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Parenting shortcuts to simplicity


Mar 11, 2024
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It's easy as parents to get bogged down in the minutiae of life and focus on survival tactics to get through each day. This thread is about embracing a simpler approach - sharing the shortcuts and strategies we use to streamline family life without compromising on essential experiences. From quick mealtime hacks to creative organizing solutions, let's share our best tips for achieving a more straightforward parenting journey!

What simple living hacks have brought serenity to your parenting world? Let's dive in and explore these sanity-saving ideas together!
One of my favorite shortcuts is utilizing a family command center for organizing our week. We use a large calendar where I can jot down important dates, school events, and extracurricular activities at a glance. This helps me plan ahead and keep track of everyone's schedules.

I also designate a specific bin or basket for each child's school items. All the miscellaneous things they need for school - extra masks, hand sanitizers, small notebooks, etc. - have a designated place, so it's easy to grab and go in the morning. No more frantic searches for lost items!
One of my favorite shortcuts is utilizing a family command center for organizing our week. We use a large calendar where I can jot down important dates, school events, and extracurricular activities at a glance. This helps me plan ahead and keep track of everyone's schedules.

I also designate a specific bin or basket for each child's school items. All the miscellaneous things they need for school - extra masks, hand sanitizers, small notebooks, etc. - have a designated place, so it's easy to grab and go in the morning. No more frantic searches for lost items!
Having a dedicated space for everything is a great way to stay organized! It definitely saves time and reduces the stress of hunting down misc. items.
That's so true! We make sure everything has its place and it really helps with keeping things tidy and finding things quickly. It also helps my kids to put things away when they see that everything has a designated spot.
That's so true! We make sure everything has its place and it really helps with keeping things tidy and finding things quickly. It also helps my kids to put things away when they see that everything has a designated spot.
Having your children involved in maintaining order is definitely teaching them young the importance of organization! It saves you time and effort too, so it's one less thing you need to do. Any other shortcuts that help keep order in the house? We're all ears! :D
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Having your children involved in maintaining order is definitely teaching them young the importance of organization! It saves you time and effort too, so it's one less thing you need to do. Any other shortcuts that help keep order in the house? We're all ears! :D
designated 'play zones' for my daughter's toys definitely helps with keeping the house tidy. Each toy has its own area, and she knows where everything belongs, making cleanup time a breeze!
Having your children involved in maintaining order is definitely teaching them young the importance of organization! It saves you time and effort too, so it's one less thing you need to do. Any other shortcuts that help keep order in the house? We're all ears! :D
Being a yoga instructor who advocates minimalism and simplicity probably explains why I'm quite particular about every item having its designated place - out of sight, tucked away neatly, with plenty of open space for movement and calmness. It helps me maintain my sanity as a parent and also encourages the kids to tidy up after themselves. After all, less clutter means less stress!
Yoga teaches us some awesome life lessons - keeping things tucked away neatly definitely creates a sense of order and calm amidst the parenthood chaos! And it's a great habit to instill in kids too; teaching them young about designated spots for their belongings helps with independence and organisation skills. Less clutter, equals less stress!
Yoga teaches us some awesome life lessons - keeping things tucked away neatly definitely creates a sense of order and calm amidst the parenthood chaos! And it's a great habit to instill in kids too; teaching them young about designated spots for their belongings helps with independence and organisation skills. Less clutter, equals less stress!
Having a de-cluttered space certainly helps create a serene environment, which is so important when managing family life. It's impressive how you manage to instill Zen amidst the chaos, especially with young children!

Any other shortcuts focusing on theZen approach or simplifying mealtime or other daily rituals? Those are often the most stressful for parents!
Yoga teaches us some awesome life lessons - keeping things tucked away neatly definitely creates a sense of order and calm amidst the parenthood chaos! And it's a great habit to instill in kids too; teaching them young about designated spots for their belongings helps with independence and organisation skills. Less clutter, equals less stress!
Yeah, I find that having less stuff also helps with decision-making. Like, if you have 20 toys to play with, it's hard to decide which one to pick. But with a smaller number of toys, it's easier for my kids to choose and focus their attention on a few favorite games or activities. Qualitative over quantitative, as they say!
Yoga teaches us some awesome life lessons - keeping things tucked away neatly definitely creates a sense of order and calm amidst the parenthood chaos! And it's a great habit to instill in kids too; teaching them young about designated spots for their belongings helps with independence and organisation skills. Less clutter, equals less stress!
It's amazing how much yoga can teach us about simplicity and finding peace in our daily lives. Creating designated spaces also teaches children accountability and empowers them to take care of their belongings. It becomes a natural part of their routine, almost like a little ritual that brings order to their world.

What other mindfulness practices do you bring into your parenting, alongside your yoga discipline?
It's amazing how much yoga can teach us about simplicity and finding peace in our daily lives. Creating designated spaces also teaches children accountability and empowers them to take care of their belongings. It becomes a natural part of their routine, almost like a little ritual that brings order to their world.

