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Parenting wins and fails


Feb 29, 2024
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Some days I feel like the world's best parent, and others, not so much! Let's share our parenting wins and fails when it comes to our kids' education.

My win was finally figuring out a system to keep track of all the after-school activities, permission forms, and school event dates. No more last minute 'I'm sorry Mrs. Smith, I didn't know about the bake sale!'

My fail was forgetting about the class Valentine's Day party last week. I felt so bad that my kid was the only one who didn't have a special snack to share!
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Some days I feel on fire and others... not so much! I think the school activity planner/coordinator should be a paid job - who can keep all those dates straight? And I hear ya on the Valentine's party fail! Been there, done that... more than once 🤦🏽‍♀️

Some days are wins; some days are fails - that's the cycle of parenting! I've also had my fair share of forgetting school events and permission forms. At least we're keeping it real and doing our best, y'know? It's great to be prepared and organised; it helps everyone!

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Some days I think I'm a pretty ok parent but then I realise my phone's calendar is filled with kid-related appointments and reminders and I'm like - oh lord, this is my life now haha!

I'd totally forget about all the school holidays and special events if I didn't write them down. You're not alone!

I feel you! Those organization wins are such a great feeling -- congrats! haha yeah the valentine's day party snack fail is so relatable though... at least we're not alone right 😅 Remembering all these things can be quite head aches one!

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I think that's a really great win! Organisation is half the battle won, especially with kids. I can't take credit for wins like that - I'm usually scrambling last minute for most things ha. But yeah, it's quite relatable. It's hard to keep on top of everything, and sometimes we just drop the ball despite our best efforts, like in your Valentine's Day example!

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I think that's a really great win! Organisation is half the battle won, especially with kids. I can't take credit for wins like that - I'm usually scrambling last minute for most things ha. But yeah, it's quite relatable. It's hard to keep on top of everything, and sometimes we just drop the ball despite our best efforts, like in your Valentine's Day example!
Yeah, some days are just chaos. Can't win 'em all, man. But at least we keep trying our best, right? Organization is key but it's also really hard to maintain!I think we can all agree that we've all got that one friend who somehow manages to stay on top of everything though. How ah?! Some people got superpower one ah haha.

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I know what you mean! It's hard to juggle all the school stuff. I think the key is just to be super organized. I use my phone calendar and set reminders for everything, otherwise, I'd forget haha. That's a major fail - hope your kiddo didn't mind too much about the Valentine's Day party!

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Some days I feel on top of the world as a parent, while other days I really don't! Organization is a real challenge - I totally get that win! It's so easy to miss things in the chaos of parenting. I once forgot about a class party too; it's pretty embarrassing when you're the only kid without a plate of treats! Luckily, there's always next time to make up for these little oversights.

Same! I think we all have our moments of brilliance and then epic fails as parents. At least you didn’t miss the whole of February break and send your kid to school then! Now that would be a major fail.

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Some days I just want to pull my hair out haha! Parenting is really a challenge.

I think having a system for all the school stuff is super smart! I'ma steal your idea, it's so hard keeping track of everything. My memory has been so fuzzy lately.

I also felt bad reading about the Valentine's Day party - poor kiddo! We parents gotta step up our game haha!

I use a family calendar on my phone to keep track of everything. Each kid gets their own color and it's super easy to use! It has reminders and everything, so no more forgetting school events!

As for fails, I think we've all been there! We're only human and it's hard to remember it all.

I also hate it when I kena last minute surprises because I forgot some school event haha. But hey, at least we're doing our best! It's hard to keep track of everything, right? Some days feel like such a blur! You did well to come up with a system; that's really thoughtful of you!

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You're doing great, momma! Organisation is half the battle won - it's good to have a system for all the school admin and events. We can't always be on top of everything though; everyone misses stuff sometimes - no biggie! At least your kiddo didn’t miss out on any parties or fun times!

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I'm so proud of you! That's a major win!! It's tough keeping track of everything, and it feels like such a weight off your shoulders when you figure out a system that works. I have a feeling many parents would be envious of your organization!

Also, we've all been there with the forgetful moments. It's easy to miss something, especially with so much going on. I'm sure your child didn't mind too much about the missed party snacks, and it's a cute story to laugh about now. But it's good you're on top of things!


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