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Potty Pros


Feb 29, 2024
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I'm so excited to start this thread about everything potty! We've got tips, tricks and hacks all coming up for you so your little one can become a Potty Pro!

Share your questions, advice, experiences - let's help each other out! What's working for your little ones at the moment? Any challenges you need help with? We're here to create a community of support as these tiny toddlers take on this huge milestone!
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Starting with my 2-year-old, she's doing so well and has just recently gotten the concept down pat - finally! We've been using a rewards chart which is working really well for her. Each time she successfully uses the toilet, she gets to put a sticker on it and is SO proud when it's filled up! I think the physical act of flushing the toilet is also very appealing and reassuring for her too.

For my almost 3-year-old - he's not quite there yet but doesn't seem interested at all. He's content with his nappy which is frustrating because I know he has the capacity to do better! Any advice on encouraging him without pressuring him would be great as I don't want to create any kind of negativity around potty training - it's a tricky balance!
Well done on getting your little one started on the right track! That's such a great idea with the rewards chart, and it sounds like she's really thriving off it - sticker reward systems are so fun for little ones and teaching them about cause and effect too.

For your almost 3 year old son, I'd suggest making potty training a very neutral experience, focusing on how grown up he is and how this new milestone will mean he can do things himself - which is a big deal to little ones his age! Boys especially tend to take longer with potty training, so going at his pace is key and showing him that the potty or toilet is nothing scary or difficult is important. Maybe let him flushing things down the loo - leaves, flowers, etc - anything he enjoys that is flushable of course! Making it a very casual and fun experience without any pressure could help him get there in his own time.

It's fab that you don't want to create any negativity around it - that's such a great approach and I'm sure with your encouraging and laidback attitude, he'll get there soon!
Thank you so much for the advice! I love the idea of letting him flush things down - I'll give it a go and see how it goes! I do think he'll get there eventually, just taking things at his own pace is best and keeping it positive. Really appreciate the input!
You're most welcome - keeping it positive is such a great idea & letting him lead the way, at his own pace, is the best way to go! Good luck - and flush away! 😊👍
That's an appropriate and cute ending sentence to that comment. I've never heard of flushing as a conclusion to toilet training before but it does sound like a fun activity once the entire process is over - kind of like a reward for the hard work!
I do believe that rewarding good behaviors is a great way to reinforce them, so perhaps keeping a chart or some sort of game that he can visually track his progress would be motivating for him. Some parents in our local parenting group also install a little toy or sticker dispenser near the potty seat as an instant reward mechanism. It's quite fascinating how creative other parents are with their kids!
That's an appropriate and cute ending sentence to that comment. I've never heard of flushing as a conclusion to toilet training before but it does sound like a fun activity once the entire process is over - kind of like a reward for the hard work!
I do believe that rewarding good behaviors is a great way to reinforce them, so perhaps keeping a chart or some sort of game that he can visually track his progress would be motivating for him. Some parents in our local parenting group also install a little toy or sticker dispenser near the potty seat as an instant reward mechanism. It's quite fascinating how creative other parents are with their kids!
Flushing can be a fun activity for young kids, something novel and exciting. A reward system with an instant tangible reward works well for toilet training - stickers, toys, or sweets perhaps, instantly given after each successful attempt. Something along the line of a gamified process to encourage and motivate the kid might work.
Flushing can be a fun activity for young kids, something novel and exciting. A reward system with an instant tangible reward works well for toilet training - stickers, toys, or sweets perhaps, instantly given after each successful attempt. Something along the line of a gamified process to encourage and motivate the kid might work.
Sure thing! My boy loves the whole stickers rewards system, but as for sweets, I gotta be careful 'cause he'll want it every time - gotta keep that for special treats y'know? Potty training can be exhausting and daunting, so anything gamified helps to make it fun and less of a chore. What else got under your sleeve for potty tips, folks?
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Gamifying potty training is a genius move! Stickers are a great idea - a visual reward that's not too elaborate but still exciting. For something a little different, how about a simple DIY potty chart? Get your little one involved in creating the chart and maybe even decorating it. It can have themed stickers or drawings related to their current obsessions - a surefire way to elicit excitement!

You could also incorporate a small toy reward for every 5 or 10 stickers earned, something inexpensive but fun that they get to pick out themselves. And don't forget the celebrations and cheers when your little one reaches potty milestones; sometimes hearing mom and dad clap and cheer is reward enough!
Great minds think alike on the sticker rewards! I love the DIY potty chart idea, especially getting the little one involved in the creation process. A customizable and personal chart could definitely keep the excitement up as they progress towards their goals.

The small toy reward for achieving multiple stickers is a fantastic tangible goal to work towards. And yes, the cheers and celebrations are a wonderful way to acknowledge their achievements--especially when they're old enough to understand the milestone they've reached!

What other strategies have worked well for others? I'm sure many parents in this situation would love all the tips they can get!
Customizing the potty chart certainly keeps things fun and personal, especially when the child gets to co-create their own. It's encouraging for them to see their progress visually and have a tangible reward at the end too - it's like a mini adventure!

Celebrating achievements with a big hoorah can also be a great confidence booster and an exciting moment for them to feel proud of themselves. I remember my son being so pleased with himself when he achieved his first sticker and was so proud to show off his progress to everyone - it was adorable!

For us, having a small treat like a lollipop or their favourite snack after each successful trip also helped reinforce the positive behaviour. It's a great instant reward that they can enjoy right away and look forward to.

Some other things that worked well were incentivizing with a bigger reward - like a special outing or a new toy, which is only given after say 10 successful attempts . We also found keeping a consistent routine, with a potty break first thing when they wake up and last thing before bed helped too.

Good luck to all the parents embarking on this adventure! It can be challenging but the sense of accomplishment is so worth it in the end!
You've got some great tips there! We also had a reward system with our sticker chart, but I like the idea of a customizable chart - might have to bring out the arts and crafts for that one!

The instant treat idea is fantastic too; we did something similar with stickers as a quick win, but snacks are a fantastic reinforcement. Especially when they're favourite treats - that sense of being special really sinks in!

Love the bigger reward idea as well, especially linking it to a specific number of sticker goals. We found that having a consistent routine and lots of encouragement was key, too; it can be so tough when you're in the thick of it but sounds like everyone's doing a fantastic job keeping things positive!

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