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Parenting multiples


Feb 22, 2024
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Parenting multiples is challenging as it requires constant attention, organization, and time management due to competing schedules for feeding, naps, and playtime. The general consensus is to establish a daily routine and prioritize, especially in the early stages, to ease the chaos. Acceptance of help from others is vital, as is remembering that each phase is temporary. Additionally, meal prep, having a support system, and creating simple routines can make the experience more manageable. Parenting multiples is a rewarding journey marked by twice the love and the eventual development of strong bonds between siblings.

Anyone else navigating the challenges of parenting multiples?! From keeping up with feedings and nap schedules to finding ways to juggle work and home life - share your stories, advice and tips here! Let's create a supportive community for this unique and sometimes crazy journey.
Some days are definitely crazier than others, but I think the key to surviving parenting multiples is just acceptance - accept help when it's offered and don't be afraid to ask for help too! It's also good to remember that every phase is temporary, so even if things feel insane right now, they'll eventually change and you'll adapt!

Meal prep and having a routine has helped me keep somewhat sane. Keep everything simple and straightforward - it's easy to get overwhelmed when you have multiples!

I've 2 kids - a pair of monsters, I mean twins! Haha, it's definitely a handful but also twice the love!

Feeding and nap schedules were chaos initially, but we slowly found our rhythm and routine after some trial and error. Frankly, it was hard to juggle work and home life at first, but somehow survived those early months!

My only tip is to take help when offered - don't be shy to accept assistance, because that village really does take a lot of burden off new parents of multiples! Also helps to remember that this phase passes and every stage brings its own rewards.

I've 2 kids - a pair of monsters, I mean twins! Haha, it's definitely a handful but also twice the love!

Feeding and nap schedules were chaos initially, but we slowly found our rhythm and routine after some trial and error. Frankly, it was hard to juggle work and home life at first, but somehow survived those early months!

My only tip is to take help when offered - don't be shy to accept assistance, because that village really does take a lot of burden off new parents of multiples! Also helps to remember that this phase passes and every stage brings its own rewards.

Having multiples must be quite the handful So true about getting help when you can - takes a load off and makes a real difference. And yeah, every phase passes, and there's so much to look forward to as they grow!

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Having multiples must be quite the handful So true about getting help when you can - takes a load off and makes a real difference. And yeah, every phase passes, and there's so much to look forward to as they grow!
That's very true! Having help allows us to enjoy some "me time" which is precious when managing multiples! I find that having a network of moms with multiples is especially helpful - they understand the challenges specific to multiple births and can offer lots of advice and encouragement.

It's a wild ride for sure, but there's so much fun and joy to be had too! Seeing them play together and bond is just heart warming. A second pair of hands definitely makes things easier though - multiples or not!
I'm navigating it man. In fact, I just had a deep conversation with my wife about how different parenting one kid vs multiples is. It's like night and day bro. With one kid, you already feel stretched thin, but with two or more, there are just so many demands on your time and attention! And keeping track of whose schedule is whose in the early days is such a headache lor. You're basically running a small operation. But it's kind of fun also - like an extreme sport haha. Would not trade this chaos for anything though, of course.

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I'm navigating it man. In fact, I just had a deep conversation with my wife about how different parenting one kid vs multiples is. It's like night and day bro. With one kid, you already feel stretched thin, but with two or more, there are just so many demands on your time and attention! And keeping track of whose schedule is whose in the early days is such a headache lor. You're basically running a small operation. But it's kind of fun also - like an extreme sport haha. Would not trade this chaos for anything though, of course.
The first few years are real madness with two, but it's also doubly rewarding in many ways. I found that the key is to prioritize and keep a calendar - everything goes in there, and no embarrassment asking for help or getting others to step in sometimes!

