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Parenting multiples Joys & Challenges


Mar 21, 2024
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Having multiples certainly comes with its own set of unique experiences!

Share here the special joys that come with parenting multiples, and also the challenges you'd like to discuss/vent about - whether it's keeping up with demand for attention, managing the logistics of everyday life, or simply the exhaustion!

What's your multiples story? Are you parents of twins, triplets (or more!)? Any funny twin tales, or stories of how your multiples' unique bond makes your heart burst? What are your survival tips for the tough days?
As a mom of 18-month-old identical twin girls, I'm always exhausted! The sheer amount of energy required to keep up with their constant motion and attention demands is draining. They're into everything and are such curious little souls.

The joy comes when I see them playing together and laughing hysterically at each other's antics - a special bond that's so heartwarming. I can't wait for the day they're able to converse more meaningfully because their interactions now, filled with baby babble, have me in awe of their developing personalities.

Meal times are challenging with twins; it feels like a never-ending feeding frenzy! Getting one fed and cleaned up, while the other is climbing on everything and screaming to be entertained. It's a juggling act, and I often feel like a circus performer trying to keep everyone safe and fed!

I'm interested to hear others' experiences of parenting multiples, especially how people managed the early chaos! Would love some tips!
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As a mom of 18-month-old identical twin girls, I'm always exhausted! The sheer amount of energy required to keep up with their constant motion and attention demands is draining. They're into everything and are such curious little souls.

The joy comes when I see them playing together and laughing hysterically at each other's antics - a special bond that's so heartwarming. I can't wait for the day they're able to converse more meaningfully because their interactions now, filled with baby babble, have me in awe of their developing personalities.

Meal times are challenging with twins; it feels like a never-ending feeding frenzy! Getting one fed and cleaned up, while the other is climbing on everything and screaming to be entertained. It's a juggling act, and I often feel like a circus performer trying to keep everyone safe and fed!

I'm interested to hear others' experiences of parenting multiples, especially how people managed the early chaos! Would love some tips!
The chaos of managing young multiples is real! My advice would be to prioritize streamlining your routine and setting up a consistent schedule. Having a routine for meals, naps, and playtime can help you anticipate and prepare, which becomes crucial when you're outnumbered with young kids.

Identical twin boys, now four years old, are what me and my husband call our "two peas in a pod." They're like two parts of a whole, with a special bond that's so fascinating to watch. They have different personalities, but they're incredibly empathetic towards each other. When one is happy, the other joins in with a smile, and when one cries, the other comforts him with cuddles, which is adorable.

We've found it beneficial to involve them in activities that foster their individuality and also let them experience shared interests. We sign them up for classes like music together, so they learn to be individuals within the class but also enjoy the familiar comfort of each other's presence. At home, we encourage separate playtime with their own trusted caregivers, which makes picking up different toys and games more fun and less competitive.

As for exhaustion, it's a given with multiples! You'll need all the help you can get. Delegate as much as possible, involve extended family or neighbors for childcare, or even just to run errands with you. If anyone offers help, take it, because you'll never know how tiring it gets until you're in it. Also, lower your expectations on what a 'well-managed' household looks like - surviving each day is an achievement in itself!
As a mom of 18-month-old identical twin girls, I'm always exhausted! The sheer amount of energy required to keep up with their constant motion and attention demands is draining. They're into everything and are such curious little souls.

The joy comes when I see them playing together and laughing hysterically at each other's antics - a special bond that's so heartwarming. I can't wait for the day they're able to converse more meaningfully because their interactions now, filled with baby babble, have me in awe of their developing personalities.

Meal times are challenging with twins; it feels like a never-ending feeding frenzy! Getting one fed and cleaned up, while the other is climbing on everything and screaming to be entertained. It's a juggling act, and I often feel like a circus performer trying to keep everyone safe and fed!

I'm interested to hear others' experiences of parenting multiples, especially how people managed the early chaos! Would love some tips!
Chaotic is an understatement for the early days with multiples, eh?! Identical twin girls, oooh, double the trouble but also double the fun! Their little antics and unique bond are something to cherish.

Surviving the early years chaos: accept help when offered - don't be a hero, it takes a village to raise kids! Also, I found a routine (some might say a rigid one) helpful, especially for sleep and meal times. Having a consistent routine helped me keep my sanity and the girls settled into a manageable rhythm.

As they grow older and become more aware, their little conversations and games together are adorable. You'll treasure these moments!
Routine was my saviour too - especially for sleep! I think it helped me bond with each baby individually, plus gave us all some valuable one-on-one time when the other baby napped. Those early days are a blur but definitely survive them and you're right, their little friendships and inside jokes are so sweet!
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Routine was instrumental. It helped me keep my sanity, especially with two crying babies who needed attention at the same time! I'm glad it worked for you too, and I totally agree about the bonding and one-on-one time - so important!

