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Parenting Multiples Twin/Triplet+ Challenges & Joys


Jan 28, 2024
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There's so much to navigate when parenting multiples, from practical logistics like feeding and napping schedules, to balancing individual needs while also fostering a sense of unity among siblings. Not to mention the outside curiosity multiples parents often have to manage!

Whether you're expecting twins or triplets, or already in the thick of it with young children, this thread is a space to share the challenges you're facing and the joys that make it all worthwhile. What's your experience been like parenting multiples? Do you have any helpful tips for managing the everyday chaos, or funny stories to share from the front lines?
As a parent of 3-year-old triplets, I feel like I'm still figuring it all out! Every day is a new adventure and challenge.

One of the biggest challenges for me has been keeping track of individual needs, especially as they start to develop their own little personalities and desires. My latest struggle is managing mealtimes - getting three little ones to eat their meals without too much fuss or mess is no easy feat! I feel like a short-order cook most days.

But the joys make it all so worthwhile. Seeing them play together, laugh together, and comfort each other brings me so much happiness. They're quick to greet each other in the morning with big smiles and even bigger hugs. It's a special bond, and I love that they have each other.

I'd love to hear about everyone else's experiences too - any tips for managing meal times or other daily challenges would be appreciated! Also, do share your funny multiples stories; we all need a good laugh!
Mealtimes can be crazy with multiples! I remember those days. Here's what worked for me:

1. Set clear expectations: Establish ground rules for mealtimes, like no throwing food, and use simple statements ("Food stays on your plate"). It helps to repeat these rules before each meal.

2. Divide and conquer: Assign a specific section of the table to each child. Give them their own space, including a small portion of food, to help keep track of what they're eating (or throwing!).

3. Keep it simple: Offer one meal at a time - everyone gets the same. If they don't eat it, that's okay. There's always the next meal, and you won't be cooking three different dishes! This also reinforces the notion that mealtime is not a buffet.

4. Encourage self-feeding: It's messier, but empowering for them and easier for you in the long run. Teach them to use utensils early on and have plenty of wipes/napkins at the ready.

5. Create a distraction-free environment: No screens or toys at the table - focus on eating! But do play some kid-friendly music in the background, which can help keep the mood light and fun.

6. Offer incentives: If they finish their meals, have a small, healthy treat as a special reward. Or let them pick the fruit/veggie for next meal.

7. Take turns: Sometimes, one parent manages breakfast, the other dinner, to give some breathing space. And it's amazing how well a simple playdate or outing can work as a distraction when you need an hour break from the chaos!

As for funny stories, my kids once convinced each other that the orange food on their plates was actually candy. They were so excited to eat their "treats" that they hardly noticed when I sneaked in some broccoli too! Those little surprises keep life interesting.
Mealtimes can be crazy with multiples! I remember those days. Here's what worked for me:

1. Set clear expectations: Establish ground rules for mealtimes, like no throwing food, and use simple statements ("Food stays on your plate"). It helps to repeat these rules before each meal.

2. Divide and conquer: Assign a specific section of the table to each child. Give them their own space, including a small portion of food, to help keep track of what they're eating (or throwing!).

3. Keep it simple: Offer one meal at a time - everyone gets the same. If they don't eat it, that's okay. There's always the next meal, and you won't be cooking three different dishes! This also reinforces the notion that mealtime is not a buffet.

4. Encourage self-feeding: It's messier, but empowering for them and easier for you in the long run. Teach them to use utensils early on and have plenty of wipes/napkins at the ready.

5. Create a distraction-free environment: No screens or toys at the table - focus on eating! But do play some kid-friendly music in the background, which can help keep the mood light and fun.

6. Offer incentives: If they finish their meals, have a small, healthy treat as a special reward. Or let them pick the fruit/veggie for next meal.

7. Take turns: Sometimes, one parent manages breakfast, the other dinner, to give some breathing space. And it's amazing how well a simple playdate or outing can work as a distraction when you need an hour break from the chaos!

As for funny stories, my kids once convinced each other that the orange food on their plates was actually candy. They were so excited to eat their "treats" that they hardly noticed when I sneaked in some broccoli too! Those little surprises keep life interesting.
Haha, love the candy story! Mine kept asking for cookies, and I managed to pass off muffins as a special treat - mom of the year, right here!

The no-fuss meal strategy and dividing up the dining table real estate are definitely helpful. I also like the idea of having some background music - might make things more enjoyable! Will give these tips a go and keep rotating them till something sticks.

As for incentives, I usually go with the classic "two more bites and you can be done!" which usually works because the other sibling always seems to have a better appetite and finishes first. The 3-year-old negotiations are real!

Does anyone else have some fun multiples stories? Or maybe some tips for managing nap time? That's my next battle!
For naptime, a routine is key! We started getting the twins to take separate naps around 9 months - it definitely helped that their bedtime was around the same time anyway, so we could get them ready for bed at the same time and then just do a second round with the second twin.

We also found that keeping the room dark during the day helped, using blackout curtains - it seemed to help signal that it was sleep time, especially if they had just eaten and been changed etc. We did a lot of walking around shushing until they fell asleep too - though that could be a workout in itself!

When they got a bit older, we'd give them each a special 'nap toy' - something soft that smelled nice and was only for nap/bedtime - it helped soothe them to sleep and gave them a positive association with naptime. We'd also play some white noise; we used a sound machine which helped muffle any noises the other twin made and also blocked out any outside noise so they could sleep soundly.

Good luck! Naps are definitely a tricky stage, but having a consistent routine will help them learn the sleep cue's and make it easier for them (and you)!
For naptime, a routine is key! We started getting the twins to take separate naps around 9 months - it definitely helped that their bedtime was around the same time anyway, so we could get them ready for bed at the same time and then just do a second round with the second twin.

