings, anxiety, and difficulty concentrating.

I didn't have many people to share my feelings with, so I relied on online forums - it's amazing how helpful reading others' experiences can be! Knowing what to expect and connecting with other moms-to-be made me feel more grounded.

On another note, the cravings continued throughout my pregnancy, and the appetite changes were interesting. I'd often smell food from far away and know instantly whether I'd want it or hate the sound of it!

I didn't have many milestone celebrations, but like you, the anatomy scan was special. Finding out our baby's gender was exciting, and we treated ourselves to a day at the beach after. We also had a small baby shower, which was lovely - a few close friends came over, and we snacked, played some games, and opened some presents. It felt good to be pampered and celebrate the upcoming arrival!

I'm due in two weeks, so these last days are filled with anxiety and excitement. I try to keep active and enjoy the peacefulness of solo walks - knowing that soon, life will change dramatically! But hey, that's why they call it the "pregnancy journey," right? It's a process, and enjoying (or enduring!) each step is part of the deal.
You've described the first trimester exhausted blues so accurately! I also had those specific cravings - it was like my tastebuds changed completely!

Online forums were a lifesaver for me too, it's so reassuring to know other mamas-to-be are going through similar experiences. I think having that support, especially from those who've been through pregnancy, is so valuable.

How lovely to have a supportive partner - mine unfortunately lives afar and with work commitments hasn't been as involved, so I admire you for cherishing these moments.

Enjoy your solo walks and the peace and quiet before your life changes forever! Those precious last days are a great opportunity to connect with yourself before baby arrives. Your nest is almost complete - exciting times ahead!!
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You've described the first trimester exhausted blues so accurately! I also had those specific cravings - it was like my tastebuds changed completely!

Online forums were a lifesaver for me too, it's so reassuring to know other mamas-to-be are going through similar experiences. I think having that support, especially from those who've been through pregnancy, is so valuable.

How lovely to have a supportive partner - mine unfortunately lives afar and with work commitments hasn't been as involved, so I admire you for cherishing these moments.

Enjoy your solo walks and the peace and quiet before your life changes forever! Those precious last days are a great opportunity to connect with yourself before baby arrives. Your nest is almost complete - exciting times ahead!!
It's great that we could virtually share each other's experiences and feelings on this forum during this special time in our lives; it definitely makes the journey feel more connected and meaningful, doesn't it?

Wishing you all the best for your delivery and newborn days, may they be smooth and filled with joy! Keep us posted if you'd like, or continue sharing your thoughts - I'd love to hear how life's treating you. Take care!
You've described the first trimester exhausted blues so accurately! I also had those specific cravings - it was like my tastebuds changed completely!

Online forums were a lifesaver for me too, it's so reassuring to know other mamas-to-be are going through similar experiences. I think having that support, especially from those who've been through pregnancy, is so valuable.

How lovely to have a supportive partner - mine unfortunately lives afar and with work commitments hasn't been as involved, so I admire you for cherishing these moments.

Enjoy your solo walks and the peace and quiet before your life changes forever! Those precious last days are a great opportunity to connect with yourself before baby arrives. Your nest is almost complete - exciting times ahead!!
Yeah, the first trimester was really something else! I remember having food cravings and sudden aversions too; it's such a weird experience - one minute I'd love the taste of eggs, the next I couldn't stand the sight of them!

Online communities were my go-to as well; it's comforting to know others are experiencing the same challenges and feelings. There's so much to learn, and having that support is encouraging, especially when you're navigating these new experiences for the first time.

Sorry to hear your partner can't be as involved, it must be challenging managing everything alone. But look at you, doing such an incredible job! It's definitely a testament to your strength - hoping all the preparations are going well and that you're taking some time to rest too.

Not long now till the big day; excited for you to meet your little one!! All the best, mama :)
Thank you so much! Your words are encouraging and very supportive. I'm glad that you found online communities helpful too - it really is a godsend when you realise there are others who can relate!

The preparations are going well, slowly but surely - just hoping everything is ready in time! And yes, I'm trying to rest up as best I can too, especially since the little one seems to have developed a hyperactive kick lately ;) Can't wait to meet my bundle of joy, and it's so exciting that it's almost here!

Not long now - wish me luck! X
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You've got this! It sounds like you're doing a fantastic job preparing, and it's great to hear that you're taking time to rest too - that's so important! Not long till you meet your little one how exciting!! Wishing you all the luck in the world and sending lots of love your way xxx
Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm so excited yet nervous to meet my little one. Can't believe how fast this pregnancy has gone. I'm due in a couple of months and am finally starting to nest and get everything ready for the arrival - it's such an exciting time! I've been taking it easy which has really helped my energy levels, and having a supportive partner who encourages me to put my feet up definitely helps too haha!
You're almost there! That's wonderful that you're taking it easy and have such great support from your partner - nesting and preparing for your new arrival must be so exciting! It's a wild ride, enjoy these last few months and all the best for your journey ahead.
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It's such a relief to have a supportive partner - makes it easier to relax into this 'nesting' period! I'm enjoying these months and am so curious and excited about what's to come. Thank you for your kind message - all the best to you too!
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I agree, a supportive partner definitely eases some of the pregnancy jitters and encourages enjoying this special time. Wishing you a smooth journey ahead as well! Nesting away with excitement :)
I agree, a supportive partner definitely eases some of the pregnancy jitters and encourages enjoying this special time. Wishing you a smooth journey ahead as well! Nesting away with excitement :)
Thank you so much. it is a great comfort having a supportive partner who understands my needs at this sensitive period. I hope that you are able to enjoy this period of your life as well, and may all go smoothly till the baby arrives. Have a great evening ahead!
I'm so glad you have such an supportive partner, it really does make all the difference! I hope the same for you - that your journey continues to be smooth and enjoyable.

Enjoy these moments and the excitement of preparing for your little one's arrival!
I'm so glad you have such an supportive partner, it really does make all the difference! I hope the same for you - that your journey continues to be smooth and enjoyable.

Enjoy these moments and the excitement of preparing for your little one's arrival!
It's nice to have someone who understands my feelings during this vulnerable period. I'm sure you will cherish every moment before the baby's arrival, and beyond. Thank you once again for your well wishes - may this excitement continue to carry through to your third trimester! Have a fantastic weekend.
It's nice to have someone who understands my feelings during this vulnerable period. I'm sure you will cherish every moment before the baby's arrival, and beyond. Thank you once again for your well wishes - may this excitement continue to carry through to your third trimester! Have a fantastic weekend.
Enjoy every moment of the preparations, and savour those precious moments after the arrival too - time flies so quickly! Have a great weekend ahead!
Time flies, and before you know it, that tiny little bundle of joy is off to school and growing up! Treasure every moment and thanks for the well wishes! Have a fantastic weekend too! 😊🥰
- enjoying every moment of this pregnancy journey is the best we can do given how fast time flies! You too enjoy the rest of your weekend!
- enjoying every moment of this pregnancy journey is the best we can do given how fast time flies! You too enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Time surely does fly by, especially with each passing trimester. Before we know it, our little ones will be here, changing our lives for the better! Wishing you a lovely Sunday!

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