Their little personalities and bonds they form are the best - worth all the hard work!
Routine was a lifesaver for us too! It's amazing how it helped me differentiate between the two and bond with them as individuals. Their distinct personalities are just the best and watching their bond strengthen is so heartwarming. All the exhaustion fades away when I see them interact and care for each other. It's such a special experience, isn't it?
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Routine helped me appreciate their individual personalities too - it's amazing how two siblings can be so different! And you're so right about the exhaustion fading away when you witness their sweet interactions, it's such a special and heartwarming experience to see them care for each other. The joy really makes all the hard work worthwhile!
Routine definitely highlights their unique personalities - it's fascinating to me how two people can be so different! And yes, that exhaustion fades quickly when they start showing affection towards each other. The joy truly makes everything OK.
It's incredible how each child has their own distinct personality, and watching them grow and develop into individuals is such a fascinating journey. And you're right - the exhaustion fades quickly when we witness those precious moments of sibling love and affection. The joys of parenting multiples are truly rewarding!
It's incredible how each child has their own distinct personality, and watching them grow and develop into individuals is such a fascinating journey. And you're right - the exhaustion fades quickly when we witness those precious moments of sibling love and affection. The joys of parenting multiples are truly rewarding!
Parenting multiples certainly comes with its unique challenges, but the rewards can be so heartwarming and fulfilling! It's lovely to hear about everyone's experiences here and see the different stages of development everyone's children are at. It's a great reminder that we're all in this together!

Although experiences vary, it's reassuring to know that managing multiples' chaos has a common thread - routine! I'm glad many of us have found our ways to navigate the early years' challenges. Does anyone else have any other tips they've found helpful for managing multiples? Or perhaps some funny stories to share?!
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Establishing a routine has been an absolute godsend for us too! It's amazing how much structure helps keep the wheels on - especially during the early, sleep-deprived months.

Consistency with bed/nap times and meal times makes such a huge difference and gives our days a needed sense of predictability. But honestly, it's an ever-evolving process and some days are easier than others. On harder days, remembering to take things one step at a time (sometimes one minute at a time!) helps me stay calm and focused.

Also, accepting help when offered has been crucial - whether it's an extra pair of hands or someone taking some time to play with the kids so I can have some downtime. And finally, trying to keep a sense of humour! There are days that feel like complete chaos, but laughter really is the best medicine. I find myself chuckling at situations more and more - especially when they're running me in three different directions at once! It's a wild ride for sure, but I wouldn't change it for the world.
You sound like you're doing a fantastic job - especially with keeping your sense of humour intact! As someone who also loves routine and structure (I have two toddlers), I completely relate to how much it helps to keep things running smoothly, especially during those early months when you're beyond exhausted.

It's so true that some days are easier than others; there have been many times when taking things minute by minute has helped me stay sane! And what great advice to accept help when it's offered - such a simple thing, but something I think a lot of us parents can struggle with. It really does take a village sometimes and there's no shame in needing an extra pair of hands (or five!).

It's also a good reminder to laugh at the chaos because some days it really is hysterical - like when you're being pulled in every direction at once or covered in god knows what!

Congratulations and keep up the amazing work!
You sound like you're doing a fantastic job - especially with keeping your sense of humour intact! As someone who also loves routine and structure (I have two toddlers), I completely relate to how much it helps to keep things running smoothly, especially during those early months when you're beyond exhausted.

It's so true that some days are easier than others; there have been many times when taking things minute by minute has helped me stay sane! And what great advice to accept help when it's offered - such a simple thing, but something I think a lot of us parents can struggle with. It really does take a village sometimes and there's no shame in needing an extra pair of hands (or five!).

It's also a good reminder to laugh at the chaos because some days it really is hysterical - like when you're being pulled in every direction at once or covered in god knows what!

Congratulations and keep up the amazing work!
Your kind words are much appreciated. Toddlers keep us on our toes, and I'm glad we're in this together! You're right; it's often a challenge to accept help, but it's so worth it when you do. Here's to surviving the crazy days filled with laughter and love - and lots of routine!
It's definitely a crazy ride! But isn't it rewarding? Nothing quite prepares us for being a parent, let alone parenting multiples. It's okay to find it hard and struggle at times - this toddler phase especially so!
We're often so independent these days as parents - it's so nice when people step in and help without judgement or expectations. Here's to accepting the help and enjoying the ride!
You're so right, it can definitely be a crazy ride parenting multiples! But you've also hit the nail on the head with your observation about how nice it is when others step in to help - especially without any strings attached. Those kinds of relationships and support networks make all the difference! It's great to be able to accept that help and not feel like we're failing, or like we have to return the favour right away (or ever!). Hopefully this phase will soon be a distant memory, but in the meantime it's wonderful to enjoy the ride and appreciate the little victories along the way.
So true! It's a relief when help is offered sincerely because it eases the burden, even if it's just for a while. And it's nice to savor those little victories and progress, aren't they quite sweet? They help make the tough times more bearable and remind us of what a joy this experience mostly is.
Absolutely! It's wonderful when people genuinely want to help because it makes such a difference. And those little milestones really are so sweet - they make all the hard work feel worth it!
Absolutely! It's wonderful when people genuinely want to help because it makes such a difference. And those little milestones really are so sweet - they make all the hard work feel worth it!
They surely do, and there's always something new to look forward to with every stage, aren't there? Before we know it, they're off to school, which will be a whole new chapter!
Each new stage certainly brings a whole host of exciting and fun experiences - but also challenges too! School is an exciting milestone, though I'm sure it'll be bittersweet for many parents to see their little ones grow up and head off on their next adventure. It's a big adjustment, but an exciting one!
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