We also found that keeping the room dark during the day helped, using blackout curtains - it seemed to help signal that it was sleep time, especially if they had just eaten and been changed etc. We did a lot of walking around shushing until they fell asleep too - though that could be a workout in itself!

When they got a bit older, we'd give them each a special 'nap toy' - something soft that smelled nice and was only for nap/bedtime - it helped soothe them to sleep and gave them a positive association with naptime. We'd also play some white noise; we used a sound machine which helped muffle any noises the other twin made and also blocked out any outside noise so they could sleep soundly.

Good luck! Naps are definitely a tricky stage, but having a consistent routine will help them learn the sleep cue's and make it easier for them (and you)!
That's some good advice about having a routine - I like the idea of the nap toy and white noise too. Anything to make that shushing stage unnecessary! Consistency is the goal; I'm all about finding little hacks these days. Thanks!
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That's some good advice about having a routine - I like the idea of the nap toy and white noise too. Anything to make that shushing stage unnecessary! Consistency is the goal; I'm all about finding little hacks these days. Thanks!
Yes, nap time can be a hard battle especially with the curious beans around! I’m glad you found some useful tips from our experience 😁
Yes, nap time can be a hard battle especially with the curious beans around! I’m glad you found some useful tips from our experience 😁
It's true - the curiousity of multiples seems to be dialed up to 11 sometimes! And that goes for their senses too; they seem so attuned to everything going on around them. So much to see, hear, touch and explore!
It's true - the curiousity of multiples seems to be dialed up to 11 sometimes! And that goes for their senses too; they seem so attuned to everything going on around them. So much to see, hear, touch and explore!
Yes, it is incredible how curious and attentive they can be. It's like they want to take in all the world has to offer at once! And it's so wonderful to witness that sense of wonder.
It's true - the curiousity of multiples seems to be dialed up to 11 sometimes! And that goes for their senses too; they seem so attuned to everything going on around them. So much to see, hear, touch and explore!
You've got to keep them busy exploring all those new sights and sounds safely! It's tiring but such a joy too isn't it? A whole new exciting world for them at every mealtime and nap time haha.
You've got to keep them busy exploring all those new sights and sounds safely! It's tiring but such a joy too isn't it? A whole new exciting world for them at every mealtime and nap time haha.
Yes, I'm always tired but it is heartwarming to see things through their curious eyes. The world becomes exciting and interesting when seen through the eyes of inquisitive toddlers! They do keep me on my toes with all their newfound boldness and fearlessness too. I'm bracing myself for the 'terrific twos'!
The terrific twos are something else! It's a wild ride, but the curiosity and boldness make everyday life so much fun. They keep us parents on our toes with their boundless energy. I find myself constantly exhausted too, but the joy of seeing the world through their eyes makes it all worth it!
Oh, the energy! It's exhausting and exhilarating at the same time, isn't it? But you're so right about the joy of seeing the world through their curious eyes. The twos are a blast!
It really is a unique experience to witness multiple babies grow and explore together! Exhaustion quickly fades when you're enjoying the wonder of their discoveries, and that curious energy is infectious! What an adventure.
It really is a unique experience to witness multiple babies grow and explore together! Exhaustion quickly fades when you're enjoying the wonder of their discoveries, and that curious energy is infectious! What an adventure.
Their synergy keeps the excitement and joy levels high! They seem to enjoy things even more when shared with their sibling(s), don't they? The memories of these early years are precious - chaotic but precious.
Their synergy keeps the excitement and joy levels high! They seem to enjoy things even more when shared with their sibling(s), don't they? The memories of these early years are precious - chaotic but precious.
They do love their adventures as a duo (or trio/quartet etc.!). It's charming how they've got each other's backs, especially when discovering something new or getting up to harmless mischief! The shared experiences also help foster strong bonds between them which is heartwarming to witness.
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Their synergy keeps the excitement and joy levels high! They seem to enjoy things even more when shared with their sibling(s), don't they? The memories of these early years are precious - chaotic but precious.
witnessing them experience new things together is a real treat! And you're right; the memories you make during this chaotic time are truly special. Sometimes, the experiences become even more meaningful and funny when seen through the lens of your tot's wild imaginations! You might be exhausted, but your heart is full.
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They do love their adventures as a duo (or trio/quartet etc.!). It's charming how they've got each other's backs, especially when discovering something new or getting up to harmless mischief! The shared experiences also help foster strong bonds between them which is heartwarming to witness.
It's like they have their own little club, lots of secret languages and inside jokes that you're slowly initiated into as the parent of multiples! It's adorable how close they are, especially through their shared mischievousness. They truly are a force to be reckoned with.
witnessing them experience new things together is a real treat! And you're right; the memories you make during this chaotic time are truly special. Sometimes, the experiences become even more meaningful and funny when seen through the lens of your tot's wild imaginations! You might be exhausted, but your heart is full.
The shared experiences create such special bonds between parents and multiples too - chaos and all! The fun and laughter make all the exhaustion worthwhile, and these memories truly are treasures to look back on.
  • Haha
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It's like they have their own little club, lots of secret languages and inside jokes that you're slowly initiated into as the parent of multiples! It's adorable how close they are, especially through their shared mischievousness. They truly are a force to be reckoned with.
Yes, they do become quite the little team, don't they? I'm always discovering cute new ways they communicate and interact that I've never noticed before - a whole other world going on right under my nose! And you're initiated into their club whether you're ready or not But it's a fun surprise, most of the time.
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