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Parenting Twins Plus


Mar 21, 2024
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This thread is specifically for those parenting 3 or more multiples at the same time - so triplets, quadruplets etc. It can be challenging and rewarding and we'd love to hear your experiences.

Are there any challenges you've faced with parenting triples that other parents of multiples might not understand? Do you have any helpful tips for keeping track of them all or maintaining your sanity? Do share your stories here!
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I think the biggest challenge with triplets is just the sheer physical demands - three kids needing three sets of everything and constant attention! I remember in the early days, I'd often lose track of who needed what because someone was always crying or needed feeding/changing!

My strategy was to create a routine that synced their schedules for feeds/naps whenever possible - it helped me keep on top of things and made life much easier. Also, color-coding really helps - each child has their own distinct color so it makes identifying clothes/bottles/blankets etc. a lot easier and reduces the chances of mixing them up.

Another thing that worked for us was creating individual "time outs" - not in a punitive sense but just a few minutes of focused attention for each kid every day. Even now that they're older, they look forward to their special one-on-one time doing whatever activity they choose. It's amazing how it diffuses jealousy and helps them feel special and loved individually, even amidst the chaos!

As they grow older, individual personalities emerge and it becomes trickier - you've got three different people with potentially three very different needs/wants/interests. My kids are at that stage now and we often have to navigate some tricky emotions, but overall, the early investment in routine and "special time" has helped them bond with each other and be very patient and understanding of each others' needs.

It's certainly a wild ride parenting multiples - but the chaos is outweighed by the fun and laughter (most days)! Would love to hear others' experiences too!
I think the biggest challenge with triplets is just the sheer physical demands - three kids needing three sets of everything and constant attention! I remember in the early days, I'd often lose track of who needed what because someone was always crying or needed feeding/changing!

My strategy was to create a routine that synced their schedules for feeds/naps whenever possible - it helped me keep on top of things and made life much easier. Also, color-coding really helps - each child has their own distinct color so it makes identifying clothes/bottles/blankets etc. a lot easier and reduces the chances of mixing them up.

Another thing that worked for us was creating individual "time outs" - not in a punitive sense but just a few minutes of focused attention for each kid every day. Even now that they're older, they look forward to their special one-on-one time doing whatever activity they choose. It's amazing how it diffuses jealousy and helps them feel special and loved individually, even amidst the chaos!

As they grow older, individual personalities emerge and it becomes trickier - you've got three different people with potentially three very different needs/wants/interests. My kids are at that stage now and we often have to navigate some tricky emotions, but overall, the early investment in routine and "special time" has helped them bond with each other and be very patient and understanding of each others' needs.

It's certainly a wild ride parenting multiples - but the chaos is outweighed by the fun and laughter (most days)! Would love to hear others' experiences too!
That's a really smart strategy to sync their schedules, especially during the chaotic early years! Color-coding is a great idea that can help new parents distinguish between their kids' belongings, which will undoubtedly become more important as they grow older and start asserting their individual personalities.

Creating some order amidst the chaos is definitely a challenge, and you've managed it well! I can imagine that "routine" is a sanity-saving word for parents of multiples, almost like a secret code!

The idea of giving each child focused attention time sounds like an excellent way to foster individuality and avoid any sense of neglect too. It's great that your kids look forward to this special time even now.

I'm curious: With three distinct personalities running around, do you ever feel like you're managing a three-ring circus? How do you handle those different needs and interests, especially when they clash?
I think the biggest challenge with triplets is just the sheer physical demands - three kids needing three sets of everything and constant attention! I remember in the early days, I'd often lose track of who needed what because someone was always crying or needed feeding/changing!

My strategy was to create a routine that synced their schedules for feeds/naps whenever possible - it helped me keep on top of things and made life much easier. Also, color-coding really helps - each child has their own distinct color so it makes identifying clothes/bottles/blankets etc. a lot easier and reduces the chances of mixing them up.

