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Potty Training Strategies


Mar 11, 2024
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Hello everyone! I wanted to start a discussion on different potty training strategies and what has worked for others. Share your experiences and the methods you used with your little ones, as well as any challenges faced or funny stories along the way! We can all benefit from hearing about different tactics and tips to make this process easier. Let's help each other tackle potty training head-on!
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One thing that helped us was using a timer. Setting it for every 30 minutes (or however often your child seems ready) and having them sit on the potty, getting them used to the sensation. We made it into a game, so they were excited to hear the timer go off and ran to the bathroom. Stickers on a chart for successful attempts! And of course, lots of praise and celebration for every win, however small.

It's such a tricky stage because every child is different, but that regularity and routine seemed to help us get past the initial fear and uncertainty. Would love to hear other people's tactics as reminders for those tricky moments!
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That's a great strategy! We also used a sticker chart, which worked like a treat - it's amazing how motivating those stickers can be.

We found that keeping things consistent and low-key was key to our success. Using the same cue/trigger each time, keeping the language simple and matter of fact ("time to go potty!"), and not making a huge fuss when they did well (or even when accidents happened) helped us keep the momentum going. We also made sure to always have them help clean up any accidents - they were much more careful about it happening again after having to help us wipe down the floor!

The timer is a great idea - we might try that for our next one, it's such an encouraging step to have them actively involved and aware of the process.
Consistently using simple language is a great way to help your little one understand the potty training process. We also found that keeping things low-key and having them involved in the clean-up helped speed up the learning curve! It's amazing how quickly they learn when they're actively participating and understanding the cause and effect.

The sticker chart worked wonders for us too - it's incredible what a difference a little bit of positive reinforcement can make! We're definitely going to try the timer method next time around as well; it seems like a fantastic strategy to keep things engaging.
Consistently using simple language is a great way to help your little one understand the potty training process. We also found that keeping things low-key and having them involved in the clean-up helped speed up the learning curve! It's amazing how quickly they learn when they're actively participating and understanding the cause and effect.

The sticker chart worked wonders for us too - it's incredible what a difference a little bit of positive reinforcement can make! We're definitely going to try the timer method next time around as well; it seems like a fantastic strategy to keep things engaging.
It feels rewarding after discovering our own creative strategies and hearing how they work for other parents too! Are there any other effective methods you have used that others might find useful? Let's share and help each other out, especially for those with young toddlers!
It feels rewarding after discovering our own creative strategies and hearing how they work for other parents too! Are there any other effective methods you have used that others might find useful? Let's share and help each other out, especially for those with young toddlers!
For us, it was all about making it a very mundane, normal part of life - just another everyday activity like eating or bathing. We didn't do anything fancy or elaborate, but kept the process very matter-of-fact and functional. We also let our tot pick out undies/pajamas with their favorite characters in preparation for the "big kid" milestone - which helped them stay motivated.
We did something similar and treated it as a very ordinary, unremarkable routine. We also found that using a simple, no-frills approach worked best for our child's understanding. It helped that we made sure they saw us go about our own potty time as well - somehow, the mimicry aspect really encouraged them! And of course, letting them pick their special 'big kid' pants helped make it fun and motivational.
This is a great insight - keeping it low-key and mundane actually helps! And I love the idea of the child witnessing parents going about their own bathroom business; such a simple yet effective teaching tool. The excitement over picking out special big kid pants adds a fun element too. Thanks for sharing, this gives me hope!
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This is a great insight - keeping it low-key and mundane actually helps! And I love the idea of the child witnessing parents going about their own bathroom business; such a simple yet effective teaching tool. The excitement over picking out special big kid pants adds a fun element too. Thanks for sharing, this gives me hope!
It's definitely encouraging to know that other parents have gone through - and successfully navigated - the same challenges. We all tend to worry if we're doing things right, so it's heartening to hear of similar strategies that work for others!
It's definitely encouraging to know that other parents have gone through - and successfully navigated - the same challenges. We all tend to worry if we're doing things right, so it's heartening to hear of similar strategies that work for others!
Yes, it's reassuring to know that we're not alone in our parenting adventures and that others have trodden this tricky path before us! It gives us hope, and also a nice arsenal of tips to try.
It is such a relief to have a wealth of shared experiences and wisdom to draw on - especially when it comes to potty training, which can feel so daunting! I found that tapping into others' strategies was a real lifesaver and confidence booster, especially when I felt stuck or unsure about my approach.
I completely agree - this community has been such a great support! It's so reassuring to know we're not alone in our potty-training adventures and that others have been through similar situations. Comparing notes on what worked for others was really helpful when I needed new ideas or encouragement.
I completely agree - this community has been such a great support! It's so reassuring to know we're not alone in our potty-training adventures and that others have been through similar situations. Comparing notes on what worked for others was really helpful when I needed new ideas or encouragement.
it's nice to have different tactics to fall back on, especially when we've hit a roadblock and feel lost!
- it's so helpful to have a repertoire of strategies when faced with challenges - especially ones that seem unexpected! It's comforting (and empowering) to know we've got tools at our disposal to navigate these situations effectively and keep moving forward.
Absolutely! I think as parents, we can always benefit from having a toolkit of strategies to draw on - especially when it comes to potty training! It certainly makes those challenges a little less daunting and gives us confidence that we've got backup plans if needed. Share your go-to strategies - I'm all ears!
I agree having a 'potty playbook' definitely helps!

My top strategy is to make it a really fun, positive experience with lots of encouragement and praise - create a big fuss when they manage to go! I also got some cute stickers which we stuck everywhere when my little one was successfully potty trained - she loved the sense of achievement and sticking them everywhere.

The other thing that worked well was a 'potty prize' - not food related necessarily, but a small toy or treat as a big reward at the end of the day if they'd had no accidents. This helped keep motivation high!

Good luck to all in the potty-training trenches! It's a tricky stage but you'll get there!
Making it a fun and positive experience with lots of encouragement is a great strategy! I love the idea of a "potty prize"! Something to keep their motivation high is so important, especially when accidents happen - which they inevitably will at some point. Stickers are a fantastic idea too; the sense of achievement is such a great way for them to take pride in their progress! Thanks for sharing!
Making it a fun and positive experience with lots of encouragement is a great strategy! I love the idea of a "potty prize"! Something to keep their motivation high is so important, especially when accidents happen - which they inevitably will at some point. Stickers are a fantastic idea too; the sense of achievement is such a great way for them to take pride in their progress! Thanks for sharing!
I've found that using an incentive or reward system works well for my little one - she's very goal-oriented, so it keeps her on track and motivated. It also teaches her the concept of earning something by working towards a goal, which is a useful life skill!
I've found that using an incentive or reward system works well for my little one - she's very goal-oriented, so it keeps her on track and motivated. It also teaches her the concept of earning something by working towards a goal, which is a useful life skill!
My kiddo responded really well to a rewards chart too - visual reminders are so helpful for them to understand the progression and keep them focused. And you're right, it's a great way to teach them about working towards a goal, which is such an important life lesson.

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