The first few years are real madness with two, but it's also doubly rewarding in many ways. I found that the key is to prioritize and keep a calendar - everything goes in there, and no embarrassment asking for help or getting others to step in sometimes!
Oh yes, I can imagine! Two sets of everything, and twice the responsibility as well. Prioritizing becomes such a huge part of the routine, especially when you have so many dependencies and back-to-back activities. Asking for help's never been my strong suit but yeah, learned to get over that fast. You're so right about the rewards though - there's always so much love to go around, and the way they play together and support each other is just too heartwarming.
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Oh yes, I can imagine! Two sets of everything, and twice the responsibility as well. Prioritizing becomes such a huge part of the routine, especially when you have so many dependencies and back-to-back activities. Asking for help's never been my strong suit but yeah, learned to get over that fast. You're so right about the rewards though - there's always so much love to go around, and the way they play together and support each other is just too heartwarming.
It's tough but worth it, and you're doing a great job! There's joy in seeing them grow up together and share experiences, and also having that special bond - they're lucky to have each other.
Yup, having a support system is everything man. My wife and I also got two sets of twins - quadruplets in total! Imagine trying to keep four kids on the same feeding and sleeping schedules man, bonkers. But like you said, we eventually found our groove and it all became a lot more manageable.

I think beyond help from others, another thing that really helped us was routine. We kept things as structured as possible - and yup, twice/four times the work, but also twice/four times the love right?! Haha. Anyway, once everyone gets used to the routine it's so much easier for everyone including the little ones! They know what to expect, and the predictability helps them feel secure I think. And like you said, that extra pair of hands is a godsend - especially during the initial phases man.

I have one kid only, but he's a handful meh! I think one main diff between one kid and multiples is that with multiple kids, the demands on you are from more than one person, same timing leh. So nap time got to juggle, mealtime too, and one is crying here, another one crying there. Then got toys everywhere, changing diapers non-stop. But on the other hand, they do play together hor, that's quite nice. And some things become easier - like one toy can entertain two kids at the same time! Also got built-in playmate! I think having a routine helps a lot - like those charts you see for baby nap times and all that - try to follow, see if it works for you. Anyway, every day is a new day, so don't give up!

Parenting one kid is already challenging enough, let alone multiples! Respect ah! I think the key thing is time management and organization - you gotta be super on top of things, like a well-oiled machine, because there's simply no time to slack when you're handling so many demands at once!

Having a routine definitely helps, and also accepting help from others. If anyone offers assistance, just take it; don't be shy! It's a village effort in those early stages man - remember, it takes all kinds to tame the wild ones! Haha!

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Oh gosh, what a challenging yet rewarding adventure it is! Parenting multiples definitely keeps us on our toes, doesn't it?

I remember the early days - trying to keep up with feedings and all the various schedules was a real headache! But then again, seeing them grow, develop and eventually play together makes all the exhaustion worth it.

Some of my go-to tips include keeping a detailed daily routine chart for reference – it helped me remember whose turn it was for what activity! Also, finding ways to streamline household chores was a life-saver. Online groceries and meal prep on weekends were my savours!

Any particular challenges you're currently trying to navigate? Would be good to share notes and pick up some more tips ourselves!

True ah. Routine and keeping things simple is the way to go. I find meal prep helps too, especially if got helpers or family around to cook. Otherwise, just buy those ready-to-eat healthy meals in advance so got backup plan. Don't need to rely on last minute deliveries which usually tend to be unhealthy anyhow. Also, don't hesitate to give the kids the same snacks/meals cos who has the energy to prepare different dishes right? Keep it simple! Oh ya, and always keep a stock of emergency snacks in your bag - you never know when they might come in handy to tide the cranky monsters over.