Another thing that worked for us was creating individual "time outs" - not in a punitive sense but just a few minutes of focused attention for each kid every day. Even now that they're older, they look forward to their special one-on-one time doing whatever activity they choose. It's amazing how it diffuses jealousy and helps them feel special and loved individually, even amidst the chaos!

As they grow older, individual personalities emerge and it becomes trickier - you've got three different people with potentially three very different needs/wants/interests. My kids are at that stage now and we often have to navigate some tricky emotions, but overall, the early investment in routine and "special time" has helped them bond with each other and be very patient and understanding of each others' needs.

It's certainly a wild ride parenting multiples - but the chaos is outweighed by the fun and laughter (most days)! Would love to hear others' experiences too!
That's an awesome strategy to create individual time-outs as a bonding method, which helps to avoid sibling rivalry! I can imagine that managing three different personalities can be tricky as they grow older; it's great that you've found ways to navigate this. routines and structure praise be helpful to keep some sense of order!
Creating individual time-outs is one of the best ways we've found to foster those special one-on-one bonds, especially now that the twins are older and their personalities are really developing! It's definitely a challenge managing three distinct personalities - each with their own interests and moods - but we're trying our best to navigate this stage. Establishing routines definitely helps us parents keep some sanity while giving each child some sense of order and predictability too. We try to make it fun for them though so it doesn't feel like a chore! Can't hurt those budding independent streaks either!
Creating specific one-on-one experiences is a great strategy, and it's heartening to hear how much it strengthens the parent-child bond. As they navigate their individual personalities, it can certainly feel like juggling three different people! But maintaining a sense of routine while making it enjoyable can help strike a balance between order and fun. Well done!
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Creating specific one-on-one experiences is a great strategy, and it's heartening to hear how much it strengthens the parent-child bond. As they navigate their individual personalities, it can certainly feel like juggling three different people! But maintaining a sense of routine while making it enjoyable can help strike a balance between order and fun. Well done!
Yes, that delicate balance of structure and fun keeps things exciting! Keeps me on my toes for sure. I'm curious - how do you keep track of your children's unique interests and personalities? Any special tricks or systems to share?
Yes, that delicate balance of structure and fun keeps things exciting! Keeps me on my toes for sure. I'm curious - how do you keep track of your children's unique interests and personalities? Any special tricks or systems to share?
I've always been a big believer in writing things down! I keep a journaling system that helps me note down each kid's preferences, as well as their individual milestones/achievements, especially the more nuanced ones. For instance, one might have a newfound interest in rocks and the other in drawing people watching. So, I'll jot down these little quirks and refer back to them sometimes when planning special activities or outings - it helps me plan those bespoke one-on-one days each child loves so much. This way, their interests don't get lost in the shuffle, especially as they grow and evolve! I also keep a running list of questions for each kid, things they're curious about or want to explore further, which helps spark conversation topics and keeps our dialogues engaging.
I've always been a big believer in writing things down! I keep a journaling system that helps me note down each kid's preferences, as well as their individual milestones/achievements, especially the more nuanced ones. For instance, one might have a newfound interest in rocks and the other in drawing people watching. So, I'll jot down these little quirks and refer back to them sometimes when planning special activities or outings - it helps me plan those bespoke one-on-one days each child loves so much. This way, their interests don't get lost in the shuffle, especially as they grow and evolve! I also keep a running list of questions for each kid, things they're curious about or want to explore further, which helps spark conversation topics and keeps our dialogues engaging.
Writing it down is a thoughtful approach to remember the unique interests of three different children! That's a clever system you have there in keeping track of their individual personalities and milestones. I'm sure other parents will find this useful too. Your dedicated approach is impressive and inspiring!
Thank you so much! It's definitely a challenge to keep up with everything they're interested in and what stage of life they're at, but I find that writing it down helps me remember so much more than if I didn't. I also love looking back on their milestones and seeing how much they've grown and changed - it's an easy way to forget to appreciate the present too!
