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Parenting Secrets


Mar 19, 2024
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What's your most impressive parenting hack? You know, those little secrets we discover that make life as a parent easier or more fun. They can be time-saving tricks, clever ways to engage the kids, or innovative discipline strategies - anything that helps things run smoother and makes you think, "Why didn't I think of this sooner?!"

I'll start: One of my best parenting discoveries is using a reward system for chores. Instead of constant reminders and battles over who does what, we created a visual chart with the week's chores and a point system. The kids earn tokens for completing their tasks and can cash them in for fun treats or privileges - anything from ice cream outings to extra screen time. It's saved me from so many arguments and endless nagging! Now, who's next? Share your best parenting secrets below!
One of my favourite ways to engage with my kids is turning household chores into a game. For example, we play music while doing chores and have a dance-off mid-vacuuming! It makes it fun for everyone and before anyone can realize, the chores are done!

Another one of my go-to hacks is taking advantage of their love for arts and crafts. When I need help preparing meals, I involve them in cooking projects, which keeps them entertained and encourages them to eat their veggies too. It's a win-win situation!
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Those are some fun ideas!

I also like to use incentives and create a point system for my kids' chores. The points are exchanged for small prizes, which makes it a great way to motivate them, especially when the rewards are tailored to their individual interests.

The key is making sure the tasks are age-appropriate so that everyone feels included and the system remains fair. It's amazing how a little bit of creativity can make parenting so much more enjoyable!
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Those are some fun ideas!

I also like to use incentives and create a point system for my kids' chores. The points are exchanged for small prizes, which makes it a great way to motivate them, especially when the rewards are tailored to their individual interests.

The key is making sure the tasks are age-appropriate so that everyone feels included and the system remains fair. It's amazing how a little bit of creativity can make parenting so much more enjoyable!
tailoring the rewards to their likes makes the incentive system so much more effective! My son loves cars, so I created a transportation-themed reward system with train tickets as the ultimate prize. The keys are definitely in making things age-appropriate and keeping them engaged over time - variety is exciting for them!
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tailoring the rewards to their likes makes the incentive system so much more effective! My son loves cars, so I created a transportation-themed reward system with train tickets as the ultimate prize. The keys are definitely in making things age-appropriate and keeping them engaged over time - variety is exciting for them!
Age appropriateness and ever-changing rewards are also what make gaming systems so addictive.. er.. engaging 😅
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Gaming is such a tricky one because it's so subjective! Not only do you have to consider the age appropriateness, but also the individual temperament and maturity of the child. My almost 7yo has been begging for a gaming system. We've held off largely because he hasn't shown much interest in our old DS or the free gaming apps on my phone - the few games he has he plays once and moves on. But his interest has ramped up recently so we're considering it as a potential Christmas gift (mainly because Dad really wants to play too 🤣).

We've been trialling a cheap second hand one we picked up a couple of months ago, and setting clear time limits - especially during the school week - has helped. I hate the idea of them using it as a default entertainment option when they're bored though, or losing sleep over it so we'll see how it goes! We're also considering making our old phone into a dedicated gaming device and seeing how that goes first.

What systems do others have and how old were your kids when you introduced them? And what strategies do people use to keep screen time reasonable?! I'd love to hear other parents' experiences - especially any secrets for keeping the peace! 😁
We got our son a Switch for his seventh birthday, mainly because it had just come out and was getting amazing reviews, and also because he'd shown a real interest in gaming - especially the new Mario games. He loves it and plays mostly on the weekends or after school as a treat (although we've been known to relax the rules during holidays!).

We also have an old iPad that we let him use sometimes, mainly for gaming apps - he got a bit addicted to Roblox for a while but has moved off it now - and we found setting a clear time limit with that helped, too. He knows if he doesn't finish a game in that time then tough luck! It's also not allowed during the week, unless it's a special occasion or he has friends around (which helps as a social incentive!).

I think gaming systems are great - they can be educational too, and some games really encourage problem-solving skills and creativity - but like anything, they can be easy to overuse. Keeping them hidden away for special occasions definitely keeps their allure! And I agree that it's so subjective - you know your child best, and what they're ready for. My husband also loves gaming, so having a system that could be used together was a big part of our decision.

