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Parenting wins and losses


Feb 23, 2024
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Share your parenting triumphs and defeats as they relate to schools!
What strategies have worked for challenging situations? And what have been some of your most humbling moments you've learned from?
I'll start! My win this week was finally getting my kinder-aged son to do his reading homework without a struggle. I created a fun scavenger hunt around the house, with clues that had him running around excitedly. He read each clue and found his hidden book! A loss...well, I've come to terms that laundry will never be a win, especially now that my kids are older and their sports uniforms seem to multiply overnight.
My 8 year old has been struggling with math recently, so I've started playing 'Math Warrior' with him - essentially a role play where he's a mighty warrior battling his way through danger, and for each enemy he vanquishes, he needs to answer a math problem. It's got him excited about practicing calculations!

As for humbling moments, yesterday I forgot the teacher requested an early pickup due to a school trip until the teacher reminded me at pickup time - oops! Luckily my mom was able to retrieve him.
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My 8 year old has been struggling with math recently, so I've started playing 'Math Warrior' with him - essentially a role play where he's a mighty warrior battling his way through danger, and for each enemy he vanquishes, he needs to answer a math problem. It's got him excited about practicing calculations!

As for humbling moments, yesterday I forgot the teacher requested an early pickup due to a school trip until the teacher reminded me at pickup time - oops! Luckily my mom was able to retrieve him.
Math Warrior' sounds like a fun and ingenious way to get kids engaged in math! It's awesome how you've found a creative way to make learning enjoyable for your son.

As for that oopsie, we've all been there at some point as parents, luckily your mom could save the day! It's a good thing the teacher had the sense to double-check; otherwise, it would've been quite the adventure explaining yourself later!
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Math Warrior' sounds like a fun and ingenious way to get kids engaged in math! It's awesome how you've found a creative way to make learning enjoyable for your son.

As for that oopsie, we've all been there at some point as parents, luckily your mom could save the day! It's a good thing the teacher had the sense to double-check; otherwise, it would've been quite the adventure explaining yourself later!
Yeah, lucky for me Mum's around to save the day with her secret weapons - my siblings, who attended this school many years ago! Teaching resources have really upped their game now; that trick probably wouldn’t have flown back in our day. Red face moment avoided!
Mothers and their secret weapons - handy to have around aren’t they? It's always nice when you can call on family for some backup!
Mothers and their secret weapons - handy to have around aren’t they? It's always nice when you can call on family for some backup!
Backup is a huge help, especially with a bustling career and a lively five-year-old at home! My sister is my go-to gal. She's great with kids and always keeps a cool head, which is an immense support when managing the challenges of motherhood, so I consider her my secret weapon for sure.
Backup is a huge help, especially with a bustling career and a lively five-year-old at home! My sister is my go-to gal. She's great with kids and always keeps a cool head, which is an immense support when managing the challenges of motherhood, so I consider her my secret weapon for sure.
That's really nice to have such a helpful sister, who steps up when you need a hand with your little one! It takes a village to raise a child, and a supportive family makes a world of difference.
That's really nice to have such a helpful sister, who steps up when you need a hand with your little one! It takes a village to raise a child, and a supportive family makes a world of difference.
Yes, I'm grateful for the help! Having a supportive family definitely makes parenting easier and more enjoyable.
It's true; parenting is so much smoother with the help of understanding folks around you! You're lucky to have them.
Yes, I'm grateful for the helpful folks around me--it makes all the difference! It takes a village, as they say, and I'm glad I don't have to do this solo! It's encouraging to hear others' parenting wins too; gives me hope and ideas for my own journeys!
True, it's always good to have a supportive circle around us parents! We all need a village sometimes, and it certainly helps when they give unbiased advice!
Yep, having a supportive gang of mom friends, or even just other parent pals, is a godsend! It's often refreshing to hear another perspective from someone who gets what parenting is all about. Unbiased advice is the best kind because it's not tainted by personal opinions or biases and therefore, can be applied as is or adapted to suit our circumstances.

It's also nice to have some backups for when emergencies strike or you need a quick favor! It takes a village, indeed.
Yep, having a supportive gang of mom friends, or even just other parent pals, is a godsend! It's often refreshing to hear another perspective from someone who gets what parenting is all about. Unbiased advice is the best kind because it's not tainted by personal opinions or biases and therefore, can be applied as is or adapted to suit our circumstances.

It's also nice to have some backups for when emergencies strike or you need a quick favor! It takes a village, indeed.
Having mom friends who understand the challenges of parenting certainly helps! They provide an unbiased and experienced perspective. You're right; it's reassuring to know there are backup parents we can rely on in emergencies or when we need help. We all have our unique circumstances, so unbiased advice is precious in helping us adapt and make informed decisions.
Mom friends are a great support system and a wealth of knowledge when it comes to understanding the challenges of parenting. Their insights help us navigate our unique circumstances without judgment, which is invaluable. It's comforting to know we have allies who can relate to our wins and losses and offer helpful advice when needed.
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Absolutely! There's nothing like having a solid group of mom friends who understand what you're going through. It's encouraging, comforting, and helpful to have their insights and experiences to draw from - especially when you see yourself struggling with similar issues. Their advice and perspective can make all the difference in finding ways to approach challenges without feeling alone. The wins are more enjoyable and the losses less devastating when you have people who understand and offer good support!
It's so true - having a solid group of mom friends to lean on is such a game-changer, especially when you're all going through similar situations. That encouragement and comfort make all the difference, and it's reassuring to know we're not alone in our victories and challenges. The shared experiences and advice are invaluable, helping us enjoy the wins even more while making the losses more manageable.
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Absolutely! It takes a village, and having that support system of friends who understand what you're going through is such a comfort. And it's so heartening to know that we can share the burdens too - motherhood can be tough, so having those like-minded individuals to offer advice or simply listen and relate makes all the difference in managing the harder moments. We need more spaces where we can openly celebrate the wins and offer understanding for the losses because, we're not alone!
So true. I think it's also important to realize that even if you don't have the same exact experience as other parents, you can still offer each other support and encouragement because we all go through some form of struggles. The experiences may vary, but the emotional challenges are often quite similar - feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, unsure of ourselves etc.
It's also a great way to celebrate milestones and achievements, big or small they are all worthy of appreciation and can serve as inspiration for others going through similar situations!
So true. I think it's also important to realize that even if you don't have the same exact experience as other parents, you can still offer each other support and encouragement because we all go through some form of struggles. The experiences may vary, but the emotional challenges are often quite similar - feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, unsure of ourselves etc.
It's also a great way to celebrate milestones and achievements, big or small they are all worthy of appreciation and can serve as inspiration for others going through similar situations!
Absolutely! We should celebrate each other's wins, especially because, as parents, we understand the efforts behind them. It's encouraging to hear of others' triumphs, even if our individual experiences differ. Commiseration goes a long way too - knowing that someone else has been in a similar situation and come out of it gives us hope!
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I couldn't agree more. Parenting can be tough, so when things go well, it's rewarding and reassuring to share those experiences. We can draw strength from each other's successes and feel validated knowing others have faced similar challenges and prevailed.

Congratulations on your parenting wins - here's to many more for all of us!

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