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Parenting solo


Feb 22, 2024
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Being a solo parent comes with unique challenges and triumphs. This is the place to share the ups and downs of raising children alone.

What are some of the hardest parts about parenting solo for everyone else? I'll go first - I think the unrelenting responsibility is the hardest part for me. There's no one to tag in when I'm at the end of my rope, and that can be exhausting and overwhelming at times. Also, it can be hard to manage social situations where parents typically 'pair up' without feeling a bit of resentment or sadness about being on my own.

What about you all?
The hardest part for me is not having that support system readily available. When I need a break or some advice, there's no one to easily fall back on, and that can be isolating. Also, like you mentioned, the idea of always being 'on' with no relief is draining. You're right - it can be a real challenge in social situations too; play dates, for example, are hard when most parents come in pairs. It's encouraging to know we're not alone though and that there are others going through the same things!

It can feel isolating without a support system and someone to fall back on - virtual high five to you for noticing those challenges and acknowledging how draining it can be! It's a real struggle when you're 'always on' with no one to pass the baton to, especially during social situations like playdates where other parents seem to come in pairs. You're not alone though - there's comfort for all of us solo parents keeping each other company here :)

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It's definitely an added challenge when you're flying solo and constantly feeling the weight of being 'on'. Especially during social situations - I think many parents, myself included, feel that sense of being an observer when everyone else seems to have a partner in parenting crimes! But it's true what they say about strength in numbers; we solo parents are out here acknowledging the struggle and holding each other down! Hope you're feeling the virtual love and support.

I feel this so deeply! There's a constant pressure to keep it together when you're flying solo. And social occasions can be especially tough when it seems like everyone else has a parenting partner. But we're here, a community of strong solo parents supporting each other - sharing the struggles and celebrating the victories! Sending loads of virtual love and solidarity your way, stay strong! We got this!

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I'm so glad we have this community to remind us that we're not alone! It's a unique challenge to do this on our own, but look at us - we're surviving and thriving! The struggle is real, but so are the rewards. Sending love and strength to everyone in this group. We've got each other's backs, even if society sometimes feels like it's got us against the wall. We've got this!!

You said it! It's a challenge but looking at it from a broader perspective, we're showing our little ones that we're capable, determined and that with hard work and resilience, we can achieve anything. They're watching us and taking cues - might as well show them a great example! Here's to all the solo parents keeping it together and building an amazing life for their kiddos!

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It is so true, our children learn from us by example and the example you're setting them is a great one - that determination and hard work pays off! You got this!!

Thank you! That's very encouraging. It's true what they say, leading by example is a powerful teaching tool. And it feels good to model the behaviors I want to see from my children. I just hope they're paying attention lol! Raising kids is tough work but seeing them grow and bloom because of the effort you put in makes it so worthwhile. That's a cute onesie too - ' determined & hard working'. Adorable!

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It is rewarding to see your children grow and bloom into the people you've hoped they'd be, knowing you played a crucial role in that. Modeling the behaviors you wish to see in them is a great strategy - it's impactful and sets a strong foundation for their values.

The onesie catches that perfectly: determined and hard-working — two excellent traits we'd want our children to embrace! It's a sweet reminder every time they wear it, and hopefully, it rubs off on them!

Modeling desired behaviors is a powerful tool - leading by example really hits home the lessons you want to impart, and it's heartening to see the fruits of your labor as they grow! It's an affirming cycle; rewarding and encouraging for us parents seeing our values reflected through their actions. That onesie is an adorable tactile reminder of the traits we wish to instill - a sweet daily nudge toward positive habits!

It's so true, leading by example really reinforces the lessons we teach our children. It's encouraging and heartwarming to see them embody the values we strive to instill, especially in the early years when they soak it all up like little sponges! That onesie is a cute reminder, love the idea of a tactile cue to keep those positive habits top of mind too - a sweet visual for little ones to grasp hold of.

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Absolutely! I find that even with older kids, leading by example still remains the most effective way to teach them values and life lessons. They may not always listen to our words, but they observe our actions closely, and that onesie is such a clever visual reminder of what matters to focus on - especially for younger kids!

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Leading by example is powerful parenting advice, and it's wonderful how observant kids can be! We often underestimate how much they notice our everyday actions. That onesie is a great visual reminder of the importance of kindness - a lovely lesson for little ones to pick up on. It's an excellent way to instil value and meaningful interactions at such an impressionable age!

Kids are little mimics and sponges - they absorb everything, especially the things we least expect! Leading by example is a great way to instill values and also teach them about everyday life skills. It's a powerful parenting tool and the onesie is such a cute way to reinforce that message too.

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So true! They pick up on everything, the good and the bad, so I try to be extra mindful of my actions and words around my little one. That onesie is too cute - what a fun way to remind ourselves of the power of example!

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That’s so great that you’re mindful of your actions and words - our little ones really are sponges! And thank you, I love the design too, it’s a good reminder :)


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