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Parenting multiples - tips to navigate this unique journey


Mar 3, 2024
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Navigating the world of parenting is already a vast and often overwhelming adventure; parenting multiples, however, comes with its own unique challenges and rewards! Whether you're expecting twins, triplets, or more, this thread is here to offer support and gather advice from those who understand the ins and outs of this special journey.

As parents of multiples, what strategies do you employ to juggle the demands of raising multiple children at once? What helpful tips would you give to new parents embarking on this path? How do you manage your time, energy, and resources effectively while also enjoying the ride?

Share your insights and experiences here - the ups, downs, and everything in between! And let's create a supportive community for anyone parenting multiples.
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One of the most helpful things my partner and I did when our twins were very young was to divide and conquer. We tackled the feedings, diaper changes, and bedtime routines together as a team. Instead of one person doing it all, we each took a baby and worked simultaneously, which helped us manage the workload and also gave us special bonds with each child.

Additionally, we found that creating a structured daily routine with designated "zone out" time for the babies helped them (and us!) get plenty of rest and kept melt downs to a minimum. This predictability also made it easier to plan ahead for errands, appointments, or any necessary outings.

As they grew, we also implemented a system where each child had their own special "day" each week where they got to choose the family activity, which helped foster individual attention and made them feel extra special.

Remember, every phase is only temporary, so take lots of photos and videos and try not to stress - this stage will fly by!
That's a brilliant strategy you had of dividing tasks as a team when they were so young, especially thinking about building those individual bonds with each child.

The structured routine and designated rest time also sounds like a life saver! And I love the idea of a special day for each child - it's such a simple yet powerful way to give individual attention, and make sure everyone feels extra special and valued.

You've got some great strategies there - parenting multiples must be a lot easier with these in place! And yes, so true about enjoying (and documenting!) every phase - it really does fly by!
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That's a brilliant strategy you had of dividing tasks as a team when they were so young, especially thinking about building those individual bonds with each child.

The structured routine and designated rest time also sounds like a life saver! And I love the idea of a special day for each child - it's such a simple yet powerful way to give individual attention, and make sure everyone feels extra special and valued.

You've got some great strategies there - parenting multiples must be a lot easier with these in place! And yes, so true about enjoying (and documenting!) every phase - it really does fly by!
Yeah, those early years were a blur of feeds, poops and nap times haha! But you're right, having these strategies in place made life much more manageable. We also kept a shared calendar which had all their doctor's appointments, my work schedule, and any playdates or events they had at childcare - that helped us keep on track and ensured we didn't double-book ourselves!

I think one of the harder parts was when they started developing individual personalities and having little spats with each other - learning to negotiate and problem solve was a new skill for us! Encouraging them to share, take turns and learn empathy was definitely a challenge but also rewarding to see their bond strengthen as they learned to look out for each other.

What strategies have others found helpful when dealing with sibling squabbles? The negotiating skills needed here are definitely being put to the test!
The calendar idea is genius - it's such a simple yet effective way to stay organised, especially with multiple children's schedules to keep track of!

As for sibling squabbles, we've found that giving each child individual attention helps a lot. One-on-one time doing an activity they enjoy seems to lessen the tension and reminds them that they're still individuals with their own interests, which is easy to forget when they're always together.

We also make a point of encouraging our kids to speak respectfully to each other and teach them consequences - if they argue over a toy, for example, we remove the toy for a cool-down period. It's amazing how quickly they learned to manage their frustration and share!

Another trick up our sleeve is having a 'peace offering' basket - a collection of special treats or small toys that only appear during particularly trying moments. The novelty factor seems to help shift the mood and remind them how fun it is to be siblings, especially when they get to enjoy the treats together afterwards!
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We also use the calendar system, which has been a lifesaver for keeping on top of multiple schedules! It's reassuring to hear your tips about giving individual attention - it's something we've been trying to do, especially taking each child out for solo adventures every now and then.

The 'peace offering' basket is such an inventive idea! We've also found that having a few go-to phrases that help encourage shared spaces has been beneficial; for example, saying "Remember to use your indoor voice!" or reminding them of the importance of taking turns. These cues seem to help the kids remember to manage their enthusiasm and consider others in the moment.

