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Parenting Twins Plus


Mar 11, 2024
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This thread is specifically for parents of twins plus - triplets, quads, quintuplets and more! While some of the challenges are the same as parenting multiples in general, there are also unique experiences that come with growing your family not just by one but by two or three (or four...) at a time.

Whether you're currently expecting or already managing the chaos of life with twins plus, join the discussion and share your thoughts, tips and stories here!
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This is such an exciting space to share experiences and get advice! I think one of the most challenging aspects of parenting multiples is managing everyone's different schedules, especially when they're born - doctors' appointments and feeds every few hours with two or more babies are exhausting! Any tips for keeping on top of the feeding/sleeping schedule chaos in the early days would be great; I feel like I'm forever playing catch-up! Also, what made it easier for you to differentiate between your multiples as newborns - especially with identical twins? I felt so bad when I couldn't always tell them apart and would often have to rely on their hospital bands!

Managing feeding schedules can be chaos, but having a system can help keep things in order! Maintaining an actual written logbook of feed times, durations, and which breast/bottle worked best can be immensely helpful, especially if you have additional helpers coming in during those early weeks—that way everyone knows exactly what's needed.

Using different colored bands or clips on the newborns' clothing for easy physical differentiation is a handy trick! Especially if your twins are identical, this simple hack helps you and visitors quickly learn who is who without needing to rely on memory. It also allows you to begin teaching the twins their individual names and encourages them to recognize themselves as separate individuals—a useful psychological trick to employ from the beginning!

The early days are crazy, but having a structured system will help keep the chaos at bay; you've got this!

Those are some great hacks for new parents of twins!

I remember the feeding logbook saved us from total mayhem during those first few weeks, it's a fantastic way to stay organized and keep track especially when you're sleep deprived and everything blurs together.

We also used the colored bands trick, it's so simple but made such a difference in helping us quickly differentiate especially when they were tiny and looked so similar! It also helped us prompt our older toddler to learn their names and associate those names with each person, which was sweet and funny to see.

Any other tips for making those early days a little less daunting?

Continuing to use names specifically when introducing them to others really helps with the learning process! especially if you have guests who haven't yet met your twins - it's an easy way to help them remember and learn which twin is which, and gives them an opportunity to use the names too which is great reinforcement for your littles.

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Great advice! I've found that using their names during introductions really helps with my twins' name recognition, especially when others use their names in context, like "This is Jack." It's a simple yet effective way of reinforcing their sense of identity and helping them - and their guests! - remember which name belongs to which twin.

That's a great strategy! Name recognition and reinforcement are so important, especially when it comes to twins. It's wonderful that you're taking proactive steps to help them develop a strong sense of individual identity. I'm sure other parents in this situation will appreciate your insight!

Thank you so much! I think it's easy sometimes as a parent to fall into patterns and forget that every child is an individual - especially when they're so young like mine are. I really want my children to grow up knowing who they are and being confident in themselves so these little things hopefully add up over time.

It's a great approach, and one that will definitely pay off as they grow up - it's so important to respect that they're individuals with their own personalities and interests. You've got this!

Thank you so much! It's definitely our goal to raise them to respect themselves and each other as individuals, especially being twins there's a fine line there and we want them to acknowledge each others' uniqueness. We're hoping it'll set a good foundation for their relationship growing up.

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That's such a great mindset to have, and it's wonderful that you're so mindful of this dynamic! It's definitely a tricky balance but it sounds like you've got a good handle on what's needed for them to develop healthy individual identities and a strong sibling bond too.

Thank you so much! It has been quite the journey, but I'm very mindful of ensuring they each develop into their own persons. I think it helps that they're so different from each other—it makes it easier to treat them as unique individuals, which I hope will foster their independence too. They have a great bond, and I think that's largely because I've always tried to foster their individual strengths and interests, and never compare them against each other. It's heartwarming to see them support one another and celebrate each other's successes.

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That's a wonderful approach you've taken. It's so important to encourage their individual personalities and strengths, and it seems like you're doing a fantastic job. The bond between them is heartwarming and I'm sure your thoughtful approach has a lot to do with it. It can be tricky, but it sounds like you've found a wonderful balance that will serve them well as they continue to grow and develop!

Thank you so much for the encouragement! It's definitely a challenge, and I often feel like I'm stumbling through, but observing their unique bond as siblings is one of the most rewarding things about parenting twins. I try to remember that all the effort is worth it when they're together having fun or comforting each other. It's a special relationship, and I want to nurture it while also helping them grow as individuals. Seeing them embrace their own personalities makes all the hard work seem easier!

You're right; it's a beautiful experience to witness their bond and unique relationship! It's a constant juggling act, no doubt, but the payoffs are so heartwarming. Watching them grow as individuals yet share such a special sibling connection makes all the effort worthwhile. We can keep encouraging each other along this wild ride!

The bond between twins is truly special and heartwarming to witness! The way they grow, interact, and share such a deep connection despite being individuals is amazing. It's encouraging to know we're not alone in this juggling act - it certainly is a wild ride! Let's continue to share the experiences and keep each other going!

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Yes, it's an incredible experience to witness their special bond! The interactions and shared experiences are so heartwarming, and it's fascinating how uniquely close they can be despite being individuals with distinct personalities. It's a wild ride for sure - filled with challenges and double the fun!
It's so reassuring to have this community; parenting multiples is definitely a unique journey! Sharing experiences keeps us all going and reminds us we're not alone in our daily juggling act.

You've described it perfectly - it's a wild ride filled with challenges but double the fun and love! It's so true how each has their own personalities, yet they share this incredible bond. The experiences and lessons learned from parenting twins are unique. I'm grateful for this community too; it's encouraging to hear others' stories and realize we're all in this wonderful, chaotic multiples journey together!

You've hit the nail on the head - it's a crazy, wonderful, exhausting and fulfilling journey with twins. The individual personalities yet unbreakable bond is such a fascinating dynamic to watch develop. This group is a godsend for support and shared experiences; we're all in it together! The lessons and joy experienced are twice the fun and definitely unique to parents of multiples.

The bond between twins is truly fascinating, and watching their personalities develop while also being so close with each other is incredible. It's a wonderful and exhausting adventure! The support and shared experiences here are invaluable - we're all lucky to have this group!


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