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Parenting multiples - Tips to navigate the challenges


Feb 27, 2024
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Parenting multiples can be chaotic, but several moms agree that having a structured daily routine for feeding, nap times, and playtime creates predictability and makes managing multiple children easier. Establishing individual time and creating a calm, relaxed mealtime environment also helps. Practical tips like meal prep containers, menu planning, and delegating age-appropriate tasks to children are useful, as is accepting help from others. Having organized systems in place—like assigned roles and checklist—and leveraging each family member's strengths also ensure that everything runs smoothly. The general consensus is that structure and organization make parenting multiples less chaotic, while also allowing time for some much-needed downtime and self-care.

What an exciting and challenging journey it is parenting multiples! This is a space to share experiences, tips and advice on navigating the unique situation of having more than one little one at the same time. From coordinating schedules to doubling up on baby gear, parenting multiples demands some extra special considerations!

What were some of your go-to strategies for keeping calm and powering through the early years? Let's pool our wisdom together and help each other out! Share your tips on everything from feeding routines, to managing mealtimes, nap times and beyond!
One of my top tips is to prioritize individual attention, especially when it comes to mealtimes. Eating can be a great bonding and learning experience for each child, so I try to make sure that mealtimes are not rushed or chaotic. I create a calm environment with some quiet music, and ensure I have plenty of time set aside so each child feels they have my undivided attention. This helps them develop social and feeding skills at their own pace without feeling competing pressures.

Also, having a consistent routine is paramount! Establishing a clear daily schedule for feeds, naps, and playtime meant that my multiples soon got used to the structure and would naturally settle into it. It made life easier for me, and them!

Lastly, accept any help that's offered, especially in the early weeks when you're still adjusting. Having an extra pair of hands to assist with even the simplest tasks makes a huge difference. Don't be afraid to reach out and ask for specific help too - whether it's picking up groceries or watching the little ones while you take a quick shower, you'll be surprised how many people are willing to lend a hand!

Those are some great tips!

I especially agree with creating a calm environment at mealtimes - it's so important for the little ones to feel relaxed and enjoy their meals, and having that one-on-one time with each child is special. I've found that using meal prep containers helps too; it makes life easier when you have a couple of hungry mouths to feed!

And yes, routines are a lifesaver! Having a clear daily structure really helps manage expectations, especially when you're handling multiple kids. It's also a great way to teach them about time awareness.

As for help, it can be hard to remember to ask or even accept it when it's offered, but boy does it make a difference! I find that having a checklist for myself - for those everyday tasks like shopping or cleaning - means I can efficiently assign jobs to others when help is offered. It feels less daunting too, than asking for specific help.

Meal prep containers are a brilliant idea! They make meal times so much more enjoyable and relaxed - definitely an overlooked hack. And you're right about routines teaching time awareness; it's a great point. Structure and some level of predictability helps everyone know what to expect, which is invaluable when managing multiple kids.

The checklist is a wonderful tip for staying organized and making the most of the help that's offered - sometimes people don't know what they can do to help, so having a discrete list is a great way to delegate tasks. It all makes life much easier!

Structure and predictability are like a godsend when managing multiples! And yes, those meal prep containers are a lifesaver - especially on those hectic mornings or evenings.

The checklist idea for helping hands is such a simple yet effective tip; some people can be unsure about jumping in to help, so having a discrete list takes the pressure off them too. It's a great way to ensure you get some time back for yourself too - win-win!

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Structure certainly keeps the chaos at bay! I found that creating a menu plan for the week, with input from the family, helped keep everyone happy and also made grocery shopping easier - especially with a tangible list to work from.

The checklist idea is a great way to delegate jobs and ensure the load is shared - even the little ones can help with some tasks! It's amazing how willing people are to help when they know exactly what's needed, rather than having to think it all through themselves. It's like having an extra pair of eyes and hands!

Meal prep containers are a wonderful investment - it's amazing how quickly the chaos can be contained with a bit of forward planning!

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That's so true! Having some structure and planning ahead definitely helps manage the chaos that comes with parenting multiples. Menu planning and grocery lists are such a great idea, especially getting the family involved - it's an excellent way to ensure everyone's needs are considered and gets everyone excited about mealtime!

And I totally agree about having things clearly laid out. It's like mapping out a game plan for the week that everyone can follow and contribute to. No guessing or overwhelming everyone with last-minute decisions!

Those meal prep containers sound like a fantastic investment too - contains the mess and makes clean up a breeze! Who wants to spend their weekends washing dishes when they can be enjoying some quality family time, am I right?

Structure is key! It's like sailing with multiple captains - everyone needs to know their role and the game plan. Mapping out meals, prep, and cleanup ensures everyone's on the same page, and gets the buy-in from the crew . Those containers are a real sanity saver too - worth every cent!

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I couldn't agree more about structure. It has helped us so much to assign specific roles to each child, especially around mealtimes. We've also found that having designated meal prep and cleanup shifts helps the kids feel like they have a manageable portion of the overall work and gives them a sense of ownership. Plus, it's so true what they say about the containers - they really do keep some sanity in the chaos! And it's fun to see the looks on people's faces when we pull out those colorful containers and put the kids' meal prep skills on display.

assigned roles is such a great tip! We also implement this strategy and it helps so much with mealtime madness. It gives each child a sense of responsibility and purpose, and they take pride in their designated tasks.

The container trick is an absolute life-saver and sanity keeper! I love the surprised looks on people's faces when they see our organized system - it's definitely an unexpected bonus.

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assigned roles work well for our family too! And yes, that surprise on people's faces is hilarious! There's nothing like seeing your organization strategies pay off, especially when parenting multiples!

assigned roles also work well for us and it's so satisfying to witness the looks on people's faces when you've got it all under control! It's like they're seeing twins for the first time, haha! But seriously, organization is key - especially with multiples. Well done, mama!

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Assigned roles are an absolute must! It's a sight to behold when everything runs like clockwork, isn't it? Organization and a bit of laughter along the way - a winning combo!

Yes! The assigned roles ensure everyone knows their responsibilities and can help each other out when needed. It's like a well-rehearsed dance, and the efficiency brings a smile to your face. Organization is key, and a little humor goes a long way on this front!

Absolutely! We definitely run our household like a well-oiled machine, with assigned roles and a lot of humor to boot. Organization really is key - lists, schedules and meal plans keep us on track. It's amazing how each parent and child has their own specific strengths too, so we can divide and conquer.
Having a good routine and structure seems to really help manage the chaos and ensure everything gets done. And when all else fails, there's always wine! Haha.

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Routines and organisation are definitely a saving grace! We also make sure to leverage each family member's strengths - it makes things a lot more manageable and everyone feels like they contribute meaningfully. Structure is key to keeping the chaos in check! And when the going gets tough, wine is always a good idea ;)

Routines are a lifesaver and creating a structured day where everyone knows their roles certainly helps! Division of labor is key - delegating tasks based on strengths makes everyone feel involved and needed, and it ensures things run smoothly. And yes, wine is a great idea when the chaos spikes up! Haha.

Routines and structure are definitely Anchor points in the sea of multiple parenting! We can all use some wine too :) Division of labor is a great way to keep things organized and running smoothly. And every now and then, when the chaos hits, it's good to fall back on that routine like a safety net!


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