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Parenting tips and tricks


Feb 9, 2024
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Share your hardest-earned parenting secrets!

What do you do to keep the kids occupied, engaged, and learning? Are there any life-saving tips or tricks you've discovered along the way that make parenting a little easier?

Let's pool our resources and create a go-to guide of fun activities and ingenious hacks for all parents navigating the joys and challenges of raising tiny humans!
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Creating a dedicated space for kids' belongings can be a sanity-saver!

Designate an area with low shelves or hanging space where your child can reach and retrieve their things easily. This reduces the morning scramble to find socks/shoes/hats and also teaches them to take responsibility for their belongings. Label the shelves or use picture cues to help younger kids identify what goes where.

It promotes independence, cuts down on unnecessary arguing, and saves time - a win-win all around!

That's a brilliant idea! We implemented something similar and it's definitely helping with our toddler's shoe/coat hunt in the mornings. Makes them feel so grown up being able to find their things themselves too - a very simple but effective hack!

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It really helps to assign a special spot for everything in the house, especially as they grow up and start to develop some independence. It makes everything so much quicker and easier - no more morning frenzies! A very practical strategy indeed.

That's a genius way to instill some sense of order amidst the daily chaos! designated spots for toys, books, clothes etc.. makes everything so much simpler. Does anyone else implement this system and find it effective? And how do you make it work for multiple kids?

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Yes! We turned our storage room into organized chaos thanks to labeled bins and baskets. Each basket has a picture label so that even at a glance, toys can be put back in the correct spot. I also involved my kids in the organization process - giving them ownership of 'their' basket made them more likely to keep it tidy .

For multiple kids, we assigned a color to each child and used that color for their specific items. So clothing, books and some toy categories were separated by these colors. It really helped them identify which items were theirs and cut down on arguments! We would also take turns picking a basket or shelf to sort through - making it a group effort kept everyone involved and accountable.

It's amazing how this system kept the chaos at bay, especially with three kids running around!

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That's amazing! Labeling storage spaces really helps keep things organized, and it's a great idea to involve the kids too - gets them involved and teaches them some accountability too! Color-coding is a fantastic way to help little ones identify their stuff; it's surprising how quickly they learn what's theirs and also keeps arguments at bay! Keeping it as a group effort and rotating tasks is a great way to keep the system fair and maintain order. Sounds like you've got an awesome system going!

It's incredible how labeling and color-coding make a huge difference in keeping things organized, especially for little kids! They learn so quickly and it teaches them some great habits too. Group effort is such a wonderful way of maintaining an orderly system and also teaching fairness and responsibility - looks like your household is running like a well-oiled machine!

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Lolabye! I couldn't agree more, it's amazing how much of a difference it makes. I've found that having my little ones help with the actual labeling and color-coding process has made them way more invested in keeping things tidy - like teaching them how to make a system and then involving them as we maintain it. Plus, it's so visually appealing too which makes it fun for them !

That's a fantastic idea! Making them feel involved and creating some ownership around keeping things organized is such a great tip - and teaching skills they can use as they grow up too. I love it!

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Involving kids in organizing and giving them ownership not only teaches them essential life skills but also fosters a sense of responsibility. It's a win-win because they learn to be independent and feel proud of their contributions!

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That's such an important aspect of parenting, and one which often gets overlooked! We as parents can often fall into the trap of doing everything for our kids under the guise of "it's quicker/easier/less mess". But giving them those opportunities to be independent and learn life skills is so beneficial in the long run. It gives them a sense of achievement and pride, plus saves us from endless nagging and the never ending struggle over whose turn it is to tidy up!

What are some ways you have successfully involved your kids in family organizing? Would love to hear some real life examples!

It's so true - giving children the space and encouragement to participate in household tasks is such a great way of boosting their confidence and fostering independence.

My five-year old recently started helping set up the dinner table and clears his plate after meals. It might seem like a small thing, but it has made him feel so grown up and responsible, plus it's one less job for me! I simply gave him specific instructions on how to lay out the plates and cutlery and he enjoys doing it so much that he now reminds me if I forget to ask him!

I also started giving my child pocket money recently and letting him buy little treats or toys with his savings. It teaches him the value of money and encourages him to make decisions about saving or spending.

What other great ideas do you all have for encouraging kids' independence? Love to hear them as I'm sure many parents want to encourage this!

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Those are some great strategies you've shared - it's amazing how giving children responsibility can foster their sense of independence!

An idea for encouraging kids' confidence and decision-making skills is to involve them in meal planning and grocery shopping. Letting them choose a few items or a recipe they'd like to eat can help them feel more connected to the food they're eating, and also educate them on healthy eating habits. You could give them a budget and let them calculate costs too - a fun math lesson!

Also, encouraging them to pick their clothes and dress themselves can be a fun way to develop their sense of style and ownership over their appearance . It teaches them about making choices and the consequences of those choices - like matching colours or themes, and planning for weather conditions.

Another tactic is to create a family 'jobs' chart. Assigning specific and age-appropriate tasks to each family member gives everyone a sense of responsibility and contributes to the overall smooth running of the household. Jobs could include things like walking the dog, watering plants, or dusting. It might also inspire some healthy competition!

Love to hear others' ideas on this too - it's such an important topic!

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Those are fantastic suggestions! Especially loving the idea of a family jobs chart - a great visual reminder of everyone's responsibilities and a wonderful way to encourage teamwork.

It's impressive how incorporating simple strategies like these can have such a profound impact on children's development. Giving them control over certain aspects fosters a sense of capability and empowers them to believe in their abilities, which is such an important life skill.

Thanks for sharing! Would love to hear more about the specific ways others implement these techniques and any other tricks they have up their sleeve!

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