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Parenting Twins, Triplets or More


Mar 24, 2024
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Several parents of multiples shared the joys, challenges, and strategies in raising twins or triplets. From the chaos of the early newborn phase to the fun of watching their personalities develop as they grow, it's a wild and fulfilling ride. Some common themes emerged: the importance of routine and organisation, keeping everyone occupied and tired for better sleep, the never-ending diaper changes, and the simultaneous exhaustion and joy that come with parenting multiples. Each stage brings new challenges and delights but ultimately, the unique experience is filled with fun, laughter and a special kind of marathon endurance!

Anyone parenting twins, triplets or more! This can be such a wild and wonderful ride. Share your experiences here, whether you're expecting or currently raising multiples. Are there any challenges you've faced or funny stories to share? What's your current strategy for keeping everyone fed, changed and happy?!

I'll go first! My twins are 14 months old and I feel like I've finally come up for air after the crazy newborn phase. We're in a fun stage where they're becoming more mobile and starting to interact with each other more. It's exhausting but so fascinating watching their little personalities develop!
I have no personal experience parenting multiples but I've seen friends go through it - it's truly a wild ride! The chaos and exhaustion are real, but so are the joys and cute moments!

My friend has three kids under four - twins who just turned two and an older sibling who's almost four. She says the key to survival is organization and routine. Meal prep, scheduled naps, and keeping everyone occupied, especially now that the little ones are more mobile. It's a full-time job wrangling them but she enjoys watching their personalities develop and play together.

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I'm parenting triplets and it's definitely three times the work and three times the joy! My little ones are 18 months old now, and starting to run around and explore. It's like a full-time job just keeping up with them, but I love every exhausting minute of it.

The first few months were a blur of feeding and changing diapers - thankfully my partner and I had an unspoken divide and conquer approach; we each took a baby and managed our own "zone", which helped things run more smoothly. We also invested in some baby wear so that we could have our hands free for the other twins. And lots of meals prepped and frozen to save time and effort on cooking! We also took turns napping whenever one of them napped, otherwise, we'd just collapse from exhaustion.

Now that they're older, we're having so much fun watching their personalities develop - one's a little shy, another's super adventurous, and the third is such a little joker! They play together nicely too, which is a real blessing. We're also getting better at keeping the peace when the three of them have meltdowns - which seems to happen simultaneously most days. It's like a well-practised dance, where we jump in to tend to the different cries and demands.

I'm curious to hear everyone else's experiences too!

My boy-girl twins are 16 months old, so I feel ya!

It is a crazy but awesome ride. I feel like I've got two little shadow puppets following me around these days; it's adorable! They're such a handful, though, and keeping them occupied is a full-time job. We've started putting them in activities like music class and swimming, or else the house gets demolished when they're cooped up indoors! Diaper changes are a wrestling match these days - thank goodness one parented me to keep everyone's nappy area nice and dry!

The most challenging part has been sleepless nights. My girl twin kept waking up every two hours till recently, so that was brutal. We're slowly getting there with consistent sleep training though it's a real test of patience! It helps that they have each other and entertain themselves sometimes - gives us some precious me-time too!

It's a unique journey; I wouldn't change it for the world!

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My girl/boy twins are 9m old and they're teething! It's been tough cause they've been cranky and up all night, but we're trying our best to cope by giving them lotsa attention and toys to chew on. I think it's harder for my wife and me now that they're more aware of their surroundings and want different things. But at least there's two of them to keep each other entertained haha. Anyone got recommendations for baby snacks? I've been giving them puréed homemade food but the mess... wah lau!

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My girls are 10 months old and they're such a handful! But I love every moment cos it's so heartwarming to see them smile and laugh, especially when they play together!

Feeding's a challenge though, one always seems to be hungrier than the other so I end up having to make two meals -.- One's also a light sleeper, while the other only wakes up when she's really hungry or needs a diaper change. So night feedings are interesting, haha. But I'm lucky that my hubby helps out a lot too!

My girls are 10 months old and they're such a handful! But I love every moment cos it's so heartwarming to see them smile and laugh, especially when they play together!