It's heartening to hear these strategies working for other parents too - it's definitely a learning curve!
We also use the calendar system, which has been a lifesaver for keeping on top of multiple schedules! It's reassuring to hear your tips about giving individual attention - it's something we've been trying to do, especially taking each child out for solo adventures every now and then.

The 'peace offering' basket is such an inventive idea! We've also found that having a few go-to phrases that help encourage shared spaces has been beneficial; for example, saying "Remember to use your indoor voice!" or reminding them of the importance of taking turns. These cues seem to help the kids remember to manage their enthusiasm and consider others in the moment.

It's heartening to hear these strategies working for other parents too - it's definitely a learning curve!
Parenting multiples sure is a learning curve alright, and it's great to share these strategies which have worked for us so far! Keeps things a little more sanity-saving! 😅
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Parenting multiples sure is a learning curve alright, and it's great to share these strategies which have worked for us so far! Keeps things a little more sanity-saving! 😅
It's true. Sharing experiences and gaining different insights is a great way to pick up valuable tips that might not have crossed our minds otherwise! Parenting multiples certainly keeps us on our toes! Does anyone else have some unique strategies they've developed for the challenges of multiple children?
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It's true. Sharing experiences and gaining different insights is a great way to pick up valuable tips that might not have crossed our minds otherwise! Parenting multiples certainly keeps us on our toes! Does anyone else have some unique strategies they've developed for the challenges of multiple children?
As the mum of 6-year-old triplets, I can tell you that toilet training was my Mount Everest. But what worked really well for us was using a visual reward system. We stuck a chart on the wall with all three names at the top and stuck stars below each name for every successful toilet trip. The goal was to get three stickers everyday which equaled a small prize like their favourite fruit or an extra story at bedtime. That little incentive got them excited about their progress, and we could see their pride when they reached the target too! Working towards that common goal really helped foster camaraderie among the three of them. I think having a visual reminder also helped them understand the concept of cause and effect - that their efforts led to a tangible reward. Toilet training was one of the most challenging phases for me, so anyone embarking on this journey, hang in there!

On another note, managing three eager shoppers has also proven tricky. My solution is assigning each child one day of the week to do their special errand. They get to pick the activity - haircuts, baking ingredients, choosing veggies at the wet market - you name it! Giving them this sense of responsibility and ownership teaches them about money management too. And with only one helper on "their" day, they learn patience as we're not rushing through the experience. Plus, the other two know their special day is around the corner!
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As the mum of 6-year-old triplets, I can tell you that toilet training was my Mount Everest. But what worked really well for us was using a visual reward system. We stuck a chart on the wall with all three names at the top and stuck stars below each name for every successful toilet trip. The goal was to get three stickers everyday which equaled a small prize like their favourite fruit or an extra story at bedtime. That little incentive got them excited about their progress, and we could see their pride when they reached the target too! Working towards that common goal really helped foster camaraderie among the three of them. I think having a visual reminder also helped them understand the concept of cause and effect - that their efforts led to a tangible reward. Toilet training was one of the most challenging phases for me, so anyone embarking on this journey, hang in there!

On another note, managing three eager shoppers has also proven tricky. My solution is assigning each child one day of the week to do their special errand. They get to pick the activity - haircuts, baking ingredients, choosing veggies at the wet market - you name it! Giving them this sense of responsibility and ownership teaches them about money management too. And with only one helper on "their" day, they learn patience as we're not rushing through the experience. Plus, the other two know their special day is around the corner!
Toilet-training can be a daunting task, so it's encouraging to hear about strategies that have worked for others - the visual reward system sounds like a great way to motivate and engage kids during this challenging phase!

The special errand day also sounds fantastic - teaching them ownership, patience, and responsibility while making them feel valued and special. So many lessons learned in one simple activity! It's a great alternative to the usual sibling rivalry that can happen when children have to share everything.
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Toilet-training can be a daunting task, so it's encouraging to hear about strategies that have worked for others - the visual reward system sounds like a great way to motivate and engage kids during this challenging phase!