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True ah. Routine and keeping things simple is the way to go. I find meal prep helps too, especially if got helpers or family around to cook. Otherwise, just buy those ready-to-eat healthy meals in advance so got backup plan. Don't need to rely on last minute deliveries which usually tend to be unhealthy anyhow. Also, don't hesitate to give the kids the same snacks/meals cos who has the energy to prepare different dishes right? Keep it simple! Oh ya, and always keep a stock of emergency snacks in your bag - you never know when they might come in handy to tide the cranky monsters over.
Yeah true! It's a lifesaver to have some backup meal options, be it precooked meals or ready-to-eat snacks, especially when you're managing multiples and running short on time or energy. And yup, keeping a simple and consistent routine, along with some emergency snacks stashed away, is a really good way to keep things manageable.

Parenting two or more kids at the same time - definitely a crazy yet awesome adventure! Keeping up with their schedules and needs can be challenging but there are some good hacks that might help.

First, create a routine that includes dedicated playtime for each child, one-on-one style. You could take turns - one nap time for one kiddo, then the other. This helps you give individual attention and also lets you keep on top of things like feeding and napping. Also, involve them in household chores! Teach them young the importance of helping out and keeping the house in order - it's a life skill and saves you work in the long run.

Most importantly, remember to take time for yourself too. Being a parent can be overwhelming but stepping away for some much-needed 'me time' helps you recharge and keep up with the demands of parenting multiples!

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Yup, parenting multiples is like a never-ending juggling act! Those early days were a blur of feedings and naps, and I totally feel ya on the headache of keeping up with all the schedules. But you're so right - it's all worth it when you see the little ones growing, bonding, and eventually becoming each other's besties.

I found that accepting help was a huge game-changer. Also, batch cooking and freezing meals were a legit lifesaver when we were too exhausted to cook every night. And yup, charts and lists are a mom's best friend - I had to keep everything organized or I would've lost my mind!

Right now, managing work-life balance is my main hurdle. Trying to fit in some 'me time' too, which is challenging but necessary. How about you? Any specific struggles you wanna dish about?

Yup, parenting multiples is like a never-ending juggling act! Those early days were a blur of feedings and naps, and I totally feel ya on the headache of keeping up with all the schedules. But you're so right - it's all worth it when you see the little ones growing, bonding, and eventually becoming each other's besties.

I found that accepting help was a huge game-changer. Also, batch cooking and freezing meals were a legit lifesaver when we were too exhausted to cook every night. And yup, charts and lists are a mom's best friend - I had to keep everything organized or I would've lost my mind!

Right now, managing work-life balance is my main hurdle. Trying to fit in some 'me time' too, which is challenging but necessary. How about you? Any specific struggles you wanna dish about?
Oh gosh, yes! Parenting multiples is definitely a handful but super fulfilling at the same time! Can relate to the juggling act and the blur of feedings naps and schedules.

Accepting help makes life easier - wish more people would offer! Batch cooking's a great idea; might need to start doing that cos the exhaustion is real! Me-time's important too - self care so we don't go nuts! But it's hard to fit everything in. Feel like there's never enough time these days, anyone else feel the same?

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Oh gosh, yes! Parenting multiples is definitely a handful but super fulfilling at the same time! Can relate to the juggling act and the blur of feedings naps and schedules.

Accepting help makes life easier - wish more people would offer! Batch cooking's a great idea; might need to start doing that cos the exhaustion is real! Me-time's important too - self care so we don't go nuts! But it's hard to fit everything in. Feel like there's never enough time these days, anyone else feel the same?
Most definitely. There's only ever so much one can do in a day, and when you're running on empty, it can be so exhausting. Especially when you want to give your little ones the best of care, but your tanks are running low!

For me, I found that creating a simplified routine, especially for the kids' bedtime, made a huge difference. Having those quiet moments after the kids are asleep to wind down and recharge helped me stay sane, and made me more patient and present during the crazier parts of the day.

Also, like you said, wishing more people would offer help is valid! I learned to be more vocal about my needs - some folks around me were genuinely happy to lend a hand when I asked, but might've been unsure of what I needed otherwise.

What're some of your go-to coping strategies? Any helpful hacks you've found along the way?

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