Writing it all down is such a great idea - not only for keeping track but also as a keepsake for them and you! Milestones are easy to miss especially when they're growing up so quickly, it's lovely to look back and appreciate how far they've come and see what interests them too.
Writing a journal is one of the best pieces of advice I received when expecting twins - and have continued the habit beyond the early years. The milestones are so numerous (and often simultaneous!) that without some form of record, they're easily forgotten amidst the sleep deprivation and chaos! It's wonderful to look back on their growth and development, as you say. And it's fascinating to see patterns and similarities emerge between them, too. I'm glad someone else finds this useful - it's often so encouraging to hear others have similar experiences!
Writing a journal is one of the best pieces of advice I received when expecting twins - and have continued the habit beyond the early years. The milestones are so numerous (and often simultaneous!) that without some form of record, they're easily forgotten amidst the sleep deprivation and chaos! It's wonderful to look back on their growth and development, as you say. And it's fascinating to see patterns and similarities emerge between them, too. I'm glad someone else finds this useful - it's often so encouraging to hear others have similar experiences!
It's a great idea to keep a journal, especially for twins milestones and developments! It's heartening to know that other parents find the same benefits from journaling as well. It seems like an essential tool for managing parenting twins - a great coping strategy to record precious moments amidst the chaos!
It's a great idea to keep a journal, especially for twins milestones and developments! It's heartening to know that other parents find the same benefits from journaling as well. It seems like an essential tool for managing parenting twins - a great coping strategy to record precious moments amidst the chaos!
Parenting is certainly a joyride! Juggling the twin's different needs and wants can be quite the challenge but it's heartwarming when others share similar experiences and strategies, isn't it?
Parenting is certainly a joyride! Juggling the twin's different needs and wants can be quite the challenge but it's heartwarming when others share similar experiences and strategies, isn't it?
It's nice to have some insights on how other parents manage, especially when it comes to documenting milestones - it's such a wonderful way to appreciate the journey. It almost makes me want another child...almost! But for now, I'm content knowing there are ways to make this challenge a lot more manageable and even enjoyable.
Parenting is certainly a joyride! Juggling the twin's different needs and wants can be quite the challenge but it's heartwarming when others share similar experiences and strategies, isn't it?
Yes it is definitely reassuring! parenting twins is a whole new ballgame, so insights from other parents are like gold dust!
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Yes it is definitely reassuring! parenting twins is a whole new ballgame, so insights from other parents are like gold dust!
There's a whole new level of respect for parents of multiples! The strategies shared here are priceless!
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I can only imagine! It's challenging enough with one baby, let alone two – or more! So many great tips being shared; I love the idea of colour-coding for different personalities/preferences. And keeping a running inventory/meal train going is genius! Makes it easier on everyone and takes some of the guess-work out when people ask how they can help.
I can only imagine! It's challenging enough with one baby, let alone two – or more! So many great tips being shared; I love the idea of colour-coding for different personalities/preferences. And keeping a running inventory/meal train going is genius! Makes it easier on everyone and takes some of the guess-work out when people ask how they can help.
I never thought of color-coding for twins! That's really smart, especially when you have friends who want to gift them something but you're too shy to ask for specific needs later on. And keeping track of inventory is so useful, especially if either toddler has a particular favorite that they love! It saves everyone's time and effort. Some very savvy ideas being thrown around here - I'm enjoying the discussion a lot because I can imagine myself in the position, haha!
I can only imagine! It's challenging enough with one baby, let alone two – or more! So many great tips being shared; I love the idea of colour-coding for different personalities/preferences. And keeping a running inventory/meal train going is genius! Makes it easier on everyone and takes some of the guess-work out when people ask how they can help.
The meal train system has been a lifesaver, especially in the beginning when you're so sleep deprived and just trying to figure everything out. It's amazing how many meals friends and family have dropped off; it's so heartwarming and also helps you eat well too! And I'm guilty of using a lot of colour-coding - it just makes things simpler!

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