What other mindfulness practices do you bring into your parenting, alongside your yoga discipline?
Parenting is a constant juggle, and finding simple joys definitely helps with sanity! As much as I'd like to say that I maintain a consistent meditation practice, my current shortcut to mindfulness is more adhoc. When caught up in the daily grind, I try to snap myself out of frazzled mode by taking a few slow, deep breaths-- sometimes even just inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth for a few cycles. It helps me reset and remember the simple pleasure hidden in moments of intentional breathing.

I also try to bring mindful eating habits into our mealtime - no phones, and everyone has to take a 'mindful bite' before each meal. We take turns picking a food and really focus on the senses involved in eating that particular mouthful-- noticing the textures and tastes without rushing. It's amazing how this simple practice brings awareness even to the pickiest of eaters!
That's a wonderful idea to have mindful moments built into everyday life - especially around meal times! I love the 'mindful bite' ritual you've started, it's amazing how something so small can bring awareness and presence.

It's also a great way to slow down mealtimes and appreciate the food and company, and I agree that it's a simple joy that helps bring some mindfulness into parenting - which is so needed! Especially as kids seem to have an in-built ability to sense when we're frazzled too, haha.

Breathing exercises are my go to when feeling overwhelmed too - they really do help reset and recentre, don't they?
It's great to hear what works for others in simplifying parenting - it definitely makes the juggle feel a little lighter!
I'm so glad you related to this! It really is the small things that make a huge difference isn't it? And you're right - kids have an incredible 6th sense for when we're frazzled, ha!

I've found that having some mindful go-tos makes all the difference in those frazzled moments and helps me to be more present too. It's so lovely to hear your thoughts on this, and that you also find breathing exercises helpful - they really are an instant reset!
Those mindful go-tos are a great idea - I find they help me to slow down and refocus, especially when the kids pick up on my energy levels. Breathing exercises have been such a helpful discovery for me too; it's amazing how grounding they can feel, especially when everything feels chaotic!

It really is the simple swaps that make a big difference, and help us enjoy the moments more :)
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Totally - we often don't realise how our own energy levels impact those around us! Breathing exercises are an easy mindfulness tool to use and such a quick way to recalibrate when things feel frenzied. Simple swaps are often the most impactful - what other shortcuts to simplicity have you found?
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Totally - we often don't realise how our own energy levels impact those around us! Breathing exercises are an easy mindfulness tool to use and such a quick way to recalibrate when things feel frenzied. Simple swaps are often the most impactful - what other shortcuts to simplicity have you found?
Parenting can be exhausting and overwhelming, so I try different things to simplify family life. Here are some that have worked for me:

- designated spots for toys and belongings really help. It takes the guesswork out of tidying up and teaches the kids responsibility for their things.
- a family command center helps with our daily logistics. Having a central calendar, notice board for letters/forms from school, and a basket for incoming mails ensures that we don't miss any important dates and reduces morning madness.
- meal prepping and having a menu plan, even for busy nights, just to have an idea of what's for dinner takes the daily decision out of the equation. This also ensures that we eat healthily.
- creating dedicated spaces for our most used items in the house - like having a basket each for arts and crafts so that everything goes back there - and it's easy to fetch when needed.
- keeping a 'to keep' tray near the front door for all the tiny important things that we might forget to bring out when rushing out - keys, wallets, etc..

These are just some ways that help our household run a little smoother. It's great to share these tips with other parents to get a new perspective!
Parenting can be exhausting and overwhelming, so I try different things to simplify family life. Here are some that have worked for me:

- designated spots for toys and belongings really help. It takes the guesswork out of tidying up and teaches the kids responsibility for their things.
- a family command center helps with our daily logistics. Having a central calendar, notice board for letters/forms from school, and a basket for incoming mails ensures that we don't miss any important dates and reduces morning madness.
- meal prepping and having a menu plan, even for busy nights, just to have an idea of what's for dinner takes the daily decision out of the equation. This also ensures that we eat healthily.
- creating dedicated spaces for our most used items in the house - like having a basket each for arts and crafts so that everything goes back there - and it's easy to fetch when needed.
- keeping a 'to keep' tray near the front door for all the tiny important things that we might forget to bring out when rushing out - keys, wallets, etc..

These are just some ways that help our household run a little smoother. It's great to share these tips with other parents to get a new perspective!
That is a comprehensive list! I do a few of those and they really help maintain sanity during the busy weeks. I especially love the dedicated spots for items - it makes cleaning up easier, and the kids know where their things are.

I've been meaning to set up a command center but haven't gotten around to it; your post has inspired me to finally organize one! Does yours have any specific sections or boards you've found helpful?
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I'm so glad you found my list helpful!

For our command center, I've found using a combination of boards and hooks works well. We have a calendar board, a notes/reminders board, and then individual hooks for each family member where we hang keys, backpacks, and other everyday items. That way everyone knows where their stuff is and it's easy to grab on the way out.

I also like having a small bin or basket for incoming and outgoing items - like the toys or books that need to be returned to friends or school. That way they don't get lost in the shuffle!

Good luck setting up your command center! It should help streamline your weekdays too :)
I love the idea of having individual hooks for each family member and a basket for incoming and outgoing items! It's such a simple system but it keeps everything organised and in one place, which is often half the battle.

It's amazing how quickly things can become chaotic without some kind of order (however simple) especially with kids! I'm going to implement the hook idea - it's brilliant!

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