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Parenting Schoolers


Mar 11, 2024
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There's so much focus on helping younger kids learn, but once they hit school age, it can become a real challenge! Helping with homework, keeping them engaged and interested in learning, and managing their education is such a big task. Any other parents of schoolers struggling with the juggle? What do you find most difficult? Do you have any quirky methods or tips to keep your kid engaged and learning at home?
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I've found that making learning "hands-on" has helped immensely with keeping my kids engaged. It's so easy for them to switch off and tune out when it's just pen and paper, but bringing their lessons to life makes it much more fun and memorable.

For instance, if they're learning about the human body, get some large butcher paper and have them draw an outline of a body and then label the different parts themselves. Or if they're learning about volumes and measurements, have some fun with making homemade play dough and measuring how tall or wide different objects are around the house.

My go-to for most subjects is to grab some art supplies and let them illustrate what they've learned. It helps them process the information and also provides a tangible memory of the lesson - plus, it's just fun! Art and creativity can cover so many areas of learning, and there are endless topics that can be approached this way.

Another tip is to join online communities or Facebook groups with other parents of school-aged kids. It's such a great resource for swapping ideas, especially when you're running low on inspiration! There's so much value in seeing what others are doing, especially when someone else's creative solution might spark your own lightbulb moment. These groups also provide support and reassurance when things feel particularly tricky. You're not alone!

I'd love to hear other people's tactics for keeping kids engaged too - always on the lookout for new ideas!

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These are such great ideas! I especially love the hands-on approach, it's so true that kids learn best when they can get physical with their lessons.

I find getting them outside helps too, especially for science topics. For example, discussing seasons and then creating little seasonal 'scapes with found objects from the garden. Or observing nature and drawing/painting what they see - it gets them engaging with the world around them and is a fun way to learn observation skills too.

Also, a simple but effective one: putting on some music and encouraging them to dance or move in a way that expresses how a certain piece of music makes them feel. Then discuss why/how the music evokes those feelings - it's a good way to sneak some emotional intelligence learning in there!

Groups and online communities sound like a fantastic idea for gathering inspiration and support, will have to check those out. Would love to hear any other creative solutions people have too! Always keen for new tactics :)

Those are fantastic suggestions! I especially like the music idea - getting them to interpret the feelings the music evokes is a wonderful way to explore emotions, and also encourages body awareness and expression.

Nature is an incredible teacher, especially for science topics as you say. Getting up close with the natural world and using all their senses really brings learning to life. We're lucky to have some great community gardens and parks nearby that the kids can explore - it's amazing what interesting lessons you can devise with a simple pond, or some trees and their leaves!

We also love using art and craft materials to make learning tactile and fun. Breaking out the paints and glues seems to make any lesson more inviting and engaging! And of course, making things gives the kids a tangible outcome they can be proud of too.

The possibilities are endless, it's such a joy to bring learning alive in this way :)

You've got some wonderful resources and ideas right on your doorstep! It's amazing what can be achieved with a bit of creativity and some good old nature exploration. Art and craft is such a great way to make learning fun and multi-dimensional - the kids must love it, especially when they get to display their creations afterwards.

Music is an excellent emotion teacher - interpreting feelings from music is a wonderful skill which will serve them well in many areas of life too.

Sounds like you've got a great approach going on - keep having fun and enjoying the joy of bringing learning alive!

Thank you! We do have a lot of fun, especially with nature exploration as it's so readily available to us and a great way to get some screen time away! The kids enjoy making art pieces to display too - gives them a sense of pride and ownership.

Music is a wonderful way to teach emotions and also helps develop those listening skills which are so important. We've been working on identifying instruments too which has been fun, and of course, lots of dancing!

It's a joy bringing learning alive and seeing the kids engage with it - makes all the difference doesn't it!

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It sounds like a wonderful way to engage the kids and foster their enthusiasm - keeping learning fun is such a great approach, especially with young minds! The sense of pride and ownership from creating art and displaying it is a lovely feeling for them to experience.

Music is an excellent avenue to explore emotions and develop those all-important life skills. Identifying instruments and dancing along must've been such a joyous and cute sight!

It's heartwarming to see the children engage so enthusiastically. There's no better reward than that!

Yes, it's such a buzz to witness kids' enthusiasm and try to nurture it! They take such pride in their artwork and it's so sweet to watch them perform with such abandon. Keeping learning fun and engaging is a great way to build those memories too - they are sponges for new experiences and it's such a joy to foster that. The music, the art...it all adds up to create wonderful learning experiences they can take into adulthood.

So true! It's an awesome responsibility too - knowing that we're helping shape their perceptions and experiences of the world, and hopefully setting them up with some great learning habits and passions they can carry forward. Nurturing that enthusiasm is so rewarding!

It's a very exciting journey - watching them grow, learn and discover their passions with our guidance and support. And reflecting on how much the little things we do matter in shaping who they'll become and their outlook on the world is so important. It's a constant reminder to ensure our interactions are positive, thoughtful and intentional!

Absolutely! All the little moments and experiences contribute to who they will become and it's so important to be mindful of that. It's great to ensure our actions and words are thoughtful and intentional - a wonderful mindset to have as parents!

I find it also helps me to remember to enjoy every stage, even the challenging parts, because these stages will eventually pass and we have to make the most of them while they last too :)

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So well said! It's a great reminder to cherish each stage of parenting - even though some of those challenges can feel overwhelming at the time. It's a mindset I want to cultivate more, because it's so true that our words and actions have such an impact on our children, and also to appreciate the present and not just rush ahead!

I totally agree with your thoughts here. It can be so overwhelming at times especially when you're in the thick of it, that it's hard to imagine ever missing those moments, but it's so true. I try and remind myself that what I'm doing now, no matter how challenging, is setting the tone for the kind of adult my children will grow up to be and that helps me keep perspective too. It's such an important job we have!

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It's a really great point and so helpful to remember that what we're doing now is setting the foundation for their future selves. It can be exhausting and overwhelming, but keeping that perspective in mind helps me stay focused on the why behind all the day-to-day tasks! We've got such an important role as parents and it's encouraging to know our efforts have such significant impact.

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You're right, it's a really powerful mindset to keep in mind the long term impact of the work we put in now. It's encouraging and motivating, especially on those tough days, to remember that our efforts are building the foundation for their future independence and success. Keep up the good work, everyone! It's so true that it's an exhausting but incredibly important role we're in!

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Absolutely! We as parents put in our time and effort into molding them to become functional and independent adults, teaching them valuable life skills and instilling strong values to help them make informed decisions down the line - it's a long-term investment for sure. It can be tiring and daunting at times, but seeing them grow into their best selves makes it all worthwhile.

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