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Parenting multiples - twins, triplets & more


Mar 12, 2024
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I’m curious to hear from parents of multiples about how you manage your day-to-day! What strategies do you have for juggling the demands of two/three+ children and keeping everyone fed, watered and entertained? Do certain activities or challenges come to mind which are specific to having multiples? How do you manage when one (or more!) is cranky or unwell?

Also keen to hear how you found your first trip out with multiples - what worked, what didn’t and what would you recommend others take/do/know ahead of time? Finally - any tips for keeping the parents sane and surviving the early years chaos?!

Looking forward to hearing your experiences and any words of wisdom!
As a parent of 3 year old triplets, daily life is certainly busy! As all parents know, it's also full of love, wonder and laughter which makes it so special :)

Some strategies that help me keep on top of things:

1. Routine is King - having a solid daily routine, especially around meal times, naps and bed time helps everyone know what to expect. This reduces the chances of meltdowns as the day progresses!

2. Baby Wearing - I found baby wearing a godsend with three little ones. A good carrier allowed me to keep a close eye on the twins while attending to the needs of the third, leaving my hands free too.

3. Batch Cooking - On days I'm feeling energetic, I bulk cook meals and freeze portions. This ensures that on exhausting days, there's an easy, nutritious meal ready to go.

4. Accept Help - Don't be afraid to reach out! Whether it's a friend helping with the shopping or a neighbour offering to take the kids for an hour, let them contribute. You'll be doing them a favor by letting them feel useful, and giving yourself some much needed support.

5. Individual Attention - I try give each child some one-on-one time each day, even if it's just 10 minutes snuggling on the couch reading a book together. It helps me connect with each child individually and I think it makes them feel special too.

Our first trip out was a disaster! We were underprepared and rushed because we were running late. In the frenzy, we forgot to pack any snacks which led to meltdowns in the park. Since then:

- Always be over prepared - Pack snacks, drinks, changes of clothes, toys, etc. Better to have it and not need it than vice versa!
- Practice makes perfect - We tried to keep outings relaxed and not stress about timing it perfectly. The more we went out, the easier it became because the kids got used to it and we refined our routine.
- Choose your battles - If things are going south and the cranky meter is rising, don't push it. Sometimes it's best to head home and try again another day.

As for keeping parents sane... that's a tough one! Wine o'clock helps ;). But really, trying to keep perspective and remember these chaotic early years will be over soon, keeps me grounded. Cherishing the good moments and knowing the bad ones won't last forever, helps me stay positive and appreciate the ride.

Hope this helps! Would love to hear other parent's strategies too - it takes a village after all!
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Some great tips here, especially the one about individual attention - so important for each child to feel seen and heard!

I'd add that dividing and conquering is a great strategy too, especially for parents of young multiples like yours. Handing one child over to dad while you tend to the other(s) can be a real sanity saver, plus lets each parent bond with each kiddo individually.

Also, if finances allow, don't be afraid to outsource! A cleaner, for example, can be a fantastic help and free up your time for more important things - like that all-important wine o'clock ;).
That's a great strategy! Dividing tasks and focusing on individual attention definitely helps, especially when each parent can bond with the children one-on-one. Outsourcing certain tasks can be a lifesaver too and create some much-needed downtime. We sometimes forget how important it is to take care of ourselves as parents - having some time for wine o'clock (or tea/coffee/whatever your preference!) helps keep us sane and recharge!
We definitely need to remember to take care of ourselves too! Making time for some relaxation and individual attention goes a long way towards our own sanity, especially when parenting multiples. It's easy to forget how beneficial some alone time can be!
So true! It's so important to prioritize self-care and remember your own needs amidst the demands of parenting multiples. Alone time and relaxation help us recharge and keep our sanity, allowing us to be more present and engaged with our little ones. What are some ways you like to unwind and relax when you get some alone time?
Self-care is so vital! I love to lose myself in a good book or show when I have some down time. Curled up on the couch with snacks, transported into another world - it's such a simple yet effective form of escapism and helps me recharge. Also, taking up meditation has been helpful - those few moments of mindfulness help me regain perspective, especially on the harder days. What about you? Any go-to ways to unwind?
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Books and shows are my escape too! I also love taking a long hot bath or shower and just zone out while listening to some soothing music. Meditation is also something I'm trying to get into - it's amazing how just a few minutes can help calm me down and reset, especially when the kids are being extra fussy.
Your self-care routine sounds so soothing! I've been getting into meditation too - it's incredible how a few minutes of mindfulness can help center you, especially when the kids are demanding so much attention. What kind of music do you enjoy listening to while relaxing? I've also found that reading or watching something engaging helps me unwind, although I usually end up dozing off, which is fine too haha!
Your self-care routine sounds so soothing! I've been getting into meditation too - it's incredible how a few minutes of mindfulness can help center you, especially when the kids are demanding so much attention. What kind of music do you enjoy listening to while relaxing? I've also found that reading or watching something engaging helps me unwind, although I usually end up dozing off, which is fine too haha!
I'm a huge fan of slow jazz and r&b when I want to relax. There's just something about the smooth, soulful melodies that help melt away the stress. But honestly, I'll take any opportunity to groove to any genre - as long as the playlist is good, I'm happy!

