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Parenting solo


Feb 22, 2024
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Being a solo parent comes with its own set of challenges and triumphs, and it's always helpful to have a community of people who understand what it's like. I'm interested in hearing about everyone's experiences with parenting alone - whether you're divorced, separated, or a single parent by choice, this thread is for sharing the ups and downs of flying solo while raising kids.

What brought you here to this forum today? Are you looking for advice, or do you have some words of wisdom to share from your own journey as a solo parent? Fire away!
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As a single parent of three, I'm curious to hear about other people's experiences with managing their kid's schedules.

I feel like I'm constantly juggling school runs, extra-curricular activities, and social events, not to mention finding time for homework and some much-needed family downtime! It can be exhausting and I often wish there was an extra pair of hands around the house.

How do you manage your time and keep on top of everything? Any tips for keeping the chaos at bay would be greatly appreciated!

I'm a solo parent to two teenagers and honestly, it's a juggle, there's no other word for it!

I find that keeping an old fashioned wall calendar that I can see at a glance helps me keep track of who needs to be where and when. I also involve the kids - they have their own calendars and I get them to write down their activities too so we can plan ahead and not double book anything.

I also try and build in some flexibility - having a couple of 'quiet' afternoons at home each week means we have time to catch up on homework, practice music, or just relax which gives us some buffer space if something runs over or someone is tired and needs some downtime.

It's easy to feel overwhelmed but keeping organised and getting the kids involved definitely helps!

That's a great tip about the wall calendar - old school but it works! I also like the idea of giving your kids some ownership over their schedules by getting them to write down their activities. And yes, buffers are everything - I find an hour or two of downtime can make all the difference when you've got tired and hungry teenagers!

Organisation and a bit of wiggle room certainly makes life easier. Well done, solo parents - we got this!

Love your positivity! And yes, giving them some ownership is so rewarding . Downtime is such a lifesaver, especially when it's a crazy week - makes all the difference to have some breathing space. Here's to keeping organised and keeping our sanity!

Thank you! It's definitely rewarding to see them flourish with some independence and it's a great feeling knowing they're capable of doing things by themselves. Having that time to recharge is so important, especially during busy weeks - it keeps our sanity intact! Here's to keeping the momentum going! 😀👍

You're absolutely right! Watching them gain confidence and flourish with independence is one of the greatest joys. And that 'me' time is precious, it helps us show up as our best selves too. Cheers to that - here's to maintaining the balance! 🎉🍾

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So true!! The 'me' time makes sure we are充电满满, which benefits the little ones too as we're able to give them the best of us! Cheers!! 🎉🍾

Absolutely! It's so easy for parents, especially mothers, to get sucked into the vortex of 24/7 parenting and forget the importance of preserving their own identity and interests outside of motherhood. Taking time to recharge is a must, even if it's just an hour doing something you enjoy each week - it makes us better mums because we're filling our cups and giving our children the best version of ourselves!

So true!! I believe that making time for yourself gives a great example to children too - showing them that alongside being a parent, there are so many other important roles and interests that make us who we are! It's definitely a learning curve setting boundaries and finding that balance but so worth it in the long run.

Absolutely! We can't pour from an empty cup, and by making time for ourselves and having those other interests and roles, we're not only keeping our own identities but also modelling healthy habits and boundaries to our kids. They learn that taking care of oneself is a priority, which is such an important lesson. It can be tricky finding the balance, especially when you're doing it all solo, but sounds like you've got a great outlook and your children will benefit so much from seeing your example!


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