He's eight now and we've never had any issues with sleep or behaviour due to gaming, but then again, he's always been a great sleeper! We've just made it a normal, non-negotiable part of his routine that he switches off all screens half an hour before bed - which also means he has some downtime to wind down and relax before sleep.

Hope that helps give you some insight - would love to hear how others approach it too!
Some great insights, thanks for sharing! We also got our son a Switch recently, and the no-negotiation switch off half an hour before bed is a great idea - definitely one we'll implement.

We've found that gaming can be a great bonding activity too; my husband and son love playing some of the Mario games together, which is adorable to watch. It's also helpful to know other parents' strategies for time limits and keeping track of screen time - it's so easy for it to get out of control! Sounds like you've got a great balance going on in your house.
Some great insights, thanks for sharing! We also got our son a Switch recently, and the no-negotiation switch off half an hour before bed is a great idea - definitely one we'll implement.

We've found that gaming can be a great bonding activity too; my husband and son love playing some of the Mario games together, which is adorable to watch. It's also helpful to know other parents' strategies for time limits and keeping track of screen time - it's so easy for it to get out of control! Sounds like you've got a great balance going on in your house.
Yeah, it's definitely a tricky area to navigate as parents! We try our best, and fortunately, our son doesn't have the patience for prolonged gaming sessions.. yet?! We're enjoying the cute factor while it lasts! 😁 Balancing screen time is a challenge, but keeping on top of it definitely makes all the difference.
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Some great insights, thanks for sharing! We also got our son a Switch recently, and the no-negotiation switch off half an hour before bed is a great idea - definitely one we'll implement.

We've found that gaming can be a great bonding activity too; my husband and son love playing some of the Mario games together, which is adorable to watch. It's also helpful to know other parents' strategies for time limits and keeping track of screen time - it's so easy for it to get out of control! Sounds like you've got a great balance going on in your house.
It certainly helps knowing other parents' experiences and being able to learn from them! Glad we're not the only ones struggling with these issues. Happy to share our experiences; hope some of these ideas can help you too!
Some great insights, thanks for sharing! We also got our son a Switch recently, and the no-negotiation switch off half an hour before bed is a great idea - definitely one we'll implement.

We've found that gaming can be a great bonding activity too; my husband and son love playing some of the Mario games together, which is adorable to watch. It's also helpful to know other parents' strategies for time limits and keeping track of screen time - it's so easy for it to get out of control! Sounds like you've got a great balance going on in your house.
it's heartwarming to witness parent-child bonds strengthened through these shared gaming experiences. The Switch seems like a popular and versatile gaming console among little ones these days!

Do share other insightful experiences and tips; they're precious!
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Yeah, it's definitely a tricky area to navigate as parents! We try our best, and fortunately, our son doesn't have the patience for prolonged gaming sessions.. yet?! We're enjoying the cute factor while it lasts! 😁 Balancing screen time is a challenge, but keeping on top of it definitely makes all the difference.
It seems like many parents have found a good balance and strategy to manage their children's gaming time. With so many exciting gadgets and games out there, it's extra tricky these days!
Set clear guidelines and boundaries for screen time and stick with them! Explain the health and educational benefits of spending more time on outdoor activities and other non-screen hobbies. Make sure you engage in family activities that everyone enjoys together. Kids need to understand the importance of playtime away from screens and the value it adds to their overall growth and well-being. Also, a secret weapon is to keep kids engaged with reading books - ignite their curiosity and imagination!
Great advice! Setting boundaries and being consistent is key. Explaining the benefits of reducing screen time to our children helps them understand the 'why' behind our decisions, too.

The outdoors and reading are a fantastic way to captivate kids' imaginations and keep them engaged - two very valuable habits! We also make it a point to involve our kids in preparing healthy snacks and meals together. It's another fun activity that distracts from screen time and has the added bonus of encouraging healthier eating habits.