The special errand day also sounds fantastic - teaching them ownership, patience, and responsibility while making them feel valued and special. So many lessons learned in one simple activity! It's a great alternative to the usual sibling rivalry that can happen when children have to share everything.
I agree, it's amazing how creative we become as parents to solve these everyday challenges. They are certainly memories in the making too!
I agree, it's amazing how creative we become as parents to solve these everyday challenges. They are certainly memories in the making too!
Parenting multiples really is a test of adaptability! We come up with all sorts of innovative ways to manage life and keep everyone happy - and often, these solutions end up being such special memories. You mentioned how these experiences bond us as a family - I totally agree; it's heartwarming to see how the kids cherish these unique moments too. They seem to understand the efforts we put in, especially when they're having fun along the way!
parenting multiples demands adaptability and creativity, but it's heartening to know that these challenges often result in special memories and experiences that strengthen the entire family unit. It's wonderful how mindful you are of the unique joys and the kids appreciate the efforts too!

What are some of your most cherished innovative solutions or fun memories from this multiples parenting journey?
parenting multiples demands adaptability and creativity, but it's heartening to know that these challenges often result in special memories and experiences that strengthen the entire family unit. It's wonderful how mindful you are of the unique joys and the kids appreciate the efforts too!

What are some of your most cherished innovative solutions or fun memories from this multiples parenting journey?
One precious memory I have is when my twins were around three years old. They were so fascinated with the idea of camping and often asked me about it. Now, let me tell you, I'm not the most adventurous soul, and the great outdoors isn't really my scene. But seeing their wide-eyed curiosity, I didn't have the heart to tell them we needed actual camping gear or that mummy wasn't too keen on the idea. So, one evening, we "camped" indoors! I blew up two enormous beach balls and pitched a small tent in the living room. We crawling inside with a couple of flashlights and made some s'mores over a make-believe campfire (really just Christmas candle). The girls were thrilled, giggling away while mummy pretending we were deep in the woods. It was such a simple thing, but their laughter and the looks of wonder made it so special - my heart was full knowing they enjoyed every bit as much as I did. That night, we slept under the stars - well, stickers on the ceiling - and told stories of what we would do if we went camping for real. It's a memory I'll always cherish.
What a precious moment you created! Their young imaginations sound so delightful, and your willingness to indulge their curiosity is heartwarming. The simplicity of it all - the tent and stickers on the ceiling - makes it such a relatable idea for us hesitant campers. It's those little memories that make parenting multiples extra special.
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Thank you! Their imaginations really make every day exciting. I love fostering their curiosity and seeing what creative ideas they come up with next! I'm glad this camping trip went well because it's a simple activity that everyone enjoyed and made such sweet memories. There's definitely something special about parenting multiples - the joy, the chaos, and those little inside jokes and connections they share. It's a ride I wouldn't trade for anything in the world!
It's a fun and crazy adventure, parenting multiples! You summed it up perfectly - the joy, chaos, and those special bonds they share are unlike anything else. I love watching their imaginations run wild too and creating these wonderful memories together. Camping sounds like a blast and something everyone will remember for a long time. It's heartwarming to see the unique connections they form and the adventures their imaginations take them on. A ride but an incredible one!
It's a crazy yet fulfilling adventure, isn't it? The little moments of joy and the unique bond they share make all the chaos worth it. I love how you described their imaginations running wild - it's a wonderful sight! Camping would be an unforgettable experience for everyone, creating lasting memories. The connections and adventures they create together are truly special. What a ride!
It really is a fulfilling adventure, filled with so many precious moments! Their vivid imaginations and unconditional love are so special.
Camping would be amazing - creating those unforgettable memories and bonding experiences. The experiences they have together are truly golden! A wild yet wonderful ride for sure :)
It sounds like you've found the silver lining in parenting multiples -- their imaginative play and boundless love! Camping would create lasting memories and strengthen their bond even further, lucky them! There's so much to navigate and prepare for but it's a joy to watch them experience these precious moments together.

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