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Potty Talk


Feb 22, 2024
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There's no need to be shy - let's dive straight into some potty talk!

What quirky and funny potty training stories do you have? We can share tips, tricks and experiences to help each other out. Anyone got an amusing anecdote or a clever tip they'd like to share first? I'll start: my tot is scared of the flush noise, any suggestions on how to get them desensitised fast?
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My nephew was also scared of the flushing sound, but what worked for him was a slow desensitisation process. We started by gradually moving the potty closer to the toilet each day until it sat right next to it. Then we'd have races to see who could flush fastest after hearing the scary noise - lots of fun and a great distraction!

It also helped to teach him how toilets work, like where the water goes, and the different parts of the toilet - somehow understanding the function made the noise less threatening. We'd talk about it being a 'whoosh' sound rather than a scary sudden noise. Also worth noting that we didn't always flush when he used the toilet - sometimes the quietness was a nice relief! But mainly, it just took time and gradual exposure; now he's not scared at all and enjoys flushing the loo!
My nephew was also scared of the flushing sound, but what worked for him was a slow desensitisation process. We started by gradually moving the potty closer to the toilet each day until it sat right next to it. Then we'd have races to see who could flush fastest after hearing the scary noise - lots of fun and a great distraction!

It also helped to teach him how toilets work, like where the water goes, and the different parts of the toilet - somehow understanding the function made the noise less threatening. We'd talk about it being a 'whoosh' sound rather than a scary sudden noise. Also worth noting that we didn't always flush when he used the toilet - sometimes the quietness was a nice relief! But mainly, it just took time and gradual exposure; now he's not scared at all and enjoys flushing the loo!
That's a great idea to slowly desensitize the fear of the flush noise!

For my son, it was a different potty hurdle that I had to think on my feet for. We were out at the mall when he suddenly announced he'd done a big poop. It was too late to find a toilet so I dashed into the first store I saw, which happened to be a clothing boutique with tiny changing rooms. With no time to spare, I grabbed some clothes off the racks and made a quick impromptu potty - thankfully, it was an emergency that lasted only that moment! Not sure who was more shocked, me or the poor sales assistant! But yeah, mamas got to think fast sometimes!

What other funny stories do you have? Any quick thinking potty solutions like mine?
Once at a wedding, my then 2 year old announced she needed to go. Having been told there were no nappies for her anymore, she had recently started potty training and was very proud of using the toilet like a big girl. Running into the hotel bathroom, I quickly realised it had one of those automatic flush sensors - not ideal! So I held her over the sink and did a quick ballet twirl to avoid the sensor's line of sight, which luckily worked! A little embarrassed, I turned to see the entire bridal party standing there clapping and laughing - seems they'd been watching and were impressed with my thinking on the fly!
True; it's interesting how moments like these create unexpected connections and give us stories to tell!
That's a great story - funny how these situations can bring strangers together through shared experiences, even if it was just for one brief moment!
You're so right; it's a funny old world. Parenting certainly throws us into all sorts of unexpected and hilarious situations, and often, the only thing we can do is laugh along with everyone else!
You're so right; it's a funny old world. Parenting certainly throws us into all sorts of unexpected and hilarious situations, and often, the only thing we can do is laugh along with everyone else!
Parenting is full of surprises. You've gotta laugh and keep your sense of humour through the crazy ups and downs - they grow up way too fast for you to take these moments seriously!

Are there any other quirky potty training stories that anyone can share? They provide so much insight into the funny things kids do, plus some great tips to boot.
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My son once announced very proudly that he didn’t need to use the potty, even though we were out running errands and he’d been drinking a lot of water. Sure enough, five minutes later he peed all over my brand new shoes! Luckily, I had a spare pair of shoes in the trunk, but it was still a crazy moment! We’ve since stepped up our potty training efforts.
Oh no! Sounds like an accident waiting to happen! Good thing you had spares! Accidental undies changes are part and parcel of potty training though, it sounds like you're taking it all in your stride! Well done for keeping a calm head!
Thank you! It's definitely been an interesting few days - a couple of accidents but we've managed to keep it light-hearted which has helped. And yes, I'm so glad I always keep spares close at hand - definitely learned my lesson there!
Thanks so much! Keeping a positive attitude really does make a difference and ensures we don't stress our little ones out further - they pick up on our cues! I've learned to always have spares and an extra change of clothes for myself too, because sometimes it's just impossible to get the stains out otherwise 😅
So true - they are little sponges! And yes, spare outfits are a necessity, especially for us mums and dads! 😁
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Spare outfits are a lifesaver! We never leave home without them, you just never know with little ones 🤣.
They sure keep us on our toes! Always good to be prepared and it sounds like you've got it down pat already 🙂 Any other potty-related topics or parenting nooks you'd like to chat about? It's nice to share these stories!
They sure keep us on our toes! Always good to be prepared and it sounds like you've got it down pat already 🙂 Any other potty-related topics or parenting nooks you'd like to chat about? It's nice to share these stories!
I'm finding this online mommy chat quite therapeutic! My son has been reluctant to poop on the toilet. It got to a point where he would hold it in and end up constipated, which caused some painful poops 😢. It happened a few times before I realised what was going on. For others going through this, I've found that using an incentive or reward chart can help. Sticker charts seem like such a simple thing, but they worked wonders as he loves collecting the stickers and picking a reward together. It's made potty time less scary and more exciting!
That's an excellent idea! We had a similar situation and the sticker chart worked like magic! We also made sure to have some fun rewards, not just stickers, which helped change the narrative from scared to go potty to an exciting goal to work towards.
The sticker chart is a great motivational tool and making the experience enjoyable with exciting goals certainly helps shift the narrative! It's a win when you can make it fun for everyone involved.
The sticker chart is a great motivational tool and making the experience enjoyable with exciting goals certainly helps shift the narrative! It's a win when you can make it fun for everyone involved.
It's really quite amazing how quickly they pick up on the rewards system - the thrill of choosing their prize makes potty training almost effortless, which is such a relief after so many stressful attempts! I'm glad we're not alone in discovering this useful tip!

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