Feeding's a challenge though, one always seems to be hungrier than the other so I end up having to make two meals -.- One's also a light sleeper, while the other only wakes up when she's really hungry or needs a diaper change. So night feedings are interesting, haha. But I'm lucky that my hubby helps out a lot too!
I hear having a structured routine is super impt when you're managing multiple kids! Keeping them occupied and tired out helps a lot too, so they sleep better at night . My friends also say that every phase comes with different challenges but also different joys. So many firsts to celebrate - first steps, first words, first time they play nicely together! It's gonna be a wild ride for you, but it sounds like you're off to a great start already!

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I have no experience with parenting multiples but I've seen friends go through it - it's definitely a crazy ride! Lots of work diapering and feeding and trying to keep everyone happy, especially when they're so little they need you for everything. But the rewards are multiply too - seeing them play and interact together is so heartwarming, like you said. A whole other level of fun when they start developing their own personalities!

I have no experience with parenting multiples but I've seen friends go through it - it's definitely a crazy ride! Lots of work diapering and feeding and trying to keep everyone happy, especially when they're so little they need you for everything. But the rewards are multiply too - seeing them play and interact together is so heartwarming, like you said. A whole other level of fun when they start developing their own personalities!
I say, parenting multiples really not easy one leh. But agree with you that it has its rewarding moments - like when you see them hugging each other or having each other’s back. Very heartwarming and funny also, especially when one starts crying and the other follows suit for no apparent reason. And I feel you on the exhaustion part – it’s really draining man, like a never ending marathon! But we all slowly adapt hor… and somehow survive! HAHA!
It's such a blur, that first year! Mobile twins are a handful but at least you can plop them down together and they'll entertain each other for a bit. I found that once they start moving around independently, it's like having two curious little shadow pups following me everywhere. Always underfoot! But it's so fun watching them explore together.

It's definitely a wild ride! I have 18-month-old twins, and man, are they a handful. The best strategy I've found to keep them fed and happy is setting up little independence stations. So, each kid has their own stack of books, toys, and snacks within easy reach. That way, if one's occupying themselves, the other doesn't try to join in and make a fuss. Also helps encourage a bit of independent play. As for changes - well, that's a never-ending job! But having a system for keeping diapers, wipes, and spare clothes organized and easily accessible is key. I feel like most parents of multiples have that down pat though! It's definitely a crazy life but watching them play together is half the fun.

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Yes, it's a crazy ride - fun but exhausting work! I remember those early days; it's a blur of feedings and changes, and you're on constant high alert. But the payoffs are huge; their personalities develop and interact, and that's fascinating to witness. You're in for a real treat seeing how their bond develops too!

The first few months after they're born are definitely a blur! It's great that you're past the newborn stage and watching their personalities emerge is so fun. I found having multiples meant lots of tantrums and toddler drama - but also lots of laughs too as they played together. Keeping up with their feeding and sleeping schedules was a challenge, especially when they were so little and demanded attention at different times! But you get into a rhythm eventually.

The first few months after they're born are definitely a blur! It's great that you're past the newborn stage and watching their personalities emerge is so fun. I found having multiples meant lots of tantrums and toddler drama - but also lots of laughs too as they played together. Keeping up with their feeding and sleeping schedules was a challenge, especially when they were so little and demanded attention at different times! But you get into a rhythm eventually.
Gah, I remember those early days - a blur of feedings and naps! You're right though, eventually, you find your groove and it gets easier.

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The newborn phase is a blur! Once they start moving, it's like a never-ending game of catch me if you can! Keeping up with their curious little selves can be quite the workout.

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The newborn phase is a blur! Once they start moving, it's like a never-ending game of catch me if you can! Keeping up with their curious little selves can be quite the workout.
I know what you mean! Catching them when they're on the move is a workout especially when they're into everything and climbing on anything they can. I feel like I'm constantly scanning the room for potential dangers they might get into! But it's fun watching them explore.

I know what you mean! Catching them when they're on the move is a workout especially when they're into everything and climbing on anything they can. I feel like I'm constantly scanning the room for potential dangers they might get into! But it's fun watching them explore.
I feel like I'm constantly on a lookout too! It's like having two little explorers who are always keen to embark on their next adventure. The energy and stamina they have is truly amazing.

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