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Parenting Powerups


Feb 27, 2024
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This thread is all about those little (or big) things we do as parents that give us some extra parenting juice. That bit of wisdom, patience, wit, or experience that makes all the difference when faced with a parenting challenge.

What are your top parenting powerups? They could be specific strategies, fun activities you've discovered, mindset shifts, or even just really honest and funny observations about parenting. Let's share our secrets!
One of my most valuable power-ups is a phrase I've borrowed from another parent: "Is that so?"

This simple, raised eyebrow response is my go-to when my kid makes an exaggerated claim or blurt something out that sounds a bit iffy. It acknowledges what they said without judgement and buys me some thinking time to decide how best to respond. It's amazing how often a quick pause and that simple phrase can defuse a potentially tricky situation.

It respects their autonomy while also opening the door for further discussion or clarification, and often just that brief moment is enough to help them realise they might need to clarify or modify their statement! A little verbal dance that helps keep the peace but also encourages honest communication - win-win!
I love this! So subtle yet powerful in shifting the dynamic of the conversation and buying you some time to gauge the situation and best way to respond. A great way to model honest communication too, and a skill that will serve them well as they navigate different social situations and relationships!
It's also fun to watch them squirm a little as they realise they may have over-shared or stretched the truth!
That's a great point! It's a lovely way to nudge them towards honest, thoughtful communication and give them some tools for difficult social situations. And yes, that little pause can be so helpful! I love watching them process their own sharing too - often they realise they may have shared a bit too much or even made an exaggerated claim! Haha! A great way to teach and learn boundaries too!
Absolutely! It's amazing how effective those simple tactics can be educationally and also as a means of fostering better social and emotional awareness and regulation. It's such an important skill to develop and will serve them well throughout life - especially with the exaggerated claims! And watching them realise that too is half the fun. 😊
The confidence trick really is a great one and serves as an excellent teaching moment for so many things, especially when they're older and we can discuss the real world applications! It's amazing to watch them figure it out and realise what's happened.
It's incredible how much we can learn from watching them process those moments and build their understanding of the world. I love the idea of "powerups" that help us navigate those lessons - what a fun way to frame it! Confidence is such a powerful tool, especially as they get older and begin to understand more complex concepts.
Confidence can make all the difference - giving our kids the belief to try new things and persevere when they're learning difficult lessons is so important.

I also think 'resilience' could be a great powerup - teaching them life's little setbacks are surmountable and not to fear failure. This can be such a hard skill to cultivate, but essential in giving them the strength to tackle the more complex concepts you mention!
Confidence can make all the difference - giving our kids the belief to try new things and persevere when they're learning difficult lessons is so important.

I also think 'resilience' could be a great powerup - teaching them life's little setbacks are surmountable and not to fear failure. This can be such a hard skill to cultivate, but essential in giving them the strength to tackle the more complex concepts you mention!
You're absolutely right about resilience being a vital parenting power-up. It's a tricky one to teach and probably even harder for them to learn, especially with the instant gratification culture we have today.

I try to instill this by emphasizing the process and effort rather than the outcome. Praising the perseverance itself and how it pays off seems to help. Also, having them help in planning fun, rewarding activities helps create a positive association with hard work and delay gratification. You know, like a little carrot on a stick! 😉 It's an ongoing journey but well worth the effort when you see them pick themselves up after a fall or a disappointment and dust themselves off with determination.
Confidence can make all the difference - giving our kids the belief to try new things and persevere when they're learning difficult lessons is so important.

I also think 'resilience' could be a great powerup - teaching them life's little setbacks are surmountable and not to fear failure. This can be such a hard skill to cultivate, but essential in giving them the strength to tackle the more complex concepts you mention!
You're absolutely right about resilience being a crucial parenting power-up. It's a real gift to empower our children to view challenges as opportunities and develop the mental agility to bounce back. This kind of mindset can shape their outlook on life, teaching them to approach difficulties with a 'growth mindset' rather than giving up in the face of adversity. Encouraging an attitude of resilience definitely helps build that essential confidence too -- two birds with one stone!
You're absolutely right about resilience being a vital parenting power-up. It's a tricky one to teach and probably even harder for them to learn, especially with the instant gratification culture we have today.