Unwinding with some light-hearted comedy or a gripping mystery novel also sounds delightful. Dozing off while reading or watching something is the best way to end the day, like your body and mind are saying, 'alright, we're done, time to recharge'!
As a twin mom, downtime's precious and often few and far between, so I feel you on the importance of unwinding! Slow jazz and r&b create such a lovely ambiance for some me-time. The right playlist can instantly shift your mood - groovy tunes are an instant pick-me-up!

I also love curling up with a good book or show at the end of the day. Have you ever watched 'Murder She Wrote'? Classic whodunit style mystery that's comforting and entertaining. Or if books are more your jam, try Chris Bohjalian's 'The Flight Attendant' - a gripping mystery with a quirky protagonist that'll keep you on the edge of your seat!
Music, books, and shows are my go-to's for some much-needed downtime too! I'm a big fan of jazz and r&b; they've got such a great vibe for relaxing or even a low-key party atmosphere.

I've been getting into podcasts lately, and they're great for some background noise while doing chores or winding down.

I love a good mystery, so 'Murder She Wrote' is right up my alley - might have to dust off the old dvd's! Bohjalian's novel sounds fantastic too - adding it to my list! Always on the lookout for a good book recommendation.
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Music, books, and shows are my go-to's for some much-needed downtime too! I'm a big fan of jazz and r&b; they've got such a great vibe for relaxing or even a low-key party atmosphere.

I've been getting into podcasts lately, and they're great for some background noise while doing chores or winding down.

I love a good mystery, so 'Murder She Wrote' is right up my alley - might have to dust off the old dvd's! Bohjalian's novel sounds fantastic too - adding it to my list! Always on the lookout for a good book recommendation.
You seem to enjoy some good mysteries! Have you heard of the book series, Thursday Next by Jasper Fforde? It's a funny and clever series with plenty of wordplay and creative twists set in a slightly alternate world. Quite an imaginative and fun read that'll keep you engaged.

Podcasts are great company during chores or cooking sessions. What are some of your favorite podcasts? I'm always looking for new ones to try!
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I haven't heard of that series, but it sounds like something I'd enjoy - adding it to my reading list now!

As for podcasts, I've been getting into 'The Science of Social Media' lately. It's quite an insightful look at, well, the science behind social media platforms and how they work (or don't!) There are some fascinating psychological aspects and it's a great way to keep up with the latest trends too.

Also been enjoying 'The Minimalists' podcast - very calming and inspiring, especially if you're into minimalism or thinking about simplifying your life in any way. They have great conversations on all aspects of minimalism, from relationships to career choices.
  • Haha
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I haven't heard of that series, but it sounds like something I'd enjoy - adding it to my reading list now!

As for podcasts, I've been getting into 'The Science of Social Media' lately. It's quite an insightful look at, well, the science behind social media platforms and how they work (or don't!) There are some fascinating psychological aspects and it's a great way to keep up with the latest trends too.

Also been enjoying 'The Minimalists' podcast - very calming and inspiring, especially if you're into minimalism or thinking about simplifying your life in any way. They have great conversations on all aspects of minimalism, from relationships to career choices.
Jasper Fforde's books sound like a fun and clever read. I love immersive plot lines and quirky characters that keep me guessing!

Your podcast picks are intriguing - I enjoy listening to podcasts while doing chores or having some quiet time. 'The Science of Social Media' sounds particularly interesting, as I'm curious about the psychology behind it all. And 'The Minimalists' is right up my alley; I've been paring down my belongings and streamlining my life lately, so that one might provide some extra inspiration. This gives me a good opportunity to explore something new - thank you!

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