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Pregnancy journeys, all trimesters


Mar 15, 2024
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I'll share my pregnancy timeline, which I've divided into the three trimesters, as a guide:

1st Trimester ( Weeks 1-12)
• Week 4: First missed period -fertility tests and confirmation of the pregnancy
• Weeks 6-8: Ultrasound, hearing the heartbeat for the first time, HCG levels checked
• Weeks 9-12: First trimester screening, seeing and hearing the baby via ultrasound, relief from morning sickness begins

2nd Trimester (Weeks 13-26)
• Week 16: Gender reveal! (We're keeping it a surprise)
• Weeks 18-20: Anatomy scan, bubble bath photoshoot
• Weeks 22-24: Increased fetal movement, feeling kicks and jabs

3rd Trimester (Weeks 27 - 40)
• Week 32: The nesting phase begins!
• Week 36: Scheduled cesarean or natural birth preparation
• Weeks 38 - 40: Labor signs, contraction timing, excitement and anxiety all roll into one!

Everyone's journey is different and unique; please share your experiences and memories of each trimester. I can't wait to compare notes!
  • Haha
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What a detailed and organized timeline you've shared! It's fascinating to see how distinct yet universal some of these milestones are across pregnancies.

My first trimester was a blur of exhaustion, emotional highs and lows, and constant urges to eat . The fatigue was real, and I remember napping constantly. Also, the sense of smell was heightened, which made some days challenging.

The second trimester was a breeze compared to the first. I felt energetic and enthusiastic, finally embracing the pregnancy and enjoying the physical changes. The anatomy scan was an incredible experience, seeing our little one's limbs and organs develop - truly amazing. We also found out we were having a girl!

As for the third trimester, it's been a wild ride with so many kicks and jabs keeping me entertained and on edge. I've been nesting like crazy, organizing closets and drawers and washing all the tiny clothes. Labor practice breaths have become my new meditation, preparing for the big day.

I'd love to hear other women's experiences, especially those quirky moments that make pregnancy such an incredible adventure.

Your experience sounds so delightful!

The first trimester exhaustion was a real kicker for me too, although it was more of a fog than anything else - I just couldn't seem to shake the brain fog and fatigue no matter how many naps I took!

The second trimester was when it finally sank in that I was going to be a mom. I don't think I truly believed it until then because up until that point, the pregnancy seemed so surreal! I started connecting with the baby more, and every kick and flutter was an amazing reminder of the little life growing inside me.

As for the third, well, here I am - waddling around like a penguin, struggling to tie my shoes or even pick things up from the floor! The backaches and sleepless nights are real, but it's so worth it when you feel those strong kicks against your hand as you rest it on your bump.

I'm now officially on maternity leave, nesting like a mad woman and trying to get everything ready for our little one's arrival - it's such an exciting time!

  • Love
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Brain fog and fatigue—two very accurate ways to describe the first trimester! It's amazing how different each trimester can feel.

The second trimester sounds like a wonderful period of adjustment and connection.

As for the third, well, I'm right there with you waddling and wobbling everywhere, although the shoe-tying struggles made me laugh! I'm also nesting like crazy, even though my due date is still a few weeks away. It's such an incredible experience.

The trimesters are so distinct; it's like three different experiences rolled into one! You described the first trimester so accurately—brain fog and fatigue took residence and set up camp!

The second is a lovely period of adjustment; you've got your energy back and can finally enjoy the ride. And then the third hits you with all the waddling and wobbling—I feel like a penguin trying to hurry along, but it's an adorable experience overall!

nesting insticts are so fun—enjoy preparing for the little one's arrival! It's such a special time.

It's so true; each trimester feels like a completely different experience! I'm currently in my third, waddling around and feeling like an adorable, slow-motion penguin myself.

The energy boost that comes with the second trimester is such a lovely surprise after the exhaustion of the first. It's like your body says, "Okay, I got through the initial shock, now time to enjoy this!"

The nesting instincts are fun—I've been busy organizing the nursery and stockpiling baby essentials. It feels so special and makes all the discomforts worth it!

Only a few more weeks until the due date; can't wait to meet our little one! But I'm certainly going to relish these last few kicks and jabs—they're such a cute reminder of the life growing inside.

The third trimester waddle is real, and you describe it so adorably! It's incredible how our bodies go through these different phases, each with its own challenges and delights.

It seems like you're enjoying the nesting phase and all the preparations—that's such an exciting time! The energy boost of the second trimester was a lovely surprise for me too; it's almost as if the worst of the discomfort is over .

You're so right about those kicks and jabs—they're little reminders of the precious life soon to enter the world. It's such a special time. Enjoy every moment, mama!

The third trimester is a unique experience, a mix of excitement, discomfort and wonderment at the changes our body goes through! The waddle, oh my word, it's a real thing and a sight to behold - but I've found it quite endearing too - another cute symptom to add to the list!

The nesting phase has been such a lovely time, making preparations and getting everything ready for the little one's arrival. It's a wonderful distraction and the energy boost from the second trimester has certainly helped with all the planning and organising. I feel like I could keep that energy forever!

The kicks and jabs are such a special sensation - little reminders of the strength and life growing inside me; it's such an incredible experience and one that you're so right to recommend enjoying every moment of. It's a very special time and I'm loving every kick!

Thank you for your sweet words, it's so lovely to hear your take on the trimesters - here's to enjoying these last stages together! x

You've captured the third trimester so well! The mix of emotions is truly special, and the nesting phase is such a lovely part of the journey - it's amazing how much energy we have to dedicate to getting everything ready for our little ones.

The physical sensations are such a unique experience; I remember being in awe of my body and its capabilities . Enjoy these moments and the wonder of it all - it's a privilege to experience these kicks and preparations together!

Here's to these magical last stages, x

The third trimester is a remarkable phase! The nesting instincts kick in, and it's incredible how the body just knows what to do and prepares so expertly. The awe and wonder of witnessing these physical changes are truly special.

Enjoying these kicks and preparing for the little one makes this journey so unique and precious. It's a special type of love and dedication that only grows stronger.

Here's to the magic and wonder of it all! x

The third trimester is truly magical, it's amazing how our bodies prepare for this special arrival. The kicks and jabs are such a sweet reminder of what's to come - a love like no other!

Enjoy these special moments x

You're so right, it's such an incredible time and your body is doing something truly amazing. It's mind blowing how our bodies know exactly what to do - those little reminders of the kicks and jabs are just the sweetest things ever! Can't wait for that special arrival, enjoy every moment mama!

It's a wonderful feeling isn't it? Nature is incredible how it knows exactly what to do - all those months of preparation and then the big day arrives! Enjoy the excitement of it all, it's such a special time.

It's a fascinating journey and nature's design is truly amazing! The body's ability to grow and adapt is so intriguing, and it's an exciting time full of anticipation. There's a lot to look forward to, and I'm sure the excitement will only build from here!

It's awe-inspiring how our bodies can create life and adapt throughout pregnancy. The excitement and anticipation only grow as each trimester passes, and it's a wonderful celebration of nature's wonders!


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