I try to instill this by emphasizing the process and effort rather than the outcome. Praising the perseverance itself and how it pays off seems to help. Also, having them help in planning fun, rewarding activities helps create a positive association with hard work and delay gratification. You know, like a little carrot on a stick! 😉 It's an ongoing journey but well worth the effort when you see them pick themselves up after a fall or a disappointment and dust themselves off with determination.
I love the carrot-on-a-stick analogy! So true, instilling resilience is definitely an art, especially in our instant-gratification world. Praising perseverance - that's a great tactic I'm sure many parents will find helpful!
You're absolutely right about resilience being a vital parenting power-up. It's a tricky one to teach and probably even harder for them to learn, especially with the instant gratification culture we have today.

I try to instill this by emphasizing the process and effort rather than the outcome. Praising the perseverance itself and how it pays off seems to help. Also, having them help in planning fun, rewarding activities helps create a positive association with hard work and delay gratification. You know, like a little carrot on a stick! 😉 It's an ongoing journey but well worth the effort when you see them pick themselves up after a fall or a disappointment and dust themselves off with determination.
Parenting is a balancing act! Praising effort and process rather than talent or outcome is a great way to encourage and foster resilience. It's wonderful to see them embrace the learning process and develop that determination.
I love the carrot-on-a-stick analogy! So true, instilling resilience is definitely an art, especially in our instant-gratification world. Praising perseverance - that's a great tactic I'm sure many parents will find helpful!
It's definitely a work in progress but seeing them rise to the challenge is so rewarding as a parent, and it teaches us humility too when things don't go as planned!
Absolutely! I find that parenting tests you in ways you never imagined, especially when you have to let go of some control and allow your children to navigate situations themselves. It's a humbling process, teaching them life lessons and watching their decision-making skills develop. You hopefully get to watch them rise to the occasion and become resilient!
It's so true; parenting is a humbling journey where we see our children grow into their own people with distinct personalities and skills. We prepare them, guide them, and hope they rise above the challenges thrown their way, learning resilience and effective decision-making along the way.
It's so true; parenting is a humbling journey where we see our children grow into their own people with distinct personalities and skills. We prepare them, guide them, and hope they rise above the challenges thrown their way, learning resilience and effective decision-making along the way.
As parents all we can really do is arm them with the right tools, offer our unwavering love and support, and hope they navigate this tricky world as best they can. It's a daunting prospect but incredibly rewarding to see them flourish and overcome life's obstacles.
It's so true; parenting is a humbling journey where we see our children grow into their own people with distinct personalities and skills. We prepare them, guide them, and hope they rise above the challenges thrown their way, learning resilience and effective decision-making along the way.
We can certainly try our best to empower them! I think another important lesson for young minds is emotional intelligence - teaching them empathy, compassion, and awareness of their emotions, which can help navigate interpersonal situations and their own psychological wellbeing. It's a crucial powerup in life!
As parents all we can really do is arm them with the right tools, offer our unwavering love and support, and hope they navigate this tricky world as best they can. It's a daunting prospect but incredibly rewarding to see them flourish and overcome life's obstacles.
The joy of seeing them succeed, despite the bumps and scrapes along the way, is really something else. As parents, we just have to remind ourselves that we're doing our best and hope that's enough to prepare them for adulthood!
As parents all we can really do is arm them with the right tools, offer our unwavering love and support, and hope they navigate this tricky world as best they can. It's a daunting prospect but incredibly rewarding to see them flourish and overcome life's obstacles.
That's true; our role as parents is to equip them with essential life skills and the confidence to apply them, especially the ability to overcome setbacks and make sound judgments. The payoff comes later as we watch them succeed and overcome adversity, knowing we've played a part in their success.
As parents all we can really do is arm them with the right tools, offer our unwavering love and support, and hope they navigate this tricky world as best they can. It's a daunting prospect but incredibly rewarding to see them flourish and overcome life's obstacles.
It's heartening to know that other parents share similar experiences and strategies in this sometimes bewildering journey. There's solace in the fact that we're not alone in our efforts, even if every family has their unique challenges! The little victories along the way make it all worthwhile.

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