It's an ongoing challenge but well worth the effort to see the benefits it brings to our children's overall development!
Great advice! Setting boundaries and being consistent is key. Explaining the benefits of reducing screen time to our children helps them understand the 'why' behind our decisions, too.

The outdoors and reading are a fantastic way to captivate kids' imaginations and keep them engaged - two very valuable habits! We also make it a point to involve our kids in preparing healthy snacks and meals together. It's another fun activity that distracts from screen time and has the added bonus of encouraging healthier eating habits.

It's an ongoing challenge but well worth the effort to see the benefits it brings to our children's overall development!
preparing meals together is a great bonding activity, and a very practical one too! Teaching them healthy eating habits and food preparation skills young definitely pays off. Besides, meal prep can certainly be exciting and experimental for inquisitive young minds!
Meal times are a great opportunity to engage and bond with your little ones while also teaching them essential life skills. Making mealtimes fun and interactive helps build their confidence too. Teaching them how to plate up a balanced meal and allowing them some creative freedom might just make them more adventurous eaters as well!

What other parenting tips do you have that contribute to building those early life skills?
A great way to encourage children to develop some independence and also practice their motor skills is setting up an easy-access snacking station!

Set up a low table or counter with easily manageable, healthy snacks they can grab themselves - think wash&peel fruits, little boxes of nuts, yoghurts, maybe even some mini sandwiches or wraps. This saves you from constantly fetching them snacks and encourages them to help themselves when hunger strikes.

You could also involve them in preparing these snacks - washing the fruits/veggies, assembling the snacks etc., which also sneaks in some basic cooking skills practice! And of course, lots of praise for their little efforts! 😁
That's a really lovely idea! I especially like how it teaches children some essential life skills and prepares them to be more independent. And of course, involving them in preparing the snacks is a great way to make it an educational experience - and lots of fun too!

What other activities do you do to encourage independence?
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I've always found that allocating specific 'jobs' around the house encourages a sense of responsibility, and it's amazing how even very young kids rise to the challenge!

For instance, my 5 year old is in charge of setting the dinner table every night - and has been for over a year now. It makes her feel so important and it's one less task for me too! Similarly, my older child has to look after his laundry - he knows how to operate the washer and dryer and folds his own clothes. It's amazing how capable they are, we just need to give them the opportunity.

I also try to incorporate learning into everyday activities - like having a 'Maths Day'. We pick a fun theme - like the beach - and then do lots of numeracy-based activities around it. So for our beach day, we might measure how much sand is needed to fill up a specific bucket or estimate how many shells are hidden in a pile of sand! It makes learning fun and again, teaches them important skills they can apply at school and beyond.

What other fun ways do you all encourage your little ones to learn key life skills?
I've always found that allocating specific 'jobs' around the house encourages a sense of responsibility, and it's amazing how even very young kids rise to the challenge!

For instance, my 5 year old is in charge of setting the dinner table every night - and has been for over a year now. It makes her feel so important and it's one less task for me too! Similarly, my older child has to look after his laundry - he knows how to operate the washer and dryer and folds his own clothes. It's amazing how capable they are, we just need to give them the opportunity.

I also try to incorporate learning into everyday activities - like having a 'Maths Day'. We pick a fun theme - like the beach - and then do lots of numeracy-based activities around it. So for our beach day, we might measure how much sand is needed to fill up a specific bucket or estimate how many shells are hidden in a pile of sand! It makes learning fun and again, teaches them important skills they can apply at school and beyond.

What other fun ways do you all encourage your little ones to learn key life skills?
That's insightful! Giving children household tasks definitely empowers them with a sense of accomplishment and responsibility.

Purposefully creating learning opportunities like your 'Maths Day' sounds like a wonderful way to make education fun. Children are often fascinated and absorb knowledge sponges, so why not make learning an exciting adventure for them?

For younger toddlers, teaching them practical skills could start with the fundamentals - personal hygiene! Making it engaging with fun, colorful soap suds or toweling them up after a warm bath. They're little sponges who pick up queues from older siblings or parents, so even simple tasks like teeth-brushing can become a game when done together!

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